< Judges 19 >
1 And it was in the days those and [was] a king there not in Israel and he was - a man a Levite sojourning in [the] remotest parts of [the] hill country of Ephraim and he took for himself a woman a concubine from Beth-lehem Judah.
Fuit quidam vir Levites habitans in latere montis Ephraim, qui accepit uxorem de Bethlehem Juda:
2 And she was angry towards him concubine his and she went from with him to [the] house of father her to Beth-lehem Judah and she was there days four months.
quæ reliquit eum, et reversa est in domum patris sui in Bethlehem, mansitque apud eum quatuor mensibus.
3 And he arose husband her and he went after her to speak to heart her (to bring back her *Q(K)*) and servant his [was] with him and a pair of donkeys and she brought him [the] house of father her and he saw him [the] father of the young woman and he was glad to meet him.
Secutusque est eam vir suus, volens reconciliari ei, atque blandiri, et secum reducere, habens in comitatu puerum et duos asinos: quæ suscepit eum, et introduxit in domum patris sui. Quod cum audisset socer ejus, eumque vidisset, occurrit ei lætus,
4 And he took hold on him father-in-law his [the] father of the young woman and he remained with him three days and they ate and they drank and they spent [the] night there.
et amplexatus est hominem. Mansitque gener in domo soceri tribus diebus, comedens cum eo et bibens familiariter.
5 And it was on the day fourth and they rose early in the morning and he arose to go and he said [the] father of the young woman to son-in-law his sustain heart your a morsel of bread and after you will go.
Die autem quarto de nocte consurgens, proficisci voluit: quem tenuit socer, et ait ad eum: Gusta prius pauxillum panis, et conforta stomachum, et sic proficisceris.
6 And they sat down and they ate [the] two of them together and they drank and he said [the] father of the young woman to the man be willing please and spend [the] night so it may be good heart your.
Sederuntque simul, ac comederunt et biberunt. Dixitque pater puellæ ad generum suum: Quæso te ut hodie hic maneas, pariterque lætemur.
7 And he arose the man to go and he urged him father-in-law his and he turned back and he spent [the] night there.
At ille consurgens, cœpit velle proficisci. Et nihilominus obnixe eum socer tenuit, et apud se fecit manere.
8 And he rose early in the morning on the day fifth to go and he said - [the] father of the young woman sustain please heart your and delay until declines the day and they ate [the] two of them.
Mane autem facto, parabat Levites iter. Cui socer rursum: Oro te, inquit, ut paululum cibi capias, et assumptis viribus donec increscat dies, postea proficiscaris. Comederunt ergo simul.
9 And he arose the man to go he and concubine his and servant his and he said to him father-in-law his [the] father of the young woman here! please it is sinking the day to become evening spend [the] night please here! to decline the day spend [the] night here so it may be good heart your and you will rise early tomorrow for journey your and you will go to tent your.
Surrexitque adolescens, ut pergeret cum uxore sua et puero. Cui rursum locutus est socer: Considera quod dies ad occasum declivior sit, et propinquat ad vesperum: mane apud me etiam hodie, et duc lætum diem, et cras proficisceris ut vadas in domum tuam.
10 And not he was willing the man to spend [the] night and he arose and he went and he came to opposite Jebus that [is] Jerusalem and [were] with him a pair of donkeys saddled and concubine his [was] with him.
Noluit gener acquiescere sermonibus ejus: sed statim perrexit, et venit contra Jebus, quæ altero nomine vocatur Jerusalem, ducens secum duos asinos onustos, et concubinam.
11 They [were] near Jebus and the day it had gone down exceedingly and he said the servant to master his come! please so let us turn aside to [the] city of the Jebusite[s] this so we may spend [the] night in it.
Jamque erant juxta Jebus, et dies mutabatur in noctem: dixitque puer ad dominum suum: Veni, obsecro: declinemus ad urbem Jebusæorum, et maneamus in ea.
12 And he said to him master his not we will turn aside to a city foreign who not [are] of [the] people of Israel they and we will pass on to Gibeah.
Cui respondit dominus: Non ingrediar oppidum gentis alienæ, quæ non est de filiis Israël: sed transibo usque Gabaa,
13 And he said to servant his (come! *Q(K)*) so let us drew near at one of the places and we will spend [the] night in Gibeah or in Ramah.
et cum illuc pervenero, manebimus in ea, aut certe in urbe Rama.
14 And they passed on and they went and it went for them the sun beside Gibeah which [belongs] to Benjamin.
Transierunt ergo Jebus, et cœptum carpebant iter, occubuitque eis sol juxta Gabaa, quæ est in tribu Benjamin:
15 And they turned aside there to go to spend [the] night in Gibeah and he went and he sat in [the] open square of the city and not anyone [was] receiving them the house towards to spend [the] night.
diverteruntque ad eam, ut manerent ibi. Quo cum intrassent, sedebant in platea civitatis, et nullus eos recipere voluit hospitio.
16 And there! - a man old [was] coming from work his from the field in the evening and the man [was] from [the] hill country of Ephraim and he [was] sojourning in Gibeah and [the] men of the place [were] Ben-jaminites.
