< Numbers 5 >

1 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
HERREN talede fremdeles til Moses og sagde:
2 Command [the] people of Israel so they may send away from the camp any [one who] has a skin disease and any [one who] has a discharge and any [person] unclean to a corpse.
Byd Israeliterne at fjerne alle spedalske fra Lejren, alle, der lider af Flaad, og alle, der er blevet urene ved Lig;
3 From male unto female you will send away to from [the] outside of the camp you will send away them and not they will make unclean camps their which I [am] dwelling in midst of them.
baade Mænd og Kvinder skal I fjerne og føre uden for Lejren, for at de ikke skal gøre deres Lejr uren, hvor jeg bor midt iblandt dem.
4 And they did so [the] people of Israel and they sent away them to from [the] outside of the camp just as he had spoken Yahweh to Moses so they did [the] people of Israel.
Det gjorde Israeliterne saa; de førte dem uden for Lejren, saaledes som HERREN havde paalagt Moses.
5 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
HERREN talede fremdeles til Moses og sagde:
6 Speak to [the] people of Israel a man or a woman if they will do any of all [the] sins of humankind by acting unfaithfully unfaithfulness against Yahweh and it will be guilty the person that.
Sig til Israeliterne: Naar en Mand eller Kvinde begaar nogen af alle de Synder, som Mennesker begaar, saaledes at han gør sig skyldig i Svig mod HERREN, og det Menneske derved paadrager sig Skyld,
7 And they will confess sin their which they have done and he will repay compensation its in sum its and fifth its let him add to it and he will give [it] to [the one] whom he was guilty to him.
saa skal de bekende Synden, de har begaaet, og Gerningsmanden skal erstatte det, han har forbrudt sig med, efter dets fulde Værdi med Tillæg af en Femtedel og give det til den, han har forbrudt sig imod.
8 And if not [belongs] to the person a kinsman-redeemer to repay the compensation to him the compensation which is repaid [belongs] to Yahweh for the priest besides [the] ram of atonement which he will make atonement by it on him.
Og hvis denne ikke har efterladt sig nogen Løser, hvem han kan yde Erstatningen, saa skal Erstatningen, som ydes, tilfalde HERREN, det vil sige Præsten, foruden den Soningsvæder, ved hvilken der skaffes ham Soning.
9 And every contribution to all [the] holy things of [the] people of Israel which they will bring near to the priest to him it will belong.
Al Offerydelse, alle Helliggaver, som Israeliterne frembærer til Præsten, skal tilfalde ham.
10 And everyone holy things his to him they will belong everyone [that] which he will give to the priest to him it will belong.
Alle Helliggaver skal tilfalde ham; hvad nogen giver Præsten, skal tilfalde ham.
11 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
HERREN talede fremdeles til Moses og sagde:
12 Speak to [the] people of Israel and you will say to them a man a man if she will turn aside wife his and she will act unfaithfully against him unfaithfulness.
Tal til Israeliterne og sig til dem: Naar en Hustru forser sig imod sin Mand og er ham utro,
13 And he will lie with a man with her a laying of seed and it will be hidden from [the] eyes of husband her and she will be undiscovered and she she has made herself unclean and [was] a witness there not against her and she not she was caught.
idet en anden Mand har Samleje med hende, uden at det er kommet til hendes Mands Kundskab, og uden at det er blevet opdaget, skønt hun har besmittet sig, og uden at der er noget Vidne imod hende, da hun ikke er grebet paa fersk Gerning,
14 And it will pass over him a spirit of jealousy and he will be jealous of wife his and she she has made herself unclean or it has passed over him a spirit of jealousy and he will be jealous of wife his and she not she has made herself unclean.
og han gribes af Skinsygens Aand, saa han bliver skinsyg paa sin Hustru, som ogsaa i Virkeligheden har besmittet sig, eller han gribes af Skinsygens Aand, saa han bliver skinsyg paa sin Hustru, skønt hun ikke har besmittet sig,
15 And he will bring the man wife his to the priest and he will bring offering her on her tenth of ephah flour of barley not he will pour out on it oil and not he will put on it frankincense for [is] a grain offering of jealousi it a grain offering of remembrance [which] brings to remembrance iniquity.
saa skal Manden bringe sin Hustru til Præsten og medbringe som Offergave for hende en Tiendedel Efa Bygmel; han maa hverken hælde Olie over eller komme Røgelse paa, thi det er et Skinsyge Afgrødeoffer, et Minde Afgrødeoffer, der skal minde om Brøde.
16 And he will bring near her the priest and he will make stand her before Yahweh.
Saa skal Præsten føre hende frem og stille hende for HERRENS Aasyn.
17 And he will take the priest water holy in a vessel of earthenware and some of the dust which it will be on [the] floor of the tabernacle he will take the priest and he will put [it] into the water.
