< Judges 20 >

1 And they went out all [the] people of Israel and it was assembled the congregation like a man one from Dan and to Beer Sheba and [the] land of Gilead to Yahweh Mizpah.
Tad visi Israēla bērni izgāja un tā draudze sapulcējās kā viens vienīgs vīrs, no Dana līdz Bēršebai, arī Gileādas zeme, pie Tā Kunga Micpā.
2 And they presented themselves [the] corners of all the people all [the] tribes of Israel in [the] assembly of [the] people of God four hundred thousand man on foot [who] drew a sword.
Un visu ļaužu virsnieki, visas Israēla ciltis, rādījās(sanāca kopā) Dieva ļaužu draudzē, četrsimt tūkstoš kājnieki, zobenu vilcēji.
3 And they heard [the] descendants of Benjamin that they had gone up [the] people of Israel Mizpah and they said [the] people of Israel speak how? did it occur the evil this.
Un Benjamina bērni dzirdēja, ka Israēla bērni bija gājuši uz Micpu. Un Israēla bērni sacīja: sakāt, kā šis grēks noticis?
4 And he answered the man the Levite [the] husband of the woman murdered and he said Gibeah towards which [belongs] to Benjamin I came I and concubine my to spend [the] night.
Tad tas vīrs, tas Levits, tās nokautās sievas vīrs, atbildēja un sacīja: es ar savu sievu nācu uz Ģibeju, kas Benjaminam pieder, par nakti tur palikt.
5 And they rose up on me [the] citizens of Gibeah and they surrounded on me the house night me they intended to kill and concubine my they abused and she died.
Tad Ģibejas namnieki pret mani cēlās un naktī mani apstāja namā; tie nodomāja mani nokaut, un manu lieko sievu tie pārvarējuši, tā ka tā mirusi.
6 And I took hold on concubine my and I cut in pieces her and I sent off her in all [the] land of [the] inheritance of Israel for they have done wickedness and disgraceful folly in Israel.
Tad es ņēmu savu lieko sievu un to dalīju un to sūtīju visās Israēla zemes tiesās, jo tie nešķīstību un negantību ir darījuši iekš Israēla.
7 Here! all of you O people of Israel give for yourselves a word and counsel here.
Redzi, jūs visi esat Israēla bērni, sarunājaties un dodiet padomu.
8 And it arose all the people like a man one saying not we will go anyone to tent his and not we will depart anyone to house his.
Tad visi ļaudis cēlās kā viens vienīgs vīrs un sacīja: mēs neiesim neviens uz savu dzīvokli un negriezīsimies neviens uz savu namu.
9 And now this [is] the thing which we will do to Gibeah on it by lot.
Bet šī nu ir tā lieta, ko mēs darīsim pie Ģibejas: pret viņu kā mesli krīt!
10 And we will take ten men to the hundred of all - [the] tribes of Israel and one hundred to the thousand and one thousand to the ten thousand to bring provision[s] for the people to do to coming their to Geba of Benjamin according to all the disgraceful folly which it did in Israel.
Mēs ņemsim desmit vīrus no simta no visām Israēla ciltīm un simtu no tūkstošiem un tūkstoti no desmit tūkstošiem, ceļamaizi dabūt priekš tiem ļaudīm; tad iesim uz Benjamina Ģibeju, darīt (viņai) pēc visas negantības, ko tā iekš Israēla padarījusi.
11 And it gathered every man of Israel to the city like a man one united.
Tad visi Israēla vīri sapulcējās pret to pilsētu un sabiedrojās kā viens vienīgs vīrs.
12 And they sent [the] tribes of Israel men in all [the] tribes of Benjamin saying what? [is] the evil this which it has happened among you.
Un Israēla ciltis sūtīja vīrus pie visiem Benjamina radiem sacīdami: kas tas par grēku, kas jūsu starpā noticis?
13 And therefore give up the men sons of worthlessness who [are] in Gibeah so we may put to death them and let us remove evil from Israel and not (they were willing [the] descendants *Q(K)*) of Benjamin to listen to [the] voice of brothers their [the] people of Israel.
