< Matthew 14 >

1 At that [very] time heard Herod the tetrarch the news of Jesus
Husala ezyo, Uherode ahevwezye ihabari ya Yesu.
2 and he said to the servants of him; This is John the Baptist; he himself is risen from the dead, and because of this the miraculous powers are working in him.
Abhawozya ahoyi bhakwe, “Ono yu Yohana Umozyaji azyoshele afume whazimu. Eshi engovo ezyo zili hukwakwe.”
3 For Herod having seized John he bound him and in (*o*) prison (put [him] aside *N(k)O*) on account of Herodias the wife of Philip the brother of him.
Afwatanaje u Herode ali anemile u Yohana apinya na hutaje mwijela husababu ya Herodia, oshe wa Filipo okolo wakwe.
4 Were saying for John to him; Not it is lawful for you to have her.
Afwatanaje u Yohana amozezye, “Sagashinza ahumweje umwene abhe shee wakwe.”
5 Although wishing him to kill he feared the multitude because as a prophet him they were holding.
U Herode andiagojile ila ahogope abhantu husababu bhanolile u Yohana aje kuwe.
6 ([The] birthday *N(k)O*) now (having happened *N(k)O*) of Herod danced the daughter of Herodias in the midst and pleased Herod;
Ila isala ninsiku zya papwe u Herode lwazyafiha umwale wa Herode ahanjile pakasi ya bhantu nahasongwezye u Herode.
7 whereupon with oath he promised to her to give whatever (if *NK(o)*) she shall ask.
Katika ajibu shila shasobhe zezye hundapo aje anzahupele shoshonti shanzalabhe.
8 And having been urged on by the mother of her; do give to me she says here on a platter the head of John the Baptist.
Baada yashauliwe nu maye wakwe, ayanjile, “Mpele ane epa pikombe itwe lya Yohana Umozi.”
9 And (being grieved *N(k)O*) the king on account of (now *k*) the oaths and those reclining with [him] he commanded [it] to be given.
Umwene ali na masikitiho humalawo gamwale, ila kwa ajili yindapo zyakwe, afwatanaje wonti bhabhaleho pashalye pamo numwene ayanjile aje lifanyishe.
10 And he having sent beheaded John in the prison.
Atumile u Yohana aletwe afume whigeleza,
11 And was brought the head of him on a platter and was given to the girl, and she brought [it] to the mother of her.
ili atemwe itwe lyakwe na litemwe pamwanya yisinia na apewe umwale na alitwale whamaye wakwe.
12 And having come the disciples of him took the (body *N(k)O*) and buried (it, *N(k)O*) and having come they told Jesus.
Tena abhanafunzi bhakwe bhenza awheje gula ombele na syele, baada yeli bhabhalile humozye u Yesu.
13 (and *k*) Having heard (now *no*) Jesus withdrew from there by boat to a secluded place apart [on his] own. And having heard [of it] the crowds followed Him on foot from the towns.
Nape Uyesu lwahevwa ega, ajitenga afume isehemu ela azubha mukasi yimashua abhala esehemu yijitenjile. Umuda empoga lwayanya whali, bhafwatile lwimanama afume humijini.
14 And having gone out (Jesus *k*) He saw great a crowd and was moved with compassion toward (them *N(k)O*) and healed the sick of them.
Tena u Yesu ahenzele whilongolela lyawo alola empoga ingosi. Abhalolela enkombo na hubhaponyle impongo zyawo.
15 Evening now having come they came to Him the disciples (of him *k*) saying; Desolate is this place, and the time already is gone by; do dismiss the crowds that having gone into the villages they may buy for themselves food.
Ishalyabhela yakamiliha, abhanafunzi bhahenza hukwakwe na yanje, “Ene sehemu yijangwa ni siku tayari lishilile. Bhatabhanye amakutano ili bhabhale muvijiji ni bhakale ishalye kwa ajili yawo.
16 And Jesus said to them; No need they have to go away; do give to them you yourselves to eat.
Ila Yesu ayanjile, “Sagabhali ni haja yabhalebhewo. Bhapeli amwe ishalye”
17 And they say to Him; Not we have here only except five loaves and two fish.
Bhamozya, “Epa tilinago amabumunda gasanu neswe zebhele tu.”'
18 And He said; do bring to Me here them.
U Yesu ayanga, “Galeti huline.”
19 And having commanded the crowds to sit down on (the grass, *N(k)O*) (and *k*) having taken the five loaves and the two fish, having looked up to heaven He spoke a blessing, and having broken He gave to the disciples the loaves, and the disciples to the crowds.
