< Numbers 11 >

1 And it was the people like [those who] complain trouble in [the] ears of Yahweh and he heard Yahweh and it burned anger his and it burned among them [the] fire of Yahweh and it consumed in [the] outskirt[s] of the camp.
यस बेला परमप्रभुले सुन्‍ने गरी मानिसहरूले तिनीहरूका कष्‍टबारे गनगन गरे । परमप्रभुले मानिसहरूको गनगन सुन्‍नुभयो र रिसाउनुभयो । परमप्रभुबाट आगो दन्कियो र यसका किनाराका केही छाउनीहरू जले ।
2 And it cried out the people to Moses and he prayed Moses to Yahweh and it died out the fire.
अनि मानिसहरूले मोशासँग बिन्ती गरे । यसैले मोशाले परमप्रभुसँग प्रार्थना गरे, र आगो रोकियो ।
3 And someone called [the] name of the place that Taberah for it had burned among them [the] fire of Yahweh.
त्यस ठाउँको नाउँ तबेरा राखियो, किनभने परमप्रभुको आगो मानिसहरूमाझ दन्कियो ।
4 And the rabble which [was] in midst its they craved a craving and they returned and they wept also [the] people of Israel and they said who? will he cause to eat us meat.
केही विदेशीहरू इस्राएलका सन्तानहरूसँग छाउनीमा बस्‍न थाले । तिनीहरूले मिठो खानेकुरा खाने इच्छा गरे । अनि इस्राएलका मानिसहरू रुन थाले र भने, “हामीलाई कसले मासु खान दिन्छ?”
5 We remember the fish which we ate in Egypt for nothing the cucumbers and the watermelons and the leek[s] and the onions and the garlic.
हामीले मिश्रमा खुलमखुला खाएका माछा, काँक्रा, खरबूजा, कन्दहरू, प्याज र लसुन सम्झन्छौँ ।
6 And now appetite our [is] dry there not [is] anything except [are] to the manna eyes our.
अहिले हाम्रो भोक नै हराइसकेको छ, किनभने हामी देख्‍ने जत्ति सबै थोक मन्‍न मात्र हो ।”
7 And the manna [was] like seed of coriander it and appearance its [was] like [the] appearance of bdellium.
मन्‍न धनियाँको बिउजस्तो थियो । यो हेर्दा खोटोजस्तो देखिन्थ्यो ।
8 They went about the people and they gathered and they ground in hand-mill or they pounded in mortar and they boiled in pot and they made it bread cakes and it was taste its like [the] taste of cake of oil.
मानिसहरू वरिपरि जान्थे र यसलाई बटुल्थे । तिनीहरूले यसलाई पिँध्थे, ओखलीमा कुट्थे, भाँडामा उमाल्थे र यसलाई फुरौला बनाउँथे । यो ताजा जैतूनको तेलको स्वादको थियो ।
9 And when came down the dew on the camp night it came down the manna with it.
छाउनीमा राती शीत पर्दा मन्‍न पनि झर्थ्यो ।
10 And he heard Moses the people weeping to clans its everyone to [the] entrance of tent his and it burned [the] anger of Yahweh exceedingly and in [the] eyes of Moses [it was] displeasing.
मानिसहरू आ-आफ्ना परिवारमा रोएको मोशाले सुने र सबै मानिस आ-आफ्ना पालको ढोका थिए । परमप्रभु साह्रै क्रोधित हुनुभयो र तिनीहरूको गनगन मोशाको दृष्‍टिमा गलत थियो ।
11 And he said Moses to Yahweh why? have you done harm to servant your and why? not have I found favor in view your to put [the] burden of all the people this on me.
मोशाले परमप्रभुलाई भने, “तपाईंको दासलाई किन यति नराम्रो व्यावहार गर्नुभएको? तपाईं किन मसँग खुसी हुनुहुन्‍न? तपाईंले मलाई यी सबै मानिसको बोझ बोकाउनुहुन्छ ।
12 ¿ I did I conceive all the people this or? I did I give birth to it that you will say to me carry it in bosom your just as he carries foster-father the suckling-child on the land which you swore to ancestors its.
के यी मानिसहरूलाई मैले गर्भधारण गरेको थिएँ? के तिनीहरूलाई मैले जन्माएको थिएँ अनि 'तिनीहरूलाई बुबाले बालकलाई आफ्नो छातीमा टाँसेर बोकेझैँ बोक्' भन्‍नुहुन्छ? के मैले तिनीहरूलाई तपाईंले तिनीहरूका पुर्खाहरूलाई दिन्छु भनी प्रतिज्ञा गर्नुभएको मुलुक दिन त्यहाँसम्म नै बोक्‍नुपर्ने?
13 From where? [belong] to me [will] meat to give [it] to all the people this for they are weeping to me saying give! to us meat so let us eat.
