< Leviticus 4 >

1 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses saying.
Bwana alisema na Musa na kumwambi,
2 Speak to [the] people of Israel saying anyone that it will sin by inadvertence any of all [the] commandments of Yahweh which not they will be done and he will do any one of them.
“Waambie wana wa Israeli 'mtu yeyote akifanya dhambi bila kukusudia, kufanya chochote ambacho Bwana ameagiza kutofanya, na kama akifanya chochote kilichozuiliwa, yafuatayo lazima yatatendeka.
3 If the priest anointed he will sin to [the] guilt of the people and he will present on sin his which he sinned a bull a young one of [the] herd unblemished to Yahweh to a sin offering.
Kama ni kuhani mkuu aliyetenda dhambi na kuleta hatia kwa watu, atatoa dume asiyekuwa na kasoro kwa Bwana kwa ajili ya dhambi aliyotenda kama sadaka ya dhambi.
4 And he will bring the bull to [the] entrance of [the] tent of meeting before Yahweh and he will lean hand his on [the] head of the bull and he will cut [the] throat of the bull before Yahweh.
Ataleta dume mbele ya mlango wa hema ya kukutania mbele ya Bwana, ataweka mikono juu ya dume, na atamchinja huyo dume mbele za Bwana.
5 And he will take the priest anointed some of [the] blood of the bull and he will bring it into [the] tent of meeting.
Kuhani aliyewekewa mafuta atachukua damu ya dume na kuileta mbele ya hema ya kukutania.
6 And he will dip the priest finger his in the blood and he will spatter some of the blood seven times before Yahweh with [the] face of [the] curtain of the holy place.
Kuhani atazamisha kidole chake katika damu na kuinyunyiza mara saba mbele za Bwana, mbele ya pazia la mahali pa takatifu.
7 And he will put the priest some of the blood on [the] horns of [the] altar of [the] incense of the perfume before Yahweh which [is] in [the] tent of meeting and - all [the] blood of the bull he will pour out to [the] base of [the] altar of burnt offering which [is] [the] entrance of [the] tent of meeting.
Na kuhani ataweka kiasi cha damu ya huyo dume juu ya pembe za madhabahu ya kuvukizia uvumba mbele za Bwana, katika hema ya kukutania na ataimwaga yote iliyobaki chini ya madhabahu ya sadaka ya kuteketezwa, iliyo mahali pa kuinglia katika hema ya kukutania.
8 And all [the] fat of [the] bull of the sin offering he will lift up from it the fat which covers over the entrails and all the fat which [is] on the entrails.
Atakata mafuta yote ya dume wa sadaka ya dhambi, mafuta yanayofunika matumbo na mafuta yote yaliyo katika matumbo,
9 And [the] two the kidneys and the fat which [is] on them which [is] on the loins and the lobe on the liver on the kidneys he will remove it.
figo mbili na mafuta yaliyopo pamoja nazo, yaliyo karibu na kiuno na kitambi cha maini pamoja na hizo figo.
10 Just as it is lifted up from [the] ox of [the] sacrifice of the peace offering and he will make smoke them the priest on [the] altar of burnt offering.
Ataondoa zote vile vile kama yanavyoondolewa katika dume wa sadaka ya dhabihu ya amani. Kuhani atatekeza sehemu hizo katika madhabahu ya sadaka za kuteketezwa.
11 And [the] hide of the bull and all flesh its with head its and with legs its and entrails its and offal its.
Ngozi ya dume na mabaki yoyote ya nyama, pamoja na kichwa chake, miguu yake, matumbo yake na mavi yake,
12 And he will bring out all the bull to from [the] outside of the camp to a place pure to [the] pouring out of the fatty ash and he will burn it on wood with fire at [the] pouring out of the fatty ash it will be burned.
mabaki yote ya dume atayachukua nje ya mji mahali palipo safi, mahali wanapomwaga majivu; watateketeza sehemu zote juu ya kuni. Watateketeza sehemu zote mahali wanapomwaga majivu.
