< Matthew 11 >

1 And it came to pass when finished Jesus commanding the twelve disciples of Him, He departed from there to teach and to preach in the cities of them.
Nichakaba kuti Jesu wamaninsya kulayilila basikwiya bakwe balikkumi ababili, wakazwa nkukonya oko wakuyisya akukambawuka mumadolopo aabo.
2 And John having heard in the prison the works of the Christ, having sent (on account of *N(K)O*) of the disciples of him
Lino Joni nakamvwa muntolongo atala anchito zya Kkilisito, wakatuma basikwiya bakwe
3 said to Him; You yourself are the coming [One], or another are we to look for?
ajwi elyo bakati kulinguwe, “Nduwe na ulokuza, na kuti tuchilangilila uumbi?”
4 And answering Jesus said to them; Having gone do relate to John what you hear and see:
Jesu wakasandula akwamba kulimbabo, “Mwinke mukaambe kuli Joni nzimwabona akumvwa.
5 Blind receive sight, and lame walk, lepers are cleansed, and deaf hear, (and *no*) dead are raised, and poor are evangelised;
Bataboni balikutambula kubona, zilema zilenda, balezipele balokusalazigwa, batamvwi balokumvwa lubo, bafwide balokubusigwa lubo kubawumi, amakani mabotu alokukambawukwa kubachete.
6 And blessed is he who (only *NK(o)*) unless shall fall away in Me myself.
Alubo ngusicholwe kufumbwa utabilizigwi andime.”
7 As these now were going away began Jesus to speak to the crowds concerning John: What went you out into the wilderness to see? A reed by [the] wind shaken?
Lino aba bantu nibakeenda munzila yabo Jesu wakatalika kwamba kumakamu atala a Joni, “Mwakayinka kuya kunkanda kuyobonanzi - ityetye lizunganisigwa aguuwo?
8 But what did you go out to see? A man in delicate (garments *k*) dressed? Behold those delicate [clothing] wearing in the houses (of kings *NK(o)*) are;
Pesi mwakayinka kuya kuyobonanzi - muntu usamide ziteete? Mbukubede, abo basama zisamo ziteetete bakkala mumaanda abami.
9 But what did you go out to see? a prophet? Yes I say to you; and [one] more excellent than a prophet.
Pesi mwakainka kunze kuyobonanzi - musinsimi? Iyi, ndati kulindinywe, akwinda musinsimi.
10 For this (for *ko*) is [he] concerning whom it has been written: Behold I myself send the messenger of Mine before [the] face of You who will prepare the way of You before You.’
Echi nchenchicho nguchakali kulembeledwe obu. 'Bona, ndinokutuma mutumwa wangu kunembo lyabusyu bwako, uyokubambila nzila kunembo lyako.
11 Amen I say to you; not has been raised among [those] born of women one greater than John the Baptist; Yet the least in the kingdom of the heavens greater than he is.
“Ndamba kulindinye nkasimpe, takukwe nikwakabukide akati kabaabo bazyalwa abanakazi unga ulaba mupati kwinda Joni mubbabbatizyi. Nekubaboobo, munini muntu mukolondo kubwami bwakujulu mupati kwinda nguwe.
12 From then the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of the heavens is taken by violence, and [the] violent claim it.
Kuzwa kumazuba a Joni mubbabbtizyi kusikila lino, bwami bwakujulubulokufwabisigwa alupyopyongano, lino bantu balupyopyongana balalubweza changuzu.
13 All for the prophets and the law until John prophesied.
Mbukunga boonse basinsimi amulawu wakali kusinsima kusikila kuli Joni.
14 And if you are willing to receive [it], he himself is Elijah who is being about to come.
Elyo nawayanda kuzumina kuchitambula, oyu ngu Elija, nguwe wakali kuzosika.
15 The [one] having ears he should hear.
Kuliyoyo ulamatwi akumvwa, ngamvwe.
16 To what however will I compare generation this? Like it is (children *N(k)O*) sitting in (the *no*) markets (who *N(K)O*) (calling out *N(k)O*) (to others *N(K)O*) (of them *k*)
Kuli chili nchindinga ndilayezyanisya azyalane lyasunu? Chili mbuli bana basobana kuchisambalilo, bakkala akwita umwi awumwi,
17 (and *k*) saying: We piped for you and not you did dance, we sang a dirge (to you *k*) and not you did wail.
akwamba, 'twakakulizizya muteetele, aboobo tewakazyana pe. Twakayeema, pele tewakalila.
