< Leviticus 6 >

1 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
Markaasaa Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
2 Anyone if it will sin and it will act unfaithfully unfaithfulness against Yahweh and he will deny fellow citizen his an item entrusted or deposited property of a hand or a robbery or he has oppressed fellow citizen his.
Haddii qof dembaabo oo uu Rabbiga ku xadgudbo, oo uu si aan daacad ahayn deriskiisa kula macaamiloodo wax ku saabsan carbuun, ama rahmad, ama dhicid, amase hadduu deriskiisa dulmo,
3 Or he has found a thing lost and he will deny it and he will swear an oath on falsehood on one of all that he will do humankind to sin by them.
amase hadduu helo wax lumay oo uu waxaas qarsado oo uu been ku dhaarto, hadduu waxyaalahaas midkood sameeyo oo uu saas ku dembaabo,
4 And it will be that he will sin and he will be guilty and he will restore the thing robbed which he robbed or the oppression which he oppressed or the item entrusted which it was entrusted with him or the thing lost which he found.
markaas hadduu dembaabay oo uu eedaysan yahay waa inuu soo celiyaa wixii uu dhacay, ama wixii uu dulmi ku qaatay, ama carbuunkii isaga loo dhiibtay, ama wixii lumay oo uu helay,
5 Or any of all that he will swear an oath on it to falsehood and he will repay it in sum its and fifth its let him add to it to [the one] whom it [belonged] to him he will give it on [the] day of guilt his.
amase wixii uu beenta ugu dhaartay, waa inuu celiyaa iyagoo kaamil ah, oo weliba waa inuu ku daraa iyada oo shan meelood loo dhigay meesheed. Oo waa inuu siiyaa kii waxaas lahaa maalintii la ogaado inuu isagu eedaysan yahay.
6 And guilt offering his he will bring to Yahweh a ram unblemished from the flock by valuation your to a guilt offering to the priest.
Oo isagu qurbaanka xadgudubkiisa aawadiis waa inuu Rabbiga ugu keenaa wan aan iin lahayn oo uu idaha ka soo bixiyey ee aad qiimaysay, oo qurbaan xadgudub aawadiis wadaadka ha ugu keeno.
7 And he will make atonement on him the priest before Yahweh and it will be forgiven to him on one of all that someone will do to guilt by it.
Oo wadaadkuna waa inuu isaga kafaaraggud ugu sameeyaa Rabbiga hortiisa, oo isna waa laga cafiyi doonaa wixii uu sameeyey oo uu ku eedaysan yahay oo dhanba.
8 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
Markaasaa Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
9 Command Aaron and sons his saying this [is] [the] legal [procedure] of the burnt offering it the burnt offering [will be] on [the] hearth on the altar all the night until the morning and [the] fire of the altar it will burn on it.
Haaruun iyo wiilashiisa amar oo waxaad ku tidhaahdaa, Kanu waa sharciga qurbaanka la gubo ku saabsan: qurbaanka la gubo waa inuu habeenkii oo dhan saarnaadaa qoryaha meesha allabariga saaran tan iyo ilaa waagu ka baryo; oo dabka meesha allabarigana waa in laga sii ololiyaa.
10 And he will put on the priest garment his linen and undergarments of linen he will put on on body his and he will lift up the fatty ash which it will consume the fire the burnt offering on the altar and he will place it beside the altar.
Oo wadaadkuna waa inuu xidhaa dharkiisa wanaagsan, oo sirwaalkiisa marada wanaagsan laga sameeyeyna waa inuu gashadaa, oo waa inuu qaadaa dambaskii qurbaanka la gubayay oo dabku meesha allabariga dusheeda ku baabba'saday, oo waa inuu meesha allabariga ku ag shubaa.
11 And he will strip off garments his and he will put on garments other and he will take out the fatty ash to from [the] outside of the camp to a place pure.
Oo markaas waa inuu dharkiisii iska furaa oo uu dhar kale xidhaa, oo dambaska waa inuu meel daahirsan oo xerada dibaddeeda ah u qaadaa.
12 And the fire on the altar it will burn on it not it will be extinguished and he will kindle on it the priest wood in the morning in the morning and he will arrange on it the burnt offering and he will make smoke on it [the] fat of the peace offerings.
Oo dabka meesha allabarigana waa in had iyo goor la sii ololiyaa oo waa inuusan marna demin; oo wadaadku waa inuu subax kasta qoryo saaraa, oo uu qurbaanka la gubona ku dul hagaajiyaa, oo xaydha qurbaanka nabaadiinadana waa inuu ku dul gubaa.
13 A fire continually it will burn on the altar not it will be extinguished.
Oo dab joogto ah waa in meesha allabariga dusheeda laga sii ololiyaa had iyo goorba, oo waa inuusan marna demin.
14 And this [is] [the] legal [procedure] of the grain offering they will present it [the] sons of Aaron before Yahweh to [the] face of the altar.
Oo kanuna waa sharciga qurbaanka hadhuudhka ku saabsan: Wiilashii Haaruun waa inay ku hor bixiyaan meesha allabariga ee Rabbiga hortiisa ah.
15 And he will lift up from it in handful his some of [the] fine flour of the grain offering and some of oil its and all the frankincense which [is] on the grain offering and he will make smoke the altar an odor of soothing memorial offering its to Yahweh.
