< Matthew 13 >

1 In (now *k*) the day that having gone forth Jesus (from *k*) [from] the house was sitting by the sea.
Kwa masoba ago Yesu atiboka kaya ni tama bwega ya bahari.
2 And were gathered together to Him crowds great so that He into (*k*) a boat having climbed into to sit down, and all the crowd on the shore had stood.
Kipenga sabandu satikusanyika kwa kutindiya, ajingi kati ya ngalaba natama nkati yake likundi lyoti lyayema kwiye ya bahari.
3 And He spoke to them many things in parables saying; Behold went out the [one] sowing to sow.
Boka po Yesu alonngela makowe gananchima kwa mifano, Atibaya, linga, mpandi ayei pana.
4 And in the sowing of him some indeed fell along the road, and (having come *N(k)(o)*) the birds (and *ko*) devoured them.
Wakati kapanda mbeyu yenge yatumbuki bwega ywa ndela na iyuni bati kuichonywa.
5 Other now fell upon the rocky places where not it was having soil much, and immediately it sprang up through not having depth of soil.
Mbeyu yenge yatomboki paliwe, napembe ando waichene, nayabalike lakini kwo kosekana ukando wakoikwa.
6 when [the] sun now having risen they were scorched, and through the not having root were dried up.
Nalimu palubai watiyoma mana yabile kwa na ndandai no yoma.
7 Other now fell upon the thorns, and grew up the thorns and (choked *N(k)O*) them.
Mbeyu yenge yatomboki kumimimwa. Mikongo yene mimimwa yatikolaa na kwiingilya.
8 Other now fell upon the soil good and were yielding fruit, some indeed a hundredfold, some however sixty, some however thirty.
Mbeyu yenge yatomboki paukando wananoga na pambika matunda, yenge mia jomo, yenge sitini na yenge thelathini.
9 The [one] having ears (to hear *ko*) he should hear.
Ywa abii ni makutu ayowe.
10 And having come the disciples said to Him; Because of why in parables speak You to them?
Anapunzi bake bateisa na kummakiya Yesu, “mwanja namani ulongela na kipenga sa bandu kwa mifano?”
11 And answering He said to them; Because to you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of the heavens, to them however not it has been granted.
Yesu kayangwa ni kuakokeya, “Mupeyilwe upendeleo wo tanga siri ya upwalume wa kumaunde, ila kachabe banapeyelwa kwaa.
12 Whoever for has, will be given to him and will be abundant [to him] whoever now not has, even what he has will be taken away from him.
Lakini ywoywoti ywabile nacho, ywembe alowa yongekelwa muno, na alowa pata faida ngolo, ila ywaabile kwaa kilebe hata chelo kichunu chaabile nacho alowa pokonyolwa.
13 Because of this in parables to them I speak Because seeing not do they see and hearing not do they hear nor do they understand.
Kwa eyo nilongela nabo kwa mifano kwa mwanja kwale babone, kana baibone kweli. Na ingawa bayowa kana bayuwe wala tanga.
14 And is fulfilled (concerning *k*) them the prophecy of Isaiah who is saying: In hearing you will hear and certainly not may understand, and looking you will look and certainly not may perceive.
Unabii wa Isaka utimile kachabe, ngolo wa baite “Yowa mwalowa yowa, lakini mwaelewa kwa, bona mwalowa bona lakini mwatanga kwaa.
15 Has grown dull for the heart of the people this, and with the ears barely they have heard, and the eyes of them they have closed; otherwise otherwise they may see with the eyes and with the ears they may hear and with the heart they may understand and may return and (I will heal *N(k)O*) them.’
Na mumimwoyo ya bandu ibii mulubendo nonopa yowa na bawiliwiti minyo yabe, kana baweze bona kwaa minyo yabe, ao yowa kwa makutu gabe au tanga kwa mioyo yabe, bapele kunigalambukwa kae, na mbele kwaponea.'
16 Of you however blessed [are] the eyes because they see and the ears of you because (they hear. *N(k)O*)
Ila minyo ginu gatibalikilwa, mwaya genda bona, na makutu ginu mwanja genda yowa.
