< Nehemiah 3 >

1 And he arose Eliashib the priest great and brothers his the priests and they rebuilt [the] gate of the sheep they they consecrated it and they set up doors its and to [the] tower of the hundred they consecrated it to [the] tower of Hananel. 2 And on hand his they built [the] men of Jericho. And on hand his he built Zaccur [the] son of Imri. 3 And [the] gate of the fish they rebuilt [the] sons of Senaah they they made beams for it and they set up doors its bolts its and bars its. 4 And on hand their he repaired Meremoth [the] son of Uriah [the] son of Hakkoz. And on hand their he repaired Meshullam [the] son of Berekiah [the] son of Meshezabel. And on hand their he repaired Zadok [the] son of Baana. 5 And on hand their they repaired the Tekoites and nobles their not they brought neck their in [the] work of master their. 6 And Gate the Jeshanah they repaired Joiada [the] son of Paseah and Meshullam [the] son of Besodeiah they they made beams for it and they set up doors its and bolts its and bars its. 7 And on hand their he repaired Melatiah the Gibeonite and Jadon the Meronothite [the] men of Gibeon and Mizpah to [the] seat of [the] governor of beyond the River. 8 On hand his he repaired Uzziel [the] son of Harhaiah goldsmiths. And on hand his he repaired Hananiah [the] son of the perfumers and they restored Jerusalem to the wall broad. 9 And on hand their he repaired Rephaiah [the] son of Hur [the] official of half of [the] district of Jerusalem. 10 And on hand their he repaired Jedaiah [the] son of Harumaph and before own house his. And on hand his he repaired Hattush [the] son of Hashabneiah. 11 A measured portion second he repaired Malkijah [the] son of Harim and Hasshub [the] son of Pahath-Moab and [the] tower of the ovens. 12 And on hand his he repaired Shallum [the] son of Hallohesh [the] official of half of [the] district of Jerusalem he and daughters his. 13 [the] gate of The valley he repaired Hanun and [the] inhabitants of Zanoah they they rebuilt it and they set up doors its bolts its and bars its and one thousand cubit[s] in the wall to [the] gate of the dung. 14 And - [the] gate of the dung he repaired Malkijah [the] son of Rechab [the] official of [the] district of Beth Hakkerem he he rebuilt it and he may set up doors its bolts its and bars its. 15 And [the] gate of the spring he repaired Shallun [the] son of Col-Hozeh [the] official of [the] district of Mizpah he he rebuilt it and he roofed over it (so he may set up *Q(K)*) doors its bolts its and bars its and [the] wall of [the] pool of Shelah of [the] garden of the king and to the steps which go down from [the] city of David. 16 After him he repaired Nehemiah [the] son of Azbuk [the] official of half of [the] district of Beth Zur to before [the] tombs of David and to the pool made and to [the] house of the mighty [men]. 17 After him they repaired the Levites Rehum [the] son of Bani on hand his he repaired Hashabiah [the] official of half of [the] district of Keilah for district his. 18 After him they repaired brothers their Bavvai [the] son of Henadad [the] official of half of [the] district of Keilah. 19 And he repaired on hand his Ezer [the] son of Jeshua [the] official of Mizpah a measured portion second from before [the] going up of the armory the buttress. 20 After him zealously he repaired Baruch [the] son of (Zaccai *Q(K)*) a measured portion second from the buttress to [the] entrance of [the] house of Eliashib the priest great. 21 After him he repaired Meremoth [the] son of Uriah [the] son of Hakkoz a measured portion second from [the] entrance of [the] house of Eliashib and to [the] end of [the] house of Eliashib. 22 And after him they repaired the priests [the] men of the surrounding region. 23 After him he repaired Benjamin and Hasshub before own house their. After him he repaired Azariah [the] son of Maaseiah [the] son of Ananiah beside own house his. 24 After him he repaired Binnui [the] son of Henadad a measured portion second from [the] house of Azariah to the buttress and to the corner. 25 Palal [the] son of Uzai from before the buttress and the tower which projects from [the] house of the king upper which [belongs] to [the] courtyard of the guard after him Pedaiah [the] son of Parosh. 26 And the temple servants [who] they were dwelling on Ophel to before [the] gate of the water to the east and the tower projecting. 27 After him they repaired the Tekoites a measured portion second from before the tower great projecting and to [the] wall of Ophel. 28 Above - [the] gate of the horses they repaired the priests each one to before own house his. 29 After him he repaired Zadok [the] son of Immer before own house his. And after him he repaired Shemaiah [the] son of Shecaniah [the] keeper of [the] gate of the east. 30 (After him *Q(K)*) he repaired Hananiah [the] son of Shelemiah and Hanun [the] son of Zalaph sixth a measured portion second. After him he repaired Meshullam [the] son of Berekiah before room his. 31 (After him *Q(K)*) he repaired Malkijah [the] son of the goldsmith[s] to [the] house of the temple servants and the traders before [the] gate of the muster and to [the] roof-chamber of the corner. 32 And between [the] roof-chamber of the corner and [the] gate of the sheep they repaired the goldsmiths and the traders.

< Nehemiah 3 >