< Philippians 1 >

1 Paul and Timothy servants of Christ Jesus To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are being in Philippi with [the] overseers and deacons:
U Paulo nu Timotheo abeshibha sha Yesu Kristi, hwa Bhaala bhabhabagulwe hushauli ya Yesu bhabhakhala hu Filipi, pandwemo na bheenyi na bheenyi adodo.
2 Grace to you and peace from God Father of us and [the] Lord Jesus Christ.
Eneema ebhe hulimwe nu tengane waufuma hwa Ngulubhe uise witu nu hwa Yesu Kristi.
3 I thank the God of mine upon every the remembrance of you
Ehusalifya Ungulubhi wane shila pembizuha amwe mwenti.
4 always in every supplication of mine for all of you with joy the supplication making
Ensiku zyonti shila neputa embaputila, nu mwoyo gwane gusongwa nembaputila.
5 for the partnership of you in the gospel from (the *no*) first day until now;
Endinensalifyo nyinji hushauli yelweteho mwibhangili ahwande isiku elyahwande paka sanyunu eshi.
6 having been persuaded of [the] very thing this, that the [One] having begun in you a work good will complete [it] until [the] day of Christ Jesus;
Endi nouhakika aje umwene yahandile embobho enyinza hulimwe abhahwendelele aimalezye mpaka isiku lya Yesu Kristi Ugosi wetu.
7 Even as it is right for me myself this to feel about all of you since having I in the heart you, in both the chains of mine and in the defense and in confirmation of the gospel fellow partakers with me of grace all you are.
Sawa huliwe ahwiyomvweshinza maana embabheshele humwoyo gwane. Amwe mulibhashirika bhamwitu mu neema mufungwe wawe nana litanjilaga ibhangili.
8 Witness for of mine (is *k*) God how I long after all you in [the] affection of Christ Jesus.
Ungulubhi keti wane, shembasukwilwe amwe mwenti mulugano lwa muhati mwa Yesu Kristi.
9 And this I pray, that the love of you yet more and more may abound in knowledge and in all discernment
Awe elabha huje: ulugano lwenyu lwonjelele hahinji na munjeele zyonti.
10 for to approve you the [things] being excellent, so that you may be pure and blameless unto [the] day of Christ
Elaabha kwa ajili yeli aje mubhe ne njeele eyzapime na salule amambo aminza tee. Nantele embalabhila huje mubhe bhinz bila ahwilonje embibhi humwoyo hwisikulya Yesu.
11 filled (with [the] fruit *N(K)O*) of righteousness (that [is] *N(k)O*) through Jesus Christ to [the] glory and praise of God.
Nantele Ungulubhi abhamemye enyinza mu moyo genyu gagafuma hwa Yesu Kristu, no tuntumune nsumbo zya Ngulubhi.
12 To know now you I want, brothers, that the [things] concerning me myself really to [the] advancement of the gospel have turned out,
Eshi bhaholo bhawe, ehwanza aje, mumanye huje, amambo gala gagfumiye hulimwe galikhonzizye ibangili aji libhalaje hwitagalila.
13 so as for the chains of mine clearly known in Christ to have become in all the palace guard and to the rest all
Hashisho empinyo yaneya bhampinyile hushauli wa Yesu vimanyishe hwalinzi bha Gosi na hwa bhantu bhonti.
14 and most of the brothers in [the] Lord already trusting by the chains of mine more abundantly to dare fearlessly the word (of the God *O*) to speak.
Na aholo bhinji hwa Ugosi U Yesu, hunongwa zye mpinyo zyane, abhantu bhalumbililaizi nkasaje nahamo nantele bila ahwogope.
15 Some indeed even from envy and strife, some however also from goodwill Christ are proclaiming.
Lelo bhamo bhahulumbilila u Yesu na moyo amabhibhi nibho nantele bhamo bha alumbilila na moyo aminza.
16 the [ones] indeed out of love knowing that for defense of the gospel I am appointed;
Bhaala bhabhahulumbilila uYesu hulugano bhamenye huje ane embehwelwe epa aje endyumile izu.