17 Amen for I say to you that many prophets and righteous [men] longed to see what you see, and not saw, and to hear what you hear, and not heard.
Kweli nenda kuamakiya manabii bananchima na bandu bene haki babile na hamu ya kugabona makowe galo gamugabona, na bawezike kwaa kugabona. Batitamaniya kugayowa makowe galo gamugayowa bagayowine kwaa.
18 You yourselves therefore do hear the parable of the [one] (having sown: *N(k)O*)
Tubwe mupekani mfano wa mpandi.
19 Everyone hearing the word of the kingdom and not understanding comes the evil one and snatches away that having been sown in the heart of him; This is the [one] on the path having been sown.
Wakati ywoyoti ywalowa yowa likowe lya utawala na kana atitange, nga nchela icha kukitola chakiyomwile pandikwa mumwoyo nkati wake. Hayee nga mbeyu yaipandile mbwenga ya ndela.
20 That which now upon the rocky places having been sown, this is the [one] the word hearing and immediately with joy receiving it.
Ywembe ywapandike mumaliwe nga yolo ywaliyowine likowe na kulipokya upesi kwo pulaika.
21 no he has now root in himself but temporary is. when is coming however tribulation or persecution on account of the word immediately he falls away.
Bado ntopo ndandai nkati yake, nopumuliya kwa muda mwipi matatizo ao mateso pagapita kwa mwanza likowe kwikobala ghafla.
22 That which now among the thorns having been sown, this is the [one] the word hearing, and the care of the age (this *ko*) and the deceit of riches choke the word, and unfruitful it becomes. (aiōn g165)
Ywa pandikwe mumimwa, ayu nga yolo ywaliyowine likowe lakini maangaiko ga dunia no kongana ni utajiri kulingilya lelo likowe lya kana pambika matunda. (aiōn g165)
23 That however on the good (*k*) soil having been sown, this is the [one] the word hearing and understanding, who indeed brings forth fruit and produces — some indeed a hundredfold, some however sixty, some however thirty.
Ywa apandilwe pa ukando unanoga, nga yolo ywaliyowine likowe ni kulitanga. Hyo nga ywapambike matunda no yendelya pambika limo zaidi ya mara mia, yenge sitini, yenge thelathini.”
24 Another parable put He before them saying; Has become like the kingdom of the heavens a man (having sown *N(k)O*) good seed in the field of him.
Yesu apei mfano wenge, kabaya. Utawala wa kumaunde ulandanishwe ni mundu jwapandike mbeyu inanoga mung'unda wake.
25 In now the [time] to sleep the men came his enemy and (over-sowed *N(k)O*) weeds in [the] midst of the wheat and went away.
Lakini bandu pabapabagonjike, mbii wake nembe atiicha panda manyei nkati yangano ngakabuka kachake.
26 When now sprouted the plants and fruit produced, then appeared also the weeds.
Baadae ngano paibalike no pweka, na manyei nembe gatipweka nagembe.
27 Having come to [him] now the servants of the master of the house said to him; Sir, surely good seed did you sow in your field? How then has it (the *k*) weeds?
Na atumishi ba mwene nng'unda batiicha nakummakiya, Ngwana, hupandike kwa mbeyu inanoga mung'unda wako? Ibikitiwi kwi na manyei?
28 He then was saying to them; An enemy a man this did. And the servants (they say *N(k)O*) to him: Do you desire then [that] having gone forth (we shall gather *NK(o)*) them?
Nga bakiya, mbii ngapangite nyoo, Atumishi gabammakiya, “Tugatupwe”
29 And (he says; *N(k)O*) No, lest when lest when gathering the weeds you may uproot together [with] them the wheat.
Mwene ng'unda ngabaya, “hata, pamwalowa tupwa manyei mwalowa tupwa ni ngano.
30 do allow to grow together both (until *N(k)O*) the harvest; and in (the *k*) time of the harvest I will say to the harvesters; do gather first the weeds and do bind them into bundles in order to burn them; and the wheat (do gather together *NK(o)*) into the barn of mine.’
