< Matthew 17 >

1 And after days six takes with [Him] Jesus Peter and James and John the brother of him and brings up them into a mountain high on [their] own.
Siku sita baada ya jambo hili, Yesu akawachukua Petro, Yakobo na Yohana ndugu yake Yakobo, akawapeleka juu ya mlima mrefu peke yao.
2 And He was transfigured before them, and shone the face of Him like the sun, and the clothes of Him (he became *NK(o)*) white as the light.
Wakiwa huko, Yesu alibadilika sura mbele yao. Uso wake ukangʼaa kama jua na nguo zake zikawa na weupe wa kuumiza macho.
3 And behold (it appeared *N(k)O*) to them Moses and Elijah talking with Him.
Ghafula wakawatokea mbele yao Mose na Eliya, wakizungumza na Yesu.
4 Answering now Peter said to Jesus; Lord, good it is for us here to be. If You wish, (I will make *N(K)O*) here three tabernacles, for You one and for Moses one and for Elijah one.
Ndipo Petro akamwambia Yesu, “Bwana, ni vyema sisi tukae hapa. Ukitaka, nitafanya vibanda vitatu: kimoja chako, kingine cha Mose na kingine cha Eliya.”
5 While yet when he is speaking behold a cloud bright overshadowed them, and behold a voice out of the cloud saying; This is the Son of Mine the beloved in whom I am well pleased; do listen to Him.
Petro alipokuwa angali ananena, ghafula wingu lililongʼaa likawafunika, na sauti ikatoka kwenye hilo wingu ikisema, “Huyu ni Mwanangu mpendwa. Ninapendezwa naye sana. Msikieni yeye.”
6 And having heard [it] the disciples fell upon face of them and were terrified greatly.
Wanafunzi waliposikia haya, wakaanguka chini kifudifudi, wakajawa na hofu.
7 And (he came *N(k)O*) Jesus, and (having touched *N(k)O*) them He said; do rise up and not do be afraid.
Lakini Yesu akaja na kuwagusa, akawaambia, “Inukeni na wala msiogope.”
8 Having lifted up and the eyes of them no [one] they saw only except (Himself *N(k)O*) Jesus alone.
Walipoinua macho yao, hawakumwona mtu mwingine yeyote isipokuwa Yesu.
9 And when are descending they (from *N(k)O*) the mountain instructed them Jesus saying; To no one shall tell the vision until that the Son of Man out from [the] dead (may be risen. *N(k)O*)
Walipokuwa wakishuka kutoka mlimani, Yesu akawaagiza, “Msimwambie mtu yeyote mambo mliyoyaona hapa, mpaka Mwana wa Adamu atakapofufuliwa kutoka kwa wafu.”
10 And asked Him the disciples (of him *ko*) saying; Why then the scribes say that Elijah it behooves to come first?
Wale wanafunzi wakamuuliza, “Kwa nini basi walimu wa sheria husema kwamba ni lazima Eliya aje kwanza?”
11 And (Jesus *k*) answering He said (to them: *k*) Elijah indeed comes (first *K*) and will restore all things;
Yesu akawajibu, “Ni kweli, Eliya lazima aje kwanza, naye atatengeneza mambo yote.
12 I say however to you that Elijah already is come, and not they knew him but did to him as much as they desired; Thus also the Son of Man is about to suffer from them.
Lakini nawaambia, Eliya amekwisha kuja, nao hawakumtambua, bali walimtendea kila kitu walichotaka. Vivyo hivyo Mwana wa Adamu pia atateswa mikononi mwao.”
13 Then understood the disciples that concerning John the Baptist He spoke to them.
Ndipo wale wanafunzi wakaelewa kuwa alikuwa anazungumza nao habari za Yohana Mbatizaji.
14 And when were coming (they *k*) to the crowd came to Him a man kneeling down ([to] Him *N(k)O*) and saying;
Walipofika penye umati wa watu, mtu mmoja akamjia Yesu na kupiga magoti mbele yake, akasema,
15 Lord, do have mercy on my son, for he is epileptic and miserably (suffers; *NK(O)*) often for he falls into the fire and often into the water.