13 And if all [the] congregation of Israel they will go astray and it will be hidden [the] matter from [the] eyes of the assembly and they will do one of all [the] commandments of Yahweh which not they will be done and they will be guilty.
Kama mkutano wote wa wana wa Israeli wakitenda dhambi bila kukusudia, na mkutano hawatakumbuka kwamba wametenda dhambi, na kufanya vile Bwana aliagiza wasifanye na wakajisikia hatia.
14 And it will be made known the sin which they have sinned on it and they will present the assembly a bull a young one of [the] herd to a sin offering and they will bring it before [the] tent of meeting.
Na dhambi waliyofanya ikajulikana, mkutano watatoa ng'ombe dume mchanga kuwa sadaka ya dhambi watamleta mbele ya hema ya kukutania.
15 And they will lean [the] elders of the congregation hands their on [the] head of the bull before Yahweh and someone will cut [the] throat of the bull before Yahweh.
Wazee wa mkutano wataweka mikono yao juu ya kichwa cha ng'ombe mbele za Bwana, na ng'ombe atachinjwa mbele za Bwana.
16 And he will bring the priest anointed some of [the] blood of the bull into [the] tent of meeting.
Kuhani aliyetiwa mafuta ataleta damu ya ng'ombe katika hema ya kukutania,
17 And he will dip the priest finger his some of the blood and he will spatter [it] seven times before Yahweh with [the] face of the curtain.
kuhani atachovya kidole chake katika damu na kuinyunyizia mara saba mbele za Bwana mbele ya pazia.
18 And some of the blood he will put - on [the] horns of the altar which [is] before Yahweh which [is] in [the] tent of meeting and all the blood he will pour out to [the] base of [the] altar of burnt offering which [is] [the] entrance of [the] tent of meeting.
Ataweka kiasi cha damu katika pembe za madhabahu mbele za Bwana iliyo katika hema ya kukutania na ataimwaga damu yote chini ya madhabahu ya sadaka ya kuteketezwa, iliyo katika mlango wa kuingilia katika hema ya kukutania.
19 And all fat its he will lift up from it and he will make [it] smoke the altar towards.
Atakata mafuta yote na kuyatekeza katika madhabahu.
20 And he will do to the bull just as he did to [the] bull of the sin offering so he will do to it and he will make atonement on them the priest and it will be forgiven to them.
Hivyo ndivyo atakavyomfanya huyo ng'ombe, kama alivyomfanya ng'ombe wa sadaka ya dhambi, atamfanyia vivyo hivyo huyu ng'ombe, kuhani atawafanyia upatanisho watu nao watasamehewa.
21 And he will bring out the bull to from [the] outside of the camp and he will burn it just as he burned the bull first [is] [the] sin offering of the assembly it.
Atamchukua huyo ng'ombe nje ya mji na kumteketeza kama alivyomteketeza ng, ombe wa kwanza. Hii ni sadaka ya dhambi kwa ajili ya mkutano.
22 That a leader he will sin and he will do one of all [the] commandments of Yahweh God his which not they will be done by inadvertence and he will be guilty.
Mtawala akitenda dhambi bila kukusudia kufanya moja ya yale Bwana Mungu wake ameagiza kutotenda, na anajisikia hatia
23 Or it has been made known to him sin his which he has sinned by it and he will bring present his a male goat of goats a male unblemished.
na kama dhambi yake aliyotenda anaifahamu, ataleta dhabihu yake mbuzi mme asiye na kasoro.
24 And he will lean hand his on [the] head of the male goat and he will cut [the] throat of it in [the] place where someone cuts [the] throat of the burnt offering before Yahweh [is] a sin offering it.
Ataweka mkono wake juu ya kichwa cha mbuzi na kumchinja mahali ambapo huchinja sadaka ya kuteketezwa mbele za Bwana. Hii ni sadaka ya dhambi.
25 And he will take the priest some of [the] blood of the sin offering on finger his and he will put [it] on [the] horns of [the] altar of burnt offering and blood its he will pour out to [the] base of [the] altar of burnt offering.
