< Proverbs 25 >

1 Also these [are] [the] proverbs of Solomon which they copied [the] men of - Hezekiah [the] king of Judah.
I ovo su mudre izreke Salomonove; sabrali ih ljudi Ezekije, kralja judejskog.
2 [is] [the] glory of God to conceal a matter and [is the] glory of kings to search out a matter.
Slava je Božja sakrivati stvar, a slava kraljevska istraživati je.
3 Heaven for height and earth for depth and [the] heart of kings there not [is] inquiry.
Neistražljivo je nebo u visinu, zemlja u dubinu i srce kraljevsko.
4 Remove dross from silver and it came out for the metalsmith a vessel.
Ukloni trosku od srebra, i uspjet će posao zlataru.
5 Remove [the] wicked before a king so it may be established in righteousness throne his.
Ukloni opakoga ispred kralja, i utvrdit će se pravicom prijestol njegov.
6 May not you claim honor before a king and in [the] place of great [people] may not you stand.
Ne veličaj se pred kraljem i ne sjedaj na mjesto velikaško,
7 For [is] better to say to you come up here than to set low you before a noble [person] whom they have seen eyes your.
jer je bolje da ti se kaže: “Popni se gore” nego da te ponize pred odličnikom.
8 May not you go forth to contest a lawsuit quickly lest what? will you do at end its when puts to shame you neighbor your.
Što su ti oči vidjele ne iznosi prebrzo na raspru; jer što ćeš učiniti na koncu kad te opovrgne bližnji tvoj?
9 Own case your conduct with neighbor your and [the] secret of another [person] may not you reveal.
Kad si u parbi s bližnjim svojim, ne otkrivaj tuđe tajne,
10 Lest he should bring shame you [one who] hears and evil report your not it will turn back.
da te ne izgrdi tko čuje i da ti se kleveta ne vrati.
11 Apples of gold in settings of silver a word spoken on proper times its.
Riječi kazane u pravo vrijeme zlatne su jabuke u srebrnim posudama.
12 An earring of gold and an ornament of pure gold [one who] reproves wise on an ear listening.
Mudrac koji kori uhu je poslušnu zlatan prsten i ogrlica od tanka zlata.
13 [is] like [the] cold of Snow - on a day of harvest an envoy faithful to [those who] sent him and [the] life of masters his he will restore.
Vjeran je glasnik onomu tko ga šalje kao ledena studen u doba žetve: on krijepi dušu svoga gospodara.
14 Clouds and wind and [is] rain there not a person [who] boasts in a gift of falsehood.
Tko se diči lažljivim darom, on je kao oblak i vjetar bez kiše.
15 By length of anger he will be persuaded a ruler and a tongue soft it will break bone.
Strpljivošću se ublažava sudac, mek jezik i kosti lomi.
16 Honey you have found eat sufficiency your lest you should be surfeited with it and you will vomit up it.
Kad naiđeš na med, jedi umjereno, kako se ne bi prejeo i pojedeno izbljuvao.
17 Make rare foot your from [the] house of neighbor your lest he should be surfeited with you and he will hate you.
Rijetko zalazi u kuću bližnjega svoga, da te se ne zasiti i ne zamrzi na te.
18 A war-club and a sword and an arrow sharpened a person [who] testifies against neighbor his a witness of falsehood.
Čovjek koji svjedoči lažno na bližnjega svoga on je kao bojni malj i mač i oštra strijela.
19 A tooth broken and a foot slipped [the] trust of [one who] acts treacherously in a day of trouble.
Uzdanje u bezbožnika na dan nevolje - krnjav je zub i noga klecava.
20 [one who] removes A garment - on a day of coldness vinegar on soda and [one who] sings the songs to a heart sad.
Kao onaj koji skida haljinu u zimski dan ili ocat lije na ranu, takav je onaj tko pjeva pjesmu turobnu srcu.
21 If [is] hungry [one who] hates you give to eat him food and if thirsty give to drink him water.
Ako je gladan neprijatelj tvoj, nahrani ga kruhom, i ako je žedan, napoji ga vodom.
22 For burning coals you [will] snatch up on head his and Yahweh he will repay to you.
Jer mu zgrćeš ugljevlje na glavu i Jahve će ti platiti.
23 A wind of [the] north it brings forth rain and faces indignant a tongue of secrecy.
Sjeverni vjetar donosi dažd, a himben jezik srdito lice.
24 [is] good To dwell on [the] corner of a roof more than a woman of (contentions *Q(K)*) and a house of association.
Bolje je stanovati pod rubom krova nego u zajedničkoj kući sa ženom svadljivom.
25 Water cool on a person weary and a report good from a land of distance.
Kao studena voda žednu grlu, takva je dobra vijest iz zemlje daleke.
26 A spring fouled and a fountain ruined a righteous [person] [who] sways before a wicked [person].
Kao zatrpan izvor i vrelo zamućeno, takav je pravednik koji kleca pred opakim.
27 To eat honey much not [is] good and [the] search of own honor their [is] an honor.
Jesti mnogo meda nije dobro niti tražiti pretjerane časti.
28 A city broken into there not [is] a wall a person whom not control [belongs] to spirit his.
Grad razvaljen i bez zidova - takav je čovjek koji nema vlasti nad sobom.

< Proverbs 25 >