“Bwana, mhurumie mwanangu. Yeye ana kifafa na anateseka sana. Mara kwa mara huanguka kwenye moto au kwenye maji.
16 And I brought him to the disciples of You, and not they were able him to heal.
Nilimleta kwa wanafunzi wako, lakini hawakuweza kumponya.”
17 Answering now Jesus said; O generation unbelieving and perverted, until when with you will I be? Until when will I bear with you? do bring to Me him here.
Yesu akajibu, “Enyi kizazi kisichoamini na kilichopotoka! Nitakaa nanyi mpaka lini? Nitawavumilia mpaka lini? Mleteni mvulana hapa kwangu.”
18 And rebuked him Jesus, and went out from him the demon, and was healed the boy from the hour that.
Yesu akamkemea yule pepo mchafu, akamtoka yule kijana, naye akapona saa ile ile.
19 Then having come the disciples to Jesus in private they said; Because of why we ourselves not were able to cast out it?
Kisha wanafunzi wakamwendea Yesu wakiwa peke yao, wakamuuliza, “Kwa nini sisi hatukuweza kumtoa?”
20 And (Jesus *k*) (spoke *N(k)O*) to them; Because of the (little faith *N(K)O*) of you. Amen for I say to you; If you shall have faith as a seed of mustard, you will say to the mountain to this; do move (from here *N(k)O*) to there, and it will move; And no [thing] will be impossible for you.
Akawajibu, “Kwa sababu ya imani yenu ndogo. Ninawaambia kweli, mkiwa na imani ndogo kama punje ya haradali, mtauambia mlima huu, ‘Ondoka hapa uende pale,’ nao utaondoka. Wala hakutakuwa na jambo lisilowezekana kwenu. [
21 (this now kind not goes out only except with prayer and with fastings. *KO*)
Lakini hali kama hii haitoki ila kwa kuomba na kufunga.]”
22 (When are abiding *N(K)O*) now they in Galilee said to them Jesus; Is about the Son of Man to be betrayed into [the] hands of men,
Siku moja walipokuwa pamoja huko Galilaya, Yesu akawaambia, “Mwana wa Adamu atasalitiwa na kutiwa mikononi mwa watu.
23 and they will kill Him, and on the third day He will be raised up. And they were grieved deeply.
Nao watamuua, lakini siku ya tatu atafufuliwa.” Wanafunzi wakahuzunika sana.
24 When are coming now they to Capernaum came those the didrachmas collecting to Peter and said; The Teacher of you surely he pays the didrachmas?
Baada ya Yesu na wanafunzi wake kufika Kapernaumu, wakusanya kodi ya Hekalu wakamjia Petro na kumuuliza, “Je, Mwalimu wenu halipi kodi ya Hekalu?”
25 He says; Yes. And (when *k*) (he having entered *N(k)O*) into the house anticipated him Jesus saying; What you do think, Simon? The kings of the earth from whom do they receive custom or tribute? From the sons of them or from strangers?
Petro akajibu, “Ndiyo, yeye hulipa.” Petro aliporudi nyumbani, Yesu akawa wa kwanza kulizungumzia, akamuuliza, “Unaonaje Simoni? Wafalme wa dunia hupokea ushuru na kodi kutoka kwa nani? Je, ni kutoka kwa watoto wao au kutoka kwa watu wengine?”
26 (When saying *N(k)O*) (now *no*) (he, Peter *k*) From the strangers, one was saying to him Jesus; Then surely free are the sons.
Petro akamjibu, “Kutoka kwa watu wengine.” Yesu akamwambia, “Kwa hiyo watoto wao wamesamehewa.
27 That however not we may offend them, having gone to (*k*) sea do cast a hook and the (having raised *NK(o)*) first fish do take; and having opened the mouth of it you will find a four-drachma coin. That [which] having taken do give to them for Me and yourself.
Lakini ili tusije tukawaudhi, nenda baharini ukatupe ndoana. Mchukue samaki wa kwanza utakayemvua. Fungua kinywa chake nawe utakuta humo fedha, ichukue ukalipe kodi yako na yangu.”

< Matthew 17 >