< Nehemiah 4 >

1 And it was just when he heard Sanballat that we [were] rebuilding the wall and it burned to him and he was angry greatly and he mocked the Jews.
Factum est autem, cum audisset Sanaballat quod ædificaremus murum, iratus est valde: et motus nimis subsannavit Judæos,
2 And he said - before brothers his and [the] army of Samaria and he said what? [are] the Jews feeble doing ¿ will they restore for themselves ¿ will they offer sacrifices ¿ will they finish in the day ¿ will they restore the stones from [the] heaps of debris and they [are] burned.
et dixit coram fratribus suis, et frequentia Samaritanorum: Quid Judæi faciunt imbecilles? num dimittent eos gentes? num sacrificabunt, et complebunt in una die? numquid ædificare poterunt lapides de acervis pulveris, qui combusti sunt?
3 And Tobiah the Ammonite [was] beside him and he said also [that] which they [are] building if it will go up a fox and it will break down [the] wall of stones their.
Sed et Tobias Ammanites, proximus ejus, ait: Ædificent: si ascenderit vulpes, transiliet murum eorum lapideum.
4 Hear O God our for we are contempt and return reproach their to own head their and give them to plunder in a land of captivity.
Audi, Deus noster, quia facti sumus despectui: converte opprobrium super caput eorum, et da eos in despectionem in terra captivitatis.
5 And may not you cover over iniquity their and sin their from to before you may not it be wiped out for they have provoked to anger to before the builders.
Ne operias iniquitatem eorum, et peccatum eorum coram facie tua non deleatur, quia irriserunt ædificantes.
6 And we rebuilt the wall and it was joined together all the wall to middle its and it belonged a heart to the people to work.
Itaque ædificavimus murum, et conjunximus totum usque ad partem dimidiam: et provocatum est cor populi ad operandum.
7 And it was just when he heard Sanballat and Tobiah and the Arabs and the Ammonites and the Ashdodites that it had gone up [the] repair of [the] walls of Jerusalem that they had begun the broken down [parts] to be closed and it burned to them exceedingly.
Factum est autem, cum audisset Sanaballat, et Tobias, et Arabes, et Ammanitæ, et Azotii, quod obducta esset cicatrix muri Jerusalem, et quod cœpissent interrupta concludi, irati sunt nimis.
8 And they conspired all of them together to come to wage war against Jerusalem and to make for it confusion.
Et congregati sunt omnes pariter ut venirent, et pugnarent contra Jerusalem, et molirentur insidias.
9 And we prayed to God our and we stationed a guard on them by day and night because of them.
Et oravimus Deum nostrum, et posuimus custodes super murum die ac nocte contra eos.
10 And it said Judah it has failed [the] strength of the burden-bearer[s] and the debris [is] much and we not we will be able to rebuild the wall.
Dixit autem Judas: Debilitata est fortitudo portantis, et humus nimia est, et nos non poterimus ædificare murum.
11 And they said opponents our not they will know and not they will see until that we will come into [the] midst of them and we will kill them and we will put an end to the work.
Et dixerunt hostes nostri: Nesciant, et ignorent donec veniamus in medium eorum, et interficiamus eos, et cessare faciamus opus.
12 And it was just when they came the Jews who were dwelling beside them and they said to us ten times from all the places which you will turn to us.
Factum est autem venientibus Judæis qui habitabant juxta eos, et dicentibus nobis per decem vices, ex omnibus locis quibus venerant ad nos,
13 And I stationed from [the] lower parts of the place from behind of the wall (in the open places *Q(K)*) and I stationed the people to clans with swords their spears their and bows their.
statui in loco post murum per circuitum populum in ordinem cum gladiis suis, et lanceis, et arcubus.
14 And I saw and I arose and I said to the nobles and to the officials and to [the] rest of the people may not you be afraid of them [the] Lord great and awesome remember and fight on brothers your sons your and daughters your wives your and houses your.
Et perspexi atque surrexi: et aio ad optimates et magistratus, et ad reliquam partem vulgi: Nolite timere a facie eorum: Domini magni et terribilis mementote, et pugnate pro fratribus vestris, filiis vestris, et filiabus vestris, et uxoribus vestris, et domibus vestris.
15 And it was just when they heard enemies our that it was known to us and he had frustrated God purpose their (and we returned *Q(k)*) all of us to the wall each one to work his.
Factum est autem, cum audissent inimici nostri nuntiatum esse nobis, dissipavit Deus consilium eorum. Et reversi sumus omnes ad muros, unusquisque ad opus suum.
16 And it was - from the day that half of young men my [were] doing the work and half of them [were] holding and the spears the shields and the bows and the body armor and the commanders [were] behind all [the] house of Judah.
Et factum est a die illa, media pars juvenum eorum faciebat opus, et media parata erat ad bellum: et lanceæ, et scuta, et arcus, et loricæ, et principes post eos in omni domo Juda.
17 Who were rebuilding the wall and the [ones who] were carrying in burden [were] carrying [it] with [the] one hand his doing the work and one [hand] [was] holding the weapon.
Ædificantium in muro, et portantium onera, et imponentium: una manu sua faciebat opus, et altera tenebat gladium:
18 And the builders each one sword his [were] girded on hips his and [were] building and the [one who] gave a blast on the ram's horn [was] beside me.
ædificentium enim unusquisque gladio erat accinctus renes. Et ædificabant, et clangebant buccina juxta me.
19 And I said to the nobles and to the officials and to [the] rest of the people the work [is] much and extensive and we [are] separate on the wall distant each from brother his.
Et dixi ad optimates, et ad magistratus, et ad reliquam partem vulgi: Opus grande est et latum, et nos separati sumus in muro procul alter ab altero:
20 In [the] place where you will hear [the] sound of the ram's horn there towards you will assemble to us God our he will fight for us.
in loco quocumque audieritis clangorem tubæ, illuc concurrite ad nos: Deus noster pugnabit pro nobis.
21 And we [were] doing the work and half of them [were] keeping hold on spears from when came up the dawn until came out the stars.
Et nos ipsi faciamus opus, et media pars nostrum teneat lanceas ab ascensu auroræ donec egrediantur astra.
22 Also at the time that I said to the people each one and servant his let them spend [the] night in [the] midst of Jerusalem and they will be for us the night a guard and the day work.
In tempore quoque illo dixi populo: Unusquisque cum puero suo maneat in medio Jerusalem, et sint nobis vices per noctem et diem ad operandum.
23 And not I and brothers my and servants my and [the] men of the guard who [were] behind me not we [were] stripping off clothes our each one weapon his the water.
Ego autem et fratres mei, et pueri mei, et custodes, qui erant post me, non deponebamus vestimenta nostra: unusquisque tantum nudabatur ad baptismum.

< Nehemiah 4 >