17 the [ones] however out of selfish ambition Christ are proclaiming not purely supposing tribulation (to add *N(k)O*) to the chains of mine.
Nantele bhamo bhahulumbilila Ukristi hufaida yabho nu mwoyo ubhibhi. Bhaiga jee ane embapate amalabha nempengozya bhampinyile.
18 What then? Only (that *no*) in every way whether in pretext or in truth Christ is proclaimed, And in this I rejoice Yes and I will rejoice.
Eshi? Sesaga, nkahushibhibhi au shinza, Kristi alumbililwa humadala gonti nanewayo esungwa. Pipo endimenye
19 I know for that this for me will turn out to deliverance through your prayer and [the] provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ
eli huje lyaindetela ane huje eni gushu mufungwe wane. Elilyaifumila hunongwa yemputo zyenyu nu musaada gwa Umpepo wa Yesu Kristi.
20 according to the earnest expectation and hope of mine that in no [thing] I will be ashamed but in all boldness as always also now will be magnified Christ in the body of mine, whether through life or through death.
Afuatane nensubhilo ezyelyoli huje ane sehailola ensoni. Naibha nelyoo lyonti. Neshi ensikuzyonti neshi, esubhilahuje, U Yesu aihwizuvya hubili uwawe, nkashele huwomi au hunfwa.
21 To me myself for to live [is] Christ and to die [is] gain.
Huline ane afwe shinza nakhale huline yu Kristu.
22 If [I am] however to live in flesh, this for me [is the] fruit of labor; And what will I choose Not I know!
Lelo akhale nkahwinza hubeele ehuletela Ungulubhi embombo enyinza, mawyi sendimenye elyasalule.
23 I am pressed (now *N(k)O*) between the two, the desire having for [myself] to depart and with Christ to be, very much (for *no*) more better;
Maana ebhuhwa tee nensebho zibhili. Esungwa aguleshe ubili ogu embale akhale hwa Yesu eho hesamani tee tee.
24 but to remain in the flesh [is] more necessary for the sake of you.
Hwope asagale mubili ogu shinza hushauli yenyu.
25 And this having been persuaded of I know that I will remain and (will continue *N(k)O*) with all of you for your progress and joy of the faith,
Afwatane aje endinouhakika nelii, emenye huje nahaisagala huje embanjese hwendelela akhale pandwimo namwe mwenti, hunongwaye itishilo lwinyu.
26 so that the boasting of you may abound to Christ Jesus in me myself through my coming again to you.
Neli libhelete uluseshelo ugusi hulimwe mwa Yesu Kristi, oluseshelo lwinyu lubhahwonjelele, ane abhe pandwemo namwe.
27 Only worthily of the gospel of Christ do conduct yourselves, so that whether having come and having seen you or being absent (I shall hear *N(k)O*) the [things] concerning you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel,
Muhwanziwa ulwizyo lwenyu munjendo enyiza shalihwanza izulya Ngulubhi aje mubhalaje, bhombaji esho ili nkanayenza au nkasanayenza, ehonvwaje aje mwe meleye, muli numwoyo gumo na lwenyu izu nulweteshelo lwenyu pandwemo.
28 and not being frightened in nothing by those opposing [you]; which is to them (indeed *k*) a demonstration of destruction, (to you *N(k)O*) however of salvation, and this from God;
Musahagundushe ahawtu hohonti hahabhombwa na bhantu abhibhi bhenyu. Ezi mbonesya huje abhantu ebha bhananzi.
29 For to you it has been granted concerning Christ, not only in Him to believe, but also concerning Him to suffer
Lelo hulimwe mbowesyozye wokovu waufuma hwa Ngulubhi. Maana amwe mupewilwe kwa ajili ya Yesu se humwitishe wewe
30 the same conflict having such as (you saw *N(k)O*) in me myself and now you hear of in me myself.
lelo na malabhi hwa mwene. Maana mulinibho lilalila neshi lya mwalilolile huline nantele mwonvwezye hujebado endinalyo weshi.

< Philippians 1 >