यी सबै मानिसलाई खुवाउन मैले मासु कहाँ पाउन सक्छु? तिनीहरू 'हामीलाई मासु खान दिनुहोस्' भन्‍दै मेरो सामु रोइरहेका छन् ।
14 Not I am able I to alone me to carry all the people this for [it is too] heavy for me.
यी सबै मानिसलाई म एक्लै बोक्‍न सक्दिनँ । तिनीहरू मेरो निम्ति अति धेरै भएका छन् ।
15 And if thus - you [are] doing to me kill me please completely if I have found favor in view your and may not I look on distress my.
तपाईंले मसँग यस्तो व्यवहार गरिरहनुभएको हुनाले यदि मैले तपाईंको दृष्‍टिमा निगाह पाएको छु भने मलाई अहिले नै मार्नुहोस्, मैले मेरो बिजोग देख्‍नु नपरोस् ।”
16 And he said Yahweh to Moses gather! to me seventy man from [the] elders of Israel whom you know that they [are] [the] elders of the people and officials its and you will take them to [the] tent of meeting and they will present themselves there with you.
परमप्रभुले मोशालाई भन्‍नुभयो, “इस्राएलका सत्तरी जना धर्म-गुरु मकहाँ ले । तिनीहरू सबै धर्म-गुरु र मानिसहरूका अधिकृतहरू होऊन् । तिनीहरूलाई भेट हुने पालमा तँसँगै खडा हुनलाई ले ।
17 And I will come down and I will speak with you there and I will share some of the spirit which [is] on you and I will put [it] on them and they will carry with you in [the] burden of the people and not you will carry [it] you to alone you.
म ओर्ली आउनेछु र तँसँग कुरा गर्नेछु । तँसँग भ‍एको केही आत्मा लिएर यसलाई म तिनीहरूमाथि राख्‍नेछु । तिनीहरूले मानिसहरूका बोझ तँसँगै बहन गर्नेछन् । यसलाई तँ एक्लैले बोक्‍नुपर्नेछैन ।
18 And to the people you will say sanctify yourselves for tomorrow and you will eat meat for you have wept in [the] ears of Yahweh saying who? will he cause to eat us meat for it was good for us in Egypt and he will give Yahweh to you meat and you will eat.
मानिसहरूलाई भन्, 'भोलिको निम्ति आफैलाई शुद्ध पार र तिमीहरूले साँच्‍चै मासु खानेछौ, किनकि तिमीहरू रोएका छौ र परमप्रभुले सुन्‍नुभएको छ । तिमीहरूले भन्यौ, “हामीलाई कसले मासु खान दिन्छ? हामीलाई मिश्र देश नै असल थियो ।” यसकारण, परमप्रभुले तिमीहरूलाई मासु दिनुहुनेछ र तिमीहरूले यसलाई खानेछौ ।
19 Not a day one you will eat! and not two days and not - five days and not ten days and not twenty day[s].
तिमीहरूले मासु एक दिन, दुई दिन, पाँच दिन, दस दिन वा बिस दिन मात्र खानेछेनौ,
20 Until - a month of days until that it will come out from nose your and it will become for you a loathsome thing because for you have rejected Yahweh who [is] in midst your and you have wept before him saying why? this did we come out from Egypt.
तर तिमीहरूले तिमीहरूको नाक लागूञ्‍जेलसम्म पुरै महिनाभरि नै मासु खानेछौ । यो तिमीहरूलाई दिगमिग हुनेछ, किनभने तिमीहरूले परमप्रभुलाई इन्कार गरेका छौ, जो तिमीहरू माझ हुनुहुन्छ । तिमीहरू उहाँको सामु रोएका छौ । तिमीहरूले भन्यौ, “हामीले मिश्र देश किन छाड्यौँ?”
21 And he said Moses [are] six hundred thousand foot soldier[s] the people which I [am] in midst its and you you have said meat I will give to them and they will eat a month of days.
त्यसपछि मोशाले भने, “म छ लाख मानिससँग छु, र तपाईंले भन्‍नुभएको छ, 'मैले तिनीहरूलाई पुरै एक महिना मासु खान दिनेछु ।'
22 ¿ A flock and a herd will it be slaughtered for them and someone will find for them or? all [the] fish of the sea will it be gathered for them and someone will find for them.
के तिनीहरूलाई तृप्‍त पार्न हामीले भेडा-बाख्राहरू र गाईवस्तुहरू काट्नु त? के तिनीहरूलाई तृप्‍त पार्न हामीले समुद्रका सबै माछाहरू पक्रने?”
23 And he said Yahweh to Moses ¿ [the] hand of Yahweh is it short now you will see ¿ will it happen to you word my or? not.
परमप्रभुले मोशालाई भन्‍नुभयो, “के मेरो बहुली छोटो भएको छ? मेरो वचन सत्य हो वा होइन भनी अब तैँले देख्‍नेछस् ।”
24 And he went out Moses and he spoke to the people [the] words of Yahweh and he gathered seventy man from [the] elders of the people and he stationed them around the tent.
