< Proverbs 15 >

1 An answer soft it turns away rage and a word of hurt it raises anger.
Responsio mollis frangit iram: sermo durus suscitat furorem.
2 [the] tongue of Wise [people] it makes good knowledge and [the] mouth of fools it pours forth foolishness.
Lingua sapientium ornat scientiam: os fatuorum ebullit stultitiam.
3 [are] in Every place [the] eyes of Yahweh watching evil [people] and good [people].
In omni loco oculi Domini contemplantur bonos et malos.
4 Healing of tongue [is] a tree of life and perverseness with it [is] brokenness in spirit.
Lingua placabilis, lignum vitae: quae autem immoderata est, conteret spiritum.
5 A fool he spurns [the] discipline of father his and [one who] keeps correction he is prudent.
Stultus irridet disciplinam patris sui: qui autem custodit increpationes, astutior fiet. In abundanti iustitia virtus maxima est: cogitationes autem impiorum eradicabuntur.
6 [the] house of A righteous [person] wealth great and with [the] income of a wicked [person] trouble.
Domus iusti plurima fortitudo: et in fructibus impii conturbatio.
7 [the] lips of Wise [people] they scatter knowledge and [the] heart of fools [is] not right.
Labia sapientium disseminabunt scientiam: cor stultorum dissimile erit.
8 [the] sacrifice of Wicked [people] [is] [the] abomination of Yahweh and [is the] prayer of upright [people] delight his.
Victimae impiorum abominabiles Domino: vota iustorum placabilia:
9 [is] [the] abomination of Yahweh [the] way of a wicked [person] and [one who] pursues righteousness he loves.
Abominatio est Domino via impii: qui sequitur iustitiam, diligitur ab eo.
10 Discipline bad [is] for [one who] forsakes [the] path [one who] hates correction he will die.
Doctrina mala deserentium viam vitae: qui increpationes odit, morietur.
11 Sheol and Abaddon [are] before Yahweh indeed? for [the] hearts of [the] children of humankind. (Sheol h7585)
Infernus, et perditio coram Domino: quanto magis corda filiorum hominum? (Sheol h7585)
12 Not he loves a mocker reproof to him to wise [people] not he goes.
Non amat pestilens eum, qui se corripit: nec ad sapientes graditur.
13 A heart joyful it makes good a face and by sorrow of heart a spirit [is] stricken.
Cor gaudens exhilarat faciem: in moerore animi deiicitur spiritus.
14 A heart discerning it seeks knowledge (and [the] mouth of *Q(K)*) fools it feeds on foolishness.
Cor sapientis quaerit doctrinam: et os stultorum pascitur imperitia.
15 All [the] days of [the] afflicted [are] displeasing and a [person] good of heart a feast continually.
Omnes dies pauperis, mali: secura mens quasi iuge convivium.
16 [is] good A little with [the] fear of Yahweh more than treasure great and turmoil with it.
Melius est parum cum timore Domini, quam thesauri magni et insatiabiles.
17 [is] good A portion of vegetables and love [is] there more than an ox fattened and hatred [is] with it.
Melius est vocari ad olera cum charitate: quam ad vitulum saginatum cum odio.
18 A person of rage he stirs up strife and a [person] long of anger he makes quiet a dispute.
Vir iracundus provocat rixas: qui patiens est, mitigat suscitatas.
19 [the] way of A sluggard [is] like a hedge of thorn[s] and [the] path of upright [people] [is] cast up.
Iter pigrorum quasi sepes spinarum: via iustorum absque offendiculo.
20 A son wise he makes glad a father and a fool a person [is] despising mother his.
Filius sapiens laetificat patrem: et stultus homo despicit matrem suam.
21 Foolishness [is] a joy to [one] lacking of heart and a person of understanding (he makes straight *L(abh)*) to walk.
Stultitia gaudium stulto: et vir prudens dirigit gressus suos.
22 They go wrong plans when there not [is] counsel and with multitude of counselors it is established.
Dissipantur cogitationes ubi non est consilium: ubi vero sunt plures consiliarii, confirmantur.
23 Joy [belongs] to person in [the] answer of mouth his and [is] a word at appropriate time its how! good.
Laetatur homo in sententia oris sui: et sermo opportunus est optimus.
24 [the] path of Life [is] upwards for [one who] acts prudently so as to turn aside from Sheol beneath. (Sheol h7585)
Semita vitae super eruditum, ut declinet de inferno novissimo. (Sheol h7585)
25 [the] house of Proud [people] he tears down - Yahweh and he will establish [the] territory of a widow.
Domum superborum demolietur Dominus: et firmos faciet terminos viduae.
26 [are] [the] abomination of Yahweh [the] plans of an evil [person] and [are] clean words of kindness.
Abominatio Domini cogitationes malae: et purus sermo pulcherrimus firmabitur ab eo.
27 [is] troubling Own house his [one who] gains unjustly unjust gain and [one who] hates gifts he will live.
Conturbat domum suam qui sectatur avaritiam: qui autem odit munera, vivet. Per misericordiam et fidem purgantur peccata: per timorem autem Domini declinat omnis a malo.
28 [the] heart of A righteous [person] it considers to answer and [the] mouth of wicked [people] it pours forth evil things.
Mens iusti meditatur obedientiam: os impiorum redundat malis.
29 [is] far Yahweh from wicked [people] and [the] prayer of righteous [people] he hears.
Longe est Dominus ab impiis: et orationes iustorum exaudiet.
30 Light of eyes it makes glad a heart a report good it fattens [the] bone[s].
Lux oculorum laetificat animam: fama bona impinguat ossa.
31 An ear [which] hears correction of life in [the] midst of wise [people] it will remain.
Auris, quae audit increpationes vitae, in medio sapientium commorabitur.
32 [one who] ignores Discipline [is] rejecting self his and [one who] heeds correction [is] acquiring heart.
Qui abiicit disciplinam, despicit animam suam: qui autem acquiescit increpationibus, possessor est cordis.
33 [the] fear of Yahweh [is the] correction of wisdom and [is] before honor humility.
Timor Domini, disciplina sapientiae: et gloriam praecedit humilitas.

< Proverbs 15 >