Et ecce, apparuit homo senex, revertens de agro et de opere suo vesperi, qui et ipse de monte erat Ephraim, et peregrinus habitabat in Gabaa: homines autem regionis illius erant filii Jemini.
17 And he lifted up eyes his and he saw the man who was traveling in [the] open square of the city and he said the man old where? are you going and from where? are you coming.
Elevatisque oculis, vidit senex sedentem hominem cum sarcinulis suis in platea civitatis, et dixit ad eum: Unde venis? et quo vadis?
18 And he said to him [are] passing we from Beth-lehem Judah to [the] remotest parts of [the] hill country of Ephraim [am] from there I and I went to Beth-lehem Judah and [the] house of Yahweh I [am] going and not anyone [was] receiving me the house towards.
Qui respondit ei: Profecti sumus de Bethlehem Juda, et pergimus ad locum nostrum, qui est in latere montis Ephraim, unde ieramus in Bethlehem: et nunc vadimus ad domum Dei, nullusque sub tectum suum nos vult recipere,
19 And [are] both straw as well as fodder there for donkeys our and [are] also food and wine there for me and for maidservant your and for the servant with servants your there not [is] lack of any thing.
habentes paleas et fœnum in asinorum pabulum, et panem ac vinum in meos et ancillæ tuæ usus, et pueri qui mecum est: nulla re indigemus nisi hospitio.
20 And he said the man old peace [be] to you certainly all lack your [is] on me only in the open square may not you spend [the] night.
Cui respondit senex: Pax tecum sit, ego præbebo omnia quæ necessaria sunt: tantum, quæso, ne in platea maneas.
21 And he brought him to house his (and he fed *Q(k)*) the donkeys and they washed feet their and they ate and they drank.
Introduxitque eum in domum suam, et pabulum asinis præbuit: ac postquam laverunt pedes suos, recepit eos in convivium.
22 They [were] making good heart their and there! [the] men of the city men of sons of worthlessness they surrounded the house beating violently on the door and they said to the man [the] master of the house old saying bring out the man who he came to house your so we may know him.
Illis epulantibus, et post laborem itineris cibo et potu reficientibus corpora, venerunt viri civitatis illius, filii Belial (id est, absque jugo), et circumdantes domum senis, fores pulsare cœperunt, clamantes ad dominum domus atque dicentes: Educ virum, qui ingressus est domum tuam, ut abutamur eo.
23 And he went out to them the man [the] master of the house and he said to them may [you] not O brothers my may not you do evil please after that he has come the man this may [you] not house my may not you do the disgraceful folly this.
Egressusque est ad eos senex, et ait: Nolite, fratres, nolite facere malum hoc, quia ingressus est homo hospitium meum: et cessate ab hac stultitia.
24 Here! daughter my the virgin and concubine his let me bring out please them and afflict them and do to them the good in view your and to the man this not you must do [the] thing of disgraceful folly this.
Habeo filiam virginem, et hic homo habet concubinam: educam eas ad vos, ut humilietis eas, et vestram libidinem compleatis: tantum, obsecro, ne scelus hoc contra naturam operemini in virum.
25 And not they were willing the men to listen to him and he took hold the man on concubine his and he brought [her] out to them outside and they knew her and they abused her all the night until the morning and they let go her (just as came up *Q(K)*) the dawn.
Nolebant acquiescere sermonibus illius: quod cernens homo, eduxit ad eos concubinam suam, et eis tradidit illudendam: qua cum tota nocte abusi essent, dimiserunt eam mane.
26 And she came the woman to [the] turning of the morning and she fell [the] entrance of [the] house of the man where master her [was] there until the light.
At mulier, recedentibus tenebris, venit ad ostium domus, ubi manebat dominus suus, et ibi corruit.
27 And he arose master her in the morning and he opened [the] doors of the house and he went out to go to way his and there! the woman concubine his [was] falling [the] entrance of the house and hands her [were] on the threshold.
Mane facto, surrexit homo, et aperuit ostium, ut cœptam expleret viam: et ecce concubina ejus jacebat ante ostium sparsis in limine manibus.
28 And he said to her get up so let us go and there not [was one who] answered and he took her on the donkey and he arose the man and he went to place his.
Cui ille, putans eam quiescere, loquebatur: Surge, et ambulemus. Qua nihil respondente, intelligens quod erat mortua, tulit eam, et imposuit asino, reversusque est in domum suam.
29 And he came to house his and he took the knife and he took hold on concubine his and he cut in pieces her to bones her into two [plus] ten pieces and he sent out her in all [the] territory of Israel.
Quam cum esset ingressus, arripuit gladium, et cadaver uxoris cum ossibus suis in duodecim partes ac frustra concidens, misit in omnes terminos Israël.
30 And it was every [one who] saw and he said not it has occurred and not it has been seen like this from [the] day came up [the] people of Israel from [the] land of Egypt until the day this set for yourselves on it take counsel and speak.
Quod cum vidissent singuli, conclamabant: Numquam res talis facta est in Israël, ex eo die quo ascenderunt patres nostri de Ægypto usque in præsens tempus: ferte sententiam, et in commune decernite quid facto opus sit.