< Malachi 3 >

1 Here I [am] about to send messenger my and he will make clear a way before me and suddenly he will come to temple his the lord - whom you [are] seeking and [the] messenger of the covenant whom you [are] delighting there! [he is] about to come he says Yahweh of hosts.
Se, jeg sender min Engel, og han skal bane Vej for mit Åsyn; og til sit Tempel kommer i et Nu den Herre, I søger, og Pagtens Engel, som I længes efter; se, han kommer, siger Hærskarers HERRE.
2 And who? [will] endure [the] day of coming he and who? [is] the [one who will] stand when appears he for he [is] like [the] fire of a refiner and like [the] soap of washers.
Men hvo kan udholde den Dag, han kommer, og hvo kan stå, når han kommer til Syne? Han er jo som Metalsmelterens Ild og Tvætternes Lud.
3 And he will sit [one who] refines and [one who] purifies silver and he will purify [the] descendants of Levi and he will refine them like gold and like silver and they will be to Yahweh bringing near an offering in righteousness.
Han sidder og smelter og renser Sølv; han renser Levis Sønner, lutrer dem som Guld og Sølv, så de kan frembære Offergave for HERREN i Retfærdighed,
4 And it will be pleasing to Yahweh [the] offering of Judah and Jerusalem like [the] days of antiquity and like years former.
at Judas og Jerusalems Offergave må være HERREN liflig som i fordums Dage, i henrundne År.
5 And I will draw near to you for judgment and I will be - a witness hastening on the sorcerers and on the adulterers and on [those who] swear an oath to falsehood and on [those who] defraud [the] hire of a hired laborer a widow and a fatherless one and [those who] thrust aside a sojourner and not they fear me he says Yahweh of hosts.
Jeg nærmer mig eder til Dom og vidner i Hast mod Troldmændene, Ægteskabsbryderne, Menederne og dem, som undertrykker Daglejere, Enker og faderløse, gør fremmede Uret og ikke frygter mig, siger Hærskarers HERRE.
6 That I Yahweh not I change and you [the] descendants of Jacob not you have come to an end.
Thi jeg, HERREN, er ikke blevet en anden, men I har ikke ophørt at være Jakobsønner".
7 From [the] days of ancestors your you have turned aside from statutes my and not you have kept [them] return to me so let me return to you he says Yahweh of hosts and you say how? will we return.
Siden eders Fædres Dage er I afveget fra mine Bud og har ikke holdt dem. Vend om til mig, så vil jeg vende om til eder, siger Hærskarers HERRE. Og I spørger: "Hvorledes skal vi vende os?"
8 ¿ Will he rob someone God for you [are] robbing me and you say how? have we robbed you the tithe and the contribution.
Skal et Menneske bedrage Gud? I bedrager mig jo! Og I spørger:"Hvorved har vi bedraget dig?" Med Tienden og Offerydelsen!
9 With curse you [are] cursed and me you [are] robbing the nation all of it.
I trues med Forbandelse og bedrager dog mig, ja alt Folket gør det!
10 Bring all the tithe into [the] house of the store so it may be food in house my and test me please by this he says Yahweh of hosts if not I will open for you [the] windows of the heavens and I will pour out for you blessing until not sufficiency.
Bring hele Tienden tiI Forrådshuset, så der kan være Mad i mit Hus; sæt mig på Prøve dermed, siger Hærskarers HERRE, om jeg da ikke åbner eder Himmelens Sluser og udøser Velsignelse over eder i Overmål.
11 And I will rebuke for you the devourer and not it will destroy of you [the] fruit of the ground and not it will prove barren of you the vine in the field he says Yahweh of hosts.
Jeg vil for eders Skyld skræmme Æderne, så at de ikke ødelægger eder Landets Afgrøde, og Vinstokken på Marken skal ikke slå eder fejl, siger Hærskarers HERRE.
12 And they will call blessed you all the nations for you will be you a land of delight he says Yahweh of hosts.
Og alle Folkene skal love eder, fordi l har et yndigt Land, siger Hærskarers HERRE.
13 They have been strong on me words your he says Yahweh and you say what? have we spoken together on you.
I taler stærke Ord imod mig, siger HERREN. Og I spørger: "Hvad taler vi imod dig?"
14 You have said [is] futility to serve God and what? [is the] profit that we have kept charge his and that we have walked mournfully from before Yahweh of hosts.
I siger: "Det er ørkesløst at tjene Gud; hvad vinder vi ved at opfylde hans Krav og gå sørgeklædte for Hærskarers HERREs Åsyn?
15 And therefore we [are] calling blessed arrogant [people] both they have been built up [those who] do wickedness as well as they have tested God and they have escaped.
Nej, vi må love de frække! De øver Gudløshed og kommer til Vejrs; de frister Gud og slipper godt derfra."
16 Then they spoke together [those] fearing Yahweh each with neighbor his and he paid attention Yahweh and he listened and it was written a document of remembrance before him of [those] fearing Yahweh and of [those who] esteemed name his.
Da talte de, som frygter HERREN, med hverandre. Og HERREN lyttede og hørte efter, og en Bog blev skrevet for hans Åsyn, for at de kunde ihukommes, som frygter HERREN og slår Lid til hans Navn.
17 And they will belong to me he says Yahweh of hosts to the day when I [will be] making a possession and I will have compassion on them just as he has compassion everyone on son his who serves him.
Den Dag jeg griber ind, skal de tilhøre mig som mit Eje, siger Hærskarers HERRE, og jeg vil handle nænsomt med dem, som en Fader handler nænsomt med sin Søn, der tjener ham.
18 And you will return and you will see between a righteous [person] and a wicked [person] between [one who] serves God and [one] who not he serves him.
Da skal l atter kende Forskel på retfærdig og gudløs, på den, som tjener Gud, og den, som ikke tjener ham.

< Malachi 3 >