< Mark 8 >

1 In those days (again *NO*) (much *N(k)O*) [the] crowd being and not having what they may eat, having called to [Him] (Jesus *k*) the disciples (of him *k*) He says to them;
तदा तत्समीपं बहवो लोका आयाता अतस्तेषां भोज्यद्रव्याभावाद् यीशुः शिष्यानाहूय जगाद, ।
2 I am moved with compassion upon the crowd because already (days *N(k)O*) three they continue with Me and nothing they have that they may eat.
लोकनिवहे मम कृपा जायते ते दिनत्रयं मया सार्द्धं सन्ति तेषां भोज्यं किमपि नास्ति।
3 And if I shall send away them hungry to [the] homes of them, they will faint on the way; (And *N(K)O*) some of them (from *no*) afar (have come. *NK(o)*)
तेषां मध्येऽनेके दूराद् आगताः, अभुक्तेषु तेषु मया स्वगृहमभिप्रहितेषु ते पथि क्लमिष्यन्ति।
4 And answered Him the disciples of Him (that *no*) From where these will be able anyone here to satisfy with bread in this desolate place?
शिष्या अवादिषुः, एतावतो लोकान् तर्पयितुम् अत्र प्रन्तरे पूपान् प्राप्तुं केन शक्यते?
5 And (He was asking *N(k)O*) them; How many have you loaves? And they said; Seven.
ततः स तान् पप्रच्छ युष्माकं कति पूपाः सन्ति? तेऽकथयन् सप्त।
6 And (He directs *N(k)O*) the crowd to recline on the ground, And having taken the seven loaves, having given thanks He broke [them] and he was giving [them] to the disciples of Him that (they may set before [them]; *N(k)O*) And they set [it] before the crowd.
ततः स ताल्लोकान् भुवि समुपवेष्टुम् आदिश्य तान् सप्त पूपान् धृत्वा ईश्वरगुणान् अनुकीर्त्तयामास, भंक्त्वा परिवेषयितुं शिष्यान् प्रति ददौ, ततस्ते लोकेभ्यः परिवेषयामासुः।
7 And they had small fish a few; And having blessed (them *no*) He ordered also (these to be set before [them]. *N(k)O*)
तथा तेषां समीपे ये क्षुद्रमत्स्या आसन् तानप्यादाय ईश्वरगुणान् संकीर्त्य परिवेषयितुम् आदिष्टवान्।
8 (And *no*) they ate (now *k*) and were satisfied, And they took up overflow of fragments seven baskets.
ततो लोका भुक्त्वा तृप्तिं गता अवशिष्टखाद्यैः पूर्णाः सप्तडल्लका गृहीताश्च।
9 There were now (having eaten of *KO*) about four thousand; And He sent away them.
एते भोक्तारः प्रायश्चतुः सहस्रपुरुषा आसन् ततः स तान् विससर्ज।
10 And immediately having climbed into the boat with the disciples of Him He came into the district of Dalmanutha.
अथ स शिष्यः सह नावमारुह्य दल्मानूथासीमामागतः।
11 And went out the Pharisees and began to dispute with Him seeking from Him a sign from heaven, testing Him.
ततः परं फिरूशिन आगत्य तेन सह विवदमानास्तस्य परीक्षार्थम् आकाशीयचिह्नं द्रष्टुं याचितवन्तः।
12 And having sighed deeply in the spirit of Him He says; Why generation this (seeks *N(k)O*) a sign? Amen I say to you, if there will be given to the generation this a sign.
तदा सोऽन्तर्दीर्घं निश्वस्याकथयत्, एते विद्यमाननराः कुतश्चिन्हं मृगयन्ते? युष्मानहं यथार्थं ब्रवीमि लोकानेतान् किमपि चिह्नं न दर्शयिष्यते।
13 And having left them again having climbed (into *ko*) (boat *KO*) He went away to the other side.
अथ तान् हित्वा पुन र्नावम् आरुह्य पारमगात्।
14 And they forgot to take loaves and only except one loaf not they had with themselves in the boat.
एतर्हि शिष्यैः पूपेषु विस्मृतेषु नावि तेषां सन्निधौ पूप एकएव स्थितः।
15 And He was instructing to them saying; do watch out, do take heed of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the leaven of Herod.