18 Came for John neither eating nor drinking, and they say; A demon he has!
Aboobo Joni wakasika katalyi chinkwa nanka kunywa masansa, elyo bakati, Uladimoni.
19 Came the Son of Man eating and drinking, and they say; Behold a man a glutton and a drunkard, of tax collectors a friend and of sinners! But is justified wisdom by the (deeds *N(K)O*) of her.
Mwana amuntu wakasika akulya akunywa elyo bakati, Langa, mwalumi sindya amukolwi, muzolwani abasimutelo abasizibi!' Pesi busongo bulalulamikwa anchito zyakwe.”
20 Then He began to denounce the cities in which had taken place the most miracles of Him because not they repented;
Elyo Jesu wakatalika kukalalila madolopo omo mwakachita malele akwe manji, nkambo tebakeempwa.
21 Woe to you Chorazin! Woe to you Bethsaida! For if in Tyre and Sidon had taken place the miracles which having come to pass in you, long ago then would in sackcloth and ashes they have repented.
“Maawe kulinduwe, Kkolazini! Mawe kulinduwe, Bbetisayida! Kansinga malele akachitwa ku Taya a Sidoni akachitwa kulindinywe, ninga bakeempwa kale kuchindi chakayinda muzisamo zyamasaka amudyota.
22 But I say to you; for Tyre and Sidon more tolerable will it be in [the] day of judgment than for you.
Pesi kulakuyandika chakwindilila kubuzuba bwalubeta kwinda nduwe.
23 And you yourself Capernaum, (surely not *N(K)O*) to (*k*) heaven (will be exalted? *N(k)O*) to Hades (will go down! *N(k)O*) For if in Sodom (happened *N(k)O*) the miracles that were happening in you, (it remained *N(k)O*) then would until the day. (Hadēs g86)
Webo, Kapenawumu, uyeeya kuti uzosumpulwa kujulu? Peepe, unoyoyetwa ansi kumulindi utagoli [Hadesi]. Nikwali kuti mu Sodomu mwakachitwa malele akachitwa mulinduwe, ninga mwachili asunu. (Hadēs g86)
24 But I say to you that for [the] land of Sodom more tolerable will it be in day of judgment than for you.
Pele ndati kulinduwe chiyobachubila kunyika ya Sodomu mubuzuba bwalubeta kwinda nduwe.”
25 At that [very] time answering Jesus said; I fully consent to You, Father Lord of the heaven and the earth, for (You did hide *N(k)O*) these things from wise and learned and did reveal them to little children.
Kuchindi echo Jesu wakati, “Ndilikutembawula Taata, Mwami, wakujulu anyika, nkambo wasisila basongo abamvwisya, akuyubunwida bana banini:
26 Yes O Father, for thus well-pleasing it was before You.
Iyii, Taata, Eechi chakalikubotezya kumeso ako.
27 All things to Me was delivered by the Father of Mine, And no [one] knows the Son only except the Father, nor the Father anyone does know only except the Son and to whom if shall choose the Son to reveal [Him].
Zintu zyonse zyakapegwa ndime kuzwa kuli Taata. Elyo takwe umwi uzi mwana kunze kwa Taata, mpawo, takwe uzi Taata kunze kwamwana aboobo kuloyo mwana ngwasala kuti amuyubunune.
28 Come to Me all you who [are] toiling and burdened, and I myself and I myself will give rest to you.
Amuze kulindime, moonse nimukatede animulemenwa ndiyomupa kulyokezya.
29 do take the yoke of Mine upon you and do learn from Me for gentle I am and humble in heart, and you will find rest for the souls of you.
Amubweze ijokwe lyangu lili alindime akwiiya kulindime, nkambo ndilimubombe akuba mutete moyo, eelyo muyojana kulyokezya kwmyuuya yanu.
30 The for yoke of Mine [is] easy and the burden of Mine light is.
Nkambo ijokwe lyangu niteete alubo ndiguba amukuli wangu tulemi pe.”

< Matthew 11 >