< Micah 4 >

1 And it will be - at [the] end of the days it will be [the] mountain of [the] house of Yahweh established at [the] head of the mountains and it will be lifted up it more than [the] hills and they will stream to it peoples.
Og det skal ske i de sidste Dage, at HERRENS Huses Bjerg, grundfæstet paa Bjergenes Top, skal løfte sig op over Højene. Did skal Folkeslag strømme
2 And they will come nations many and they will say come - so we may go up to [the] mountain of Yahweh and to [the] house of [the] God of Jacob so he may teach us from ways his so we may walk in paths his for from Zion it will go out instruction and [the] word of Yahweh from Jerusalem.
og talrige Folk komme vandrende: »Kom, lad os drage til HERRENS Bjerg, til Jakobs Guds Hus; os skal han lære sine Veje, saa vi kan gaa paa hans Stier; thi fra Zion udgaar Aabenbaring, fra Jerusalem HERRENS Ord.«
3 And he will judge between peoples many and he will decide for nations mighty to far away and they will beat swords their into plowshares and spears their into pruning knives not they will lift up nation against nation a sword and not they will learn! again warfare.
Da dømmer han mange Folkeslag imellem, skifter Ret mellem talrige, fjerne Folk; deres Sværd skal de smede til Plovjern, deres Spyd til Vingaardsknive; Folk skal ej løfte Sværd mod Folk, ej øve sig i Vaabenfærd mer.
4 And they will dwell everyone under own vine his and under own fig tree his and there not [will be one who] terrifies for [the] mouth of Yahweh of hosts it has spoken.
Da sidder hver under sin Vinstok og sit Figentræ, og ingen skræmmer dem, saa sandt Hærskarers HERRES Mund har talet.
5 For all the peoples they walk everyone in [the] name of own god his and we we will walk in [the] name of Yahweh God our for ever and ever.
Thi alle Folkeslag vandrer hvert i sin Guds Navn, men vi vil vandre i HERREN vor Guds Navn for evigt og altid.
6 In the day that [the] utterance of Yahweh I will gather the [one who is] lame and the [one who is] outcast I will assemble and [those] whom I have done harm to.
Paa hin Dag, lyder det fra HERREN, samler jeg det, der halter, sanker det spredte sammen og det, jeg har hjemsøgt med ondt.
7 And I will make the [one who was] lame into a remnant and the [one who was] straying into a nation mighty and he will reign Yahweh over them in [the] mountain of Zion from now and until perpetuity.
Det haltende gør jeg til en Rest, det svage til et kraftigt Folk; og HERREN er Konge over dem paa Zions Bjerg fra nu og til evig Tid.
8 And you O Migdal Eder O hill of [the] daughter of Zion to you it will come and it will come the dominion former a kingdom to [the] daughter of Jerusalem.
Men du, o Hyrdetaarn, Zions Datters Høj, til dig skal det komme, det forrige Herredømme tilfalde dig, Jerusalems Datters Rige.
9 Now why? do you shout shouting ¿ a king [is] there not in you or? counselor your has he perished that it has taken hold of you anguish like [woman] giving birth.
Hvi skriger du dog saa højt? Er Kongen ikke i dig? Er da din Raadgiver borte, nu du grebes af Fødselsveer?
10 Writhe in pain and burst forth O daughter of Zion like [woman] giving birth for now you will go out from [the] town and you will dwell in the open country and you will go to Babylon there you will be delivered there he will redeem you Yahweh from [the] hand of enemies your.
Vrid dig og vaand dig som i Barnsnød, Zions Datter! Thi nu skal du ud af Byen og bo paa Marken, og du skal komme til Babel; der skal du frelses, der vil HERREN genløse dig af dine Fjenders Haand.
11 And now they have gathered on you nations many that are saying let her be polluted and let it look on Zion eyes our.
Nu er de samlet imod dig, de mange Folk, som siger: »Vanæres skal det; vort Øje skal se med Skadefryd paa Zion.«
12 And they not they know [the] thoughts of Yahweh and not they understand counsel his that he has gathered them like cut grain [the] threshing floor towards.
Men de, de kender ikke det mindste til HERRENS Tanker, de fatter ikke hans Raad, at han samled dem som Neg paa Lo.
13 Arise and thresh O daughter of Zion for horn your I will make iron and hooves your I will make bronze and you will crush peoples many and I will dedicate to destruction to Yahweh unjust gain their and wealth their to [the] lord of all the earth.
Op og tærsk, du Zions Datter! Thi jeg giver dig Horn af Jern, jeg giver dig Klove af Kobber. Du skal knuse de mange Folk, lægge Band paa Byttet for HERREN, paa Godset for al Jordens Herre.

< Micah 4 >