< Leviticus 8 >

1 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
Jahve reče Mojsiju:
2 Take Aaron and sons his with him and the garments and [the] oil of anointing and - [the] bull of the sin offering and [the] two the rams and [the] basket of unleavened bread.
“Uzmi Arona, a s njim i njegove sinove; ruho, ulje pomazanja, junca žrtve okajnice, dva ovna i košaru beskvasnih kruhova
3 And all the congregation assemble to [the] entrance of [the] tent of meeting.
te skupi svu zajednicu na ulazu u Šator sastanka.”
4 And he did Moses just as he had commanded Yahweh him and it assembled the congregation to [the] entrance of [the] tent of meeting.
Mojsije učini kako mu je Jahve naredio, i zajednica se sabra na ulazu u Šator sastanka.
5 And he said Moses to the congregation this [is] the word which he has commanded Yahweh to do.
Tada Mojsije progovori zajednici: “Ovo je Jahve zpovjedio da se učini.”
6 And he presented Moses Aaron and sons his and he washed them with water.
Izvede zatim Mojsije Arona i njegove sinove pa ih u vodi opra.
7 And he put on him the tunic and he girded him with the sash and he clothed him the robe and he put on him the ephod and he girded him with [the] girdle of the ephod and he girded [the] ephod to him with it.
Obuče na nj haljinu, opasa ga pojasom, ogrnu ga ogrtačem i stavi mu oplećak. Zatim ga opasa tkanicom oplećka i njome pritegnu uza nj oplećak.
8 And he placed on him the breastpiece and he put into the breastpiece the Urim and the Thummim.
Stavi mu naprsnik, a u naprsnik metnu Urim i Tumim.
9 And he placed the turban on head his and he placed on the turban to [the] front of face his [the] plate of gold [the] crown of holiness just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
Na glavu mu stavi mitru, a sprijeda na mitru postavi zlatnu pločicu - sveti vijenac - kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
10 And he took Moses [the] oil of anointing and he anointed the tabernacle and all that [was] in it and he set apart as holy them.
Uzme zatim Mojsije ulje pomazanja te pomaže Prebivalište i sve što je u njemu da ih posveti.
11 And he spattered some of it on the altar seven times and he anointed the altar and all utensils its and the laver and base its to set apart as holy them.
Sedam puta poškropi njime žrtvenik te pomaže žrtvenik i sav njegov pribor, umivaonik s njegovim stalkom da ih posveti.
12 And he poured some of [the] oil of anointing on [the] head of Aaron and he anointed him to set apart as holy him.
Izlije ulja pomazanja Aronu na glavu te ga pomaže da ga posveti.
13 And he presented Moses [the] sons of Aaron and he clothed them tunics and he girded them a sash and he bound on to them headdresses just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
Potom Mojsije dovede Aronove sinove; na njih obuče haljine, pasovima ih opaše i poveze im zavije, kako je Jahve Mojsiju naredio.
14 And he brought near [the] bull of the sin offering and he leaned Aaron and sons his hands their on [the] head of [the] bull of the sin offering.
Dovede potom junce žrtve okajnice. Aron i njegovi sinovi stave svoje ruke na glavu juncu žrtve okajnice.
15 And he cut [the] throat of [it] and he took Moses the blood and he put [it] on [the] horns of the altar all around with finger his and he cleansed from sin the altar and the blood he poured to [the] base of the altar and he set apart as holy it to make atonement on it.
Zatim ga Mojsije zakolje. Onda uzme krvi pa je svojim prstom stavi na rogove oko žrtvenika. Tako žrtvenik očisti. Zatim izlije krv podno žrtvenika; posveti ga, izvršivši na njemu obred pomirenja.
16 And he took all the fat which [was] on the entrails and [the] lobe of the liver and [the] two the kidneys and fat their and he made [them] smoke Moses the altar towards.
Zatim Mojsije uzme sav loj što je bio oko drobine, privjesak s jetre, oba bubrega i njihov loj, pa to sažeže u kad na žrtveniku.
17 And the bull and hide its and flesh its and offal its he burned with fire from [the] outside of the camp just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
A kožu od junca, njegovo meso i njegovu nečist spali u vatri izvan tabora, kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
18 And he presented [the] ram of the burnt offering and they leaned Aaron and sons his hands their on [the] head of the ram.
Dovede potom ovna za žrtvu paljenicu. Aron i njegovi sinovi stave svoje ruke ovnu na glavu.
19 And he cut [the] throat of [it] and he sprinkled Moses the blood on the altar all around.
Sad ga Mojsije zakolje. Onda krvlju zapljusne žrtvenik sa svih strana.
20 And the ram he cut in pieces into pieces its and he made smoke Moses the head and the pieces and the suet.
Pošto isiječe ovna na dijelove, Mojsije sažeže u kad glavu, dijelove i loj.
21 And the entrails and the legs he washed with water and he made smoke Moses all the ram the altar towards [was] a burnt offering it to an odor of soothing [was] a fire offering it to Yahweh just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
U vodi opere drobinu i noge pa u kad sažeže na žrtveniku svega ovna. Bila je to žrtva paljenica na ugodan miris - žrtva u čast Jahvi paljena - kako je Jahve naredio Mojsiju.