Mugaleke gakue pamope mpaka wakati wouna, wakati wo una nalowa kwabakiya babauna, “Wete mugatupwe manyei mugatabe makenda makenda ni kugayocha mwoto, na mwikusanyi ngano mulighala lyango.
31 Another parable put He before them saying; Like is the kingdom of the heavens to a grain of mustard, which having taken a man sowed in the field of him;
Boka po Yesu abakiye mfano wenge. “Upwalume wa kumaunde ulandine na mbeyu ndebele nayo mundu atikwitola na kwipamda mung'unda wake.
32 which smallest indeed is of all the seeds, when however it may be grown, greater than the garden plants it is and becomes a tree so that to come the birds of the air and perching in the branches of it.
Mbeyu ye njene sana kuliko mbeyu yenge yoti. Lakini mana ikoi lopokwa kulliko yoti mubustani, pana kati nkongo, mpaka kiyuni chenge iyumba mundambe yake.
33 Another parable spoke He to them: Like is the kingdom of the heavens to leaven, which having taken a woman (hid *NK(o)*) in of flour measures three until of it was leavened all.
Nga kaabakiya mfano wenge kai, “Upwalume wa kumaunde ubi kati mandibale ngalo gatweti mnwawa no yangabana ipemo itatu kwa bwembe mpaka ilole.
34 These things all spoke Jesus in parables to the crowds and without a parable (no [thing] *N(k)O*) He was speaking to them,
Aga goti Yesu atiabakiya nkati ya kipenga sa bandu petya mifano. Na bila mifano abatei kwa kilebe chochote kachabe.
35 so that may be fulfilled that having been spoken through the prophet saying; I will open in parables the mouth of Mine, I will utter [things] hidden from [the] foundation [of the] world.
Ayee ywabi na mana panga gote gabalongei manabii gaweze timya, palyo pabaite, naliwa yuwa nkano wango kwa mifano. Nalowa longela makowe galo iyilwe boka mumisingi ya dunia.
36 Then having dismissed the crowds He went into the house (Jesus. *k*) And came to Him the disciples of Him saying; (do explain *N(k)O*) to us the parable of the weeds of the field.
Mwisho Yesu kakileka sa kipenga sa bandu buya kaya, Anapunzi bake batikunyendelya ni kummakiya, “Utuyongoli mfano wa manyei ya kumigunda.”
37 And answering He said (to them: *k*) The [One] sowing the good seed is the Son of Man;
Yesu kayangwa ni ukoya, “Ywapanda mbeyu inanoga nga mwana wa Adamu.
38 and the field is the world; and [the] good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the weeds are the sons of the evil [one];
Mng'unda nga dunia, mbeyu inanoga, aba nga bana ba utawala, Na manyei nga bana ba yolo nnau na kibii sakipandike nchela.
39 and the enemy which having sown them is the devil; and the harvest [the] consummation (of the *k*) age is; and the harvesters angels are. (aiōn g165)
Na mauno ni mwisho wa dunia, babauna nga malaika. (aiōn g165)
40 As therefore is gathered the weeds and in fire (is burned up, *NK(o)*) thus it will be in the consummation of the age (this. *k*) (aiōn g165)
Kati mwagabile kusanyilwa ni yoselwa mwoto, Nyo ngawabaa mwisho wa dunia. (aiōn g165)
41 Will send forth the Son of Man the angels of Him, and they will gather out of the kingdom of Him all the causes of sin and those practicing lawlessness
Mwana wa Adamu alowa kwatuma malaika bake, ni kubaleta mu upwalume wake ni makowe gati gagasababilwe ni sambi ni balo babapanga makosa.
42 and they will cast them into the furnace of the fire; there will be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.
Balowa kwataikwa boti mulitanuli lya mwoto, na akwo kwalowa bana kilelo na tauna mino.
43 Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of the Father of them. The [one] having ears (to hear *ko*) he should hear.
