< Mark 12 >

1 And He began to them in parables (to speak: *N(k)O*) A vineyard a man planted and he placed around [it] a fence and dug a wine vat and built a tower and rented out it to farmers and traveled abroad 2 And he sent to the farmers at the due time a servant that from the farmers he may receive from (the fruits *N(k)O*) of the vineyard. 3 (*k*) (But *N(k)O*) having taken him they beat [him] and they sent [him] away empty-handed. 4 And again he sent to them another servant; and him and him (stoning *K*) they struck on the head and (sent *K*) (dishonored. *N(k)O*) 5 And (again *k*) another He sent; and him and him they killed, also many others, (some *N(k)O*) indeed beating, (some *N(k)O*) however killing. 6 Yet (therefore *K*) one (did have *N(k)O*) son beloved (of him; *k*) he sent (and *k*) him last to them saying that They will have respect for the son of mine. 7 Those however farmers to themselves they said that This is the heir; come let us kill him, and ours will be the inheritance. 8 And having taken they killed him and cast forth him outside the vineyard. 9 What therefore will do the master of the vineyard? he will come and he will destroy the farmers and will give the vineyard to others. 10 Not even Scripture this have you read: [The] stone which rejected those building, this has become the chief of [the] corner; 11 from [the] Lord was this, and it is marvelous in [the] eyes of us.’? 12 And they were seeking Him to lay hold of and they feared the crowd; they knew for that against them the parable He had spoken. And having left Him they went away. 13 And they send to Him some of the Pharisees and of the Herodians that Him they may catch in discourse. 14 (*k*) (And *N(k)O*) having come they say to Him; Teacher, we know that true You are and not there is care to You about no [one]; not for You look on [the] appearance of men but on the basis of [the] truth the way of God teach. Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not? 15 shall we pay or not shall we pay? And knowing of them the hypocrisy He said to them; Why Me do you test? do bring Me a denarius that I may see [it]. 16 And they brought [it]. And He says to them; Of whom [is] likeness this and the inscription? And they said to Him; Caesar’s. 17 (and answering *k*) (And *no*) Jesus said to them; the [things] of Caesar do give back to Caesar and the [things] of God to God. And (they were amazed *N(k)(o)*) at Him. 18 And come Sadducees to Him who say a resurrection not being and (they were questioning *N(k)O*) Him saying; 19 Teacher, Moses wrote for us that if of anyone a brother shall die and he may leave behind a wife and not may leave (child *N(K)O*) that shall take the brother of him the wife (of him *k*) and may raise up seed for the brother of him. 20 Seven brothers there were; and the first took a wife and dying not he left seed. 21 And the second took her and died (and *k*) (not *N(k)O*) (he himself *k*) (having left *N(k)O*) seed and the third likewise; 22 And (took her *k*) the seven (and *k*) not left offspring. (Last *N(k)O*) of all also the woman died. 23 In the (therefore *K*) resurrection when they may rise of which of them will she be wife? For the seven had her as wife. 24 (and *k*) (Was saying *N(k)O*) to them Jesus (said: *k*) Surely because of this do you err not knowing the Scriptures nor [knowing] the power of God? 25 When for out from [the] dead they may rise, neither do they marry nor are given in marriage but are like angels (*ko*) in the heavens. 26 Concerning now the dead that they rise, surely you have read in the book of Moses on (the *N(k)O*) bush (how *N(k)O*) spoke to him God saying; I myself [am] the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob’? 27 Not He is (the *k*) God of [the] dead but (God *k*) of [the] living; (you yourselves therefore *KO*) Greatly you err. 28 And having come up one of the scribes, having heard when they are reasoning together, (seeing *N(k)O*) that well He answered them he questioned Him; Which is commandment [the] first (of all *N(k)O*) 29 (now *k*) Answered Jesus (to him *ko*) The first (is *no*) (of all *K(o)*) (commandments: *K*) do listen O Israel: [The] Lord the God of us [the] Lord One is; 30 and you will love [the] Lord the God of you with all the heart of you and with all the soul of you and with all the mind of you and with all the strength of you.’ (this first commandment. *KO*) 31 (and *ko*) [The] second (like *KO*) this: You will love the neighbour of you as yourself.’ Greater than these another commandment not there is. 32 And said to Him the scribe; Right, Teacher, according to truth You have spoken that One He is (God *K*) and not there is another besides Him. 33 and to love Him with all the heart and with all the understanding (and from all soul *KO*) and with all the strength and to love the neighbour as oneself (more excessive *N(K)O*) is than all the burnt offerings and (*k*) sacrifices. 34 And Jesus having seen him that wisely he answered He said to him; Not far are you from the kingdom of God. And no [one] no longer no longer was daring Him to question. 35 And answering Jesus was saying teaching in the temple; How say the scribes that the Christ [the] son of David is? 36 Himself (for *ko*) David said by the Spirit Holy: (Said *NK(o)*) (the *ko*) Lord to the Lord of me; (do sit *NK(o)*) at [the] right hand of Me until when I may place of the enemies of You (under *N(k)O*) of the feet of You.’ 37 Himself (therefore *K*) David names Him Lord, then how of him is He son? And the great crowd was listening to Him gladly. 38 And (to them *k*) in the teaching of Him He was saying; do beware of the scribes who are desiring in robes to walk about and greetings in the marketplaces 39 and first seats in the synagogues and first places at the feasts, 40 those devouring the houses of the widows and as a pretext at great length praying, These will receive more excessive judgment. 41 And having sat down (Jesus *k*) (opposite *NK(o)*) the treasury He was watching how the crowd cast money into the treasury. and many rich were casting [in] much; 42 And having come one widow poor she cast [in] lepta two which is a kodrantes. 43 And having called to [Him] the disciples of Him (He says *N(k)O*) to them; Amen I say to you that widow this poor more than all (has cast [in] *N(k)O*) of those (casting *N(k)O*) into the treasury; 44 All for out of that which is abounding to them cast [in], she however out of the poverty of her all as much as she had cast [in], all the livelihood of her.

< Mark 12 >