< Luke 22 >

1 Was drawing near now the Feast of Unleavened [Bread] which is being named Passover,
Bhapamila shikulukulu eye makati yeseponyezewe echachu yehwetwa shukulukulu eye pasaka.
2 And were seeking the chief priests and the scribes how they may execute him; they were afraid for of the people.
Na gosi abhemakohani na simbi bhali bhahwanza idara elya hugoje, afwanaje bhali bhabhogopa abhantu.
3 Entered then (*k*) Satan into Judas who (is being called *N(k)O*) Iscariot being of the number of the Twelve.
Oshetani wamwinjila o Yuda yakwiziwa Iskariote, wape wamwo na bhala ethenashala.
4 And having gone away he spoke with the chief priests and (the *k*) captains how to them he may betray Him.
Wasogola wabhata wayanga na gosi abha makuhani na jemedari ejinsi sha bhawezye hubheshe mmakhono gabho.
5 And they rejoiced and they agreed with him money to give.
Bhasongwa, bhetehana nawo hupele ehela.
6 And he promised and was seeking opportunity to betray Him apart from [a] crowd to them.
Weteha wanza enafasi eya husaliti hwabhahale pasepali obongono.
7 Came then the day of Unleavened [Bread] on which it was necessary for to be sacrificed the Passover lamb.
Yafishili isiku lye makati gasegaponyezeyea we echachu, ambayo yahanziwaga asinze epasaka.
8 And He sent Peter and John having said; Having gone do prepare for us the Passover that we may eat [it].
Wabhasontezya o Petro no Yohana, wayanga bhalaji mtilenganyizye epasaka tipata alye.”
9 And they said to Him; Where do you want [that] (we may prepare? *NK(o)*)
Bhabhola, “Uhwanza tibhale hwi?”
10 And He said to them; Behold when are entering you into the city will meet you a man a pitcher of water carrying. do follow him into the house (into *no*) (which *N(k)O*) he enters;
Wabhabhola, “Enya, nambhahwinjile mwibomba mbhatangane ulume akhete esonta owe menze. Mrundozyaje mbhahwinjile enyumba yabhahwinji omwahale.
11 and you will say to the master of the house; Says to you the Teacher; Where is the guest room where the Passover with the disciples of Mine I may eat?
Na mbhahubhula omwanesho nyumba, “Osambelezi ahubhola, ili hwii empanda eyajenyi, empate alye Epasaka omwo pandwemo na manyiziwa bhane?”
12 And he And he you will show an upper room large furnished; there do prepare.
Wape abhabhalanje empanda engosi orufani, shimalishe asimbwe, lenganyi omwo.”
13 Having gone then they found [it] even as (He had said *N(k)O*) to them, and they prepared the Passover.
Wabhala, bhalola neshe shabhabholele bhayilenganya Epasaka.
14 And when was come the hour, He reclined and the (twelve *K*) apostles with Him.
Hata sala nayafiha akheye pashalye omwahale na bhala mitume pandwemo nawo.
15 And He said to them; With desire I have desired this Passover to eat with you before I to suffe;
Wabhabhola, “Entanianile tee ayilye epasaka ene pandwemo namwe sesele alabha hwane.
16 I say for to you that (no longer no longer *KO*) certainly not shall I eat (from *k*) (it *N(k)O*) until when it may be fulfilled in the kingdom of God.
Afwanaje embabhola eyaje sendya nantele hata nehaitimizya oumwene owa Ngolobhe.”
17 And having received [the] cup having given thanks He said; do take this and do divide [it] (among *no*) (yourselves; *N(k)O*)
Yabha o Yesu wega shikombe, nawamala asaligwe wayanga, eji eshi na mgabhane, je mwemwe hwamwe.
18 I say for to you; that certainly not shall I drink (from *NO*) (*no*) (now *NO*) of the (fruit *N(k)O*) of the vine until (that [time] *N(k)O*) the kingdom of God may come.
Afwanaje embabhola, sembamwele nantele papo eye mzabibu, mpaka umwene owa Ngolobhe nawayenza.”
19 And having taken [the] bread having given thanks He broke [it] and He gave to them saying; This is the body of Mine which for you is given; this do perform in the My remembrance.
Esho wega ibumunda nali amalile asalifye waumesula, nabhele, wayanga, ogu ni bele gwane ambao ufumiziwe kwajili eyahuumwe. Bhombaji eshi anizushe ane.”
