< Proverbs 29 >

1 A person of rebukes [one who] hardens a neck suddenly he will be broken and there not [will be] healing.
Ko te tangata he maha nei nga riringa i tona he, a ka whakapakeke i tona kaki, ka whatiia ohoreretia ia; te taea te rongoa.
2 When increase righteous [people] it rejoices the people and when rules a wicked [person] it sighs a people.
Ka whakanuia te hunga tika, ka koa te iwi; ka kingi te tangata kino, ka aue te iwi.
3 A person [who] loves wisdom he makes glad father his and [one who] associates with prostitutes he destroys wealth.
Ko te tangata e matenui ana ki te whakaaro nui e whakahari ana i tona papa; ko te tangata ia e piri ana ki nga wahine kairau, he maumau taonga tana.
4 A king by justice he establishes a land and a person of contributions he breaks down it.
Ma te whakawa a te kingi e mau ai te whenua; ka whakataka ia e te tangata e tango ana i nga mea homai noa.
5 A man [who] flatters to neighbor his a net [is] spreading on footsteps his.
Ko te tangata e whakapati ana ki tona hoa, e whakatakoto kupenga ana mo ona waewae.
6 [is] in [the] transgression of A person evil a snare and a righteous [person] he cries aloud and he rejoices.
He rore kei roto i te he o te tangata kino; ko te tangata tika ia he waiata tana, he koa.
7 [is] knowing A righteous [person] [the] case of poor [people] a wicked [person] not he understands knowledge.
E mahara ana te tangata tika ki te take a te rawakore: kahore o te tangata kino whakaaro kia mohiotia e ia.
8 People of mockery they inflame a town and wise [people] they turn away anger.
Ma nga tangata whakahi e tahu te pa kia mura: ko ta te hunga whakaaro nui ia he whakatahuri atu i te riri.
9 A person wise [who] enters into judgment with a person a fool and he rages and he laughs and there not [is] rest.
Ki te totohe te tangata whakaaro nui ki te tangata wairangi, ahakoa riri ia, kata ranei, kahore he tanga.
10 People of blood they hate a blameless [person] and upright [people] they seek life his.
E mauahara ana te tangata whakaheke toto ki te tangata i te ngakau tapatahi: tena ko te hunga tika, ka whai ratou kia whakaorangia ia.
11 All spirit his he sends forth a fool and a wise [person] in backwards he calms it.
E tuakina ana e te wairangi tona riri katoa ki waho: e puritia mai ana ia e te tangata whakaaro nui, e pehia ana.
12 A ruler [who] pays attention on a word of falsehood all servants his [will be] wicked.
Ki te whakarongo te rangatira ki te teka, he kino katoa ana tangata.
13 A poor [person] and a person of oppression they meet together [is] giving light to [the] eyes of both of them Yahweh.
E tutaki ana te rawakore raua ko te kaitukino ki a raua; ko Ihowa te kaiwhakamarama o nga kanohi o raua tokorua.
14 A king [who] judges in truth poor [people] throne his for ever it will be established.
Ko te kingi e pono ana tana whakawa mo nga rawakore, ka whakapumautia tona torona ake ake.
15 A rod and rebuke it gives wisdom and a youth let loose [is] putting to shame mother his.
Ko te whiu, ko te riri i te he, he mea homai era i te whakaaro nui: tena ko te tamaiti mahue noa, ka whakama i a ia tona whaea.
16 When increase wicked [people] it increases transgression and righteous [people] on overthrow their they will look.
Ka tokomaha te hunga kino, ka nui te he: ka kite ia te hunga tika i to ratou hinganga.
17 Discipline son your so he may give rest you and he may give delights to self your.
Pakia tau tama, a ka whai okiokinga koe i a ia; ae ra, he ahuareka tana e homai ai ki tou wairua.
18 When there not [is] vision it is let loose a people and [one who] keeps [the] law how blessed [is] he.
Ki te kahore he whakakitenga, ka kore te iwi e tupato: ko te kaipupuri ia i te ture, ka hari ia.
19 By words not he will let himself be instructed a slave for he will understand and there not [will be one who] answers.
Ehara te kupu i te papaki mo te pononga: ahakoa hoki ia matau, e kore ia e rongo.
20 Do you see? anyone hasty in words his hope [belongs] to a fool more than him.
Ka kite ranei koe i te tangata kaika ki te korero? engari te wairangi ka totika ake i a ia.
21 [one who] pampers From youth slave his and end his it will be trouble.
Ko te tangata e penapena ana i tana pononga mai o te tamarikitanga, ka waiho ia e ia i te mutunga hei tama tupu.
22 A person of anger he stirs up strife and a master of rage [is] great of transgression.
He whakaoho whawhai ta te tangata pukuriri: he nui rawa hoki te he o te tangata aritarite.
23 [the] pride of A person it will bring low him and a [person] lowly of spirit he will attain honor.
Ka whakaititia iho te tangata e tona whakapehapeha: ka whai honore ia te tangata ngakau papaku.
24 [one who] has shares With a thief [is] hating own self his an oath he hears and not he tells.
Ko te tangata e whakauru ana ki ta te tahae, e kino ana ki tona ake wairua: e rongo ana ia i te kanga, kahore e kiki.
25 Fear of a person it makes a snare and [one who] trusts in Yahweh he will be set on high.
He rore e homai ana e te wehi ki te tangata: ko te tangata ia e whakawhirinaki ana ki a Ihowa ka mawhiti.
26 Many [people] [are] seeking [the] face of a ruler and [is] from Yahweh justice of a person.
He tokomaha e whai ana kia paingia e te rangatira: otiia i ahu mai i a Ihowa te whakawa mo te tangata.
27 [is] an abomination of Righteous [people] a person of injustice and [is] an abomination of [the] wicked a [person] upright of way.
He mea whakarihariha ki te hunga tika te tangata whakahaere he; a he mea whakarihariha hoki ki te tangata kino te tangata he tika tona ara.

< Proverbs 29 >