< Luke 2 >

1 It came to pass then in the days those went out a decree from Caesar Augustus to register all the world.
Pada waktu itu Kaisar Agustus memerintahkan agar semua warga negara Kerajaan Roma mendaftarkan diri untuk sensus.
2 This (*k*) registration first took place when is governing Syria Quirinius.
Sensus yang pertama ini dijalankan waktu Kirenius menjadi gubernur negeri Siria.
3 And were going all to be registered, each to the (their own *N(k)O*) city.
Semua orang pada waktu itu pergi untuk didaftarkan di kotanya masing-masing.
4 Went up then also Joseph from Galilee out of [the] town of Nazareth to Judea to [the] City of David which is called Bethlehem, because of being him from [the] house and family of David,
Yusuf pun berangkat dari Nazaret di Galilea, ke Betlehem di Yudea, tempat lahir Raja Daud; sebab Yusuf keturunan Daud.
5 to register with Mary who [was] betrothed to him (wife *k*) she being with child.
Yusuf mendaftarkan diri bersama Maria tunangannya, yang sedang hamil.
6 It came to pass then in their being them there were fulfilled the days of the giving birth of her,
Ketika mereka di Betlehem tibalah waktunya bagi Maria untuk bersalin.
7 And she brought forth the son of her the firstborn and wrapped in swaddling cloths him and she laid Him in (*k*) a manger, because not there was for them a place in the inn.
Ia melahirkan seorang anak laki-laki, anaknya yang sulung. Anak itu dibungkusnya dengan kain, lalu diletakkan di dalam palung berisi jerami; sebab mereka tidak mendapat tempat untuk menginap.
8 And shepherds were in the region same lodging in the fields and keeping watch by night over the flock of them.
Pada malam itu ada gembala-gembala yang sedang menjaga domba-dombanya di padang rumput di daerah itu.
9 And (behold *KO*) an angel of [the] Lord stood by them, and [the] glory of [the] Lord shone around them, and they feared [with] fear great.
Tiba-tiba malaikat Tuhan menampakkan diri kepada mereka, dan cahaya terang dari Tuhan bersinar menerangi mereka, dan mereka sangat ketakutan.
10 And said to them the angel; Not do fear; behold for I bring good news to you [of] joy great which will be to all the people
Tetapi malaikat itu berkata, "Jangan takut! Sebab saya datang membawa kabar baik untuk kalian--kabar yang sangat menggembirakan semua orang.
11 For has been born to you today a Savior who is Christ [the] Lord in [the] City of David.
Hari ini di kota Daud telah lahir Raja Penyelamatmu yaitu Kristus, Tuhan.
12 And this [is] to you the sign: You will find a baby swaddled (and *no*) lying in (*k*) a manger.
Inilah tandanya: Kalian akan menjumpai seorang bayi dibungkus dengan kain, dan berbaring di dalam sebuah palung."
13 And suddenly there came with the angel a multitude of [the] host (heavenly *NK(o)*) praising God and saying:
Tiba-tiba malaikat itu disertai banyak malaikat lain, yang memuji Allah. Mereka berkata,
14 Glory in [the] highest to God, and on earth peace among men (of good-will. *N(k)O*)
"Terpujilah Allah di langit yang tertinggi! Dan di atas bumi, sejahteralah manusia yang menyenangkan hati Tuhan!"
15 And it came to pass as they were departing from them into the heaven the angels, (and *ko*) the (men *ko*) shepherds (were speaking *N(k)O*) to one another; Let us go through indeed until Bethlehem and let us see declaration this that having happened which the Lord has made known to us.
Setelah malaikat-malaikat meninggalkan mereka dan kembali ke surga, gembala-gembala itu berkata satu sama lain, "Mari kita ke Betlehem dan melihat peristiwa yang terjadi itu, yang diberitahukan Tuhan kepada kita."
16 And they came having hurried and they found both Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the manger.
Mereka segera pergi, lalu menjumpai Maria dan Yusuf, serta bayi itu yang sedang berbaring di dalam palung.
17 Having seen now (they made known *N(k)O*) concerning the declaration which having been told to them concerning Child this.
Ketika para gembala melihat bayi itu, mereka menceritakan apa yang dikatakan para malaikat tentang bayi itu.
18 And all those having heard they marveled concerning the [things] having been spoken by the shepherds to them.
Dan semua orang heran mendengar cerita para gembala itu.
19 But Mary all was treasuring up declarations these pondering [them] in the heart of her.
Tetapi Maria menyimpan semua itu di dalam hatinya dan merenungkannya.
20 And (returned *N(k)O*) the shepherds glorifying and praising God for all things which they had heard and seen even as it was said to them.
