< Luke 24 >

1 The however on [the] first [day] of the week dawn very early to the tomb they came bringing that they had prepared spices (and certain with them. *K*)
Nʼụbọchị mbụ nke izu ụka, nʼezigbo isi ụtụtụ, ha weere mmanụ otite ahụ ha tinyere ọtụtụ ụda nke ha kwadoro gawa nʼili ahụ.
2 They found then the stone rolled away from the tomb.
Ha chọpụtara na e nupụla nkume e ji dochie nʼọnụ ili ahụ.
3 (and *k*) Having entered (however *no*) not they found the body of the Lord Jesus.
Ma mgbe ha banyere nʼime ya, ha ahụghị ahụ Onyenwe anyị Jisọs.
4 And it came to pass while (perplexing *N(k)O*) they about this that behold men two stood by them in (garment dazzling. *N(k)O*)
Dị ka ha nọ na mgbagwoju anya banyere nke a, nʼotu ntabi anya, ha hụrụ mmadụ abụọ yi uwe na-egbu ka amụma guzo ha nso.
5 Terrified then were becoming they and bowing (their faces *N(k)O*) to the ground they said to them; Why seek you the living among the dead?
Ha kpudoro ihu ha nʼala nʼihi oke egwu, ma mmadụ abụọ ahụ gwara ha, “Gịnị mere unu ji na-achọ onye dị ndụ nʼetiti ndị nwụrụ anwụ?
6 Not He is here but He is risen! do remember how He spoke to you yet being in Galilee
Ọ nọkwaghị nʼebe a, o biliela nʼọnwụ, chetakwanụ ihe ọ gwara unu mgbe unu na ya nọ na Galili sị,
7 saying The Son of Man that it behooves to be delivered into hands of men sinful and to be crucified and on the third day to arise.
‘A ghaghị inyefe Nwa nke Mmadụ nʼaka ndị mmehie, a ga-akpọgidekwa ya nʼobe ma nʼụbọchị nke atọ ọ ga-esi nʼọnwụ bilie.’”
8 And they remembered the declarations of Him,
Mgbe ahụ ha chetara okwu ya.
9 And having returned from the tomb they related these things all to the eleven and to all the rest.
Mgbe ha sitere nʼili ahụ lọghachi, ha kọọrọ mmadụ iri na otu ahụ na ndị ọzọ niile ihe ndị a.
10 It was now Magdalene Mary and Joanna and Mary the [mother] of James and the other women with them; (who *k*) were telling to the apostles these things,
Ọ bụ Meri Magdalin, na Joana, na Meri nne Jemis na ụmụ nwanyị ndị ọzọ so ha kọọrọ ndị na-eso ụzọ ya ihe a.
11 And appeared before them like folly the declarations (of them *N(k)O*) and they were not believing in them.
Ma ha ekweghị ihe ha gwara ha, nʼihi na okwu ha dị ha ka ọ bụ ihe efu.
12 But Peter having risen up he ran to the tomb, and having stooped down he sees the linen strips (lying *k*) alone and he went away in (himself *NK(o)*) wondering at that having come to pass.
Ma otu ọ dị, Pita gbaara ọsọ ruo nʼili ahụ, hulata ala hụ ka akwa ozu ndị ahụ tọgbọọrọ onwe ha; ọ lara na-atụgharị uche nʼime onwe ya ihe ihe ndị a pụtara.
13 And behold two of them on same the day were going to a village being distant stadia sixty from Jerusalem whose name [is] Emmaus.
Nʼotu ụbọchị ahụ, mmadụ abụọ nʼime ha gaje nʼobodo nta a na-akpọ Emaus, nke dị ihe ruru kilomita iri na abụọ site na Jerusalem.
14 and they themselves were talking with one another about all which having taken place these things.
Ha na-ekwurịta nʼetiti onwe ha banyere ihe niile mere.
15 And it came to pass during the talking by them and reasoning that Himself (*k*) Jesus having drawn near He was walking along with them.
Dị ka ha na-ekwu na-akparịta ụka banyere ihe ndị a, Jisọs nʼonwe ya bịara soro ha na-aga ije.
16 but the eyes of them were held not to know Him.
Ma e mechiri anya ha ịmata na ọ bụ ya.
17 He said then to them; What words [are] these that you exchange with one another walking? And (they stood still *N(K)O*) looking sad.
Ọ sịrị ha, “Gịnị ka unu na-ekwurịta nʼetiti onwe unu dị ka unu na-aga nʼụzọ.” Ha kwụsịrị ebe ahụ, gbarụọ ihu ha.
18 Answering now (the *k*) one (from of them *O*) (whose *k*) (name *NK(o)*) Cleopas said to Him; You yourself alone visit (in *k*) Jerusalem and not have known the [things] having come to pass in it in days these?
