< Judges 2 >

1 And he went up [the] angel of Yahweh from Gilgal to Bokim. And he said I brought up you from Egypt and I brought you into the land which I swore to ancestors your and I said not I will break covenant my with you for ever.
Malaikat TUHAN pergi dari Gilgal ke Bokhim dan berkata kepada orang-orang Israel, "Aku sudah mengeluarkan kamu dari Mesir, dan membawa kamu ke negeri yang telah Kujanjikan kepada nenek moyangmu. Sudah Kukatakan pula, 'Ikatan janji antara Aku dengan kamu tak akan Kuputuskan.
2 And you not you must make a covenant to [the] inhabitants of the land this altars their you will pull down! and not you have listened to voice my what? this have you done.
Sebab itu kamu tak boleh membuat sesuatu ikatan dengan penduduk negeri ini. Mezbah-mezbah mereka harus kamu runtuhkan.' Tetapi kamu tidak melakukan apa yang telah Kuperintahkan itu. Malah kamu telah melakukan yang sebaliknya!
3 And also I say not I will drive out them from before you and they will become for you sides and gods their they will become for you a snare.
Jadi, sekarang dengarkan! Aku tak akan mengusir orang-orang negeri ini apabila kamu bertempur dengan mereka. Mereka akan menjadi musuh-musuhmu, dan kamu akan terjerat, sehingga kamu turut menyembah dewa-dewa mereka."
4 And it was when spoke [the] angel of Yahweh the words these to all [the] people of Israel and they lifted up the people voice their and they wept.
Setelah malaikat itu selesai menyampaikan berita itu, seluruh bangsa Israel menangis dengan keras.
5 And they called [the] name of the place that Bokim and they sacrificed there to Yahweh.
Itu sebabnya tempat itu dinamakan Bokhim. Lalu di tempat itu orang-orang Israel mempersembahkan kurban kepada TUHAN.
6 And he sent away Joshua the people and they went [the] people of Israel everyone to own inheritance his to take possession of the land.
Setelah Yosua melepas orang-orang Israel pergi, mereka pun berangkat untuk menduduki tanah yang menjadi bagian mereka masing-masing.
7 And they served the people Yahweh all [the] days of Joshua and all - [the] days of the old [men] who they made long days after Joshua who they had seen all [the] work of Yahweh great which he had done for Israel.
Selama Yosua hidup, orang Israel mengabdi kepada TUHAN. Setelah Yosua meninggal pun mereka tetap mengabdi kepada TUHAN selama mereka dipimpin oleh orang-orang yang telah melihat sendiri segala keajaiban yang dilakukan TUHAN untuk orang Israel.
8 And he died Joshua [the] son of Nun [the] servant of Yahweh a son of a hundred and ten years.
Yosua anak Nun--hamba TUHAN itu--meninggal dunia pada usia seratus sepuluh tahun.
9 And people buried him in [the] territory of inheritance his in Timnath Heres in [the] hill country of Ephraim from [the] north of [the] mountain of Gaash.
Ia dimakamkan di tanah miliknya sendiri, yaitu di Timnat-Serah di daerah pegunungan Efraim sebelah utara Gunung Gaas.
10 And also all the generation that they gathered to ancestors its and it arose a generation another after them which not they knew Yahweh and also the work which he had done for Israel.
Kemudian seluruh angkatan itu meninggal juga. Dan angkatan yang berikutnya tidak mengenal TUHAN, karena mereka tidak mengalami apa yang telah dilakukan TUHAN untuk bangsa Israel.
11 And they did [the] people of Israel the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh and they served the Baals.
Kemudian orang Israel berdosa terhadap TUHAN. Mereka tidak lagi menyembah TUHAN, Allah nenek moyang mereka, yaitu Allah yang telah membawa mereka keluar dari Mesir. Mereka mulai menyembah Baal dan Asytoret serta dewa-dewa lain yang disembah oleh bangsa-bangsa di sekeliling mereka. Maka TUHAN marah kepada mereka dan membiarkan gerombolan menyerang dan merampok mereka. Mereka tidak berdaya menghadapi musuh-musuh di sekeliling mereka.