Tena u Yesu ayiwozya empoga akhale pansi yimasole. Ayega amabumunda gasanu neswe zebhele. Ayenya humwanya, asaya nabudulanye amabumunda abhapela abhanafunzi. Abhanafunzi bhayipela empoga.
20 And ate all and were satisfied; and they took up that which is remaindering of the fragments, twelve hand-baskets full.
Bhalya wonti bhihuta. Tena bhavikusanya ivipande vyonti vishalye nameme iviseje kumi navibhele.
21 Those then eating were men about five thousand besides women and children.
Bhala bhabhaliye bhabhakadiliya aje abhalume elfu zisanu bila yabhazye abhashe na bhana.
22 And immediately He compelled (Jesus *k*) the disciples (of him *k*) to climb into the boat and to go before Him to the other side until that He may have dismissed the crowds.
Mara heka abhawozya abhanafunzi bhinjile mukasi yimashuwa, isala ezyo umwene abhalaga empoga bhabhaje bhewo.
23 And having dismissed the crowds He went up on the mountain on [his] own to pray. Evening now having arrived alone He was there.
Lwabhalaga empoga bhabhala bhene, azubha pamwanya yigamba apute mwene. Isala lwayali yilyabhela alihoho mwene.
24 And the boat now (stadia many *NO*) (from *N(K)O*) of the (land was fully *N(K)O*) being tossed by the waves; was for contrary [was] the wind.
Ila eshi imashua lwayali pahati yibahari yayumbaga husababu yimawimbi kwani inkongu yali yimpisho.
25 In [the] fourth now watch of the night (he came *N(K)O*) to them (Jesus *k*) walking on (the sea. *N(k)O*)
Katika uusiku wi zamu ya nne u Yesu abhasojeleye ajenda pamwanya yemenze.
26 (and *N(k)O*) the disciples having seen Him on (the sea *N(k)O*) walking they were troubled saying that A ghost it is! And in fear they cried out.
Isala abhanafunzi bhakwe lwabhanola ajenda pamwanya yi bahari, bhahogope nayanje, “Yuzimu ka,” na zuvye isauti katika ihali yiwoga.
27 Immediately now spoke Jesus to them saying; Take courage! I myself it is, not do fear.
U Yesu abhawozya heka, ayanga, “Jipelaji umoyo! Nene! mugajihogope.”
28 Answering now to Him Peter said: Lord, if You yourself [it] is, do command me to come to You upon the waters.
U Petro anjibu whayanje, “Gosi, nkesho wewe, mbozye enenze huliwe pamwanya yimenze.”
29 And He said; do come. And having descended from the boat Peter walked upon the water (and *no*) (came *N(k)O*) to Jesus.
U Yesu ayanga, “Enza.” Esho Upetro afuma mukasi yimashua na ajenda pamwanya yimenze abhale wha Yesu.
30 Seeing now the wind charging he was afraid, and having begun to sink he cried out saying; Lord, do save me!
Ila u Petro lwalola amawimbi, ahogope, na whande adwine, pansi, akwizya husauti nayanje, “Gosi, nokole!”
31 Immediately now Jesus having stretched out the hand took hold of him and He says to him; [You] of little faith, of why did you doubt?
Digana Yesu anyosya inyobhe yakwe amosya u Petro, na humozye, “Awe wilweteho udodo, yenu ulinamashaka?”
32 And (when were climbing *N(k)O*) they into the boat ceased the wind.
Epo u Yesu nu Petro bhahinjiye mumashua, inkongu yaleshile avugule.
33 Those then in the boat (having come *ko*) worshiped Him saying; Truly of God Son You are!
Abhanafunzi mmashua bhansayile u Yesu na yanje, “Lyoli awe wamwana wa Ngolobhi.”
34 And having crossed over they came (into *NK(o)*) the land (of *no*) Gennesaret.
Na lwabhafwemela, bhafishile panse yi Genesareti.
35 And having recognized Him the men of the place that one sent to all surrounding region that and brought to Him all those sick being
Na bhantu bhi sehemu ela lwabhamanya u Yesu, bhatumile uujumbe kila sehemu zipembeni nahunete kila wabhinile.
36 and they were begging Him that only they may touch the fringe of the garment of Him; and as many as touched were cured.
Bhamozezye aje bhawezye aguse ikunjo limwenda gwakwe, na bhinji bhabhagubile bhaponilwe.

< Matthew 14 >