< Luke 7 >

1 (And since *N(k)O*) He had completed all the declarations of Him in the hearing of the people, He entered into Capernaum.
Eta acabatu cituenean bere hitz guciac populuac çançuela, sar cedin Capernaumen.
2 Of a centurion then a certain servant sick being was about to die who was to him valued highly.
Eta Centener baten cerbitzaria eri içanez hiltzera çohian, cein baitzuen guciz maite.
3 Having heard then about Jesus he sent to Him elders of the Jews begging Him that having come He may save the servant of him.
Eta harc ençun çuenean Iesusez, igor citzan harengana Iuduén Ancianoac, othoiztez çayola, ethorriric senda leçan haren cerbitzaria.
4 And having come to Jesus they were begging Him earnestly saying that Worthy he is to whom (You will grant *N(K)O*) this;
Eta hec ethorri ciradenean Iesusgana, othoitz ceguioten affectionatuqui, cioitela, ecen digne cela nehorc hura aithor lieçón.
5 he loves for the nation of us and the synagogue he himself built for us.
Ecen maite dic, cioiten, gure nationea eta synagogabat harc edificatu diraucuc.
6 And Jesus was going with them. Already then when he not far being distant from the house sent (to him *ko*) friends the centurion saying to Him; Lord, not do be troubled; not for worthy I am that under the roof of mine You may come,
Iesus bada ioan cedin hequin. Baina ia etchetic vrrun handi etzela, Centenerac igor citzan adisquideac harengana, ciotsala, Iauna, ezadila neka: ecen eznauc digne ene atharbe pean sar adin.
7 therefore neither myself counted I worthy to You to come. but do say a word, and (let be healed *N(k)O*) the servant of mine.
Halacotz neure buruä-ere eztiat digne estimatu hiregana ethorteco: baina errac hitza, eta sendaturen baita ene muthilla.
8 Also for I myself a man am under authority appointed, having under myself soldiers. and I say to this [one]; do go, and he goes, and to another; do come, and he comes, and to the servant of mine; do enact this, and he enacts [it].
Ecen ni nauc berceren meneco guiçon, ditudalaric neure meneco gendarmesac: eta huni erraiten diarocat, oha, eta badihoac: eta berceari, Athor, eta ethorten duc: eta neure cerbitzariari Eguic haur, eta eguiten dic.
9 Having heard then these things Jesus marveled at him; and having turned to the following Him crowd He said; I say to you, (not even *NK(o)*) in Israel such great faith did I find.
Eta gauça hauc ençunic Iesusec mirets ceçan harçaz: eta itzuliric erran cieçon berari çarreican companiari, Erraiten drauçuet, Israelen-ere eztudala hain fede handiric eriden.
10 And having returned to the house the [ones] having been sent found the (ailing *K*) servant in good health.
Eta igorri içan ciradenéc, etchera itzuli ciradenean, eriden ceçaten cerbitzari eri içana sendoric.
11 And it came to pass on (the *N(k)O*) next [day] (He went *N(k)O*) into a town being called Nain, and were going with Him the disciples of Him (many *K*) and a crowd great.
Eta guertha cedin biharamunean Iesus ioaiten baitzen Naim deitzen cen hirira: eta ioaiten ciraden harequin haren discipuluetaric vnguisco, eta gendetze handia.
12 As then He drew near to the gate of the town, also behold was being carried out [one] having died only begotten son from the mother of him, and she was a widow; And a crowd of the town considerable was with her.
Eta hirico portaleari hurbildu çayon beçala, huná, eramaiten çuten hilbat, bere ama alhargunaren seme bakoitza, eta hiritic compania handia cen harequin.
13 And having seen her the Lord was moved with compassion on her and He said to her; Not do weep.
Eta alhargun hura ikussi çuenean Iaunac, compassione har ceçan haren gainean, eta erran cieçon, Eztaguinala nigarric.
14 And having come up He touched the bier; those then bearing [it] stopped; And He said; Young man, to you I say, do be arised.
Eta hurbilduric hunqui ceçan kutchá, (orduan gorputza çaramatenac gueldi citecen) eta erran ceçan, Guiçon gazteá, hiri diossat, iaiqui adi.
15 And sat up the dead [man] and began to speak. and He gave him to the mother of him.
Eta iar cedin hil içana, eta has cedin minçatzen. Eta eman cieçon hura bere amari.
16 Seized then fear (all, *N(k)O*) and they were glorifying God saying that A prophet great (was raised up *N(k)O*) among us! and that Has visited God the people of Him!
Eta har citzan guciac beldur batec, eta glorificatzen çuten Iaincoa, erraiten cutela, Segur Propheta handibat iaiqui içan da gure artean, eta segur Iaincoac visitatu du bere populua.
17 And went out report this in all Judea concerning Him and (in *ko*) in all the surrounding region.
Eta io ceçan harçazco fama hunec Iudea gucia eta inguruco comarca gucia.