12 And they forsook Yahweh - [the] God of ancestors their who brought out them from [the] land of Egypt and they went after - gods other some of [the] gods of the peoples which [were] around them and they bowed down to them and they provoked to anger Yahweh.
13 And they forsook Yahweh and they served the Baal and the Ashtaroth.
14 And it burned [the] anger of Yahweh on Israel and he gave them in [the] hand of plunderers and they plundered them and he sold them in [the] hand of enemies their from round about and not they were able still to stand before enemies their.
15 In every - where they went out [the] hand of Yahweh it was on them for harm just as he had spoken Yahweh and just as he had sworn Yahweh to them and it was distress to them exceedingly.
Setiap kali mereka pergi bertempur, TUHAN melawan mereka, seperti yang sudah diperingatkan-Nya kepada mereka. Maka mereka mengalami kesulitan yang sangat besar.
16 And he raised up Yahweh judges and they delivered them from [the] hand of plunderers their.
Berulang-ulang TUHAN memberikan kepada mereka pemimpin yang berjuang untuk melepaskan mereka dari gerombolan perampok.
17 And also to judges their not they listened for they acted as prostitutes after gods other and they bowed down to them they turned aside quickly from the way which they had walked fathers their to obey [the] commandments of Yahweh not they did so.
Tetapi mereka tidak menghiraukan para pemimpin itu. Mereka menyembah ilah-ilah lain, dan tidak setia kepada TUHAN. Mereka tidak mengikuti teladan nenek moyang mereka yang taat kepada perintah-perintah TUHAN.
18 And if he raised up Yahweh - for them judges and he was Yahweh with the judge and he delivered them from [the] hand of enemies their all [the] days of the judge for he had compassion Yahweh from groaning their because of [those who] oppressed them and [those who] oppressed them.
Apabila TUHAN memberikan seorang pemimpin kepada bangsa Israel, TUHAN selalu menolong pemimpin itu. Dan selama pemimpin itu masih hidup, TUHAN selalu melepaskan mereka dari musuh-musuh mereka. Ia kasihan kepada mereka apabila Ia mendengar mereka merintih karena dianiaya dan ditekan.
19 And it was - when died the judge they turned back and they acted corruptly more than fathers their by walking after gods other to serve them and to bow down to them not they let drop any of deeds their and any of way their stubborn.
Tetapi apabila pemimpin itu sudah meninggal, bangsa itu berkelakuan lebih buruk dari angkatan yang sebelumnya. Mereka mengabdi kepada ilah-ilah lain dan menyembah ilah-ilah itu. Mereka kembali kepada kebiasaan-kebiasaan mereka yang jahat dan tidak mau mengubah kelakuan mereka.
20 And it burned [the] anger of Yahweh on Israel and he said because that they have transgressed the nation this covenant my which I commanded ancestors their and not they have listened to voice my.
Sebab itu TUHAN sangat marah kepada umat Israel, dan berkata, "Aku sudah memerintahkan nenek moyang bangsa ini supaya memegang perjanjian antara Aku dengan mereka. Tetapi bangsa ini memutuskan ikatan janji itu; mereka melanggar perintah-Ku.
21 Also I not I will increase to dispossess anyone from before them any of the nations which he left Joshua and he died.
Sekarang Aku tidak mau lagi mengusir bangsa manapun juga yang masih ada di negeri ini ketika Yosua meninggal.
22 So as to put to [the] test by them Israel ¿ [be] keeping [will] they [the] way of Yahweh by walking in them just as they kept [it] ancestors their or? not.
Aku akan memakai bangsa-bangsa itu untuk menguji bangsa Israel, supaya Aku tahu apakah umat Israel mau mengikuti perintah-perintah-Ku seperti nenek moyang mereka, atau tidak."
23 And he left Yahweh the nations these to not to dispossess them quickly and not he gave them in [the] hand of Joshua.
Itulah sebabnya TUHAN tidak memberi kemenangan kepada Yosua atas bangsa-bangsa itu. Sebaliknya TUHAN membiarkan mereka tinggal di negeri itu, dan tidak segera mengusir mereka.

< Judges 2 >