Gembala-gembala itu kembali ke padang rumput sambil memuji dan memuliakan Allah, karena semua yang telah mereka dengar dan lihat, tepat seperti yang dikatakan oleh malaikat.
21 And when were fulfilled days eight to circumcise (Him *no*) (the child *K*) then was called the name of Him Jesus, which He had been called by the angel before conceiving He in the womb.
Sesudah berumur delapan hari, anak itu disunat. Dan mereka menamakannya Yesus, nama yang diberikan malaikat kepada-Nya sebelum Ia dikandung ibu-Nya.
22 And when were fulfilled the days of the purification of them according to the law of Moses, they brought Him to Jerusalem to present to the Lord
Tibalah saatnya Yusuf dan Maria menjalankan adat penyucian menurut hukum Musa. Jadi mereka membawa Anak itu ke Yerusalem untuk diserahkan kepada Tuhan.
23 even as it has been written in [the] law of [the] Lord that Every male opening a womb holy to the Lord will be called;
Sebab di dalam Hukum Tuhan tertulis begini, "Setiap anak laki-laki yang sulung, harus diserahkan kepada Tuhan."
24 and to offer a sacrifice according to that said in (the *no*) law of [the] Lord; A pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons.
Mereka juga bermaksud mempersembahkan kurban, yaitu sepasang burung tekukur atau dua ekor burung merpati yang muda, seperti yang ditentukan dalam Hukum Tuhan.
25 And behold a man there was in Jerusalem whose name [was] Simeon and man this [was] righteous and devout waiting for [the] consolation of Israel; and [the] Spirit was Holy upon him.
Pada waktu itu di Yerusalem ada seorang bernama Simeon. Ia orang baik, yang takut kepada Allah dan sedang menantikan saatnya Allah menyelamatkan Israel. Roh Allah menyertai dia,
26 And it was to him revealed by the Spirit Holy not to see death before than (when *no*) he may see the Christ of [the] Lord
dan Roh Allah sudah memberitahukan kepadanya bahwa ia tidak akan mati sebelum melihat Raja Penyelamat yang dijanjikan Tuhan.
27 And he came in the Spirit into the temple; and in the [time when] bringing in the parents the child Jesus for the [thing] [were] doing they according to that accustomed by the law for Him,
Oleh bimbingan Roh Allah, Simeon masuk ke Rumah Tuhan. Pada waktu itu Yusuf dan Maria membawa masuk Yesus, yang masih kecil itu untuk melakukan upacara yang diperintahkan hukum agama.
28 then he himself received Him into the arms (of him *ko*) and blessed God and said:
Maka Simeon mengambil Anak itu dan menggendong-Nya, lalu memuji Allah,
29 Now You dismiss the servant of You, Lord, according to the declaration of You in peace
"Sekarang, Tuhan, Engkau sudah menepati janji-Mu. Biarlah hamba-Mu ini meninggal dengan tentram.
30 for have seen the eyes of mine the salvation of You
Sebab dengan mataku sendiri aku sudah melihat Penyelamat yang daripada-Mu.
31 which You have prepared before [the] face of all the peoples,
Penyelamat itu Engkau telah siapkan untuk segala bangsa:
32 a light for revelation of [the] Gentiles and glory of [the] people of You of Israel.
bagaikan terang yang menerangi jalan bagi bangsa-bangsa yang lain, untuk datang kepada-Mu; yaitu terang yang mendatangkan kehormatan bagi umat-Mu Israel."
33 And were (the *no*) (father *N(K)O*) of Him and the mother marveling at the [things] being spoken concerning Him.
Ayah dan ibu Anak itu heran mendengar apa yang dikatakan Simeon tentang Anak mereka.
34 And blessed them Simeon and said to Mary the mother of Him: Behold this [Child] is appointed for [the] falling and rising up of many in Israel and for a sign spoken against.
Simeon memberkati mereka dan berkata kepada Maria, ibu Anak itu, "Anak ini sudah dipilih oleh Allah untuk membinasakan dan untuk menyelamatkan banyak orang Israel. Ia akan menjadi tanda dari Allah, yang akan ditentang oleh banyak orang,
35 and of you also of her the soul will go through a sword — so that maybe may be revealed of many hearts [the] thoughts.
dan dengan demikian terbongkarlah isi hati mereka. Kesedihan akan menusuk hatimu seperti pedang yang tajam."