Tad nu izdodiet tos vīrus, tos bezdievīgos, kas Ģibejā, ka mēs tos nokaujam un to ļaunumu no Israēla nogriežam. Bet Benjamina (bērni) negribēja klausīt savu brāļu, Israēla bērnu, balsi.
14 And they gathered [the] descendants of Benjamin from the cities Gibeah towards to go out for battle with [the] people of Israel.
Un Benjamina bērni sapulcējās no tām pilsētām uz Ģibeju, karā iziet pret Israēla bērniem.
15 And they were mustered [the] descendants of Benjamin on the day that from the cities twenty and six thousand man [who] drew a sword apart from [the] inhabitants of Gibeah [who] they were mustered seven hundred man chosen.
Un Benjamina bērni tapa skaitīti tai dienā no tām pilsētām divdesmit seši tūkstoš vīri, zobenu vilcēji, bez tiem, kas Ģibejā dzīvoja, to bija pēc skaita septiņsimt izlasīti vīri.
16 [were] from All - the people this seven hundred man chosen impeded [the] hand of right his all this [was] slinging with the stone to the single hair and not he missed.
Starp visiem šiem ļaudīm bija septiņsimt izlasīti vīri, tie bija kreiļi; šie visi meta akmeni ar lingu uz mata, ka tas garām neaizgāja.
17 And [the] man of Israel they were mustered apart from Benjamin four hundred thousand man [who] drew a sword all this [was] man of war.
Un Israēla vīri tapa skaitīti bez Benjamina četrsimt tūkstoš vīri, zobenu vilcēji; visi šie bija kara vīri.
18 And they arose and they went up Beth-el and they asked by God and they said [the] people of Israel who? will he go up for us at the first to the battle with [the] descendants of Benjamin and he said Yahweh Judah [will be] at the first.
Un Israēla bērni cēlās un nogāja uz Bēteli, un vaicāja Dievu un sacīja: kuram no mums būs priekšā iet, karot pret Benjamina bērniem? Un Tas Kungs sacīja: Jūda lai iet priekšā.
19 And they arose [the] people of Israel in the morning and they encamped on Gibeah.
Tad Israēla bērni cēlās no rīta un apmeta lēģeri pret Ģibeju.
20 And he went out [the] man of Israel to the battle with Benjamin and they deployed with them [the] man of Israel battle to Gibeah.
Un Israēla vīri izgāja karā pret Benjaminu, un taisījās pret Ģibeju karot.
21 And they went out [the] descendants of Benjamin from Gibeah and they destroyed among Israel on the day that two and twenty thousand man [the] ground towards.
Tad Benjamina bērni izgāja no Ģibejas, un viņi tai dienā no Israēla apkāva divdesmit un divus tūkstošus.
22 And it showed itself strong the people [the] man of Israel and they repeated to deploy battle in the place where they had deployed there on the day first.
Bet tie ļaudis, Israēla vīri, stiprinājās un taisījās atkal karot tai vietā, kur tie pirmā dienā bija taisījušies.
23 And they went up [the] people of Israel and they wept before Yahweh until the evening and they enquired by Yahweh saying ¿ will I repeat to draw near for battle with [the] descendants of Benjamin brother my and he said Yahweh go up against him.
Un Israēla bērni nogāja un raudāja priekš Tā Kunga līdz vakaram un vaicāja To Kungu un sacīja: vai man atkal būs iet karā pret Benjamina, sava brāļa, bērniem? Tad Tas Kungs sacīja: ejat pret tiem.
24 And they drew near [the] people of Israel to [the] descendants of Benjamin on the day second.
Tā Israēla bērni gāja pret Benjamina bērniem otrā dienā.
25 And it went out Benjamin - to meet them - from Gibeah on the day second and they destroyed among [the] people of Israel again eight-teen thousand man [the] ground towards all these [were] drawers of a sword.
Bet Benjamins tiem gāja pretī no Ģibejas otrā dienā un apkāva no Israēla bērniem vēl astoņpadsmit tūkstošus, kas visi bija zobenu vilcēji.