Kuhani atachukua damu ya sadaka ya dhambi kwa kidole chake na kuiweka juu ya pembe za madhabahu kwa dhabihu ya kuteketezwa, na atamwaga damu chini ya madhabahu ya dhabihu ya kuteketezwa.
26 And all fat its he will make smoke the altar towards like [the] fat of [the] sacrifice of the peace offering and he will make atonement on him the priest from sin his and it will be forgiven to him.
Atateketeza mafuta yote katika madhabahu, kama vile mafuta ya dhabihu ya sadaka ya amani, Kuhani atafanya upatanisho kwa ajili ya mtawala kulingana na dhambi yake, na mtawala atakuwa amesamehewa.
27 And if a person one it will sin by inadvertence one of [the] people of the land when does it one of [the] commandments of Yahweh which not they will be done and he will be guilty.
Kama yeyote wa watu wa kawaida akitenda dhambi bila kukusudia, kufanya vitu ambavyo Bwana ameagiza kutokufanywa na kama ana hatia,
28 Or it has been made known to him sin his which he has sinned and he will bring present his a female goat of goats unblemished a female on sin his which he has sinned.
ndipo dhambi yake aliyoitenda ikajulikana kwake, ndipo ataleta mbuzi mke asiyekuwa na kasoro awe dhabihu kwa ajili ya dhambi zake alizotenda.
29 And he will lean hand his on [the] head of the sin offering and he will cut [the] throat of the sin offering in [the] place of the burnt offering.
Ataweka mikono yake juu ya sadaka ya dhambi na kuchinja sadaka ya dhambi mahali pa sadaka ya kuteketezwa.
30 And he will take the priest some of blood its on finger his and he will put [it] on [the] horns of [the] altar of burnt offering and all blood its he will pour out to [the] base of the altar.
Kuhani atachukua kiasi cha damu kwa kidole chake na kuweka katika pembe za madhabahu ya dhabihu ya kuteketezwa. Damu yote iliyobaki ataimwaga chini ya madhabahu.
31 And all fat its he will remove just as it was removed [the] fat from on [the] sacrifice of the peace offering and he will make [it] smoke the priest the altar towards to an odor of soothing to Yahweh and he will make atonement on him the priest and it will be forgiven to him.
Atayaondoa mafuta yote, kama alivyoondoa mafuta katika dhabihu ya amani. Kuhani ataiteketeza katika madhabahu ili kuwa harufu nzuri kwa Bwana. Kuhani atafanya upatanisho kwa mtu, na atasamehewa.
32 And if a male lamb he will bring present his to a sin offering a female unblemished he will bring it.
Kama mtu ataleta mwanakondoo kama dhabihu yake kwa sadaka ya dhambi, ataleta jike asiye na kasoro.
33 And he will lean hand his on [the] head of the sin offering and he will cut [the] throat of it to a sin offering in [the] place where someone cuts [the] throat of the burnt offering.
Ataweka mikono kichwani mwa sadaka ya dhambi na atamchinja kuwa sadaka ya dhambi mahali wanapochinjwa sadaka ya kuteketezwa.
34 And he will take the priest some of [the] blood of the sin offering on finger his and he will put [it] on [the] horns of [the] altar of burnt offering and all blood its he will pour out to [the] base of the altar.
Kuhani atachukua baadhi ya damu ya sadaka ya dhambi kwa kidole chake na kuweka katika pembe za madhabahu kwa ajili ya sadaka za kuteketezwa, na ataimwaga damu yote chini ya madhabahu.
35 And all fat its he will remove just as it is removed [the] fat of the young ram from [the] sacrifice of the peace offering and he will make smoke the priest them the altar towards on [the] fire offerings of Yahweh and he will make atonement on him the priest on sin his which he has sinned and it will be forgiven to him.
Ataondoa mafuta yote, kama akatavyo mafuta ya mwanakondoo dhabihu ya sadaka ya amani na kuhani ataiteketeza juu ya madhabahu juu ya sadaka ya Bwana itolewayo kwa moto. Kuhani ataleta upatanisho kwa dhambi aliyoifanya, naye atasamehewa.

< Leviticus 4 >