< Mark 10 >

1 And from there having risen up He comes into the region of Judea (and *N(k)O*) (*k*) beyond the Jordan, And come together again crowds to Him, and as He had been accustomed again He was teaching them.
Uye Jesu akabva panzvimbo iyoyo akaenda munyika yeJudhea uye akayambuka mhiri kweJorodhani. Vanhu vazhinji vakauyazve kwaari, uye sezvayakanga iri tsika yake, akavadzidzisa.
2 And having come to [him] (the *k*) Pharisees (were questioning *N(k)O*) Him if it is lawful for a husband a wife to divorce testing Him.
Vamwe vaFarisi vakauya vakamuedza nokumubvunza vachiti, “Zvinotenderwa here kuti munhu arambe mukadzi wake?”
3 And He answering said to them; What you did command Moses?
Iye akati, “Mozisi akakurayirai kuti kudiniko?”
4 And they said; Permitted Moses a roll of divorce to write and to send [her] away.
Ivo vakati, “Mozisi akatendera murume kuti anyore tsamba yokurambana uye agomuendesa.”
5 (and answering *k*) (But *no*) Jesus said to them; Because of the hardness of heart of you He wrote for you commandment this;
Jesu akapindura akati, “Nokuti mwoyo yenyu yakanga iri mikukutu, Mozisi akakunyorerai murayiro uyu.
6 From however [the] beginning of creation Male and female He made them’ (*k*) (God; *K*)
Asi kubvira kumavambo okusikwa kwezvinhu, Mwari ‘akavaita murume nomukadzi.’
7 On account of this will leave a man the father of him and mother and will be joined to wife of him,
Nokuda kwaizvozvi, murume achasiya baba vake namai vake uye agonamatira kumukadzi wake,
8 and will be the two for flesh one’ Therefore no longer no longer they are two but one flesh.
uye vaviri ava vachava nyama imwe. Saka havachisiri vaviri, asi nyama imwe.
9 What therefore God has joined together, man not should separate.
Naizvozvo izvo zvabatanidzwa naMwari, munhu ngaarege kuzviparadzanisa.”
10 And (in the house *N(k)O*) again the disciples (of it *k*) concerning (the [meaning] of *k*) (this were questioning *N(k)O*) Him.
Vakati vapindazve mumba, vadzidzi vakabvunza Jesu pamusoro paizvozvi.
11 And He says to them; Who[ever] (maybe *N(k)O*) shall divorce the wife of him and shall marry another, commits adultery against her.
Akapindura akati, “Ani naani anoramba mukadzi wake uye akawana mumwe mukadzi, ava kuita upombwe naye.
12 And if (she *N(K)O*) (having divorced *N(k)O*) the husband of her (and *k*) (shall marry another, *N(k)O*) she commits adultery.
Uye kana iye akarambawo murume wake uye akawanikwa nomumwe murume, anoita upombwe naye.”
13 And they were bringing to Him little children that them He may touch; But the disciples (rebuked those *N(k)O*) (bringing [them]. *KO*)
Vanhu vakanga vachiuya navana vaduku kuna Jesu kuti avabate, asi vadzidzi vakavatsiura.
14 Having seen now Jesus was indignant and He said to them; do permit the little children to come to Me, (and *k*) not do hinder them! To the for sof uch belongs the kingdom of God.
Jesu paakazviona, akatsamwa. Akati kwavari, “Regai vana vaduku vauye kwandiri, uye musavadzivisa, nokuti umambo hwaMwari ndohwavakadai.
15 Amen I say to you, who[ever] (only *N(k)O*) unless shall receive the kingdom of God as a child, certainly not shall enter into it.
Ndinokuudzai chokwadi, ani naani asingagamuchiri umambo hwaMwari somwana muduku haangatongopindi mahuri.”
16 And having embraced them (he was greatly blessing *N(k)O*) having laid the hands on them.
Ipapo akatora vana akavafungatira mumaoko ake, akaisa maoko ake pamusoro pavo akavaropafadza.
17 And when is going forth He on [the] journey having run up one and he having knelt down to Him he was asking Him; Teacher good, what shall I do that life eternal I may inherit? (aiōnios g166)
Jesu akati achifamba munzira, mumwe murume akamhanyira kwaari akawira pasi namabvi ake pamberi pake. Akabvunza akati, “Mudzidzisi akanaka, ndinofanira kuiteiko kuti ndigare nhaka youpenyu husingaperi?” (aiōnios g166)
18 And Jesus said to him; Why Me you call good? No [one is] good only except one God.
Jesu akapindura akati, “Unondiidzireiko akanaka? Hakuna munhu akanaka kunze kwaMwari oga.
19 The commandments you know: Not shall you murder not shall you commit adultery not shall you steal, not shall you bear false witness, not shall you defraud, do honor the father of you and the mother.’
Mirayiro unoiziva here inoti: ‘Usauraya, usaita upombwe, usaba, usapupura nhema, usanyengera, kudza baba vako namai vako.’”
20 And (answering *ko*) (he was saying *N(k)O*) to Him; Teacher, these all I have kept from [the] youth of me.
Iye akati, “Mudzidzisi, izvi zvose ndakazvichengeta kubvira ndichiri mukomana.”