26 And they went up all [the] people of Israel and all the people and they came Beth-el and they wept and they sat there before Yahweh and they fasted on the day that until the evening and they offered up burnt offerings and peace offerings before Yahweh.
Tad visi Israēla bērni un visi ļaudis nogāja un nāca uz Bēteli un raudāja, un palika tur priekš Tā Kunga un gavēja tai dienā līdz vakaram, un upurēja dedzināmos upurus un pateicības upurus Tā Kunga priekšā.
27 And they enquired [the] people of Israel by Yahweh and [was] there [the] ark of [the] covenant of God in the days those.
Un Israēla bērni vaicāja To Kungu, (jo tur tanīs dienās bija Dieva derības šķirsts,
28 And Phinehas [the] son Eleazar [the] son of Aaron [was] standing - before it in the days those saying ¿ will I repeat again to go out for battle with [the] descendants of Benjamin brother my or? will I cease and he said Yahweh go up for tomorrow I will give him in hand your.
Un Pinehas, Ārona dēla, Eleazara, dēls stāvēja tanīs dienās priekš viņa) un sacīja: vai man vēl būs iet karā pret Benjamina, sava brāļa, bērniem, jeb vai man būs atstāties? Un Tas Kungs sacīja: ceļaties, jo rīt Es tos došu tavā rokā.
29 And it set Israel ambushers to Gibeah round about.
Tad Israēls lika kādiem apslēpties visapkārt pret Ģibeju.
30 And they went up [the] people of Israel against [the] descendants of Benjamin on the day third and they deployed against Gibeah as time on time.
Un Israēla bērni nogāja trešā dienā pret Benjamina bērniem un taisījās pret Ģibeju, kā citām reizēm.
31 And they went out [the] descendants of Benjamin to meet the people they were drawn away from the city and they began to strike down some of the people fatally wounded as time - on time in the highways which one [is] going up Beth-el and one Gibeah towards in the field about thirty man in Israel.
Tad Benjamina bērni tiem ļaudīm izgāja pretī un nogāja no tās pilsētas nost un sāka kaut un durt tos ļaudis tā kā jau divreiz' uz tiem ceļiem, kur viens tek uz Bēteli un otrs uz Ģibeju laukā, kādus trīsdesmit vīrus no Israēla.
32 And they said [the] descendants of Benjamin [are] defeated they before us as at the former [time] and [the] people of Israel they said let us flee and we will draw away him from the city to the highways.
Tad Benjamina bērni sacīja: tie mūsu priekšā ir sakauti tā kā papriekš, bet Israēla bērni sacīja: bēgsim un nošķirsim tos no pilsētas uz tiem ceļiem.
33 And every - man of Israel they rose from place his and they deployed at Baal Tamar and [the] ambusher of Israel [was] bursting forth from place his from [the] open place of Geba.
Tad visi Israēla vīri cēlās no savas vietas un nostājās BaālTamārā, tā līdz arī tie Israēlieši, kas bija paslēpušies, cēlās no savas vietas, no Ģibejas klajuma.
34 And they came from before to Gibeah ten thousand man chosen from all Israel and the battle it was heavy and they not they knew that [was] about to touch to them calamity.
Un desmit tūkstoš vīri, izlasīti no visa Israēla, nāca no Ģibejas puses, un kaušanās bija briesmīga. Bet tie nezināja, ka nelaime tiem jau bija tuvu.
35 And he defeated Yahweh - Benjamin before Israel and they destroyed [the] people of Israel among Benjamin on the day that twenty and five thousand and one hundred man all these [was] drawing a sword.
Tā Tas Kungs Benjaminu kāva Israēla priekšā, jo Israēla bērni tai dienā no Benjamina apkāva divdesmit piecus tūkstošus un simts vīrus, kas visi bija zobenu vilcēji.
36 And they saw [the] descendants of Benjamin for they were defeated and they gave [the] man of Israel place to Benjamin for they trusted to the ambusher whom they had set against Gibeah.
Proti Benjamina bērni redzēja, ka viņi tapa kauti; un Israēla bērni Benjaminiešiem atstāja to vietu, jo viņi paļāvās uz tiem, kam bija likuši paslēpties pret Ģibeju.
