< Leviticus 25 >

1 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses on [the] mountain of Sinai saying.
Jehovha akati kuna Mozisi pagomo reSinai,
2 Speak to [the] people of Israel and you will say to them if you will go into the land which I [am] about to give to you and it will cease the land a sabbath to Yahweh.
“Taura kuvaIsraeri uti kwavari: ‘Kana mapinda munyika yandichakupai, nyika pachayo inofanira kucherechedza sabata kuna Jehovha.
3 Six years you will sow field your and six years you will prune vineyard your and you will gather produce its.
Kwamakore matanhatu dyarai minda yenyu, uye kwamakore matanhatu, dimurirai mizambiringa yenyu mugounganidza michero yayo.
4 And in the year seventh a sabbath of sabbath observance it will belong to the land a sabbath to Yahweh field your not you will sow and vineyard your not you will prune.
Asi mugore rechinomwe, nyika inofanira kuva nesabata rokuzorora, sabata kuna Jehovha. Musadyara minda yenyu kana kudimurira mizambiringa yenyu.
5 [the] self-sown grain of Harvest your not you will harvest and [the] grapes untrimmed vines your not you will gather grapes a year of sabbath observance it will belong to the land.
Musakohwa zvinomera zvoga kana kukohwa mazambiringa amagoko. Nyika inofanira kuva negore rokuzorora.
6 And it will belong [the] sabbath of the land to you to food to you and to [male] slave your and to female slave your and to hired laborer your and to resident alien your who are sojourning with you.
Gohwo ripi neripi renyika resabata richava zvokudya zvenyu, zvako iwe, murandarume wako nomurandakadzi wako, uye mushandi nomueni agere pakati penyu,
7 And to livestock your and to the animal[s] which [is] in land your it will be all produce its to eat.
pamwe chete nezvipfuwo zvenyu nemhuka dzesango dziri munyika yenyu. Zvibereko zvose zvomunyika zvingadyiwa.
8 And you will count for yourself seven sabbaths of years seven years seven times and they will be to you [the] days of seven [the] sabbaths of years nine and forty year[s].
“‘Verengai maSabata manomwe amakore, makore manomwe akapetwa kanomwe, kuitira kuti maSabata manomwe amakore akwane nguva inoita makore makumi mana namapfumbamwe.
9 And you will cause to pass through a ram's horn of [the] sound of a loud blast in the month seventh on the ten of the month on [the] day of atonement you will cause to pass a ram's horn in all land your.
Ipapo urayire kuti hwamanda iridzwe kwose pazuva regumi romwedzi wechinomwe; paZuva Rokuyananisira ridzai hwamanda munyika yenyu yose.
10 And you will set apart as holy [the] year of the fifty year and you will proclaim liberty in the land for all inhabitants its a jubilee it it will be to you and you will return each one to possession his and each one to clan his you will return.
Tsaurai gore ramakumi mashanu mugoparidza rusununguko munyika yose kuvagari vayo vose. Richava Jubhiri kwamuri; mumwe nomumwe wenyu anofanira kudzokera kune zvake, uye mumwe nomumwe kumhuri yake.
11 A jubilee it [the] year of the fifty year it will be to you not you will sow and not you will harvest self-sown grain its and not you will gather grapes untrimmed vines its.
Gore ramakumi mashanu richava gore reJubhiri kwamuri. Musadyara uye musakohwa mazambiringa amagoko.
12 For [is] a jubilee it a holy thing it will be to you from the field you will eat produce its.
Nokuti iJubhiri uye rinofanira kuva dzvene kwamuri. Idyai chete zvinotorwa kubva muminda.
13 In [the] year of the jubilee this you will return each one to possession his.
“‘Mugore iri reJubhiri munhu wose anofanira kudzokera kune zvake.
14 And if you will sell a thing sold to fellow citizen your or you will buy from [the] hand of fellow citizen your may not you maltreat each brother his.
“‘Kana mukatengesa munda kuno mumwe womunyika menyu kana kutenga kwaari, musabiridzirana.
15 By [the] number of years after the jubilee you will buy from with fellow citizen your by [the] number of [the] years of produce he will sell [it] to you.
