< Proverbs 27 >

1 May not you boast in a day tomorrow for not you know what? will it bring forth a day.
Ne hvali se danom sutrašnjim jer ne znaš što danas može donijeti.
2 May he praise you a stranger and not own mouth your a foreigner and may not own lips your.
Neka te hvali drugi, a ne tvoja usta, tuđinac, a ne tvoje usne.
3 [the] heaviness of A stone and [the] weight of sand and [the] provocation of a fool [is] heavy more than both of them.
Težak je kamen i pijesak je težak, ali je od obojega teži bezumnikov bijes.
4 [the] cruelty of Rage and [the] flood of anger and who? will he stand before jealousy.
Jarost je okrutna i srdžba žestoka a tko će odoljeti ljubomoru?
5 [is] good Rebuke uncovered more than love hidden.
Bolji je javni ukor nego lažna ljubav.
6 [are] reliable [the] wounds of [one who] loves And [are] abundant [the] kisses of [one who] hates.
Čestiti su udarci prijateljevi, a lažni poljupci neprijateljevi.
7 An appetite satisfied it treads down honey and an appetite hungry every bitter [thing] [is] sweet.
Sito grlo prezire i med samotok, a gladnu je i sve gorko - slatko.
8 Like a bird [which] wanders from nest its so a person [who] wanders from own place his.
Kao ptica daleko od gnijezda svog, takav je čovjek daleko od svojeg zavičaja.
9 Oil and perfume it makes glad a heart and [the] sweetness of friend his more than [the] counsel of a person.
Kao što ulje i kad vesele srce, tako i slatkoća prijateljstva tješi dušu.
10 Friend your (and [the] neighbor of *Q(K)*) father your may not you forsake and [the] house of brother your may not you go on [the] day of calamity your [is] good a neighbor near more than a brother far away.
Ne ostavljaj prijatelja svoga ni prijatelja očeva i ne dolazi u kuću bratovu kad si u nesreći; bolji je susjed blizu nego brat daleko.
11 Be wise O son my and make glad heart my so let me bring back [one who] taunts me a word.
Budi mudar, sine moj, i obraduj mi srce da mogu odgovoriti onome koji me grdi.
12 A sensible [person] he sees evil he hides himself naive people they pass on they are punished.
Pametan čovjek opazi zlo i skrije se, a glupaci idu bezbrižno i trpe kaznu.
13 Take garment his for he stands surety for a stranger and for a foreign [woman] hold in pledge it.
Uzmi haljinu onomu tko je jamčio za drugoga i oplijeni ga mjesto tuđinca.
14 [one who] blesses Neighbor his - with a voice great in the morning rising early a curse it is reckoned to him.
Tko pozdravlja svoga prijatelja naglas, a rano ujutro, prima mu se blagoslov za kletvu.
15 A dripping continuous on a day of persistent rain and a wife of (contentions *Q(K)*) she is like.
Streha što prokišnjava za žestoke kiše i svadljiva žena - jedno su te isto.
16 [those who] hide Her he hides [the] wind and oil right [hand] his it meets.
Tko nju zaustavlja, zaustavlja vjetar i desnicom hvata ulje.
17 Iron by iron it grows sharp and each he sharpens [the] face of neighbor his.
Željezo se željezom oštri i čovjek oštri jedan drugoga.
18 [one who] keeps A fig tree he will eat fruit its and [one who] protects master his he will be honored.
Tko čuva smokvu, jede od njena ploda, i tko čuva svoga gospodara, poštiva se.
19 Like water the face to the face so [the] heart of the person to the person.
Kao što se u vodi različito odražava lice od lica, tako i u srcu čovjek od čovjeka.
20 Sheol (and destruction its *Q(K)*) not they are satisfied and [the] eyes of person not they are satisfied. (Sheol h7585)
Carstvo Smrti i Propast ne mogu se zasititi, tako ni oči čovječje. (Sheol h7585)
21 A crucible for silver and a smelting furnace for gold and a person to [the] mouth of praise his.
Taljika je za srebro i peć za zlato, a čovjek se poznaje po ustima koja ga hvale.
22 If you will pound the fool - in mortar in among the grain with the pestle not it will depart from with him foolishness his.
Da bezumnika stučeš tučkom u stupi, ne bi ga ostavila ludost njegova.
23 Certainly you will know [the] face of flock your set heart your to [the] herds.
Brižno pazi na stoku svoju i srcem se brini o stadima,
24 For not [is] for ever wealth and if a crown to a generation (and a generation. *Q(K)*)
jer blago ne traje dovijeka; i baštini li se kruna od koljena do koljena?
25 It disappears grass and it appears grass and they are gathered [the] vegetation of [the] mountains.
Kad trava nikne i zelen se pokaže i bilje se kupi planinsko,
26 Lambs [are] for clothing your and [the] price of a field goats.
tad su ti janjci za odijelo i jarci za kupovinu polja;
27 And a sufficiency of - [the] milk of goats for food your for [the] food of household your and life of maids your.
tad imaš izobilje kozjega mlijeka sebi za jelo, i za hranu kući svojoj i za prehranu sluškinjama svojim.

< Proverbs 27 >