< Matthew 24 >
1 And having gone forth Jesus from the temple He was going and came to [Him] the disciples of Him to point out to Him the buildings of the temple.
And Iesus went out and departed fro the teple: and his disciples came to hym for to shewe him the byldinge of the teple.
2 And (answering *NO*) (Jesus *k*) He said to them; Not do you see these things all Amen I say to you; certainly not even may be left here stone upon stone which not (indeed *k*) will be thrown down.
Iesus sayde vnto the: se ye not all these thinges? Verely I saye vnto you: ther shall not be here lefte one stone vpon another that shall not be cast doune.
3 When was sitting now He upon the Mount of Olives came to to Him the disciples in private saying; do tell us when these things will be And what [is] the sign of Your coming and (of the *k*) consummation of the age? (aiōn )
And as he sat vpon the mout Olivete his disciples came vnto hym secretely sayinge. Tell vs when these thinges shalbe? And what signe shalbe of thy comynge and of the ende of the worlde? (aiōn )
4 And answering Jesus said to them; do take heed lest anyone you may mislead.
And Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: take hede that no ma deceave you.
5 Many for will come in the name of Me saying; I myself am the Christ, and many they will mislead.
For many shall come in my name sayinge: I am Christ and shall deceave many.
6 You will begin then to hear of wars and rumors of wars; do behold, not do be alarmed; it is necessary for (all things *k*) to take place but not yet is the end.
Ye shall heare of warres and of the fame of warres: but se yt ye be not troubled. For all these thinges must come to passe but the ende is not yet.
7 Will rise up for nation against nation and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines (and pestilences *K*) and earthquakes in [various] places.
For nacio shall ryse ageynste nacio and realme ageynste realme: and ther shalbe pestilence honger and erthquakes in all quarters.
8 All then these [are] [the] beginning of birth pains.
All these are the beginninge of sorowes.
9 Then will they deliver you to tribulation and will kill you; and you will be hated by all the nations on account of the name of Me.
Then shall they put you to trouble and shall kyll you: and ye shalbe hated of all nacions for my names sake.
10 And then will fall away many and one another they will betray and they will hate one another;
And then shall many be offended and shall betraye one another and shall hate one the other.
11 and many false prophets will arise and they will mislead many;
And many falce Prophetes shall aryse and shall deceave many.
12 And because is to be multiplied lawlessness will grow cold the love of the many.
And because iniquite shall have the vpper hande the love of many shall abate.
13 The [one] however having endured to [the] end, he will be saved.
But he that endureth to the ende the same shalbe safe.
14 And there will be proclaimed this the gospel of the kingdom in all the earth for a testimony to all the nations; and then will come the end.
And this gladtidingees of the kyngdome shalbe preached in all the worlde for a witnes vnto all nacions: and then shall the ende come.
15 When therefore you may see the abomination of desolation’ which having been spoken of through Daniel the prophet (already standing *NK(o)*) in [the] place holy — the [one] reading he should understand —
When ye therfore shall se ye abhominacio that betokeneth desolacion spoken of by Daniell the Prophet stonde in ye holy place: let him that redeth it vnderstonde it.
16 then those in Judea they should flee (to *N(k)O*) the mountains,
Then let them which be in Iury flye into the moutaynes.
17 the [one] on the housetop not (he should come down *N(k)O*) to take (the [things] *N(k)O*) out of the house of him,
And let him which is on ye housse toppe not come downe to fet eny thinge out of his housse.
18 and the [one] in the field not he should return back to take (the cloak *N(k)O*) of him.
Nether let him which is in ye felde returne backe to fetche his clothes.
19 Woe then to those in womb [pregnancy] having and to those nursing infants in those the days.
Wo be in those dayes to the that are wt chylde and to the yt geve sucke.
20 do pray however that not it may happen the flight of you in winter nor (in *k*) on a Sabbath.
But praye yt youre flight be not in ye winter nether on ye saboth daye.
21 There will be for then tribulation great such as not has been from [the] beginning of [the] world until now no certainly not it may happen.
For then shalbe greate tribulacio suche as was not fro the beginninge of the worlde to this tyme ner shalbe.
22 And only unless was shortened the days those, not then would there have been saved any flesh; because of however the elect will be shortened the days those.
Ye and except those dayes shuld be shortened there shuld no fleshe be saved: but for ye chosens sake those dayes shalbe shortened.
23 Then if anyone to you may say; Behold here [is] the Christ or Here, not shall believe [it].
Then yf eny ma shall saye vnto you: lo here is Christ or there is Christ: beleve it not.
24 There will arise for false Christs and false prophets and they will give signs great and wonders so as (to mislead *NK(o)*) if possible even the elect.
For there shall arise false christes and false prophete and shall do great myracles and wondres. In so moche yt if it were possible ye verie electe shuld be deceaved.
25 Behold I have foretold [it] to you.
Take hede I have tolde you before.
26 If therefore they shall say to you; Behold in the wilderness He is, not shall go forth; [or] ‘Behold in the inner rooms, not shall believe [it].
Wherfore if they shall saye vnto you: beholde he is in ye desert go not forth: beholde he is in ye secret places beleve not.