Munofanira kutenga kubva kuvagari venyika yenyu zvichienderana nouwandu hwamakore kubva pagore reJubhiri. Uye iye anofanira kutengesa zvichienderana nouwandu hwamakore asara okukohwa zvirimwa.
16 To [the] mouth of - [the] abundance of the years you will increase purchase price its and to [the] mouth of [the] being small of the years you will make small purchase price its for [the] number of produce he [is] selling to you.
Kana makore awanda, munofanira kuwedzera mutengo, uye kana makore ari mashoma, munofanira kudzikisa mutengo, nokuti zvaari kukutengeserai ndizvo chaizvoizvo uwandu hwezvirimwa.
17 And not you will maltreat anyone fellow citizen his and you will fear from God your for I [am] Yahweh God your.
Musabiridzirana, asi ityai Mwari wenyu. Ndini Jehovha Mwari wenyu.
18 And you will do statutes my and judgments my you will keep and you will do them and you will dwell on the land to security.
“‘Teverai mitemo yangu mugochenjerera kuti muteerere mirayiro yangu, ipapo muchagara makachengetedzeka munyika.
19 And it will give the land fruit its and you will eat to abundance and you will dwell to security on it.
Ipapo nyika ichabereka zvibereko zvayo uye imi muchadya kusvikira maguta, mugogara makachengetedzeka.
20 And if you will say what? will we eat in the year seventh here! not we will sow and not we will gather produce our.
Mungabvunza muchiti, “Ko, tichadyei mugore rechinomwe kana tisingadyari kana kukohwa zvirimwa zvedu?”
21 And I will command blessing my for you in the year sixth and it will make the produce for [the] three the years.
Ndichakutumirai ropafadzo mugore rechitanhatu zvokuti nyika ichabereka zvinokwana makore matatu.
22 And you will sow the year eighth and you will eat from the produce old harvest until - the year ninth until comes produce its you will eat old harvest.
Pamunenge muchidyara mugore rorusere muchadya kubva kuzvirimwa zvakare, uye mucharamba muchidya kubva kwazviri kusvika gohwo regore rechipfumbamwe rasvika.
23 And the land not it will be sold to perpetuity for [belongs] to me the land for [are] sojourners and resident aliens you with me.
“‘Munda haufaniri kutengeswa nokusingaperi, nokuti nyika ndeyangu uye imi muri vatorwa navaeni kwandiri.
24 And in all [the] land of possession your [the] right of redemption you will give of the land.
Munyika yose yamuchatora, munofanira kutendera kudzikinurwa kwenyika.
25 If he will become impoverished brother your and he will sell some of possession his and he will come kinsman-redeemer his near to him and he will redeem [the] thing sold of brother his.
“‘Kana mumwe wavagari venyika yenyu akava murombo akatengesa zvimwe zvezvinhu zvake, hama yake yepedyo inofanira kuuya kuzodzikinura zvakatengeswa nehama yake.
26 And anyone if not he will belong to him a kinsman-redeemer and it will reach hand his and he will find according to [the] sufficiency of redemption its.
Zvisinei, kana munhu ashaya angamudzikinurira zvinhu izvi, asi iye akazobudirira akawana nzira dzakakwana dzokuzvidzikinura,
27 And he will calculate [the] years of sale its and he will repay the surplus to the person whom he sold [it] to him and he will return to possession his.
anofanira kupima kukosha kwomutengo wazvo kubva pagore raakazvitengesa, agodzosera zvasara pamuripo wazvo, kumurume waakazvitengesera; ipapo angadzokera kune zvake.
28 And if not it has found hand his sufficiency to repay to him and it will be thing sold his in [the] hand of the [one who] bought it until [the] year of the jubilee and it will go out in the jubilee and he will return to possession his.
Asi kana akashaya nzira dzokumudzorera nadzo, zvaakatengesa zvicharamba zviri mumaoko omutengi kusvikira gore reJubhiri. Zvichadzoserwa mugore reJubhiri uye iye achagona kudzokera kune zvake.
