< Leviticus 11 >

1 And he spoke Yahweh to Moses and to Aaron saying to them. 2 Speak to [the] people of Israel saying this [is] the living creature which you will eat from every animal which [is] on the earth. 3 Any - [one which] divides in two a hoof and [which] cleaves a cleft of hooves [which] brings up cud among the animal[s] it you will eat. 4 Nevertheless this not you must eat from [those which] bring up the cud and from [those which] divide in two the hoof the camel that [is] bringing up cud it and a hoof not it [is] dividing in two [is] unclean it to you. 5 And the rock badger that [is] bringing up cud it and a hoof not it divides in two [is] unclean it to you. 6 And the hare that [is] bringing up cud it and a hoof not it divides in two [is] unclean it to you. 7 And the pig that [is] dividing in two a hoof it and [is] cleaving a cleft of a hoof and it cud not it ruminates [is] unclean it to you. 8 Any of meat their not you must eat and carcass their not you will touch [are] unclean they to you. 9 This you will eat from all that [is] in the waters all that [belong] to it fin and scale in the waters in the seas and in the wadis them you will eat. 10 And all that not [belong] to it fin and scale in the seas and in the wadis from every swarming thing of the waters and of every creature living which [is] in the waters [are] detestable thing[s] they to you. 11 And detestable thing[s] they will be to you any of meat their not you must eat and carcass their you will consider detestable. 12 All that not [belong] to it fin and scale in the waters [is] a detestable thing it to you. 13 And these you will consider detestable from the bird[s] not they will be eaten [are] detestable thing[s] they the eagle and the bearded vulture and the osprey. 14 And the black kite and the hawk to kind its. 15 Every raven to kind its. 16 And [the] daughter of the ostrich and the screech owl and the gull and the falcon to kind its. 17 And the little owl and the cormorant and the great owl. 18 And the barn owl and the desert owl and the Egyptian vulture. 19 And the stork the heron to kind its and the hoopoe and the bat. 20 Every swarming thing of wing which walks on four [legs] [is] a detestable thing it to you. 21 Nevertheless this you will eat from every swarming thing of wing which walks on four [legs] which ([belong] to it *Q(K)*) legs from above feet its to hop with them on the ground. 22 These any of them you will eat the locust to kind its and the locust to kind its and the locust to kind its and the grasshopper to kind its. 23 And every swarming thing of wing which [belong] to it four feet [is] a detestable thing it to you. 24 And to these you will make yourselves unclean every [one who] touches carcass their he will be unclean until the evening. 25 And every [one who] carries any of carcass their he will wash garments his and he will be unclean until the evening. 26 To every animal which it [is] dividing in two a hoof and a cleft - not it [is] cleaving and cud not it [is] bringing up [are] unclean they to you every [one who] touches them he will be unclean. 27 And any - [one which] walks on paws its among every living creature which walks on four [feet] [are] unclean they to you every [one who] touches carcass their he will be unclean until the evening. 28 And who [-ever] carries carcass their he will wash garments his and he will be unclean until the evening [are] unclean they to you. 29 And this to you [is] the unclean among the swarming thing[s] which swarms on the earth the weasel and the mouse and the great lizard to kind its. 30 And the gecko and the monitor lizard and the wall lizard and the skink and the chameleon. 31 These [are] the unclean to you among every swarming thing every [one who] touches them in death their he will be unclean until the evening. 32 And all that it will fall on it any of them - in death their it will be unclean from every vessel of wood or a garment or a hide or sackcloth every vessel which it will be done a work in them in water it will be put and it will be unclean until the evening and it will be pure. 33 And every vessel of earthenware which it will fall any of them into [the] middle of it all that [is] in [the] midst of it it will be unclean and it you will break. 34 Any of all the food which it will be eaten which it will come on it water it will be unclean and any drink which it is drunk in every vessel it will be unclean. 35 And all that it will fall any of carcass their - on it it will be unclean an oven and a stove it will be broken up [are] unclean they and unclean they will be to you. 36 Nevertheless a spring and a cistern a reservoir of water it will be pure and [one who] touches carcass their he will be unclean. 37 And if it will fall any of carcass their on every seed of sowing which it will be sown [is] pure it. 38 And if it will be put water on seed and it will fall any of carcass their on it [is] unclean it to you. 39 And if it will die any of the livestock which it [belongs] to you to food who [-ever] touches carcass its he will be unclean until the evening. 40 And [who [-ever] eats any of carcass its he will wash garments his and he will be unclean until the evening and who [-ever] carries carcass its he will wash garments his and he will be unclean until the evening. 41 And every swarming thing which swarms on the earth [is] a detestable thing it not it will be eaten. 42 Any [one which] walks on belly and any - [one which] walks on four [feet] to any [one which] multiplies feet to every swarming thing which swarms on the earth not you must eat them for [are] a detestable thing they. 43 May not you make detestable selves your by any swarming thing which swarms and not you must make yourselves unclean by them and you will make yourselves unclean by them. 44 For I [am] Yahweh God your and you will keep yourselves holy and you will be holy for [am] holy I and not you must make unclean selves your by any swarming thing which creeps on the earth. 45 For - I [am] Yahweh who brought up you from [the] land of Egypt to become for you God and you will be holy for [am] holy I. 46 This [is] [the] legal [procedure] of the livestock and the bird[s] and every creature living which moves in the waters and to every creature which swarms on the earth. 47 To separate between the unclean [thing] and between the pure [thing] and between the living creature which is eaten and between the living creature which not it will be eaten.

< Leviticus 11 >