18 And brought word to John the disciples of him concerning all these things.
Eta conta cietzoten Ioannesi bere discipuluec gauça hauc guciac.
19 And having called near two certain the disciples of him John sent [them] to the (Lord *N(K)O*) saying; You yourself are the coming [One], or (another *NK(o)*) are we to look for?
Eta deithuric bere discipuluetaric biga Ioannesec igor citzan Iesusgana, cioela, Hi aiz ethorteco cen hura, ala berce baten beguira gaude?
20 Having come then to Him the men said; John the Baptist (has sent *N(k)O*) us to you saying; You yourself are the coming [One], or another are we to look for?
Eta ethorriric harengana guiçon hec erran ceçaten, Ioannes Baptistac igorri guiaitic hiregana, dioela, Hi aiz ethorteco cena, ala berce baten beguira gaude?
21 At (that very *N(k)O*) (now *k*) hour He healed many of diseases and afflictions and spirits evil and to blind many He granted (*k*) to see.
Eta ordu berean anhitz senda ceçan eritassunetaric, eta plaguetaric, eta spiritu gaichtoetaric eta anhitz itsuri ikustea eman ciecén.
22 And answering (Jesus *k*) He said to them; Having gone do relate to John what you have seen and heard: (that *ko*) Blind receive sight, lame walk, lepers are cleansed, (and *no*) deaf hear, dead are raised, poor are evangelised,
Guero ihardesten çuela Iesusec erran ciecén, Ioannic conta ietzoçue Ioannesi ikussi eta ençun dituçuen gauçác: ecen itsuéc ikustea dutela recebitzen, mainguäc diradela ebilten, sorhayóac diradela chahutzen gorréc dutela ençuten, hilac diradela resuscitatzen, paubrey çayela Euangelioa predicatzen.
23 And blessed is who might not shall be offended in Me myself.
Eta dohatsu da scandalizaturen eztena nitan.
24 When were departing then the messengers of John He began to speak to (the crowds *NK(o)*) concerning John: What (did you go out *N(k)O*) into the wilderness to see? A reed by [the] wind shaken?
Eta partitu ciradenean Ioannesen mandatariac, has cequión, Ioannesez populuari erraiten, Ceren ikustera ilki içan çarete desertura? canabera haiceaz erabilten den baten?
25 But what (have you gone out *N(k)O*) to see? A man in fine clothing arrayed? Behold those in clothing splendid and in luxury living in the palaces are.
Baina ceren ikustera ilki içan çarete? guiçon abillamendu preciosoz veztitu baten? huná, abillamendu preciosoetan, eta delicioetan diradenac, reguén palacioetan dirade.
26 But what (have you gone out *N(k)O*) to see? A prophet? Yes I say to you; and [one] more excellent than a prophet.
Baina ceren ikustera ilki içan çarete? Propheta baten? bay diotsuet eta Propheta bainoagoaren.
27 This is he concerning whom it has been written: Behold (I myself *k*) I send the messenger of Mine before [the] face of you who will prepare the way of You before You.’
Haur da ceinez scribatua baita, Huná, nic igorten diat neure mandataria hire beguitharte aitzinean, ceinec hire bidea appainduren baitu hire aitzinean.
28 I say (for *k*) to you; a greater among [those] born of women (prophet *KO*) (*k*) (than John *N(K)O*) no [one] is. yet the least in the kingdom of God greater than he is.
Ecen erraiten drauçuet, emaztetaric iayó diradenén artean eztela Prophetaric batre Ioannes Baptista baino handiagoric: badaric-ere Iaincoaren resumán chipién dena hura baino handiago da.
29 And all the people having heard even the tax collectors declared as righteous God having been baptized [with] the baptism of John.
Orduan populu guciac hori ençunic eta publicanoéc iustifica ceçaten Iaincoa, batheyatu içanic Ioannesen baptismoaz.
30 but the Pharisees and the lawyers the counsel of God rejected as to themselves not having been baptized by him.
Baina Phariseu eta Legueco doctor harenganic batheyatu etziradenéc Iaincoaren conseillua arbuya çeçaten bere buruén contra.
31 (said now Lord *K*) To what therefore will I liken the men of the generation this And to what are they like?
Orduan erran ceçan Iaunac, Norequin bada comparaturen ditut generatione hunetaco guiçonac? eta cer irudi dute?
32 Like are they to little children in the marketplace sitting and calling to each other (one *no*) (and *k*) (says: *N(k)(o)*) We piped to you, and not you did dance; we sang a dirge (to you *k*) and not you did weep.
Merkatuan iarriric dauden, eta bata berceari oihuz dagozcan haourtchoac beçalaco dirade ceinéc baitioite, Chirula soinu eguin drauçuegu, eta etzarete dançatu: eressiz cantatu drauçuegu eta eztuçue nigarric eguin.
33 Has come for John the Baptist (neither *N(k)O*) eating bread nor drinking wine and you say; A demon He has.
Ecen ethorri da Ioannes Baptista, oguiric iaten eztuela, ez mahatsarnoric edaten, eta dioçue, Deabrua du.
