< Malachi 1 >

1 [the] oracle of [the] word of Yahweh to Israel by [the] hand of Malachi.
2 I have loved you he says Yahweh and you say how? have you loved us ¿ not [did] a brother Esau [belong] to Jacob [the] utterance of Yahweh and I loved Jacob.
3 And Esau I hated and I have made mountains his a waste and inheritance his for jackals of [the] wilderness.
4 For it will say Edom we have been shattered and we may return so we may rebuild [the] ruins thus he says Yahweh of hosts they they will build and I I will tear down and people will call them a territory of wickedness and the people which he was indignant Yahweh until perpetuity.
5 And eyes your they will see and you you will say he is great Yahweh over [the] border of Israel.
6 A son he honors a father and a servant master his and if [am] a father I where? [is] honor my and if [am] a master I where? [is] fear my he says - Yahweh of hosts to you O priests [who] despise name my and you say how? have we despised name your.
7 [you are] bringing near On altar my food defiled and you say how? have we defiled you by saying you [the] table of Yahweh [is] despicable it.
8 And if you bring near! a blind [animal] to sacrifice not? [is it] evil and if you bring near a lame [animal] and a sick [animal] [is it] not? evil bring near it please to governor your ¿ will he be pleased with you or ¿ will he lift up face your he says Yahweh of hosts.
9 And now entreat please [the] face of God so he may show favor to us from hand your it was this ¿ will he lift up any of you face he says Yahweh of hosts.
10 Who? also [is] among you so he may shut [the] doors and not you will set light to altar my in vain not [belongs] to me pleasure in you he says Yahweh of hosts and an offering not I will accept from hand your.
11 For from [the] rising of [the] sun and to setting its [is] great name my among the nations and in every place incense [is being] brought near to name my and an offering a pure for [is] great name my among the nations he says Yahweh of hosts.
12 And you [are] profaning it by saying you [the] table of [the] Lord [is] defiled it and fruit its [is] despicable food its.
13 And you say there! what weariness! and you sniff at it he says Yahweh of hosts and you bring a stolen [animal] and the lame [animal] and the sick [animal] and you bring the offering ¿ will I accept it from hand your he says Yahweh.
14 And [be] cursed [one who] deals deceptively and there among flock his [is] a male and [one who] makes a vow and [one who] sacrifices a blemished [animal] to [the] Lord for [am] a king great I he says Yahweh of hosts and name my [is] feared among the nations.

< Malachi 1 >