21 And Jesus having looked upon him He loved him and He said to him; One thing (to you *N(k)O*) is lacking; do go, as much as you have do sell and do give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. and come, do follow Me (having taken up cross. *K*)
Jesu akamutarira uye akamuda, akati kwaari, “Unoshayiwa chinhu chimwe chete. Enda undotengesa zvinhu zvose zvaunazvo upe kuvarombo, ugova nepfuma kudenga. Ipapo ugouya, unditevere.”
22 And having been sad at the word he went away grieving; he was [one] for having possessions many.
Anzwa izvi akasuwa kwazvo. Akaenda akasuwa, nokuti akanga ane pfuma zhinji.
23 And having looked around Jesus says to the disciples of Him; How difficultly those riches having into the kingdom of God will enter!
Jesu akatarira-tarira ndokuti kuvadzidzi vake, “Zvakaoma sei kuti mupfumi apinde muumambo hwaMwari!”
24 And the disciples were astonished at the words of Him. But Jesus again answering He says to them; Children, how difficult it is (having trusted upon *KO*) (*K*) (riches *KO*) into the kingdom of God to enter!
Vadzidzi vakashamiswa namashoko ake. Asi Jesu akatizve, “Vana, zvakaoma sei kupinda muumambo hwaMwari!
25 Easier it is [for] a camel through the eye of the needle (to pass *N(k)O*) than [for] a rich man into the kingdom of God to enter.
Zviri nyore kuti ngamera ipinde napaburi retsono pano kuti mupfumi apinde muumambo hwaMwari.”
26 And exceedingly they were astonished saying among (themselves; *NK(O)*) Then who is able to be saved?
Vadzidzi vakanyanya kushamiswa, uye vakati pakati pavo, “Zvino ndianiko angaponeswa?”
27 Having looked (now *k*) on them Jesus says; With men [it is] impossible but not [is impossible] with (*k*) God; all things for [are] possible (is *k*) with God.
Jesu akatarisa kwavari akati, “Kumunhu hazvigoneki, asi kwete naMwari; zvinhu zvose zvinogoneka kuna Mwari.”
28 (and *k*) Began to say Peter to Him; Behold we ourselves left all and (have followed *N(k)O*) You.
Petro akati kwaari, “Isu takasiya zvinhu zvose kuti tikuteverei!”
29 (answering *ko*) (now *k*) (Was saying *N(k)O*) Jesus; Amen I say to you, no [one] there is who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father (or wife *K*) or children or lands because of me and (because *no*) of the gospel,
Jesu akapindura akati, “Ndinokuudzai chokwadi, hakuna munhu akasiya musha, kana vanunʼuna kana hanzvadzi kana mai kana baba kana vana kana minda nokuda kwangu uye nokuda kwevhangeri
30 only unless shall take a hundredfold now in time this — houses and brothers and sisters and (mothers *NK(o)*) and children and lands with persecutions — and in the age which is coming life eternal. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
achakundikana kugamuchira zvakawanda kakapetwa kazana munguva ino (misha, vanunʼuna, hanzvadzi, vanamai, vana neminda, uye pamwe chete naizvozvo, kutambudzika) uye panguva inouya, upenyu husingaperi. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
31 Many however will be first last and the last first.
Asi vazhinji vanova vokutanga ndivo vachava vokupedzisira, uye vokupedzisira vachava vokutanga.”
32 They were then on the way going up to Jerusalem, and was going on before them Jesus, and they were astonished; (those *no*) (then *N(k)O*) following were afraid. And having brought to [Himself] again the Twelve He began them to tell the [things] are being soon to Him to happen
Vakanga vari munzira vachikwidza kuenda kuJerusarema, Jesu achivatungamirira, uye vadzidzi vakakatyamara, asi vaya vakanga vachitevera vakanga vachitya. Akatorazve vane gumi navaviri vari voga uye akavaudza zvaizoitika kwaari.
33 that Behold we go up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and to the scribes, and they will condemn Him to death and will betray Him to the Gentiles
Akati, “Tiri kuenda kuJerusarema, uye Mwanakomana woMunhu achapandukirwa agoiswa kuvaprista vakuru navadzidzisi vomurayiro. Vachamutongera rufu uye vachamuisa mumaoko eveDzimwe Ndudzi,
34 And they will mock Him and will spit upon Him and will flog Him and will kill (him *ko*) and (on [the] third day *N(k)O*) He will rise again.
avo vachamuseka uye vagomupfira mate, vachamurova uye vagomuuraya. Shure kwamazuva matatu, achamuka.”
35 And come up to Him James and John, the (two *O*) sons of Zebedee, saying (to Him; *no*) Teacher, we desire that whatever if we shall ask (you *no*) You shall do for us.
Ipapo Jakobho naJohani vanakomana vaZebhedhi, vakauya kwaari, vakati, “Mudzidzisi, tinoda kuti mutiitire zvose zvose zvatinokumbira.”
36 And He said to them; What do you desire Me (I may do *N(k)O*) for you?
Akavabvunza akati, “Munoda kuti ndikuitireiko?”