20 and the cup likewise after the eating saying; This cup [is] the new covenant in the blood of Me which for you is being poured out.
Wega eshikombe shesho shesho nabhalya eshaye esha nosiku wayanga, eshikombe ndagano epya ezya danda lyane ambalyo litishe kwa ajili yahulimwe.
21 But behold the hand of the [one] betraying Me [is] with Me on the table.
Lelo enyaji ola yansaliti alipandwemo, nane pameza.
22 (For *N(k)O*) the Son indeed of man according to that determined goes; but woe to the man that [one] through whom He is betrayed.
Afwanaje mwana owa Adamu lyoli abhabhale neshe shekusudiwe lelo, Ole wakwe omntu ya husaliti!”
23 And they themselves began to question among themselves who then it would be of them who this is about to do.
Bhandile abhozye bhebho hwa bhebho wenu miongoni mwabho ambaye agabhomba ijambo eli.
24 There was then also a dispute among them, which of them is thought to be [the] greatest.
Esho wafumila adalihane bhebho bhene aje wenu wase bhelelwe abhe gosi ashile bhonti.
25 And He said to them; The kings of the Gentiles rule over them, and those exercising authority over them benefactors are called.
Wabhabhola, “Amwene abhabhantu abhemataifa bhana ugosi juu yabho na bhala bhabhali namamlaka juu yabho bhakwiziwa bhaheshimiwa bhalongozi.
26 You however not thus [shall be], Instead the greater among you (he should become *N(k)O*) as the younger, and the [one] leading as the [one] serving.
Lelo sewanziwa abhesho hwilimwee amwe, ebadala yakwe leha ola ambaye gosi kati yahwilimwe abhe neshe ododu. Na ola yali wa mbimu tee abhe nenshe otumwa.
27 Who for [is] greater, the [one] reclining or the [one] serving? Surely the [one] reclining? I myself however in [the] midst of you am as the [One] serving.
Afwanaje yayolihu ogosi ola yakhala pameza nola yabhomba embombo? Eshi seyayola yakheye pameza? Na ane esele kati yenyu ane netumiaha.
28 You yourselves now are those having remained with Me in the trials of Mine.
Lelo amwe mwemwe mwendeleye abhanane kati amalabha gane au (alengwe).
29 And I myself And I myself appoint to you even as appointed to Me the Father of Mine a kingdom,
Embapela amwe umwene neshe shla Ubaba shampiye ane umwene,
30 so that you may eat and may drink at the table of Mine in the kingdom of Mine and (will sit *N(k)(o)*) on thrones the twelve tribes judging of Israel.
je mpate alye na mwele pameza yane huumwene wane. Na mwikhala mmatengo age enzi mwaizilonga evikholo kumi na zibhele ezya Israeli.
31 (said now Lord: *KO*) Simon Simon, Behold Satan demanded to have all of you to sift like wheat.
Simoni, Simoni, manya aje, Shetani alabhile abhaje ili abhapete nenshe engano.
32 I myself however begged for you that not (may fail *N(k)O*) the faith of you. and you yourself when you have turned back do strengthen the brothers of you.
Lelo embalabhiye, yaje olyeteho lyaho lugaje munwe, nawe nohaya ulya obhazenje oholo bhaho.”
33 And he said to Him; Lord, with You ready I am both to prison and to death to go.
Wabhola, “Gosi, nendi pandwemo nawe, ana endi tayali abhale mwijela au hata hufwe.”
34 And He said; I tell you Peter, certainly (not *k*) (will crow *N(k)O*) today [the] rooster (until *N(k)O*) three times Me you may deny (not *k*) to know
Wayanga, “Ehubhola Petro, ehanda sebhakuje sanyono, sosele awe ahane mala hatatu eyaje somenye.”
35 And He said to them; When I sent you without purse and bag and sandals, not anything did you lack? And they said; No [thing].
Wabhabhozya eshi epo, nehabhasontezyezye semwali nifuko walu omkoba wala evilato, mwapongoshewe na hantu?” Bhayanga “Haa.”
36 He said (then *N(k)O*) to them; But now the [one] having a purse he should take [it], likewise also a bag; and the [one] not having (he should sell *NK(o)*) the cloak of him and (he should buy *NK(o)*) a sword.
