< Judges 5 >

1 And she sang Deborah and Barak [the] son of Abinoam on the day that saying.
त्यो दिन दबोरा र अबीनोअमका छोरा बाराकले यो गीत गाए:
2 When acted as leaders heads in Israel when volunteers a people bless Yahweh.
“जब अगुवाहरूले इस्राएललाई नेतृत्व गर्छन्, जब मानिसहरू युद्धको निम्ति स्‍वइच्‍छाले राजी हुन्छन्, तब हामी परमप्रभुको प्रशंसा गर्छौं!
3 Hear O kings give ear O rulers I to Yahweh I I will sing I will sing praises to Yahweh [the] God of Israel.
ए राजाहरू, सुन! ए अगुवाहरू ध्यान देओ! म परमप्रभुको निम्ति गाउनेछु । म इस्राएलका परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वरको प्रशंसा गाउनेछु ।
4 O Yahweh when going out you from Seir when marching you from [the] region of Edom [the] earth it shook both [the] heavens they dropped as well as [the] clouds they dropped water.
हे परमप्रभु, जब तपाईं सेइरबाट बाहिर निस्कनुभयो, जब तपाईं एदोमबाट हिंड्नुभयो, तब पृथ्वी काँप्‍यो, र आकाश पनि थरथर डरायो । अनि बादलहरूले पानी झारे ।
5 [the] mountains They flowed from before Yahweh this Sinai from before Yahweh [the] God of Israel.
परमप्रभुको मुहारको सामु पहाडहरू थरथर डराए । इस्राएलका परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वरको मुहारको सामु सिनै पर्वत पनि थरथर काँप्‍यो ।
6 In [the] days of Shamgar [the] son of Anath in [the] days of Jael they ceased roads and walkers of paths they walked roads twisting.
शमगर (अनातका छोरा) को समयमा, याएलको समयमा, मुल बाटोहरू त्यागिएका थिए, अनि पदयात्रीहरूले घुमाउरा बाटोहरू मात्र प्रयोग गरे ।
7 They ceased rural people in Israel they ceased until that I arose Deborah that I arose a mother in Israel.
म, दबोरा, इस्राएलकी आमाको रूपमा खडा नभएसम्म, इस्राएलका गाउँहरूमा थोरै मानिसहरू मात्र थिए!
8 It chose gods new then bread gates a shield if it was seen and a spear among forty thousand in Israel.
जब तिनीहरूले नयाँ देवताहरू चुने, तब त्‍यहाँ सहरका मुल ढोकाहरूमा युद्ध हुन्‍थ्‍यो र पनि त्यहाँ इस्राएलमा भएका चालिस हजार जनासँग कुनै ढाल वा भालाहरू देखिएन ।
9 Heart my [is] for [the] commanders of Israel those [who] volunteered among the people bless Yahweh.
मेरो हृदय इस्राएलका कमाण्‍डरहरू र स्‍वइच्‍छाले सेवा गर्ने मानिसहरूप्रति छ । तिनीहरूका निम्ति हामी परमप्रभुको प्रशंसा गर्छौं!
10 O riders of female donkeys tawny O [you who] sit on cloth garments and O walkers on [the] road tell out.
ए सेता गधाहरूमा बसेर सवार हुनेहरू, पिठ्युँका राडीहरूमा बस्‍नेहरू र सडकमा हिंड्नेहरू हो, यसको बारेमा विचार गर ।
11 From [the] sound of archers between [the] places for drawing water there they will recount [the] righteousness of Yahweh [the] righteousness of rural people his in Israel then they went down to the gates [the] people of Yahweh.
