< Nehemiah 13 >
1 On the day that it was read aloud in [the] scroll of Moses in [the] ears of the people and it was found written in it that not he will come an Ammonite and a Moabite in [the] assembly of God until perpetuity.
Paa den Tid blev der læst op af Moses's Bog for Folket, og man fandt skrevet deri, at ingen Ammonit eller Moabit nogen Sinde maatte faa Adgang til Guds Menighed,
2 For not they had met [the] people of Israel with food and with water and he had hired on it Balaam to curse it and he turned God our the curse into blessing.
fordi de ikke kom Israeliterne i Møde med Brød og Vand, og fordi han havde lejet Bileam til at forbande dem, men vor Gud vendte Forbandelsen til Velsignelse.
3 And it was when heard they the law and they separated every person of mixed ancestry from Israel.
Da de nu hørte Loven, udskilte de alle fremmede af Israel.
4 And before from this Eliashib the priest [was] appointed over [the] store-room of [the] house of God our [one] near to Tobiah.
Nogen Tid i Forvejen havde Præsten Eljasjib, hvem Opsynet med Kamrene i vor Guds Hus var overdraget, og som var i Slægt med Tobija,
5 And he made for him a room large and there people were before putting the grain offering the frankincense and the utensils and [the] tithe of the grain the new wine and the fresh oil [the] commandment of the Levites and the singers and the gatekeepers and [the] contribution of the priests.
ladet indrette et stort Kammer til Tobija der, hvor man før henlagde Afgrødeofferet, Røgelsen, Karrene, Tienden af Kornet, Mosten og Olien, de i Loven foreskrevne Afgifter til Leviterne, Sangerne og Dørvogterne saavel som Offerydelsen til Præsterne.
6 And in all this not I was in Jerusalem for in year thirty and two of Artaxerxes [the] king of Babylon I had gone to the king and to [the] end of days I requested leave of absence from the king.
Da alt dette fandt Sted, var jeg ikke i Jerusalem, thi i Kong Artaxerxes af Babels to og tredivte Regeringsaar var jeg rejst til Kongen. Men nogen Tid efter bad jeg Kongen om Tilladelse til at rejse,
7 And I came to Jerusalem and I perceived! the evil thing which he had done Eliashib for Tobiah by making for him a room in [the] courtyards of [the] house of God.
og da jeg kom til Jerusalem og opdagede det onde, Eljasjib havde øvet for Tobijas Skyld ved at indrette ham et Kammer i Guds Hus's Forgaarde,
8 And it was displeasing to me exceedingly and I threw! all [the] articles of [the] household of Tobiah the outside from the room.
harmede det mig højligen; og jeg kastede alt Tobijas Bohave ud af Kammeret
9 And I said! and people purified the store-rooms and I brought back! there [the] utensils of [the] house of God the grain offering and the frankincense.
og bød, at man skulde rense Kammeret, hvorefter jeg atter bragte Guds Hus's Kar, Afgrødeofferet og Røgelsen derind.
10 And I perceived! that [the] portions of the Levites not it had been given and they had fled each one to own field his the Levites and the singers [who] did the work.
Da fik jeg at vide, at Afgifterne til Leviterne ikke svaredes dem, og derfor var de Leviter og Sangere, der skulde gøre Tjeneste, flyttet ud hver til sin Landejendom;
11 And I contended! with the officials and I said! why? has it been neglected [the] house of God and I assembled them and I made stand them at place their.
saa gik jeg i Rette med Forstanderne og spurgte dem: »Hvorfor er Guds Hus blevet vanrøgtet?« Og jeg fik atter Leviterne samlet og satte dem paa deres Pladser.
12 And all Judah they brought [the] tithe of the grain and the new wine and the fresh oil to the storerooms.
Saa bragte hele Juda Tienden af Kornet, Mosten og Olien til Forraadskamrene;
13 And I appointed as treasurers! over [the] storerooms Shelemiah the priest and Zadok the scribe and Pedaiah one of the Levites and [was] on hand their Hanan [the] son of Zaccur [the] son of Mattaniah for reliable they were thought and [was] on them to distribute to brothers their.
og jeg overdrog Tilsynet med Forraadskamrene til Præsten Sjelemja, Skriveren Zadok og Pedaja af Leviterne og gav dem til Medhjælper Hanan, en Søn af Zakkur, en Søn af Mattanja, da de regnedes for paalidelige; og dem paalaa det saa at uddele Tienden til deres Brødre.
14 Remember! to me O God my on this and may not you wipe out loyalti my which I have done in [the] house of God my and in services its.
Kom mig det i Hu, min Gud, og udslet ikke de Kærlighedsgerninger, jeg har gjort mod min Guds Hus til Gavn for Tjenesten der!
15 In the days those I saw in Judah - [some who] trod winepresses - on the sabbath and [some who] brought heaps of grain and [some who] loaded [them] on donkeys and also wine grapes and figs and every load and [some who] brought [them] Jerusalem on [the] day of the sabbath and I protested on [the] day sold they food.
I de Dage saa jeg i Juda nogle træde Persekarrene paa Sabbaten, og andre saa jeg bringe Korn i Hus eller læsse det paa deres Æsler, ligeledes Vin, Druer, Figener og alle Slags Varer, og bringe det til Jerusalem paa Sabbaten. Dem formanede jeg da, naar de solgte Levnedsmidler.