37 And they said to Him; do grant to us that one of [us] at right [hand] and one at (left [hand] *N(k)O*) (of you *k*) let us sit in the glory of You.
Vakapindura vakati, “Titenderei kuti mumwe wedu agare kuruoko rwenyu rworudyi uye mumwe kuruboshwe rwenyu mukubwinya kwenyu.”
38 And Jesus said to them; Not you know what you ask. Are you able to drink the cup which I myself drink (or *N(k)O*) the baptism which I myself am baptized to be baptized [with]?
Jesu akati, “Hamuzivi zvamunokumbira. Mungagona here kunwa mukombe wandinonwa kana kubhabhatidzwa norubhabhatidzo rwandinobhabhatidzwa narwo?”
39 And they said to Him; We are able. And Jesus said to them; The (indeed *k*) cup which I myself drink you will drink, and the baptism which I myself am baptized you will be baptized [with];
Vakapindura vakati, “Tinogona.” Jesu akati, “Muchanwa mukombe wandinonwa uye muchabhabhatidzwa norubhabhatidzo rwandinobhabhatidzwa narwo,
40 but to sit at [the] right hand of Me (or *N(k)O*) at [the] left hand (of me *k*) not is Mine to give but [to those] for whom it has been prepared.
asi zvokugara kuruoko rwangu rworudyi kana kuruboshwe handisini ndinozvipa. Nzvimbo idzi ndedzavaya vakadzigadzirirwa.”
41 And having heard [this] the ten began to be indignant about James and John.
Vane gumi vakati vanzwa izvi, vakatsamwira Jakobho naJohani.
42 (*k*) (And *no*) (now *k*) having called near them Jesus says to them; You know that those being accounted to rule over the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those great ones of them exercise authority over them.
Jesu akavadana pamwe chete akati, “Munoziva kuti vaya vanonzi vatongi neveDzimwe Ndudzi vanotonga pamusoro pavo, uye vabati vavo vakuru vanoshandisa simba pamusoro pavo.
43 Not thus however (is it *N(k)O*) among you, Instead who[ever] (maybe *N(k)O*) shall desire great to become among you, will be your servant;
Hazvina kudaro pakati penyu. Pachinzvimbo chaizvozvo, ani naani anoda kuva mukuru pakati penyu anofanira kuva muranda wenyu,
44 and who[ever] (maybe *NK(o)*) shall desire (among *no*) (you to become *N(k)O*) first, will be of all slave.
uye ani naani anoda kuva wokutanga anofanira kuva nhapwa yavose.
45 Even for the Son of Man not came to be served but to serve and to give the life of Him [as] a ransom for many.
Nokuti kunyange Mwanakomana woMunhu haana kuuya kuzoshumirwa, asi kuzoshumira uye nokupa upenyu hwake kuti huve rudzikinuro rwavazhinji.”
46 And they come to Jericho. And when was going out He from Jericho — and the disciples of Him and a crowd large — (the *no*) son of Timaeus Bartimaeus, (the *k*) blind (beggar, *N(k)O*) was sitting beside the road.
Ipapo vakasvika kuJeriko. Jesu navadzidzi vake, pamwe chete navanhu vazhinji, vakati vobuda muguta, Bhatimeo, murume akanga ari bofu, (ndiye mwanakomana waTimeo), akanga agere parutivi penzira achipemha.
47 And having heard that Jesus (of Nazareth *N(k)O*) it is, he began to cry out and to say; (O *k*) Son of David Jesus, do have mercy on me.
Paakanzwa kuti akanga ari Jesu weNazareta, akatanga kudanidzira achiti, “Mwanakomana waDhavhidhi, ndinzwirei ngoni!”
48 And were rebuking him many that he may be silent. but much more he was crying out; Son of David, do have mercy on me.
Vazhinji vakamutsiura uye vakamutaurira kuti anyarare, asi akanyanyisa kudanidzira achiti, “Mwanakomana waDhavhidhi, ndinzwirei ngoni!”
49 And having stopped Jesus commanded: (do call *N(k)O*) him. And they call the blind [man] saying to him; take courage! (do rise up *N(k)O*) He calls you.
Jesu akamira akati, “Mudanei.” Saka vakadana murume uya bofu vakati, “Tsunga mwoyo! Simuka! Anokudana.”
50 And having cast away the cloak of him (having jumped up *N(k)O*) he came to Jesus.
Akakanda jasi rake parutivi, akakwakuka akauya kuna Jesu.
51 And answering to him Jesus (said; *N(k)O*) What to you do you desire I may do And the blind [man] said to Him; Rabboni, that I may receive sight.
Jesu akamubvunza akati, “Unoda kuti ndikuitirei?” Murume uya bofu akati, “Rabhi, ndinoda kuona.”
52 (And *no*) (now *ko*) Jesus said to him; do go, the faith of you has healed you. And immediately he received sight and he was following (Him *N(k)O*) (Jesus *k*) on the way.
Jesu akati, “Enda hako, kutenda kwako kwakuporesa.” Pakarepo meso ake akasvinudzwa uye akatevera Jesu munzira.

< Mark 10 >