34 Has come the Son of Man eating and drinking, and you say; Behold a man a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and of sinners.
Ethorri da guiçonaren Semea iaten eta edaten duela: eta dioçue, Huná guiçon gormanta eta hordia, eta publicanoén eta vicitze gaichtotacoen adisquidea.
35 And was justified wisdom by all the children of her.
Baina iustificatu içan da sapientiá bere haour guciéz.
36 Was asking now one Him of the Pharisees that He may eat with him. and having entered into (the house *N(k)O*) of the Pharisee (He was sat. *N(K)O*)
Eta othoitz eguin cieçon Phariseu batec harequin ian leçan, eta sarthuric Phariseuaren etchean, iar cedin mahainean.
37 And behold a woman who was in the city a sinner. (And *no*) she having known that (reclines back *N(k)O*) in the house of the Pharisee, having taken an alabaster flask of fragrant oil
Eta huná, hirian emazte vicitze gaichtotaco cen-batec iaquin çuenean, ecen hura Phariseuaren etchean mahainean iarria cela, ekar ceçan boeitabat vnguentu,
38 and having stood behind at the feet of Him weeping with the tears she began to wet the feet of Him and with the hairs of the head of her she was wiping [them] and was kissing the feet of Him and was anointing [them] with the fragrant oil.
Eta guibeletic haren oinetara cegoela, has cedin nigarrez cegoela haren oinén nigar vriz arregatzen: eta ichucatzen cerauzcan bere buruco adatsaz, eta pot eguiten cerauen haren oiney, eta vnguentuz vnguenstatzen cituen.
39 Having seen now the Pharisee the [one] having invited Him he spoke within himself saying; This if He was (*o*) prophet, he have known then would who and what the woman [is] who touches Him for a sinner she is.
Orduan hori ikussiric hura gomitatu çuen Phariseuac erran ceçan bere baithan, cioela, Hunec, baldin Propheta baliz balaquique segur nor eta nolacoa den haur hunquitzen duen emaztea: ecen vicitze gaichtotacoa da.
40 And answering Jesus said to him; Simon, I have to you something to say. And; Teacher do say [it], he says.
Eta ihardesten çuela Iesusec erran cieçón, Simon, badiat cerbait hiri erraitecoric. Eta harc dio, Magistruá, errac.
41 Two debtors there were to a creditor certain. the one was owing denarii five hundred, and the other fifty.
Hartzedun batec citián bi çordun, batac cián çor borz-ehun dinero, eta berceac berroguey eta hamar.
42 Nothing were having (now *k*) they to pay to both he forgave. Which therefore of them (do tell *k*) more will love him
Eta hec ez vkanez nondic paga, quitta cieceán biey. Hautaric bada, errac, ceinec hura maiteago vkanen du?
43 Answering (now *ko*) Simon said; I take it that [he] to whom the most he forgave. And He said to him; Rightly You have judged.
Eta ihardesten çuela Simonec erran ceçan, Vste diat ecen guehiago quittatu içan çayonac. Eta harc erran cieçon, Bidezqui iugeatu duc.
44 And having turned to the woman to Simon He was saying; See you this the woman? I entered of you into the house, water to Me for (the *ko*) feet (of mine *k*) not you gave; with her however tears she wet My feet and with the hair (the head *K*) of her wiped [them].
Eta emazteaganat itzuliric erran cieçón Simoni, Badacussac emazte haur? hire etchean sarthu içan nauc, vric ene oinetara eztuc eman: baina hunec ene oinac nigar vriz arregatu citic, eta bere buruco adatsaz ichucatu.
45 A kiss to Me not you gave; she herself however from which [time] I came in not she has ceased kissing My feet.
Potbat niri eztrautac eman, baina haur, sarthu naicenaz gueroztic, eztuc ene oiney pot eguitetic guelditu.
46 With oil the head of Mine not you did anoint; she herself however with fragrant oil anointed the feet of Mine.
Olioz ene buruä eztuc vnctatu: baina hunec vnguentuz vnctatu citic ene oinac.
47 of this Because I say to you, have been forgiven the sins of her many, for she loved much; to whom however little is forgiven, little he loves.
Halacotz erraiten drauat barkatu çaizcala bere bekatu anhitzac, ecen haguitz onhetsi dic: eta gutiago barkatzen çayonac gutiago onhesten dic.
48 He said then to her; Have been forgiven your sins.
Guero emazteari erran cieçón, Barkatu çaizquin eure bekatuac.
49 And began those reclining to say within themselves; Who this is who even sins forgives?
Eta has citecen elkarrequin mahainean iarriric ceudenac, bere artean erraiten, Nor da haur bekatuac-ere barkatzen baititu?
50 He said then to the woman; The faith of You has saved you; do go in peace.
Baina emazteari erran cieçón, Eure fedeac saluatu au: oha baquerequin.

< Luke 7 >