Wabhabhola, lelo eshi yali nifuko ayeje wape yali nomkoba ayeje, wape yasagali ni panga, na akazye ijoo lyakwe akale.
37 I say for to you that (still *k*) this which [was] written it behooves to be accomplished in Me myself, And with [the] lawless He was reckoned.’ And for (the [thing] *N(K)O*) concerning Me an end have.
Afwanaje embabhola, ega gagasimbiwiwe segali ne budi atimiziwe hwiline, eyaje abhaziwe pandwemo nebho bhanankanya, afwanaje ewasiwa gali nomalishilo wakwe.”
38 And they said; Lord, behold swords here [are] two. And He said to them; Enough it is.
Bhayanga, “Gosi, enya! Epa gahwili amapanga gabhele.” Wene.
39 And having gone forth He went according to the custom to the Mount of Olives. followed then Him also the disciples (of him. *k*)
Wafuma wabhala mpaka mwigamba elya Mzietuni enshe ekawaida yakwe, asambeleziwa bhakwe bhape bhalongozanya nawo.
40 Having come then to the place He said to them; do pray not to enter into temptation.
Nawafiha pala abhabholele, labhaji aje mganji ahwinji mndengo.
41 And He himself withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, and having fallen on the knees He was praying
Omwahale wahwibagula nabho nenshe kias esha ponye iwe, wafugamila amafugamo watabha,
42 saying; Father, if You are willing (do take away *N(k)O*) this cup from Me; Yet not [be done] the will of Me but of You (should be [done]. *N(k)O*)
ayanga, “Ee Baba, nkashele mapenzi gaho, onefwezye eshikombe eshi lelo senapenzi gane, eshi gahuliwe gabhombeshe.”
43 Appeared then to Him an angel from (*o*) heaven strengthening Him.
Omalaika afume amwanya wafumila wapela amaha.
44 And having been in agony more earnestly He was praying. (And *no*) became (now *ko*) the sweat of Him like great drops of blood falling down upon the ground.
Wape shila shali mmalabha, wonjezya alabhe tee, ehali yakwe yabha nenshe amalavula age danda galagala pansi.
45 And having risen up from the prayer, having come to the disciples He found sleeping them from the grief
Nawasogola hula alabhe hwakwe wabhalila asambelezewa bhakwe, wabhaga bhagonile otulo ogwa kogobhale,
46 and He said to them; Why are you sleeping? Having risen up do pray that not you may enter into temptation.
wabhabhora, yenu mgonile otulo? Ogoli, mlabhe msahabha ahwinjile mndengo.'
47 While still (now *k*) when he is speaking behold a crowd, and the [one] named Judas one of the Twelve was going before (them *N(k)O*) and he drew near to Jesus to kiss Him.
Basi nahali katika ayanje, enya obongano wa bhantu, nola yakwiziwa Yuda, ambaye ni moja yabhala mitume abhatagali hwitagalila wapalamila hwa Yesu ili ayayile.
48 (*k*) Jesus then said to him; Judas, with a kiss the Son of Man are you betraying?
o Yesu wabhola, “Yuda, wamsaliti omwana owa Adamu esha huyayile?”
49 Having seen then those around Him what will be they said (to him: *k*) Lord, if will we strike with [the] sword?
Na bhala bhabhali papepe nawo nbhalola gagafumila, bhayanga, “Gosi, tibhakhoma na mapanga”?
50 And struck one a certain of them of the high priest the servant and cut off the ear of him right.
Omo wabho wakhoma obhomba mbombo wa kuhani gosi, wadumla ikutu elya hulero.
51 Answering now Jesus said; do allow [only] as far as this! And having touched the ear (of him *k*) He healed him.
U Yesu wagalula woyanga, “Bhanji hulu hweli. Wapalamasya ikutu waponia.
52 Said then (*k*) Jesus to those having come out against Him chief priests and captains of the temple and elders; As against a robber (have you come out *N(k)O*) with swords and clubs?
U Yesu wabhabhola agosi bhemakuhani, na maakida abhibhanza, nazee bhebhenzele juu yakwe, “Eshi mwenzele mweli na mapanga nu ndugu nensheje mkhata ya fyola?
53 Every day being Me with you in the temple not did you stretch out the hands against Me myself. but this is of you the hour and the power of the darkness.
Shila lisiku nali pandwomo namwe mwibhanza semwasontezyezye amakhono lelo ene ndiyo sala yenyu. Lakini hii ni saa yako, na mamlaka age nkisi.