पँधेराहरूमा गीत गाउनेहरूका सोर सुन । त्यहाँ तिनीहरू फेरि पनि परमप्रभुका धार्मिक कामहरू, र इस्राएलमा उहाँका योद्धाहरूका धार्मिक कामहरूका बारेमा बताउँछन् । अनि परमप्रभुका मानिसहरू सहरका प्रवेशद्वारहरूतिर लागे ।
12 Awake awake O Deborah awake awake speak a song arise O Barak and take captive captive[s] your O son of Abinoam.
उठ, उठ दबोरा! उठ, उठ, एउटा गीत गाऊ! ए बाराक, ए अबीनोअमका छोरा, उठ, र आफ्ना कैदीहरूलाई समाऊ ।
13 Then he went down [the] survivor[s] of [the] nobles [the] people Yahweh he went down to me among the mighty [ones].
तब बाँचेकाहरू कुलिनहरूकहाँ आए । परमप्रभुका मानिसहरू योद्धाहरूसँग मकहाँ तल आए ।
14 Some of Ephraim root their [was] in Amalek after you Benjamin [was] among people your from Makir they came down commanders and from Zebulun [those who] march with [the] staff of a muster-officer.
तिनीहरू एफ्राइमबाट आए, जसको जग अमालेकमा छ । बेन्यामीनका मानिसहरू तिमीहरूका पछि आए । माकीरबाट कमाण्‍डरहरू, र जबूलूनबाट अधिकारीका लौरो लिनेहरू तल आए ।
15 And princes my in Issachar [were] with Deborah and Issachar so Barak in the valley he was sent at feet his among [the] divisions of Reuben [were] great resolves of heart.
इस्साखारका मेरा राजकुमारहरू दबोरासित थिए । र इस्साखार बाराकसित थिए उनको पछि-पछि उनको कमाण्‍डमा तिनीहरू बेसीमा गए । रूबेनका कुलहरूका माझमा हृदय खोज्ने काम धेरै भयो ।
16 Why? did you sit between the fire-places to hear [the] whistling of [the] flocks to [the] divisions of Reuben [were] great searchings of heart.
गोठालाहरूले आफ्ना बगालको निम्ति बाँसुरी बजाएको सुन्दै, तिमीहरू किन आगोका वरिपरि बस्यौ? रूबेनका कुलहरूका बारेमा हृदय खोज्ने काम धेरै भयो ।
17 Gilead on [the] other side of the Jordan he dwelt and Dan why? did he sojourn ships Asher he remained to [the] coast of [the] seas and at landing places his he dwelt.
गिलाद यर्दनको पारिपट्टि नै बस्‍यो । अनि दान, ऊ जहाजहरूमा किन घुमिरह्‍यो? आशेर समुद्र किनारमा नै रह्‍यो र आफ्‍ना बन्दरगाहहरूको नजिक बस्‍यो ।
18 Zebulun [was] a people [which] it despised life its to die and Naphtali on [the] heights of [the] field.
जबूलून यस्तो कुल थियो जसले मृत्युको सामु आफ्नो प्राण जोखिममा पार्थ्यो, र नप्‍तालीले पनि युद्धको मैदानमा त्‍यसै गर्‍यो ।
19 They came kings they fought then they fought [the] kings of Canaan at Taanach at [the] waters of Megiddo profit of silver not they took.
राजाहरू आए, तिनीहरू युद्ध लडे । कनानका राजाहरू मगिद्दोका खोलाहारू नजिक तानाकमा युद्ध लडे । तर तिनीहरूले लुटको रूपमा कुनै चाँदी लगेनन् ।
20 From heaven they fought the stars from highways their they fought with Sisera.
आकाशबाट ताराहरू युद्ध लडे, आकाशमा तिनीहरूका मार्गहरूबाट तिनीहरू सीसराको विरुद्धमा युद्ध लडे ।
21 [the] wadi of Kishon it swept away them a wadi of ancient times [the] wadi of Kishon you will march O self my strength.
कीशोन खोलाले तिनीहरूलाई बगायो, त्यो पुरानो खोला, कीशोन खोला । ए मेरो प्राण, निरन्‍तर हिंड, शाहसी हो!
22 Then they struck [the] heels of horse[s] from [the] galloping [the] galloping of mighty [horses] his.
तब घोडाहरूका टापहरूका आवाज, त्‍यसका शक्तिशालीहरू कुदेको आवाज आयो ।
23 Curse Meroz he says [the] angel of Yahweh curse continuously inhabitants its for not they came to [the] help of Yahweh to [the] help of Yahweh on the mighty [ones].