Otu onye nʼime ha a na-akpọ Kleopas, sịrị ya, “Ị bụ onye ọbịa na Jerusalem nke mere na ị maghị ihe mere nʼime ya nʼụbọchị ndị a?”
19 And He said to them; What things? And they said to Him; The [things] concerning Jesus (of Nazareth, *N(k)O*) who was a man a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people,
Ọ sịrị ha, “Gịnị bụ ihe mere?” Ha sịrị ya, “Banyere Jisọs onye Nazaret! Ọ bụ onye amụma bụrụkwa onye dị ike, ma nʼokwu ma nʼomume nʼihu Chineke na mmadụ niile.
20 that then delivered up him the chief priests and the rulers of us to [the] judgment of death and crucified Him.
Na otu ndịisi nchụaja na ndị ọchịchị anyị nyefere ya ka a maa ya ikpe ọnwụ, ma kpọgbukwaa ya nʼobe.
21 We ourselves however were hoping that He himself it is who is about to redeem Israel. But indeed (also *no*) with all these things [the] third this day brings (today *ko*) away from which these things came to pass.
Anyị nwererịị olileanya na ọ bụ ya ga-agbapụta Izrel. Nke ka nke, taa mere ya abalị atọ kemgbe ihe ndị a mere.
22 However also women certain out from us amazed us Having been (at dawn *N(k)O*) to the tomb
Tụkwasị ihe ndị a, ụfọdụ ụmụ nwanyị anyị mere ka anyị nwee ihe ịtụnanya. Ha gara nʼili ahụ nʼisi ụtụtụ a.
23 and not having found the body of Him they came declaring also a vision of angels to have seen who say He [is] living.
Ma ha ahụghị ahụ ya. Ha bịara kọrọ anyị na ha hụrụ ọhụ nke ndị mmụọ ozi, bụ ndị gwara ha na ọ dị ndụ.
24 And went some of those with us to the tomb and found [it] so even as also the women said, Him however not they saw.
Ya mere ụfọdụ nʼime ndị otu anyị gara nʼili ahụ chọpụta na ihe niile ụmụ nwanyị a kwuru mere otu ahụ ha siri kwuo ya. Ma ha ahụkwaghị ya.”
25 And He himself said to them; O foolish and slow of heart to believe in all that spoke the prophets;
Ọ sịrị ha, “Unu bụ nnọọ ndị nzuzu! Leenụ ka o si siere unu ike ikwere ihe niile ndị amụma kwuru.
26 Surely these things it was necessary for to suffer the Christ and to enter into the glory of Him?
Ọ bụ na o kwesighị ka Kraịst taa ahụhụ ndị a tupu ọ banye nʼebube ya?”
27 And having begun from Moses and from all the Prophets (He interpreted *N(k)O*) to them in all the Scriptures the [things] concerning (of Himself. *NK(o)*)
Ya mere, ọ kọwaara ha ihe e dere nʼakwụkwọ nsọ banyere ya onwe ya malite na nke Mosis ruo na ndị amụma niile.
28 And they drew near to the village where they were going, and He himself (appeared *N(k)O*) farther to be going.
Mgbe ha na-eru obodo nta ahụ ha na-aga, o mere dị ka ọ na-aga nʼihu na njem ya.
29 And they constrained Him saying; do abide with us, for toward evening it is and has declined (now *no*) the day. And He entered in to abide with them.
Ma ha rịọ ya nʼebe ọ dị ukwuu sị, “Nọnyerenụ anyị nʼihi na chi ebidola iji, ụbọchị agamiekwala ugbu a.” Nʼihi ya ọ banyere ịga nọnyere ha.
30 And it came to pass during the reclining of Him with them having taken the bread He blessed [it] and having broken [it] He was giving [it] to them.
Mgbe ya na ha nọdụrụ na tebul iri nri, o were achịcha, kelee Chineke ekele, nyawaa ya were ya nye ha.
31 Of them then were opened the eyes and they knew Him; And He himself vanished being seen from them.
Mgbe ahụ, e meghere anya ha, ha amata onye ọ bụ, ha ahụkwaghị ya anya ọzọ.
32 And they said to one another; Surely the heart of us burning it was within us as He was speaking with us on the road (and *k*) as He was opening to us the Scriptures?
Mgbe ahụ, ha gwara onwe ha sị, “Ọ bụ na ọ dịghị ka ọkụ ọ na-enwu nʼobi anyị mgbe anyị na ya nọ nʼụzọ, ya na-ekpughere anyị akwụkwọ nsọ?”
33 And having risen up on [that] same hour they returned to Jerusalem and they found (gathered *N(k)O*) the eleven and those with them
Ha biliri ngwangwa laghachi Jerusalem. Ebe ahụ, ha hụrụ mmadụ iri na otu ahụ na ndị so ha ka ha nọkọtara nʼotu ebe,
34 saying that Indeed has risen the Lord and He has appeared to Simon.
na-asị, “Ọ bụ eziokwu, Onyenwe anyị ebiliela, o gosila Saimọn onwe ya.”