तदानीं यीशुस्तान् आदिष्टवान् फिरूशिनां हेरोदश्च किण्वं प्रति सतर्काः सावधानाश्च भवत।
16 And they were reasoning with one another (saying *k*) because loaves not (they have. *N(K)O*)
ततस्तेऽन्योन्यं विवेचनं कर्तुम् आरेभिरे, अस्माकं सन्निधौ पूपो नास्तीति हेतोरिदं कथयति।
17 And having known [it] (*ko*) (Jesus *KO*) He says to them; Why reason you because loaves not you have? Not yet do you perceive nor understand? (still *K*) Hardened do you have the heart of you?
तद् बुद्व्वा यीशुस्तेभ्योऽकथयत् युष्माकं स्थाने पूपाभावात् कुत इत्थं वितर्कयथ? यूयं किमद्यापि किमपि न जानीथ? बोद्धुञ्च न शक्नुथ? यावदद्य किं युष्माकं मनांसि कठिनानि सन्ति?
18 Eyes having not do you see? And ears having not do you hear? And not do you remember?
सत्सु नेत्रेषु किं न पश्यथ? सत्सु कर्णेषु किं न शृणुथ? न स्मरथ च?
19 When the five loaves I broke for the five thousand how many hand-baskets of fragments full took you up? They say to Him; Twelve.
यदाहं पञ्चपूपान् पञ्चसहस्राणां पुरुषाणां मध्ये भंक्त्वा दत्तवान् तदानीं यूयम् अवशिष्टपूपैः पूर्णान् कति डल्लकान् गृहीतवन्तः? तेऽकथयन् द्वादशडल्लकान्।
20 When (now *k(o)*) the seven to the four thousand of how many baskets [the] fillings of fragments took you up? (*ko*) (And they speak *N(k)O*) (to him; *no*) Seven.
अपरञ्च यदा चतुःसहस्राणां पुरुषाणां मध्ये पूपान् भंक्त्वाददां तदा यूयम् अतिरिक्तपूपानां कति डल्लकान् गृहीतवन्तः? ते कथयामासुः सप्तडल्लकान्।
21 And He was saying to them; (Not yet *N(K)O*) (how *KO*) do you understand?
तदा स कथितवान् तर्हि यूयम् अधुनापि कुतो बोद्व्वुं न शक्नुथ?
22 And (they come *N(K)O*) to Bethsaida, And they bring to Him a blind [man] and they implore Him that him He may touch.
अनन्तरं तस्मिन् बैत्सैदानगरे प्राप्ते लोका अन्धमेकं नरं तत्समीपमानीय तं स्प्रष्टुं तं प्रार्थयाञ्चक्रिरे।
23 And having taken hold of the hand of the blind [man] (he brought *N(k)O*) him out of the village, and having spit upon the eyes of him, having laid the hands upon him He was asking him: if anything (you see? *N(K)O*)
तदा तस्यान्धस्य करौ गृहीत्वा नगराद् बहिर्देशं तं नीतवान्; तन्नेत्रे निष्ठीवं दत्त्वा तद्गात्रे हस्तावर्पयित्वा तं पप्रच्छ, किमपि पश्यसि?
24 And having looked up he was saying; I see the men for as trees I see [them] walking.
स नेत्रे उन्मील्य जगाद, वृक्षवत् मनुजान् गच्छतो निरीक्षे।
25 Then again (He put *NK(o)*) the hands upon the eyes of him, and (made him *K*) (look *N(K)O*) and (he restored *N(k)O*) and (he was seeing well *N(k)O*) clearly (everything. *N(k)O*)
ततो यीशुः पुनस्तस्य नयनयो र्हस्तावर्पयित्वा तस्य नेत्रे उन्मीलयामास; तस्मात् स स्वस्थो भूत्वा स्पष्टरूपं सर्व्वलोकान् ददर्श।
26 And He sent him to (the *k*) home of him saying; Not into the village shall you enter (nor may you speak to anyone in village. *KO*)
ततः परं त्वं ग्रामं मा गच्छ ग्रामस्थं कमपि च किमप्यनुक्त्वा निजगृहं याहीत्यादिश्य यीशुस्तं निजगृहं प्रहितवान्।
27 And went forth Jesus and the disciples of Him into the villages of Caesarea Philippi. And on the way He was questioning the disciples of Him saying to them; Whom Me do pronounce men to be?