Og Præsten skal tage helligt Vand i et Lerkar, og af Støvet paa Boligens Gulv skal Præsten tage noget og komme i Vandet.
18 And he will make stand the priest the woman before Yahweh and he will let loose [the] head of the woman and he will put on hands her [the] grain offering of remembrance [is] a grain offering of jealousi it and in [the] hand of the priest they will be [the] waters of bitter [things] which bring a curse.
Saa skal Præsten stille Kvinden frem for HERRENS Aasyn, løse hendes Haar og lægge Minde Afgrødeofferet i hendes Hænder; det er et Skinsyge Afgrødeoffer; og Præsten skal have den bitre Vandes Forbandelsesvand i Haanden.
19 And he will make swear her the priest and he will say to the woman if not he has lain with a man with you and if not you have turned aside uncleanness under husband your be free from [the] waters of bitter [things] which bring a curse these.
Derpaa skal Præsten besværge Kvinden og sige til hende: »Hvis ingen har haft Samleje med dig, hvis du ikke har forset dig imod din Mand og besmittet dig, saa skal dette den bitre Vandes Forbandelsesvand ikke skade dig.
20 And you if you have turned aside under husband your and if you have made yourself unclean and he has given a man in you copulation his from except husband your.
Men har du forset dig imod din Mand og besmittet dig, og har en anden end din Mand haft Samleje med dig« —
21 And he will make swear the priest the woman with [the] oath of the curse and he will say the priest to the woman may he make Yahweh you into a curse and into a oath in among people your when makes Yahweh thigh your falling and belly your swollen.
Præsten besværger nu Kvinden med Forbandelsens Ed og siger til hende — »saa gøre HERREN dig til en Forbandelse og Besværgelse i dit Folk, idet han lader din Lænd visne og din Bug svulme op;
22 And they will go the waters which bring a curse these in inward parts your to make swell a belly and to make fall a thigh and she will say the woman amen - amen.
Forbandelsesvandet her komme ind i dine Indvolde, saa din Bug svulmer op og din Lænd visner!« Og Kvinden skal sige: »Amen, Amen!«
23 And he will write the curses these the priest on the scroll and he will wipe [them] off into [the] waters of bitter [things].
Derpaa skal Præsten skrive disse Forbandelser op paa et Blad og vaske dem ud i den bitre Vandes Vand
24 And he will make drink the woman [the] waters of bitter [things] which bring a curse and they will go in her the waters which bring a curse to bitter [things].
og give Kvinden den bitre Vandes Forbandelsesvand at drikke, for at Forbandelsesvandet kan komme ind i hende til bitter Vaande.
25 And he will take the priest from [the] hand of the woman [the] grain offering of jealousi and he will wave the grain offering before Yahweh and he will bring near it to the altar.
Derefter skal Præsten tage Skinsyge Afgrødeofferet af Kvindens Haand, udføre Svingningen dermed for HERRENS Aasyn og bære det hen til Alteret.
26 And he will take a handful the priest of the grain offering memorial offering its and he will make [it] smoke the altar towards and after he will make drink the woman the waters.
Og Præsten skal tage en Haandfuld af Afgrødeofferet, det, som skal ofres deraf, og bringe det som Røgoffer paa Alteret og derpaa give Kvinden Vandet at drikke.
27 And he will make drink her the waters and she will be if she has made herself unclean and she has acted unfaithfully unfaithfulness against husband her and they will go in her the waters which bring a curse to bitter [things] and it will swell belly her and it will fall thigh her and she will become the woman a curse in [the] midst of people her.
Naar han har givet hende Vandet at drikke, vil Forbandelsesvandet, dersom hun har besmittet sig og været sin Mand utro, blive til bitter Vaande, naar det kommer ind i hende, hendes Bug vil svulme op og hendes Lænd visne, og Kvinden bliver en Forbandelse i sit Folk.
28 And if not she has made herself unclean the woman and [is] pure she and she will be free and she will be impregnated seed.
Men dersom Kvinden ikke har besmittet sig, dersom hun er ren, bliver hun uskadt og kan faa Børn.
29 This [is] [the] law of jealousi that she will turn aside a wife under husband her and she will make herself unclean.
Det er Loven om Skinsyge; naar en Hustru forser sig imod sin Mand og besmittes,
30 Or a man whom it will pass over him a spirit of jealousy and he will be jealous of wife his and he will make stand the woman before Yahweh and he will do to her the priest all the law this.
eller naar en Mand gribes af Skinsygens Aand og bliver skinsyg paa sin Hustru, saa skal han fremstille Hustruen for HERRENS Aasyn, og Præsten skal handle med hende efter alt i denne Lov;
31 And he will be free the man from iniquity and the woman that she will bear iniquity her.
Manden skal være sagesløs, men saadan en Hustru skal undgælde for sin Brøde.

< Numbers 5 >