54 Having seized then Him they led [Him] away and brought (him *k*) into (the home *N(k)O*) of the high priest. And Peter was following afar off.
Bhakhata, bhamwega, bhabhala nawo munyumba eya kuhani ogosi. Nu Petro alondolelaga sahutali.
55 (They having kindled around *N(k)O*) then a fire in [the] midst of the courtyard and when having sat down together (they *k*) was sitting Peter (in *k*) (midst *N(k)O*) of them.
Nabhamalile ahwasya omwoto pahati eye shibhanja bhakheye pandwemo, wape u Petro akheye nabho.
56 Having seen then him a servant girl certain sitting by the light and having looked intently on him she said; Also this one with Him was.
Ndipo obhomba mbombo omo walola akheye papalabha, walangulila amaso wayanga nono ali pandwemo nawo.
57 But he denied (him *K*) saying; Not I do know Him, woman.
Wakhana, wayanga, ee, she, semenye.
58 And after a little another having seen him was saying; Also you yourself of them are. But Peter (was saying; *N(k)O*) Man, not I am.
Pamanda hashe, omuntu owamwabho alolile wayanga, Petro wanyanga, “Ee mntu, se nene.”
59 And when was elapsing about hour one other a certain was strongly affirming [it] saying; Of a truth also this one with Him was; also for a Galilean he is.
Antele lyashita isala limo, omntu owamwabho wakasa ayanje, “Lyoli ono ali pandwemo nawo afwanaje omwahale nantele Mgalilaya.”
60 Said however Peter; Man, not I know what you say. And immediately while is speaking he crowed (the *k*) rooster.
Petro wayanga, “Ee mntu, sendimenye lyo yanga.” Na pepo, pepo nali katika ayanje, ehanda ahakujile.
61 And having turned the Lord looked at Peter, and remembered Peter the (declaration *N(k)O*) of the Lord how He had said to him that Before [the] rooster crowing (today *NO*) you will deny Me three times.
Gosi wagaluha wamwenya u Petro. U Petro walizuha lila izu elya Gosi, ejinsi shabholele, “Sanyono sesele akuje ehanda obhahane mala hatatu.”
62 And having gone forth outside (Peter *k*) he wept bitterly.
Wafuma hwonze waula humansai.
63 And the men who are holding (*k*) (Him *N(K)O*) were mocking Him beating [Him].
Na bhala bhantu bhali bhahukhata u Yesu, bhabhombile edhihaka bhakhoma.
64 And having blindfolded Him (they were striking of him face and *K*) they were questioning (him *k*) saying; do prophesy, who is the [one] having struck You?
Bhavwenesya amaso, bhanda hubhozye, bhozye bhayanga, kuwa wenu yakhonule?”
65 And other things many blaspheming they were saying to Him.
Bhafumizya nengwa mwabho nyinji gahuliji.
66 And when it became day, were gathered together the elderhood of the people, chief priests both and scribes, and (they led away *N(k)O*) Him into the council (of them *N(k)O*)
Hata nahwashiye, bhatangene amwabho abheshi gosi, na gosi abhe makuhani nusimbi bhateta mwikoloti lyabho bhayanga,
67 saying; If You yourself are the Christ, do tell us. He said then to them; If you I shall tell, certainly not you shall believe.
nkashile, “Awe wa Klisiti, tibhole.” Wabhabhola ewapo embabhola, semuwezizya ahweteshele tee,
68 if then (and *k*) I shall ask [you], certainly not you shall answer (to me nor shall you release [me]. *KO*)
na nkashele mbabhozye sembhagalule.”
69 From now on (also *no*) will be the Son of Man sitting at [the] right hand of the power of God.
Lelo ahwanda eshi na hwendele, Omwana owa Adamu abhabhe akheye okhono ondelo ogwe maha aga Ngolobhe.”
70 They said then all; You yourself then are the Son of God? And to them He was saying; You yourselves say that I myself am.
Bhonti bhayanga, “Eshi awe oli Mwana wa Ngolobhe?” Na Yesu wabhabhola, “Amwe myanjile ane nene.”
71 And they said; What any more have we of witness need We ourselves for heard [it] from the mouth of Him.
Bhayanga, “Yesnu tihwanza nantele oushahidi afwanaje ate tete tovwezya afume mwilomu lyakwe yoyo.”

< Luke 22 >