Oo isagu waa inuu cantoobadiisa muggeed ka qaadaa burka wanaagsan ee qurbaanka hadhuudhka ah iyo saliiddiisa, iyo kulli fooxa saaran qurbaanka hadhuudhka oo dhan, oo waa inuu meesha allabariga ugu dul gubaa caraf udgoon ee xusuus u ah Rabbiga.
16 And the remainder of it they will eat Aaron and sons his unleavened bread it will be eaten in a place holy in [the] courtyard of [the] tent of meeting they will eat it.
Oo wixii qurbaankaas ka hadhayna Haaruun iyo wiilashiisu ha cuneen. Iyadoo aan khamiir lahayn waa in meel quduus ah lagu cunaa; oo iyagu waa inay ku cunaan barxadda teendhada shirka.
17 Not it will be baked leaven share their I have given it from fire offerings my [is] a holy thing of holy things it like the sin offering and like the guilt offering.
Waa inaan khamiir lagu dubin. Anigu taas waxaan iyaga u siiyey qaybtoodii ay ka heli lahaayeen qurbaannadayda dabka lagu sameeyo. Iyadu waa ugu quduusan tahay oo waa sidii qurbaankii dembiga iyo sidii qurbaankii xadgudubka.
18 Every male among [the] sons of Aaron he will eat it a prescribed portion of perpetuity to generations your from [the] fire offerings of Yahweh every [one] who he will touch them he will be holy.
Oo qof kasta oo lab ah oo reer Haaruun ka mid ahu waa inuu wax ka cunaa, oo tan iyo ab ka ab intaasaa looga amray qurbaannada Rabbiga oo dabka lagu sameeyo; oo ku alla kii taabtaana quduus buu ahaan doonaa.
19 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
Markaasaa Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
20 This [is] [the] present of Aaron and sons his which they will present to Yahweh on [the] day is anointed him tenth of ephah fine flour grain offering continually half its in the morning and half its in the evening.
Kanu waa qurbaanka Haaruun iyo wiilashiisu ay Rabbiga u bixin doonaan maalintii isaga la subko, waana eefaah bur ah oo toban meelood loo dhigay meeshiis, oo ah qurbaan hadhuudh oo joogto ah, oo intaas badhkeed subaxdii ha la bixiyo, badhka kalena fiidkii ha la bixiyo.
21 On a baking tray with oil it will be made mixed [dough] you will bring it broken pieces of a grain offering of crumbs you will present an odor of soothing to Yahweh.
Oo waa in lagu sameeyo digsi oo saliid lagu sameeyo, oo markii la isku qooshay waa inaad gudaha soo gelisaa. Xabbad xabbad la dubay waa inaad u bixisaa qurbaanka hadhuudhka oo Rabbiga caraf udgoon u ah.
22 And the priest anointed in place of him one of sons his he will offer it a prescribed portion of perpetuity to Yahweh a whole offering it will be made to smoke.
Oo waxaa bixin doona wadaadka subkan oo reer Haaruun oo isaga meeshiisa joogi doono, oo qaynuun weligiis ah waa in dhammaan Rabbiga loogu gubaa.
23 And every grain offering of a priest a whole offering it will be not it will be eaten.
Oo qurbaan kasta oo hadhuudh ah oo wadaadku bixiyoba waa in dhammaantiis la wada guba, oo waa inaan la cunin.
24 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
Markaasaa Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
25 Speak to Aaron and to sons his saying this [is] [the] legal [procedure] of the sin offering in [the] place where it has its throat cut the burnt offering it will have its throat cut the sin offering before Yahweh [is] a holy thing of holy things it.
La hadal Haaruun iyo wiilashiisa, oo waxaad ku tidhaahdaa, Kanu waa sharciga ku saabsan qurbaanka dembiga: meesha qurbaanka la gubo lagu gowraco waa in qurbaanka dembigana lagu gowracaa Rabbiga hortiisa, waayo, kaasu waa kan ugu wada quduusan.
26 The priest who makes a sin offering it he will eat it in a place holy it will be eaten in [the] courtyard of [the] tent of meeting.
Oo wadaadka dembiga aawadiis u bixiyaa waa inuu cunaa, waana in lagu cunaa meel quduus ah oo ah barxadda teendhada shirka.
27 All that it will touch meat its it will be holy and [one] who he will spatter any of blood its on the garment [that] which he will spatter on it you will wash in a place holy.
Oo wax alla wixii hilibkiisa taabtaana quduus bay ahaan doonaan, oo dhiiggiisana haddii dhar lagu saydho, wixii uu kaga saydhmay waa inaad ku maydhaa meel quduus ah.
28 And a vessel of earthenware which it will be boiled in it it will be broken and if in a vessel of bronze it was boiled and it will be scoured and it will be rinsed with water.
Laakiinse weelka dhoobada ah oo lagu kariyey waa in la burburiyaa, oo haddii weel naxaas ah lagu kariyana waa in la xaquuqaa oo biyo lagu dhaqaa.
29 Every male among the priests he will eat it [is] a holy thing of holy things it.
Oo wadaaddada intooda laboodka ah oo dhammu waa inay wax ka cunaan, waayo, waa kan ugu wada quduusan.
30 And any sin offering which it will be brought in any of blood its into [the] tent of meeting to make atonement in the holy place not it will be eaten with fire it will be burned.
Oo qurbaankii dembiga oo dhiiggiisa la soo geliyo teendhada shirka si meesha quduuska ah kafaaraggud loogu sameeyo innaba waa inaan la cunin, waase in dab lagu gubaa.

< Leviticus 6 >