29 And anyone if he will sell a house of dwelling of a city of a wall and it will be right of redemption its until is finished [the] year of sale its days it will be right of redemption its.
“‘Kana munhu akatengesa imba muguta rino rusvingo, anoramba aine mvumo yokuidzikinura kwegore rose shure kwokutengeswa kwayo. Munguva iyoyo anogona kuidzikinura.
30 And if not it will be redeemed until is completed to it a year complete and it will stand the house which [is] in the city which ([belongs] to it *Q(K)*) a wall to perpetuity to the [one who] bought it to generations his not it will go out in the jubilee.
Kana isina kudzikinurwa gore risati rapfuura, imba iri muguta rino rusvingo ichava yowakatenga nezvizvarwa zvake nokusingaperi. Haifaniri kudzorerwa paJubhiri.
31 And [the] houses of the villages which not [belongs] to them a wall round about to [the] field of the land it will be reckoned a right of redemption it will belong to it and in the jubilee it will go out.
Asi dzimba dziri mumisha isina kukomberedzwa namasvingo dzinofanira kuonekwa sesango. Dzinogona kudzikinurwa uye dzinofanira kudzoserwa muJubhiri.
32 And [the] cities of the Levites [the] houses of [the] cities of possession their a right of redemption of perpetuity it will belong to the Levites.
“‘VaRevhi vane mvumo nguva dzose yokudzikinura dzimba dzavo mumaguta avaRevhi, anova avo.
33 And that he will redeem one of the Levites and it will go out [the] sale of [the] house and [the] city of possession his in the jubilee for [the] houses of [the] cities of the Levites it [is] possession their in among [the] people of Israel.
Naizvozvo zvinhu zvavaRevhi zvinogona kudzikinurwa, zvichireva kuti imba inotengeswa muguta ravo ripi neripi inofanira kudzoserwa muJubhiri, nokuti dzimba dziri mumaguta avaRevhi zvinhu zvavo pakati pavaIsraeri.
34 And [the] field of [the] pasture land of cities their not it will be sold for [is] a possession of perpetuity it to them.
Asi mafuro amaguta avo haafaniri kutengeswa; inhaka yavo inogara nokusingaperi.
35 And if he will become impoverished brother your and it will slip hand his with you and you will strengthen him a sojourner and a resident alien and he will live with you.
“‘Kana mumwe wehama dzenyu akava murombo uye asisagoni kuzviriritira pakati penyu, mubatsirei sezvamunoita mutorwa kana mueni kuti arambe achigara pakati penyu.
36 May not you take from with him interest and profit and you will fear from God your and he will live brother your with you.
Musatora mhindu yemhando ipi zvayo kubva kwaari, asi ityai Mwari wenyu kuitira kuti hama yenyu irambe ichigara pakati penyu.
37 Silver your not you will give to him for interest and for profit not you will give food your.
Hamufaniri kumukweretesa mari muchiti ichazobereka mhindu kana kumutengesera zvokudya zvine mhindu.
38 I [am] Yahweh God your who I brought out you from [the] land of Egypt to give to you [the] land of Canaan to become for you God.
Ndini Jehovha Mwari wenyu akakubudisai kubva muIjipiti kuti ndikupei nyika yeKenani uye kuti ndive Mwari wenyu.
39 And if he will become impoverished brother your with you and he will sell himself to you not you will labor by him [the] labor of a slave.
“‘Kana mumwe wehama dzenyu akava murombo pakati penyu akazvitengesa kwamuri, musamuita kuti ashande somuranda.
40 Like a hired laborer like a resident alien he will be with you until [the] year of the jubilee he will serve with you.
Anofanira kubatwa somushandi wamaricho kana kuti mushanyi ari pakati penyu; anofanira kukushandirai kusvikira Gore reJubhiri.
41 And he will go out from with you he and sons his with him and he will return to clan his and to [the] possession of ancestors his he will return.
Ipapo iye navana vake vanofanira kusunungurwa, uye achadzokera kurudzi rwake nokuzvinhu zvamadzitateguru ake.
