< Proverbs 11 >

1 Scales of deceit [are] [the] abomination of Yahweh and a weight perfect [is] pleasure his.
Muyeso wachinyengo Yehova umamunyansa, koma amakondwera ndi muyeso woyenera.
2 It comes pride and it came shame and [is] with modest [people] wisdom.
Kunyada kukalowa, pamafikanso manyazi, koma pamene pali kudzichepetsa pameneponso pali nzeru.
3 [the] integrity of Upright [people] it guides them and [the] crookedness of treacherous [people] (it destroys them. *Q(K)*)
Ungwiro wa anthu olungama umawatsogolera, koma anthu osakhulupirika amawonongeka ndi chinyengo chawo.
4 Not it profits wealth in [the] day of fury and righteousness it delivers from death.
Chuma sichithandiza pa tsiku lawukali wa Mulungu, koma chilungamo chimapulumutsa ku imfa.
5 [the] righteousness of A blameless [person] it makes straight way his and by wickedness his he falls a wicked [person].
Chilungamo cha anthu angwiro chimawongolera moyo wawo, koma ntchito zoyipa zimagwetsa mwini wake yemweyo.
6 [the] righteousness of Upright [people] it delivers them and by [the] craving of treacherous [people] they are caught.
Chilungamo cha anthu oyera mtima chimawapulumutsa, koma anthu onyenga adzagwidwa ndi zilakolako zawo zomwe.
7 At [the] death of a person wicked it is lost hope and [the] hope of strength it perishes.
Pamene munthu woyipa wafa, chiyembekezo chake chimathanso. Chiyembekezo cha munthu wosalungama chimawonongeka.
8 A righteous [person] from distress [is] delivered and he came a wicked [person] in place his.
Munthu wolungama amapulumutsidwa ku mavuto, koma mʼmalo mwake amagwa mʼmavutomo ndi anthu oyipa.
9 By [the] mouth a godless [person] he ruins neighbor his and by knowledge righteous [people] they are delivered.
Munthu wosapembedza amawononga mnansi wake ndi pakamwa pake, koma munthu wolungama amapulumuka chifukwa cha kudziwa zinthu.
10 In [the] prosperity of righteous [people] it rejoices a town and when perish wicked [people] a shout of joy.
Anthu olungama zinthu zikamawayendera bwino, mzinda wonse umakondwera, ndipo oyipa akamawonongeka anthu amafuwula mwachimwemwe.
11 By [the] blessing of upright [people] it is exalted a town and by [the] mouth of wicked [people] it is torn down.
Mzinda umakwezeka chifukwa cha madalitso a anthu oyera mtima, koma umawonongedwa chifukwa cha pakamwa pa anthu oyipa.
12 [one who] despises Neighbor his [is] lacking of heart and a person of understanding he keeps quiet.
Munthu wonyoza mnzake ndi wopanda nzeru, koma munthu wanzeru zomvetsa zinthu amakhala chete.
13 [one who] goes about A slanderer [is] revealing a secret and a [person] faithful of spirit [is] concealing a matter.
Amene amanka nachita ukazitape amawulula zinsinsi; koma munthu wokhulupirika amasunga pakamwa pake.
14 When there not [are] wise directions it falls a people and victory [is] in a multitude of counselor[s].
Pakasoweka uphungu mtundu wa anthu umagwa; koma pakakhala aphungu ambiri pamakhalanso chipulumutso.
15 Harm he is harmed for he stood surety for a stranger and [one who] hates those striking hands [is] secure.
Woperekera mlendo chikole adzapeza mavuto, koma wodana ndi za chikole amakhala pa mtendere.
16 A woman of grace she lays hold of honor and ruthless [people] they take hold of wealth.
Mkazi wodekha amalandira ulemu, koma amuna ankhanza amangopata chuma.
17 [is] dealing bountifully with Self his a person of loyalty and [is] troubling body his a cruel [person].
Munthu wachifundo amadzipindulira zabwino koma munthu wankhanza amadzibweretsera mavuto.
18 A wicked [person] [is] making wage[s] of falsehood and [one who] sows righteousness wage[s] of truth.
Munthu woyipa amalandira malipiro wopanda phindu, koma wochita chilungamo amakolola mphotho yeniyeni.
19 True righteousness [is] to life and [one who] pursues evil [is] to own death his.
Munthu wochita za chilungamo amapeza moyo, koma wothamangira zoyipa adzafa.
20 [are] [the] abomination of Yahweh perverse [people] of heart and [are] pleasure his [people] blameless of way.
Yehova amanyansidwa ndi anthu a mtima wokhotakhota koma amakondwera ndi anthu a makhalidwe angwiro.
21 Hand to hand not he will go unpunished an evil [person] and [the] offspring of righteous [people] he will be delivered.
Zoonadi, anthu oyipa adzalangidwa, koma anthu olungama adzapulumuka.
22 A ring of gold in [the] nose of a pig a woman beautiful and [who] turns aside from discernment.
Monga imaonekera mphete yagolide ikakhala pa mphuno ya nkhumba, ndi momwenso amaonekera mkazi wokongola wamʼkamwa.
23 [the] desire of Righteous [people] only [is] good [the] hope of wicked [people] [is] fury.
Zokhumba za anthu olungama zimathera pa zabwino zokhazokha, koma chiyembekezo cha anthu oyipa chimathera mu ukali wa Mulungu.
24 There [is one who] scatters and [who is] increased still and [one who] withholds from uprightness only to poverty.
Munthu wina amapatsako anzake zinthu mwaufulu nʼkumangolemererabe; wina amamana chomwe akanatha kupereka, koma kumanka nasawukabe.
25 A person of blessing he will be made fat and [one who] gives water also he he will be given water.
Munthu wopereka mowolowamanja adzalemera; iye amene amathandiza ena iyenso adzathandizidwa.
26 [one who] withholds Grain they curse him a people and a blessing [belongs] to [the] head of [one who] sells grain.
Anthu amatemberera womana anzake chakudya, koma madalitso amakhala pamutu pa munthu amene amagulitsa chakudyacho.
27 [one who] seeks diligently Good he seeks favor and [one who] seeks carefully evil it will come to him.
Iye amene amafunafuna zabwino mwakhama amapeza zabwinozo, koma wofunafuna zoyipa zidzamupeza.
28 [one who] trusts In wealth his he he will fall and like leaf righteous [people] they will bud.
Aliyense amene amadalira chuma chake adzafota, koma wolungama adzaphukira ngati tsamba lobiriwira.
29 [one who] troubles Household his he will inherit wind and [will be] a servant a fool of [the] wise of heart.
Wovutitsa a mʼnyumba mwake adzalowa mʼmavuto, ndipo chitsiru chidzakhala kapolo wa munthu wa nzeru.
30 [the] fruit of [the] righteous [is] a tree of Life and [one who] takes people [is] wise.
Chipatso cha ntchito zabwino ndi moyo, ndipo kusatsata malamulo kumawonongetsa moyo.
31 There! a righteous [person] on the earth he is rewarded indeed? for a wicked [person] and a sinner.
Ngati anthu olungama amalandira mphotho zawo pa dziko lapansi, kuli bwanji anthu osapembedza ndi ochimwa!

< Proverbs 11 >