< Matthew 7 >
1 Not do judge that not you may be judged;
2 With whatever for verdict you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, (it will be measured *N(k)O*) to you.
3 Why now do you look at the splinter that [is] in the eye of the brother of you, and in your [own] eye a beam not notice?
4 Or how will you say to the brother of you; do permit that I may cast out the splinter (from *N(k)O*) the eye of you; and behold the beam [is] in the eye of you?
5 Hypocrite! do cast out first from the eye of you the beam, and then you will see clearly to cast out the splinter from the eye of the brother of you.
6 Not shall give that which [is] holy to the dogs nor shall cast the pearls of you before the pigs otherwise otherwise (they will trample upon *N(k)O*) them with the feet of them, and having turned they may tear to pieces you.
7 do ask and it will be given to you; do seek and you will find; do knock and it will be opened to you.
8 Everyone for who is asking receives, and the [one] seeking finds, and to the [one] knocking (it will be opened. *NK(o)*)
9 Or which is of you a man whom (if *K*) (he will ask for *N(K)O*) the son of him bread, surely not a stone will he give to him?
汝 等のうち、誰かその子パンを求めんに石を與へ、
10 Or also (if *K*) a fish (he will ask for, *N(K)O*) surely not a serpent will he give to him?
11 If therefore you yourselves evil being you know gifts good to give to the children of you, how much more the Father of you who [is] in the heavens will give good things to those asking Him?
12 All things therefore as much as (maybe *N(k)O*) you shall desire that they shall enact for you the men, so also you yourselves do enact for them; This for is the law and the prophets.
13 do enter through the narrow gate, For wide [is] the gate and broad the way which is leading to destruction, and many are those entering through it.
14 (Which *N(K)O*) small [is] the gate and compressed the way which is leading to life, and few are those finding it.
生命にいたる門は狹く、その路は細く、之を見 出す者すくなし。
15 do beware (now *ko*) of the false prophets who come to you in clothing of sheep, inwardly however they are wolves ravenous.
僞 預言者に心せよ、羊の扮裝して來れども、内は奪ひ掠むる豺狼なり。
16 By the fruits of them you will know them. surely not ever do they gather from thorns (grapes, *N(k)O*) or from thistles figs?
17 thus every tree good fruits good produces, but the bad tree fruits bad produces.
18 Not is able a tree good fruits bad (to produce *NK(o)*) nor [is able] a tree bad fruits good to produce.
19 Every tree not producing fruit good is cut down and into fire is thrown.
20 Then surely by the fruits of them you will know them.
21 Not everyone who is saying to Me; Lord Lord, will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the [one] doing the will of the Father of Mine who [is] in (the *no*) heavens.
22 Many will say to Me in that [very] day; Lord Lord, surely in Your name we did prophesy and in Your name demons cast out and in your name miracles many perform?
23 And then I will declare to them that Never knew I you; do depart from Me you who [are] working lawlessness.
24 Everyone therefore whoever hears My words these and does them, (he will be like *N(K)O*) a man wise who built his house upon the rock.
25 And came down the rain and came the torrents and blew the winds, and (beat *N(k)O*) that house upon, and not it fell; it had been founded for upon the rock.
26 And everyone who is hearing My words these and not doing them he will be likened to a man foolish who built of him the house upon the sand.
27 And came down the rain and came the torrents and blew the winds, and beat that house upon, and it fell; and was the fall of it great.
28 And it came to pass when (finished *N(k)O*) Jesus words these, were astonished the crowds at the teaching of Him;
29 He was for teaching them as authority having and not as the scribes (of them. *NO*)