37 And the ambusher they made haste and they made a raid against Gibeah and he marched the ambusher and he struck all the city to [the] mouth of [the] sword.
Un tie, kas bija paslēpušies, steidzās un izskrēja pret Ģibeju; tie, kas bija paslēpušies nāca un apkāva visu pilsētu ar zobena asmeni.
38 And the appointed signal it belonged to [the] man of Israel with the ambusher make great to cause to go up they [the] rising of the smoke from the city.
Un Israēla vīriem bija noruna ar tiem, kas bija paslēpušies, ka tiem bija uzkurt lielus dūmus un tos laist gaisā no pilsētas.
39 And he turned [the] man of Israel in the battle and Benjamin it began to strike down fatally wounded among [the] man of Israel about thirty man for they said surely certainly [is] defeated it before us like the battle first.
Un Israēla vīri kaujā griezās atpakaļ, un Benjamins bija iesācis nokaut no Israēliešiem kādus trīsdesmit vīrus, tā ka viņi sacīja: tie ir pavisam kauti mūsu priekšā tā kā pirmā kaušanā.
40 And the rising it began to go up from the city a pillar of smoke and it turned Benjamin behind it and there! it went up [the] entirety of the city the heavens towards.
Tad dūmi no pilsētas sāka celties, kā dūmu stabs, un kad Benjamins skatījās atpakaļ, redzi, tad visa pilsēta liesmās cēlās pret debesi.
41 And [the] man of Israel he turned and he was terrified [the] man of Benjamin if he saw that it had touched to him calamity.
Un Israēla vīri griezās atpakaļ, bet Benjamina vīri iztrūcinājās, jo tie redzēja, ka nelaime tiem bija uzkritusi.
42 And they turned before [the] man of Israel to [the] way of the wilderness and the battle it overtook him and [those] who [were] from the cities [were] destroying him in [the] midst of him.
Un tie atgriezās Israēla vīru priekšā uz tuksneša ceļu, bet tā kaušanās tiem bija uz pēdām pakaļ, un tie no tām pilsētām tos apkāva savā vidū.
43 They surrounded Benjamin they pursued him rest they trod down him to opposite Gibeah from [the] rising of [the] sun.
Un tie apstāja Benjaminu, dzinās tam pakaļ līdz Menukai, un tos samina līdz Ģibejai pret saules uzlēkšanu.
44 And they fell of Benjamin eight-teen thousand man all these [were] men of strength.
Un no Benjamina krita astoņpadsmit tūkstoš vīri, šie visi bija stipri vīri.
45 And they turned and they fled the wilderness towards to [the] rock of Rimmon and they gleaned him in the highways five thousand man and they pursued closely after him to Gidom and they struck down of him two thousand man.
Un viņi griezās un bēga uz tuksnesi, uz Rimona klinti; un tie viņiem pa tiem ceļiem pakaļ dzīdamies apkāva vēl piectūkstoš vīrus un tiem dzinās pakaļ līdz Ģidomam un no tiem nokāva vēl divtūkstoš vīrus.
46 And it was all those [who] fell of Benjamin twenty and five thousand man [who] drew a sword on the day that all these [were] men of strength.
Un visi, kas no Benjamina tai dienā krita, bija divdesmit un piectūkstoš vīri, kas bija zobenu vilcēji un visi stipri vīri.
47 And they turned and they fled the wilderness towards to [the] rock of Rimmon six hundred man and they dwelt at [the] rock of Rimmon four months.
Bet sešsimt vīri griezās un bēga tuksnesī uz Rimona klinti, un palika pie Rimona klints četrus mēnešus.
48 And [the] man of Israel they turned back against [the] descendants of Benjamin and they struck them to [the] mouth of [the] sword from a city of soundness unto animal unto everything which was found also all the cities which were found they sent in fire.
Un Israēla bērni griezās atpakaļ pie Benjamina bērniem, un kāva tos ar zobena asmeni pilsētā, gan vīrus gan lopus un visu, kas tapa atrasts; tie arī visas pilsētas, ko atrada, sadedzināja ar uguni.

< Judges 20 >