22 And he presented the ram second [the] ram of installation offering and they leaned Aaron and sons his hands their on [the] head of the ram.
Zatim dovede drugoga ovna, ovna za žrtvu posvetnicu. Aron i njegovi sinovi stave svoje ruke ovnu na glavu.
23 And he cut [the] throat of [it] - and he took Moses some of blood its and he put [it] on [the] lobe of [the] ear of Aaron right and on [the] thumb of hand his right and on [the] big toe of foot his right.
Mojsije ga zakolje. Onda uzme krvi pa stavi na resu Aronova desnog uha, na palac njegove desne ruke i na palac njegove desne noge.
24 And he presented [the] sons of Aaron and he put Moses some of the blood on [the] lobe of ear their right and on [the] thumb of hand their right and on [the] big toe of foot their right and he sprinkled Moses the blood on the altar all around.
Potom Mojsije dovede Aronove sinove, pa im stavi iste krvi na resu desnog uha, na palac desne ruke i na palac desne noge. Zatim Mojsije krvlju zapljusne žrtvenik sa svih strana.
25 And he took the fat and the fat tail and all the fat which [was] on the entrails and [the] lobe of the liver and [the] two the kidneys and fat their and [the] thigh of the right.
Poslije toga uzme loj, pretili rep, loj što je bio oko drobine, privjesak s jetre, oba bubrega i njihov loj - i desno pleće;
26 And from [the] basket of unleavened bread which - [was] before Yahweh he took a round perforated bread of unleavened bread one and a round perforated bread of bread of oil one and a thin bread one and he placed [them] on the fat and on [the] thigh of the right.
a iz košare beskvasnih kruhova, što je stajala pred Jahvom, uzme jednu beskvasnu pogaču, jednu prevrtu s uljem i jedan kolač i postavi ih na loj i desno pleće.
27 And he put everything on [the] palms of Aaron and on [the] palms of sons his and he waved them a wave-offering before Yahweh.
Sve to položi na ruke Arona i na ruke njegovih sinova pa to prinese kao žrtvu prikaznicu pred Jahvom.
28 And he took Moses them from on palms their and he made [them] smoke the altar towards on the burnt offering [were] installation offerings they to an odor of soothing [was] a fire offering it to Yahweh.
Potom Mojsije opet to uzme s njihovih ruku i sažeže u kad na žrtveniku povrh žrtve paljenice. Bila je to žrtva posvetnica na ugodan miris, žrtva u čast Jahvi paljena.
29 And he took Moses the breast and he waved it a wave-offering before Yahweh from [the] ram of installation offering to Moses it belonged to a portion just as he had commanded Yahweh Moses.
Naposljetku Mojsije uzme grudi i prinese ih kao žrtvu prikaznicu pred Jahvom. To je bila pristojbina Mojsiju od ovna žrtve posvetnice, kako je Jahve Mojsiju naredio.
30 And he took Moses some of [the] oil of anointing and some of the blood which [was] on the altar and he spattered [it] on Aaron on garments his and on sons his and on [the] garments of sons his with him and he set apart as holy Aaron garments his and sons his and [the] garments of sons his with him.
Zatim Mojsije uze ulja za pomazanje i krvi što je bila na žrtveniku te poškropi Arona i njegove haljine, a tako i njegove sinove i njihove haljine. Tako posveti Arona i njegove haljine; njegove sinove i njihove haljine.
31 And he said Moses to Aaron and to sons his boil the meat [the] entrance of [the] tent of meeting and there you will eat it and the bread which [is] in [the] basket of the installation offering just as I commanded saying Aaron and sons his they will eat it.
Onda reče Mojsije Aronu i njegovim sinovima: “Skuhajte to meso na ulazu u Šator sastanka i ondje ga blagujte s kruhom što je u košari za žrtvu posvetnicu, kako sam naredio. Neka ga jedu Aron i njegovi sinovi!
32 And the remainder in the meat and in the bread with fire you will burn.
A što od mesa i kruha ostane, spalite na vatri.
33 And from [the] entrance of [the] tent of meeting not you must go out seven days until [the] day are completed [the] days of installation your for seven days he will fill hand your.
Sedam dana ne odlazite s ulaza Šatora sastanka - do dana kad se navrši rok vašega svećeničkog posvećenja. Jer sedam dana treba za vaše posvećenje.
34 Just as someone has done on the day this he has commanded Yahweh to do to make atonement on you.
Kako se radilo danas, Jahve je naredio da se tako radi dalje, da se nad vama izvrši obred pomirenja.
35 And [the] entrance of [the] tent of meeting you will remain by day and night seven days and you will keep [the] duty of Yahweh and not you will die for thus I have been commanded.
Zato ostanite na ulazu Šatora sastanka sedam dana, danju i noću vršeći što je Jahve naredio, da ne pomrete. Takvu sam ja zapovijed dobio.”
36 And he did Aaron and sons his all the things which he had commanded Yahweh by [the] hand of Moses.
Aron i njegovi sinovi učiniše sve što je Jahve naredio preko Mojsija.

< Leviticus 8 >