36 And there was Anna a prophetess, daughter of Phanuel, of [the] tribe of Asher; she having advanced in years great, having lived with a husband years seven from the marriage of herself;
Ada pula seorang nabi wanita yang sudah tua sekali. Namanya Hana, anak Fanuel, dari suku Asyer. Sesudah tujuh tahun kawin,
37 and she [was] a widow (until *N(k)O*) years eighty [and] four who not was departing (from *k*) the temple with fastings and prayers serving night and day;
Hana menjadi janda, dan sekarang berumur delapan puluh empat tahun. Tidak pernah ia meninggalkan Rumah Tuhan. Siang malam ia berbakti di situ kepada Allah dengan berdoa dan berpuasa.
38 And (this *k*) she at that hour having come up she was giving praise (to God *N(K)O*) and was speaking concerning Him to all those waiting for [the] redemption (in *k*) of Jerusalem.
Tepat pada waktu itu juga ia datang, lalu memuji Allah dan berbicara tentang Anak itu kepada semua orang yang menantikan saatnya Allah memerdekakan Yerusalem.
39 And when they had performed (everything *N(k)O*) according to the law of [the] Lord, (they returned *N(k)O*) to Galilee to (the *k*) town (of themselves *N(k)O*) Nazareth.
Setelah Yusuf dan Maria melakukan semua yang diwajibkan Hukum Tuhan, mereka pulang ke Nazaret di Galilea.
40 And the Child was continuing to grow and He was being strengthened (in spirit *K*) being filled (with wisdom, *N(k)O*) and [the] grace of God was upon Him.
Anak itu bertambah besar dan kuat. Ia bijaksana sekali dan sangat dikasihi oleh Allah.
41 And were going the parents of Him every year to Jerusalem at the feast of the Passover.
Tiap-tiap tahun orang tua Yesus pergi ke Yerusalem untuk merayakan Hari Raya Paskah.
42 And when He was years [old] twelve (when were going up *N(k)O*) they (into Jerusalem *KO*) according to the custom of the Feast
Dan ketika Yesus berumur dua belas tahun, mereka pergi ke perayaan itu sesuai kebiasaan.
43 and when having completed the days in the returning of them remained behind Jesus the boy in Jerusalem, But not (knew *N(k)O*) (the parents *NO*) (Joseph and the mother *K*) of Him.
Sehabis perayaan itu mereka pulang, tetapi Yesus, Anak itu, masih tinggal di Yerusalem, dan ayah ibu-Nya tidak tahu.
44 Having supposed now Him to be in their company they went a day’s journey and were seeking Him among the relatives and (in *k*) the acquaintances.
Mereka menyangka Ia ikut dalam rombongan. Sesudah berjalan sepanjang hari barulah mereka mencari Dia di antara sanak saudara dan kenalan-kenalan mereka.
45 and not having found (Him *k*) they returned to Jerusalem (searching *N(k)O*) Him.
Tetapi mereka tidak menjumpai-Nya, jadi mereka kembali ke Yerusalem mencari Dia.
46 And it came to pass after days three they found Him in the temple sitting in [the] midst of the teachers both hearing them and questioning them.
Setelah tiga hari mencari, mereka mendapati Dia di dalam Rumah Tuhan. Ia sedang duduk mendengarkan para guru agama dan mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan.
47 Were amazed then all those hearing Him at the understanding and at the answers of Him.
Semua orang yang mendengar Dia heran karena jawaban-jawaban-Nya yang cerdas.
48 And having seen Him they were astonished, and said to Him the mother of Him: Child why You did to us thus? Behold the father of You and I myself and I myself distressing (were seeking *NK(o)*) You.
Orang tua-Nya pun heran melihat Dia. Ibu-Nya berkata kepada-Nya, "Nak, mengapa Kaulakukan ini kepada kami? Ayah-Mu dan ibu-Mu cemas mencari Engkau!"
49 And He said to them; Why [is it] for you were seeking Me? Surely you knew that in the [house] of the Father of Mine it behooves to be Me?
Yesus menjawab, "Mengapa ayah dan ibu mencari Aku? Apakah ayah dan ibu tidak tahu bahwa Aku harus ada di dalam rumah Bapa-Ku?"
50 And they themselves not understood the declaration that He spoke to them.
Tetapi mereka tidak mengerti jawaban Yesus.
51 And He went down with them and He came to Nazareth and He was subject to them. And the mother of Him was treasuring up all declaration (these *ko*) in the heart of her.
Kemudian Yesus pulang bersama mereka ke Nazaret, dan taat kepada mereka. Semua hal itu disimpan oleh ibu-Nya di dalam hatinya.
52 And Jesus was continuing to advance (in *n*) (*no*) wisdom and stature and in favor with God and men.
Yesus makin bertambah besar dan bertambah bijaksana, serta dikasihi oleh Allah dan disukai oleh manusia.

< Luke 2 >