परमप्रभुका दूतले भन्‍छन्, ‘मेरोजलाई सराप!’ ‘त्यसमा बसोबास गर्नेहरूलाई निश्‍चय नै सराप! किनभने शक्तिशाली योद्धाहरूसँगको युद्धमा, तिनीहरू परमप्रभुलाई सहायता गर्न आएनन् ।’
24 She will be blessed more than women Jael [the] wife of Heber the Kenite more than women in the tent she will be blessed.
सबै स्‍त्रीहरूमा याएल धेरै आशिषित छिन्, याएल (केनी हेबेरकी पत्‍नी), पालहरूमा बस्‍ने सबै स्‍त्रीहरूमा तिनी धेरै आशिषित छिन् ।
25 Water he asked milk she gave in a bowl of nobles she brought near curd.
त्यो मानिसले तिनीसँग पानी माग्यो, र तिनले उसलाई दूध दिईन् । तिनले त्यसको निम्ति राजकुमारहरूलाई सुहाउँदो मक्खन राखिएको भोजन ल्याइन् ।
26 Hand her to the peg they stretched out and right [hand] her to a hammer of workmen and she struck Sisera she shattered head his and she smashed and she pierced temple his.
तिनले आफ्नो हात पालको कीलामा राखिन्, र आफ्नो दाहिने हात मुङ्ग्रोमा राखिन् । त्यही मुङ्ग्रोले तिनले सीसरालाई हिर्काइन्, तिनले त्यसको शिर कुच्‍याइन् । त्यसको कन्चटलाई छेडेर तिनले त्यसको खप्परलाई टुक्रा-टुक्रा पारिन् ।
27 Between feet her he bowed down he fell he lay down between feet her he bowed down he fell at where he bowed down there he fell destroyed.
तिनका पाउनेर त्यो मर्‍यो, त्यो त्यहीं ढल्यो, र त्यहीं ढलिरह्‍यो । तिनका पाउका बिचमा त्यो ढल्यो । जहाँ त्यो ढल्यो, त्यहीं क्रुरतासित मारियो ।
28 Through the window she looked down and she lamented [the] mother of Sisera through the widow-lattice why? has it delayed chariot his to come why? have they delayed [the] hoof-beats of chariots his.
सीसराकी आमाले झ्यालबाट हेरिन् र पीडामा चिच्याएर तिनले भनिन्, ‘उसको रथ आउनलाई किन यति ढिलो भयो? उसका रथहरू तान्‍ने घोडाहरूका खुट्टा बजेको आवाज किन आएन?’
29 [the] wise [women] of Noble ladies her they answered also she she brought back words her to herself.
तिनका राजकुमारीमध्‍ये सबैभन्दा बुद्धिमान्ले जवाफ दिइन्, र तिनले आफैंलाई उही जवाफ दिइन् ।
30 ¿ Not are they finding are they dividing up? plunder a womb two wombs for [the] head of a man plunder of colored cloth for Sisera plunder of colored cloth embroidered material colored cloth embroidered material for [the] necks of plunder.
‘के तिनीहरूले लुटका सामान पाएर आपसमा बाँडेका छैनन् र? हरेक मानिसको निम्ति एउटा कोख, वा दुईवटा कोख । सीसराको निम्ति रङ्‍गाइएका कपडाहरू, र बुट्टा भएका रङ्‍गाइएका कपडाहरूका लुटहरू, लुटेराहरूका निम्ति दुईवटा बुट्टा भएका रङ्‍गाइएका कपडाहरू?’
31 So may they perish all enemies your O Yahweh and [those who] love him [be] as [the] going out of the sun in strength its and it was at peace the land forty year[s].
यसैले, हे परमप्रभु, तपाईंका सबै शत्रुहरू नाश होऊन्! तर तपाईंका मित्रहरू आफ्नो शक्तिमा उदाएको सुर्यझैं होऊन् ।” त्‍यसपछि देशमा चालिस वर्षसम्‍म शान्ति भयो ।

< Judges 5 >