42 For [are] servants my they whom I brought out them from [the] land of Egypt not they will be sold a sale of a slave.
Nokuti vaIsraeri varanda vangu vandakabudisa kubva muIjipiti, havafaniri kutengeswa senhapwa.
43 Not you will rule over him with harshness and you will fear from God your.
Musavatonga neutsinye, asi ityai Mwari wenyu.
44 And [male] slave your and female slave your who they will belong to you from with the nations which [are] around you from them you will buy a [male] slave and a female slave.
“‘Nhapwa dzenyu dzechirume nedzechikadzi dzinofanira kubva mundudzi dzakakukomberedzai; munogona kutenga nhapwa kubva kwavari.
45 And also some of [the] children of the resident aliens who sojourn with you from them you will buy and from clan their which [is] with you which they have fathered in land your and they will belong to you to a possession.
Munogona kutengawo vatorwa vashanyi vagere pakati penyu nemhuri dzavo dzakaberekerwa munyika yenyu, uye vachava pfuma yenyu.
46 And you will give as an inheritance them to sons your after you to take possession of a possession for ever by them you will labor and over brothers your [the] people of Israel each over brother his not you will rule over him with harshness.
Munogona kuvaita nhaka yavana venyu uye kuvaita nhapwa kweupenyu hwavo hwose, asi hamufaniri kutonga vamwe vaIsraeri zvakaomarara.
47 And if it will reach [the] hand of a sojourner and a resident alien with you and he will become impoverished brother your with him and he will sell himself to a sojourner a resident alien with you or to a member of [the] clan of a sojourner.
“‘Mutorwa kana mushanyi pakati penyu akava mupfumi, uye mumwe wavanhu venyika yenyu akava murombo akazvitengesa kumutorwa agere pakati penyu, kana kumhuri yomutorwa,
48 After he has sold himself a right of redemption it will belong to him one of brothers his he will redeem him.
anoramba ane mvumo yokudzikinurwa mushure mokunge azvitengesa. Mumwe wehama dzake anogona kumudzikinura:
49 Or uncle his or [the] son of uncle his he will redeem him or any of [the] relative[s] of flesh his from clan his he will redeem him or it has reached hand his and he will redeem himself.
Babamunini vake kana mwanakomana wababamunini vake, kana hama yake yapedyo worudzi rwake angamudzikinura.
50 And he will calculate with [the] [one who] bought him from [the] year he sold himself to him until [the] year of the jubilee and it will be [the] silver of sale his by [the] number of years according to [the] days of a hired laborer he will be with him.
Iye neanomutenga vanofanira kuverenga nguva kubva pagore raakazvitengesa kusvikira paGore reJubhiri. Mutengo wokusunungurwa kwake unofanira kuenzaniswa nemari inoripwa mushandi wemaricho kwamakore iwayo.
51 If still many in the years to mouth their he will repay redemption his some of [the] silver of purchase his.
Kana kuchine makore akawanda asara, anofanira kuripira rudzikinuro rwake, chikamu chikuru chemari yaakaripirwa.
52 And if few it remains in the years until [the] year of the jubilee and he will calculate for himself according to [the] mouth of years his he will repay redemption his.
Kana kwasara makore mashoma shoma Gore reJubhiri risati rasvika, anofanira kurangana naye agodzosera mari yorudzikinuro rwake zvichienzaniswa namakore ake.
53 Like a hired laborer of a year in a year he will be with him not he will rule over him with harshness to eyes your.
Anofanira kubatwa somushandi wemaricho gore rimwe nerimwe; munofanira kuona kuti tenzi wake haamutongi zvakaomarara.
54 And if not he will be redeemed in these [ways] and he will go out in [the] year of the jubilee he and sons his with him.
“‘Kunyange zvake asina kudzikinurwa neimwe yenzira idzi, iye navana vake vanofanira kusunungurwa mugore reJubhiri,
55 For of me [the] people of Israel [are] servants [are] servants my they whom I brought out them from [the] land of Egypt I [am] Yahweh God your.
nokuti vaIsraeri ndevangu savaranda vangu. Varanda vangu vandakabudisa kubva muIjipiti. Ndini Jehovha Mwari wenyu.

< Leviticus 25 >