35 And they themselves were relating the [things] on the road and how He was known to them in the breaking of the bread.
Mgbe ahụ, ha kọọrọ ha ihe mere nʼụzọ, ya na otu ha siri mata ya mgbe ọ nyawara achịcha.
36 These things now when they are telling He Himself (*k*) (Jesus *K*) stood in midst of them and says to them; Peace to you.
Mgbe ha ka na-ekwu banyere nke a, ya onwe ya guzooro nʼetiti ha sị ha, “Udo dịrị unu.”
37 Having been terrified however and filled with fear having been they were thinking [themselves] a spirit to see.
Oke egwu tụrụ ha, obi lọkwara ha mmiri nʼihi na ha chere na ha ahụla mmụọ.
38 And He said to them; Why troubled are you and through why doubts do come up in (the heart *N(k)O*) of you?
Ma ọ sịrị ha, “Gịnị mere ụjọ ji atụ unu, gịnị mere unu ji nwee obi abụọ?
39 do see the hands of Me and the feet of Me that I myself am He himself; do touch Me and do see for a spirit flesh and bones not has even as Me myself you see having.
Leenụ m anya nʼaka na nʼụkwụ. Ọ bụ mụ onwe m! Metụnụ m aka ka unu hụrụ, nʼihi na mmụọ adịghị enwe anụ ahụ na ọkpụkpụ dị ka unu hụrụ m nwere.”
40 And this having said (He showed *N(k)O*) to them the hands and the feet.
Mgbe o kwuchara nke a, o gosiri ha aka ya na ụkwụ ya.
41 Still now while are disbelieving they for the joy and amazement He said to them; Have you anything to eat here?
Ma dị ka o siiri ha ike ikwere nʼihi ọṅụ na oke mgbagwoju anya, ọ sịrị ha, “Ọ dị ihe oriri unu nwere ebe a?”
42 And they gave to Him of a fish broiled part (and from honeycomb tablet. *KO*)
Ha nyere ya otu ntakịrị azụ a mịkpọrọ amịkpọ.
43 And having taken [it] before them He ate [it].
Ma ọ naara ya rie ya nʼihu ha.
44 He said now (unto *no*) (to them; *N(k)O*) These [are] the words (of mine *NO*) which I spoke to you still being with you that it behooves to be fulfilled all things which written in the law of Moses and (in the *no*) Prophets and in [the] Psalms concerning Me.
Mgbe ahụ, ọ sịrị ha, “Okwu ndị a ka m gwara unu mgbe mụ na unu nọ, na ihe niile e dere nʼiwu Mosis na ndị Amụma na nʼAbụ Ọma banyere m ga-emezucha.”
45 Then He opened their mind to understand the Scriptures
Mgbe ahụ, o meghere akọnuche ha ka ha ghọta akwụkwọ nsọ.
46 And He said to them that Thus it has been written (and thus it was necessary for *K*) Was to suffer the Christ and to rise out from [the] dead on the third day
Ọ sịrị ha, “Nke a bụ ihe e dere na, Kraịst ahụ ga-ahụ ahụhụ ma sitekwa nʼọnwụ bilienʼụbọchị nke atọ.
47 and to be proclaimed in the name of Him repentance (to *N(K)O*) forgiveness of sins to all nations (having begun *N(k)O*) from Jerusalem.
Na a ga-ekwusa nchegharị na mgbaghara mmehie site nʼaha ya nye mba niile, malite na Jerusalem.
48 You yourselves (now *k*) (are *ko*) witnesses of these things,
Unu bụ ndị akaebe nke ihe ndị a.
49 And behold (I myself am sending *NK(o)*) the promise of the Father of Mine upon you. you yourselves however do remain in the city (Jerusalem *k*) until that you may be clothed with from on high power.
Ma lee, agaje m izitere unu ihe ahụ Nna m kwere na nkwa. Ya mere, nọrọnụ nʼime obodo ruo mgbe a ga-eyikwasị unu ike nke si nʼelu.”
50 He led now them out until (to *N(k)O*) Bethany, and having lifted up the hands of Him He blessed them.
O duuru ha garuo na Betani, chilie aka ya abụọ elu gọzie ha.
51 And it came to pass during the blessing by Him them He was separated from them and was carried up into heaven.
Dị ka ọ na-agọzi ha, ọ sitere nʼebe ha nọ pụọ, e weliri ya elu, baa nʼeluigwe.
52 And they themselves having worshiped Him returned to Jerusalem with joy great
Mgbe ahụ, ha fere ya ofufe jiri oke ọṅụ laghachi na Jerusalem.
53 and were (through *N(K)O*) (all [times] *N(k)O*) in the temple (praising and *KO*) blessing God. (Amen *K*)
Ha nọgidere nʼụlọnsọ ukwu ahụ na-eto Chineke oge niile.

< Luke 24 >