मोशा बाहिर गए र परमप्रभुको वचन बोले । तिनले मानिसका सत्तरी जना धर्म-गुरुलाई भेला गरे र तिनीहरूलाई पालको वरिपरि राखे ।
25 And he came down Yahweh - in the cloud and he spoke to him and he shared some of the spirit which [was] on him and he put [it] on seventy man the elders and it was when rested on them the spirit and they prophesied and not they repeated.
परमप्रभु बादलमा तल आउनुभयो र मोशासँग बोल्नुभयो । परमप्रभुले मोशासँग भएको केही आत्मा लिनुभयो र यसलाई सत्तरी जना धर्म-गुरुमाथि राखिदिनुभयो । तिनीहरूमाथि आत्मा आउनुभएपछि तिनीहरूले अगमवाणी गरे, तर त्यस बेला मात्र र फेरि अगमवाणी गरेनन् ।
26 And they had remained two men - in the camp [the] name of the one - [was] Eldad and [the] name of the second [was] Medad and it rested on them the spirit and they among those written and not they had gone out the tent towards and they prophesied in the camp.
एल्दाद र मेदाद नाउँ गरेका दुई जना छाउनीमा नै बसे । आत्मा तिनीहरूमाथि पनि आउनुभयो । सूचीमा तिनीहरूका नाउँ पनि उल्लेख गरिएको थियो, तर तिनीहरू पालमा गएका थिएनन् । तथापि तिनीहरूले छाउनीमा नै अगमवाणी गरे ।
27 And he ran the young man and he told to Moses and he said Eldad and Medad [are] prophesying in the camp.
छाउनीमा भएका एक जना जवान दौडेर गएर मोशालाई भने, “एल्दाद र मेदादले छाउनीमा नै अगमवाणी गरिरहेका छन् ।”
28 And he answered Joshua [the] son of Nun [the] servant of Moses from youth his and he said O lord my Moses restrain them.
मोशाका सहायक, तिनका चुनिएका एक जना अर्थात् नूनका छोरा यहोशूले मोशालाई भने, “मालिक, तिनीहरूलाई रोक्‍नुहोस् ।”
29 And he said to him Moses ¿ zealous [are] you for me and who? will he give all [the] people of Yahweh [were] prophets that he will put Yahweh spirit his on them.
मोशाले तिनलाई भने, “के तिमी मेरो खातिर डाही हुन्छौ? परमप्रभुले उहाँका सबै मानिसमाथि उहाँको आत्मा राखेर तिनीहरू अगमवक्‍ताहरू भए कति राम्रो हुन्थ्यो!”
30 And he gathered himself Moses to the camp he and [the] elders of Israel.
मोशा र इस्राएलका धर्म-गुरुहरू छाउनीमा फर्केर गए ।
31 And a wind it set out - from with Yahweh and it brought quails from the sea and it left [them] at the camp about a journey of a day thus and about a journey of a day thus around the camp and about two cubits above [the] surface of the ground.
त्यसपछि परमप्रभुबाट बतास आयो र समुद्रबाट बट्टाई चराहरू ल्यायो । तिनीहरू छाउनी नजिक वरिपरि एक दिनको बाटोभरि झरे । बट्टाई चराहरूले लगभग एक मिटर जत्ति बाक्लो हुने गरी जमिनलाई नै ढाके ।
32 And it arose the people all the day that and all the night and all - [the] day of the next day and they gathered the quail the [one who] did little he gathered ten homers and they spread [them] out for themselves completely around the camp.
मानिसहरू त्यस दिनभरि, रातभरि र अर्को दिनभरि बट्टाई चराहरू बटुल्नमा व्यस्त भए । कसैले पनि पच्‍चिस मुरीभन्दा कम बटुलेन । तिनीहरूले छाउनीभरि बट्टाई चराहरू फिँजाए ।
33 The meat still it [was] between teeth their not yet it was chewed and [the] anger of Yahweh it burned on the people and he struck Yahweh the people a plague great very.
मासु तिनीहरूको मुखमा हुँदा नै, तिनीहरूले यसलाई चपाइरहँदा नै, परमप्रभु तिनीहरूसँग क्रोधित हुनुभयो । उहाँले मानिसहरूलाई भयङ्कर रोगले प्रहार गर्नुभयो ।
34 And someone called [the] name of the place that Kibroth Hattaavah for there they buried the people who craved.
त्यस ठाउँको नाउँ किब्रोथ-हत्तावा राखियो, किनभने मासुको लालसा गर्ने मानिसहरूलाई तिनीहरूले त्यहाँ गाडे ।
35 From Kibroth Hattaavah they set out the people Hazeroth and they were at Hazeroth.
किब्रोथ-हत्तावाबाट मानिसहरू हसेरोततिर गए, जहाँ तिनीहरू बसे ।

< Numbers 11 >