अनन्तरं शिष्यैः सहितो यीशुः कैसरीयाफिलिपिपुरं जगाम, पथि गच्छन् तानपृच्छत् कोऽहम् अत्र लोकाः किं वदन्ति?
28 And (they said *N(k)O*) (to Him saying: that *no*) John the Baptist, and others; Elijah, others now (that *no*) (one *N(k)O*) of the prophets.
ते प्रत्यूचुः त्वां योहनं मज्जकं वदन्ति किन्तु केपि केपि एलियं वदन्ति; अपरे केपि केपि भविष्यद्वादिनाम् एको जन इति वदन्ति।
29 And He himself (was questioning them; *N(k)O*) You yourselves however whom Me do pronounce to be? Answering (now *k*) Peter says to Him; You yourself are the Christ.
अथ स तानपृच्छत् किन्तु कोहम्? इत्यत्र यूयं किं वदथ? तदा पितरः प्रत्यवदत् भवान् अभिषिक्तस्त्राता।
30 And He warned them that no one they may tell concerning Him.
ततः स तान् गाढमादिशद् यूयं मम कथा कस्मैचिदपि मा कथयत।
31 And He began to teach them that it is necessary for the Son of Man many things to suffer and to be rejected (by *N(k)O*) the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and to be killed and after three days to rise [again];
मनुष्यपुत्रेणावश्यं बहवो यातना भोक्तव्याः प्राचीनलोकैः प्रधानयाजकैरध्यापकैश्च स निन्दितः सन् घातयिष्यते तृतीयदिने उत्थास्यति च, यीशुः शिष्यानुपदेष्टुमारभ्य कथामिमां स्पष्टमाचष्ट।
32 And openly the word He was speaking. And having taken Peter him began to rebuke Him.
तस्मात् पितरस्तस्य हस्तौ धृत्वा तं तर्ज्जितवान्।
33 And having turned and having looked upon the disciples of Him He rebuked (*k*) Peter (and *no*) (speaks; *N(k)O*) do go behind Me, Satan, for not you have in mind the [things] of God but the [things] of men.
किन्तु स मुखं परावर्त्य शिष्यगणं निरीक्ष्य पितरं तर्जयित्वावादीद् दूरीभव विघ्नकारिन् ईश्वरीयकार्य्यादपि मनुष्यकार्य्यं तुभ्यं रोचततरां।
34 And having called to [Him] the crowd with the disciples of Him He said to them; (If *NO*) (anyone *N(k)O*) desires after Me (to follow, *N(K)O*) he should deny himself and he should take up the cross of him and he should follow Me.
अथ स लोकान् शिष्यांश्चाहूय जगाद यः कश्चिन् मामनुगन्तुम् इच्छति स आत्मानं दाम्यतु, स्वक्रुशं गृहीत्वा मत्पश्चाद् आयातु।
35 Who[ever] for (if *N(k)O*) shall desire life (his *NK(o)*) to save, will lose it; who[ever] now maybe (will lose *N(k)O*) the life of him on account of Me and of the gospel, (this *k*) he will save it.
यतो यः कश्चित् स्वप्राणं रक्षितुमिच्छति स तं हारयिष्यति, किन्तु यः कश्चिन् मदर्थं सुसंवादार्थञ्च प्राणं हारयति स तं रक्षिष्यति।
36 What for (profits *N(k)O*) (*o*) a man (if *ko*) (to gain *N(k)O*) the world whole and (to lose *N(k)O*) the soul of him?
अपरञ्च मनुजः सर्व्वं जगत् प्राप्य यदि स्वप्राणं हारयति तर्हि तस्य को लाभः?
37 (or *k*) What (for *no*) (may give *N(k)O*) a man [as] an exchange for the soul of him?
नरः स्वप्राणविनिमयेन किं दातुं शक्नोति?
38 Who[ever] for (if *N(k)O*) shall be ashamed of Me and My words in generation this adulterous and sinful, also the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He may come in the glory of the Father of Him with the angels holy.
एतेषां व्यभिचारिणां पापिनाञ्च लोकानां साक्षाद् यदि कोपि मां मत्कथाञ्च लज्जास्पदं जानाति तर्हि मनुजपुत्रो यदा धर्म्मदूतैः सह पितुः प्रभावेणागमिष्यति तदा सोपि तं लज्जास्पदं ज्ञास्यति।

< Mark 8 >