< Micah 7 >

1 Woe! to me for I have become like gathering of summer fruit like gleanings of [the] grape harvest there not [is] a cluster of grapes to eat early fig[s] it craves appetite my. 2 He has perished [the] faithful from the land and [is] an upright [person] among humankind there not all of them for blood they lie in wait each brother his they hunt a net. 3 [are] on Evil both hands to do [it] well the official [is] asking and the judge (for bribe *L(abh)*) and the great [person] [is] speaking [the] craving of self his he and they weave it. 4 Good person their [is] like a thorn-bush an upright [person] more than a thorn hedge [the] day of watchmen your punishment your it has come now it will be confusion their. 5 May not you believe in a neighbor may not you trust in a close friend from [she who] lies of bosom your guard [the] openings of mouth your. 6 For a son [is] treating with contempt a father a daughter [is] arising on mother her a daughter-in-law on mother-in-law her [are the] enemies of a person [the] people of own household his. 7 And I for Yahweh I will watch I will wait for [the] God of salvation my he will hear me God my. 8 May not you rejoice O enemy my to me for I have fallen I will arise for I sit in darkness Yahweh [will be] light of me. 9 [the] indignation of Yahweh I will bear for I have sinned to him until that he will conduct case my and he will do justice my he will bring out me to the light I will look on righteousness his. 10 And she will see enemy my and it will cover her shame [she] who says to me where [is]? he Yahweh God your eyes my they will look on her now she will become a trampling place like [the] mud of [the] streets. 11 A day to build walls your a day that it will be far a boundary. 12 A day that and to you someone will come from Assyria and [the] cities of Egypt and from Egypt and to [the] River and sea from sea and mountain the mountain. 13 And it will become the earth a desolation on inhabitants its from [the] fruit of deeds their. 14 Shepherd people your with rod your [the] flock of inheritance your [who] dwell alone a forest in [the] midst of a garden-land let them graze Bashan and Gilead like [the] days of antiquity. 15 Like [the] days coming out you from [the] land of Egypt I will show him wonders. 16 They will see nations so they may be ashamed from all strength their they will put a hand on a mouth ears their they will be deaf. 17 They will lick up dust like snake like [things which] crawl of [the] earth they will quake from strongholds their to Yahweh God our they will be in dread and they may be afraid from you. 18 Who? [is] a God like you [who] forgives iniquity and [who] passes over transgression to [the] remnant of inheritance his not he keeps hold of for ever anger his for [is one] desirous of covenant loyalty he. 19 He will return he will have compassion on us he will subdue iniquities our so you may cast in [the] depths of [the] sea all sins their. 20 You will give faithfulness to Jacob covenant loyalty to Abraham which you swore to fathers our from days of antiquity.

< Micah 7 >