Na bandu bene haki bamelemetya, kati lisoba mu utawala wa Tate bake. Ywembe ywabii na makutu ni ayowe.
44 (again *k*) Like is the kingdom of the heavens to treasure hidden in the field, which having found a man hid. and for the joy of it goes and he sells all as much as he has and buys the field that.
Upwalume wa kumaunde ubi kati akiba yabaiyembi mung'unda. Mundu atikuibona na kwiiya. Katika pulaika kwake ngayende pemeya kila cha bile nacho na kuupema ng'unda.
45 Again like is the kingdom of the heavens to a man a merchant seeking fine pearls.
Kae Upwalume wa kumaunde ubi kati mundu jwapanga biashara ywapala madini gene thamani.
46 (who *k*) having found (now *no*) one very precious pearl, having gone away he has sold all things as much as he was having and he bought it.
Paibweni yelo yene thamani, ayei bene ya kila kilebe abile nacho ni akapemia.
47 Again like is the kingdom of the heavens to a dragnet having been cast into the sea and of every kind having gathered together,
Upwalume wa kumaunde kati lupelele lwalubile kati ya bahari, no panga lukumba iumbe ya kila aina.
48 which when it was filled having drawn up on the shore and having sat down they collected the good into (vessels, *N(k)O*) the and bad out they cast.
Palutweti lupelele baluhuti bwega. mwisho batanganite pae ngabakulya ilebe yoti kati ya chombo lakini yango thamani baitaikuli kutalu.
49 Thus will it be in the consummation of the age; will go out the angels and will separate the evil from [the] midst of the righteous (aiōn g165)
Yalowa baa nyonyonyo wakati wa mwisho wa dunia malaika balowa icha na kwabangana bandu abaya boka nkati ya bandu azuri. (aiōn g165)
50 and will cast them into the furnace of the fire; There will be the weeping and the gnashing of the teeth.
Ni kwataikwa mulitanuli lya mwoto, kwalowabana ilelo no saga mino.
51 (says to them Jesus *k*) Did you understand these things all? They say to Him; Yes (Lord. *k*)
Mutangite makowe goti aga? Anapunzi kabayangwa, “Elo”,
52 He then said to them; Because of this every scribe having been discipled (into *k*) ([in] the kingdom *N(k)O*) of the heavens like is to a man a master of a house who puts forth out of the treasure of him [things] new and old.
Boka po Yesu kabakokeya, “Kila mwandishi ywabile mwanapunzi wango wa utawala alandana ni mwene nyumba jwapiya mu'akiba yake ilebe yaayambe ni ya zamani.'
53 And it came to pass when finished Jesus parables these, He withdrew from there;
ikawa Yesu payomwoi mifano eyo yoti, atiboka pandupo.
54 And having come into the region of Him He was teaching them in the synagogue of them so that to be astonished they and to say: From where [came] to this [man] wisdom this and the miraculous powers?
Ni Yesu paikite pa nkoa wake apundisha bandu mu'sinagogi. Mwisho wake bende shangala no baya, “Kwako kwagapatike mapundisho gaa miujiza yee?
55 Surely this is the of the carpenter Son? (Surely *N(k)O*) the mother of Him is named Mary? And the brothers of Him James and (Joseph *N(k)O*) and Simon and Judas?
Mundu yoo nga yolo mwana wa selemala? Mariamu nga mao bake kwaa? nongo bake kwaa Yakobo, Yusuph, Simoni ni Yuda?
56 And the sisters of Him surely all with us are? From where then to this [man] these things all?
Ni alombo bake tubi nabo papano? Bai mundu yolo apeilwe kwako aga goti?”
57 And they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them; Not is a prophet without Honor only except in the hometown (of him *k*) and in the household of him.
Batichukya. Lakini Yesu atikuakokeya, “Nabii akosa kwaa heshima isipo kuwa kachake na panema wake.
58 And not He did there miracles many because of the unbelief of them.
Apangite kwaa miujiza yananchima maana bamwamini kwaa.

< Matthew 13 >