27 Just as for the lightning comes forth from [the] east and shines until [the] west, so will be (also *k*) the coming of the Son of Man.
For as ye lightninge cometh out of ye eest and shyneth vnto the weest: so shall the comynge of the sonne of ma be.
28 wherever (for *k*) if shall be the carcass, there will be gathered the vultures.
For wheresoever a deed karkas is eve thyther will the egles resorte.
29 Immediately then after the tribulation of the days of those The sun will be darkened, and the moon not will give the light of it, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.’
Immediatly after the tribulacios of those dayes shall the sunne be derkened: and ye mone shall not geve hir light and the starre shall fall from heve and the powers of heve shall move.
30 And then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in (*ko*) heaven; and then will mourn all the tribes of the earth and they will behold the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and glory great.
And then shall appere the sygne of the sonne of man in heven. And then shall all the kynreddes of the erth morne and they shall se the sonne of man come in the cloudes of heven with power and greate glorie.
31 And He will send the angels of Him with a trumpet call (voice *ko*) great, and they will gather together the elect of Him from the four winds, from [the] ends of the heavens until (the *no*) ends of them.
And he shall sende his angeles with the greate voyce of a trope and they shall gader to gether his chosen from the fower wyndes and from the one ende of the worlde to the other.
32 From now the fig tree do learn the parable: When already the branch of it may become tender and the leaves may it put forth, you know that near [is] the summer.
Learne, a similitude of the fygge tree: when his braunches are yet tender and his leves sproge ye knowe that sommer is nye.
33 Thus also you yourselves when you may see all these things know that near He is at [the] doors.
So lyke wyse ye when ye see all these thynges be ye sure that it is neare even at the dores.
34 Amen I say to you (that *no*) certainly not may have passed away generation this until when all these things may happen.
Verely I saye vnto you that this generacion shall not passe tyll all these be fulfilled.
35 The heaven and the earth (will pass away, *N(k)O*) but the words of Mine certainly not may pass away.
Heven and erth shall perisshe: but my wordes shall abyde.
36 Concerning however day that [very] and (*k*) hour no [one] knows not even the angels of the heavens (nor the Son, *NO*) only except the Father (of mine *k*) alone.
But of that daye and houre knowith no man no not ye angels of heve but my father only.
37 As [were] (for *N(k)O*) the days of Noah, so will be (also *k*) the coming of the Son of Man.
As the tyme of Noe was so lyke wyse shall the cominge of ye sonne of man be.
38 (As *N(k)O*) for they were in the days (those *no*) before the flood, eating and drinking, marrying and (giving in marriage, *N(k)O*) until that day entered Noah into the ark,
For as in ye dayes before ye floud: they dyd eate and drynke mary and were maried eve vnto ye daye that Noe entred into the shyppe
39 And not they knew until came the flood and took away all, thus will be also the coming of the Son of Man.
and knewe of nothynge tyll the floude came and toke them all awaye. So shall also the commynge of the sonne of man be.
40 Then two will be in the field; (*k*) one is taken and (*k*) one is left.
Then two shalbe in the feldes the one shalbe receaved and the other shalbe refused
41 Two [women] grinding at the (mill; *N(k)O*) one is taken and one is left.
two shalbe gryndinge at ye myll: ye oue shalbe receaved and ye other shalbe refused.
42 do keep watch therefore, for not you know on what (day *N(K)O*) the Lord of you comes.
Wake therfore because ye knowe not what houre youre master wyll come.
43 This then do know, that if [would] had known the master of the house in what time of night the thief comes, he had watched then would and not then would allowed (to be broken into *N(k)O*) the house of him.
Of this be sure that yf the good man of the housse knewe what houre the thefe wolde come: he wolde suerly watche and not suffre his housse to be broke vppe.
44 Because of this also you yourselves do be ready; for in that not you expect hour, the Son of Man comes.
Therfore be ye also redy for in ye houre ye thinke he wolde not: wyll the sonne of ma come.
45 Who then is the faithful servant and wise whom has set the master (of him *k*) over the (household *N(K)O*) of him (to give *N(k)O*) to them the food in season?
If there be any faithfull servaut and wyse whome his master hath made ruler over his housholde to geve the meate in season covenient:
46 Blessed [is] the servant that whom having come the master of him will find thus doing.
happy is that servaunt whom his master (when he cometh) shall finde so doinge.
47 Amen I say to you that over all the possessions of him he will set him.
Verely I saye vnto you he shall make him ruler over all his goodes.
48 If however shall say the evil servant that one in the heart of him; Delays My master (to come *k*)
But and yf that evill servaut shall saye in his herte my master wyll defer his comynge
49 and may begin to beat the fellow servants of him, (he may eat *N(k)O*) then and (he may drink *N(k)O*) with those being drunkards,
and beginne to smyte his felowes ye and to eate and to drinke with the dronke:
50 will come the master of the servant of that one in a day in which not he does expect and in an hour which not he is aware,
that servauntes master wyll come in adaye when he loketh not for him and in an houre yt he is not ware of
51 and will cut in pieces him and the place of him with the hypocrites will appoint; there will be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.
and wyll devyde him and geve him his rewarde with ypocrites. There shalbe wepinge and gnasshinge of tethe.