16 And the Tyrians [who] they dwelt in it [were] bringing fish and every merchandise and [were] selling [it] on the sabbath to [the] people of Judah and in Jerusalem.
Ogsaa havde Folk fra Tyrus bosat sig der, og de kom med Fisk og alskens Varer og solgte dem paa Sabbaten til Jøderne i Jerusalem.
17 And I contended! with [the] nobles of Judah and I said! to them what? [is] the thing evil this which you [are] doing and [are] profaning [the] day of the sabbath.
Jeg gik derfor i Rette med de store i Juda og sagde til dem: Hvor kan I handle saa ilde og vanhellige Sabbatsdagen?
18 ¿ Not thus did they do ancestors your and he brought God our on us all the trouble this and on the city this and you [are] increasing anger toward Israel by profaning the sabbath.
Har ikke vor Gud bragt al denne Ulykke over os og over denne By, fordi eders Fædre handlede saaledes? Og I bringer endnu mere Vrede over Israel ved at vanhellige Sabbaten!
19 And it was just when they became dark [the] gates of Jerusalem before the sabbath and I said! and they were closed the doors and I said! that not people will open them until after the sabbath and some of servants my I stationed at the gates not it will come a load on [the] day of the sabbath.
Og saa snart Mørket faldt paa i Jerusalems Porte ved Sabbatens Frembrud, bød jeg, at Portene skulde lukkes, og at de ikke maatte aabnes, før Sabbaten var omme; og jeg satte nogle af mine Folk ved Portene for at vogte paa, at der ikke førtes Varer ind paa Sabbaten.
20 And they passed [the] night the traders and [the] sellers of every merchandise from [the] outside of Jerusalem a time and two [times].
Da nu de handlende og de, der solgte alle Slags Varer, et Par Gange var blevet uden for Jerusalem Natten over,
21 And I warned! them and I said! to them why? [are] you passing [the] night before the wall if you will do [it] again a hand I will stretch out on you from the time that not they came on the sabbath.
advarede jeg dem og sagde: »Hvorfor bliver I Natten over uden for Muren? Hvis I gør det en anden Gang, lægger jeg Haand paa eder!« Og siden kom de ikke mere paa Sabbaten.
22 And I said! to the Levites that they will be purifying themselves and coming guarding the gates to keep holy [the] day of the sabbath also this remember! to me O God my and have mercy! on me according to [the] greatness of covenant loyalty your.
Fremdeles bød jeg Leviterne, at de skulde rense sig og komme og holde Vagt ved Portene, for at Sabbatsdagen kunde holdes hellig. Kom mig ogsaa det i Hu, min Gud, og forbarm dig over mig efter din store Miskundhed!
23 Also - in the days those I saw the Jews [who] they had married women (Ashdodite Ammonite *Q(k)*) Moabite.
Paa samme Tid lagde jeg ogsaa Mærke til, at hos de Jøder, der havde ægtet asdoditiske, ammonitiske eller moabitiske Kvinder,
24 And children their half [were] speaking Ashdodite and not they [were] knowing to speak [in] Judean and according to [the] language of people and people.
talte Halvdelen af Børnene Asdoditisk eller et af de andre Folks Sprog, men kunde ikke tale Jødisk.
25 And I contended with them and I cursed them and I struck some of them men and I pulled out beard their and I made take an oath them by God if you will give daughters your to sons their and if you will take any of daughters their for sons your and for yourselves.
Da gik jeg i Rette med dem og forbandede dem, ja, jeg slog nogle af dem og rykkede dem i Haaret og besvor dem ved Gud: Giv dog ikke deres Sønner eders Døtre til Ægte og tag ikke deres Døtre til Hustruer for eders Sønner eller eder selv!
26 ¿ Not on these did he sin Solomon [the] king of Israel and among the nations many not he was a king like him and loved by God his he was and he made him God king over all Israel also him they caused to sin the wives foreign.
Syndede ikke Kong Salomo af Israel for slige Kvinders Skyld? Mage til Konge fandtes dog ikke blandt de mange Folk, og han var saa elsket af sin Gud, at Gud gjorde ham til Konge over hele Israel; og dog fik de fremmede Kvinder endog ham til at synde!
27 And to you ¿ is it heard to do all the evil great this to act unfaithfully against God our by marrying wives foreign.
Skal vi da virkelig høre om eder, at I begaar al denne svare Misgerning og forbryder eder mod vor Gud ved at ægte fremmede Kvinder?
28 And one of [the] sons of Joiada [the] son of Eliashib the priest great [was] a son-in-law of Sanballat the Horonite and I drove away him from with me.
En af Ypperstepræsten Eljasjibs Søn Jojadas Sønner, der var Horoniten Sanballats Svigersøn, jog jeg bort fra min Nærhed.
29 Remember! to them O God my on [the] defilement of the priesthood and [the] covenant of the priesthood and the Levites.
Tilregn dem, min Gud, at de besmittede Præstedømmet og Præsternes og Leviternes Pagt!
30 And I purified them from all foreignness and I assigned! duties to the priests and to the Levites each one in own work his.
Saaledes rensede jeg dem for alt fremmed, og jeg ordnede Tjenesten for Præsterne og Leviterne efter det Arbejde, hver især havde.
31 And for [the] offering of the wood at times appointed and for the first-fruits remember! to me O God my for good.
og Ydelsen af Brænde til fastsatte Tider og af Førstegrøderne. Kom mig i Hu, min Gud, og regn mig det til gode!