< Numbers 21 >

1 And he heard the Canaanite [the] king of Arad [who] dwelt the Negev that it had come Israel [the] way of the Atharim and he engaged in battle against Israel and he took captive - some of it captive[s].
Arad adalah sebuah kota di bagian selatan negeri Kanaan. Ketika raja kota itu mendengar bahwa orang Israel datang lewat jalan Atarim, pergilah ia menyerang mereka dan menawan beberapa orang di antara mereka.
2 And it vowed Israel a vow to Yahweh and it said certainly [if] you will give the people this in hand my and I will totally destroy cities their.
Lalu orang Israel berkaul begini kepada TUHAN, "Jika Engkau memberi kemenangan mutlak kepada kami atas bangsa itu, mereka dan kota-kota mereka akan kami tumpas sampai habis."
3 And he listened Yahweh to [the] voice of Israel and he delivered up the Canaanite[s] and it totally destroyed them and cities their and someone called [the] name of the place Hormah.
TUHAN menerima permintaan orang Israel dan menolong mereka mengalahkan orang Kanaan. Maka orang Israel membinasakan orang-orang Kanaan itu serta kota-kota mereka, lalu tempat itu mereka namakan Horma.
4 And they set out from Hor the mountain [the] direction of [the] sea of reed[s] to go around [the] land of Edom and it became short [the] self of the people on the way.
Kemudian orang Israel meninggalkan Gunung Hor, dan mengambil jalan yang menuju ke Teluk Akaba, untuk mengelilingi daerah Edom. Tetapi di tengah jalan, bangsa itu habis kesabarannya,
5 And it spoke the people against God and against Moses why? have you brought up us from Egypt to die in the wilderness for there not [is] food and there not [is] water and self our it loathes the food worthless.
dan mengomel terhadap Allah dan Musa. Mereka berkata, "Mengapa engkau membawa kami keluar dari Mesir? Apakah untuk membunuh kami di padang gurun ini? Di sini tak ada makanan, dan air pun tak ada. Kami muak dengan makanan yang hambar ini!"
6 And he sent Yahweh among the people the snakes the saraphs and they bit the people and it died a people numerous from Israel.
Maka TUHAN mendatangkan ular-ular berbisa di tengah-tengah bangsa itu. Banyak orang Israel mati dipagut ular-ular itu.
7 And it came the people to Moses and they said we have sinned for we have spoken against Yahweh and against you pray to Yahweh so may he remove from on us the snake[s] and he prayed Moses for the people.
Lalu bangsa itu datang menghadap Musa dan berkata, "Kami telah berdosa karena mengomel terhadap TUHAN dan engkau. Berdoalah kepada TUHAN supaya ular-ular ini dijauhkan dari kami." Maka Musa mendoakan bangsa itu.
8 And he said Yahweh to Moses make for yourself a saraph and put it on a standard and it will be every [one who] is bitten and he will see it and he will live.
Lalu TUHAN menyuruh Musa membuat seekor ular dari logam dan menaruhnya di atas sebuah tiang. Setiap orang yang dipagut ular, akan sembuh kalau melihat ular dari logam itu.
9 And he made Moses a snake of bronze and he put it on the standard and it was if it had bitten the snake anyone and he looked to [the] snake of bronze and he lived.
Maka Musa membuat ular dari tembaga dan menaruhnya di atas sebuah tiang. Setiap orang yang dipagut ular, bisa sembuh kalau memandang kepada ular tembaga itu.
10 And they set out [the] people of Israel and they encamped in Oboth.
Orang Israel berangkat lagi, lalu berkemah di kota Obot.
11 And they set out from Oboth and they encamped at Iye Abarim in the wilderness which [is] on [the] face of Moab from [the] rising of the sun.
Sesudah meninggalkan tempat itu, mereka berkemah di reruntuhan Abarim di padang gurun sebelah timur daerah Moab.
12 From there they set out and they encamped in [the] wadi of Zered.
Kemudian mereka berkemah di Lembah Zered.
13 From there they set out and they encamped from [the] other side of Arnon which [is] in the wilderness which goes out from [the] border of the Amorite[s] that Arnon [is] [the] border of Moab between Moab and between the Amorite[s].
Dari situ mereka berangkat lagi dan berkemah di seberang Sungai Arnon, di padang gurun yang terbentang ke wilayah orang Amori. Sungai Arnon itu merupakan batas antara daerah orang Moab dengan daerah orang Amori.
14 There-fore it is said in [the] book of [the] wars of Yahweh Waheb in Suphah and the wadis Arnon.
Itulah sebabnya dalam 'Buku Peperangan TUHAN' tertulis: "....Desa Waheb, di daerah Sufa dan lembah-lembahnya; Sungai Arnon
15 And [the] slope of the wadis which it extends to [the] dwelling of Ar and it leans to [the] border of Moab.
dan lereng lembah-lembah yang terbentang sampai ke desa Ar dan menuju ke perbatasan daerah orang Moab."
16 And from there Beer towards that [is] the well which he said Yahweh to Moses gather the people so let me give to them water.
Dari situ mereka pergi ke tempat yang disebut Beer, artinya sumur-sumur. Di situ TUHAN pernah berkata kepada Musa, "Suruhlah umat berkumpul; Aku akan memberi air kepada mereka."
17 Then it sang Israel the song this spring up O well sing of it.
Pada waktu itu bangsa Israel menyanyikan lagu ini, "Hai, sumur-sumur, bualkanlah airmu, kami akan menyambutnya dengan lagu.
18 A well [which] they dug it [the] leaders [which] they dug it [the] noble [people] of the people with a ruler's staff with staffs their and from [the] wilderness Mattanah.
Sumur yang digali oleh pemuka-pemuka dan oleh para pemimpin bangsa digali dengan tongkat kepemimpinannya dan dengan tongkat tanda kuasa mereka." Dari padang gurun mereka pindah ke Matana,
19 And from Mattanah Nahaliel and from Nahaliel Bamoth.
dan dari situ ke Nahaliel, lalu ke Bamot,
20 And from Bamoth the valley which [is] in [the] region of Moab [the] top of Pisgah and it looked down over [the] face of the desolate place.
kemudian ke lembah di daerah orang Moab, di bawah puncak Gunung Pisga yang menghadap ke padang gurun.
21 And it sent Israel messengers to Sihon [the] king of the Amorite[s] saying.
Lalu bangsa Israel mengirim utusan-utusan kepada Sihon, raja Amori, untuk menyampaikan pesan ini,
22 Let me pass in land your not we will turn aside in a field and in a vineyard not we will drink water of a well on [the] way of the king we will go until that we will pass through territory your.
"Izinkan kami melalui negeri Tuanku. Kami dan ternak kami tidak akan menyimpang dari jalanan dan tidak akan masuk ke ladang-ladang atau kebun-kebun anggur atau minum air dari sumur-sumur. Kami tidak akan menyimpang dari jalan raya sampai kami keluar dari daerah Tuanku."
23 And not he permitted Sihon Israel to pass in territory his and he gathered Sihon all people his and he went out to meet Israel the wilderness towards and he came Jahaz towards and he engaged in battle against Israel.
Tetapi Raja Sihon tidak mengizinkan orang-orang Israel melalui negerinya. Ia mengumpulkan pasukannya lalu pergi ke Yahas di padang gurun dan menyerang orang Israel di situ.
24 And it struck him Israel to [the] mouth of [the] sword and it took possession of land his from Arnon to Jabbok to [the] descendants of Ammon for [was] strong [the] border of [the] descendants of Ammon.
Tetapi dalam pertempuran itu banyak tentara Amori dibunuh oleh orang Israel. Lalu orang Israel menduduki daerah mereka dari Sungai Arnon sampai ke Sungai Yabok, yaitu perbatasan daerah orang Amon, sebab perbatasan itu sangat kuat pertahanannya.
25 And it took Israel all the cities these and it dwelt Israel in all [the] cities of the Amorite[s] in Heshbon and in all daughters its.
Dengan demikian orang Israel merebut semua kota orang Amori, termasuk Hesybon dan semua kota kecil di sekitarnya, lalu menetaplah mereka di situ.
26 For Heshbon [was] [the] city of Sihon [the] king of the Amorite[s] it and he he had waged war against [the] king of Moab former and he had taken all land his from hand his to Arnon.
Hesybon adalah ibukota Raja Sihon. Ia pernah berperang melawan raja Moab dan merebut daerahnya sampai sejauh Sungai Arnon.
27 There-fore they say those [who] speak proverbs come Heshbon let it be rebuilt and it may be established [the] city of Sihon.
Itulah sebabnya pujangga bersyair begini, "Datanglah ke Hesybon, ke kota Raja Sihon. Kami ingin melihat kota ini dibangun dan dipugar kembali.
28 For fire it went out from Heshbon flame from [the] town of Sihon it consumed Ar of Moab [the] citizens of [the] high places of Arnon.
Sekali peristiwa dari kota ini pasukan Sihon maju bagaikan api. Yang menghancurkan kota Ar di Moab, dan menguasai bukit-bukit di sepanjang Arnon.
29 Woe! to you O Moab you have perished O people of Chemosh he has made sons his fugitives and daughters his in captivity of [the] king of [the] Amorite[s] Sihon.
Wahai bangsa Moab, engkau celaka! Pemuja Kamos, engkau binasa! Engkau dibiarkan allahmu menjadi pengungsi, kaum wanitamu menjadi tawanan raja Amori.
30 And we shot at them it has perished Heshbon to Dibon and we have devastated to Nophah which [is] to Medeba.
Tapi kini binasalah keturunan mereka, di sepanjang jalan dari Hesybon ke Dibon, dari Nasyim ke Nofah dekat Medeba."
31 And it dwelt Israel in [the] land of the Amorite[s].
Dengan demikian bangsa Israel menetap di daerah orang Amori.
32 And he sent Moses to spy out Jazer and they captured daughters its (and it dispossessed *Q(K)*) the Amorite[s] who [was] there.
Kemudian Musa menyuruh orang-orang pergi mencari jalan yang paling baik untuk menyerang kota Yaezer. Lalu orang Israel merebut kota itu serta kota-kota kecil di sekitarnya dan mengusir orang Amori yang tinggal di sana.
33 And they turned and they went up [the] direction of Bashan and he went out Og [the] king of Bashan to meet them he and all people his for battle Edrei.
Sesudah itu orang Israel belok dan mengambil jalan yang menuju ke Basan. Raja Og dari Basan maju dengan pasukannya untuk menyerang orang Israel di kota Edrei.
34 And he said Yahweh to Moses may not you fear him for in hand your I have given him and all people his and land his and you will do to him just as you did to Sihon [the] king of the Amorite[s] who [was] dwelling in Heshbon.
TUHAN berkata kepada Musa, "Jangan takut kepadanya. Aku akan memberi kemenangan kepadamu. Engkau akan mengalahkan dia, seluruh rakyatnya dan negerinya. Perlakukanlah dia seperti telah kauperlakukan Raja Sihon yang memerintah di Hesybon."
35 And they struck down him and sons his and all people his until not he had left to him a survivor and they took possession of land his.
Maka orang Israel mengalahkan dan membunuh Raja Og, anak-anaknya dan seluruh rakyatnya; tidak ada yang ketinggalan. Kemudian mereka menduduki negeri itu.

< Numbers 21 >