< Judges 10 >

1 And he arose after Abimelech to deliver Israel Tola [the] son of Puah [the] son of Dodo man of Issachar and he [was] dwelling in Shamir in [the] hill country of Ephraim.
Poslije Abimeleka ustao je Tola, sin Pue, sina Dodova, da izbavi Izraela. On bijaše iz Jisakarova plemena, a živio je u Šamiru, u Efrajimovoj gori.
2 And he judged Israel twenty and three year[s] and he died and he was buried in Shamir.
Bio je sudac Izraelu dvadeset i tri godine, a kad je umro, pokopali su ga u Šamiru.
3 And he arose after him Jair the Gileadite and he judged Israel twenty and two year[s].
Poslije njega ustao je Jair Gileađanin, koji je bio sudac Izraelu dvadeset i dvije godine.
4 And it belonged to him thirty sons [who] rode on thirty donkeys and thirty cities [belonged] to them them people call - Havvoth Jair until the day this which [are] in [the] land of Gilead.
Imao je trideset sinova koji su jahali na tridesetero magaradi i imali trideset gradova što se do dana današnjega zovu Sela Jairova, a nalaze se u gileadskoj zemlji.
5 And he died Jair and he was buried in Kamon.
Kad umrije Jair, pokopaše ga u Kamonu.
6 And they repeated - [the] people of Israel to do the evil in [the] eyes of Yahweh and they served the Baals and the Ashtaroth and [the] gods of Aram and [the] gods of Sidon and - [the] gods of Moab and [the] gods of [the] people of Ammon and [the] gods of [the] Philistines and they forsook Yahweh and not they served him.
Izraelci su opet stali činiti ono što Jahvi nije po volji. Služili su baalima i aštartama, aramejskim bogovima i sidonskim bogovima, bogovima Moabaca, bogovima Amonaca i bogovima Filistejaca. A Jahvu su napustili i nisu mu više služili.
7 And it burned [the] anger of Yahweh on Israel and he sold them in [the] hand of [the] Philistines and in [the] hand of [the] people of Ammon.
Tad planu Jahve gnjevom i predade ih u ruke Filistejcima i Amoncima.
8 And they shattered and they crushed [the] people of Israel in the year that eight-teen year[s] all [the] people of Israel who [were] on [the] other side of the Jordan in [the] land of the Amorite[s] which [is] in Gilead.
Oni su od tada osamnaest godina satirali i tlačili Izraelce - sve Izraelce koji življahu s onu stranu Jordana, u zemlji amorejskoj, koja je u Gileadu.
9 And they passed over [the] people of Ammon the Jordan to fight also against Judah and against Benjamin and against [the] house of Ephraim and it was distress to Israel exceedingly.
Potom su Amonci prešli Jordan da zavojšte i na Judu, Benjamina i na Efrajima te se Izrael nađe u velikoj nevolji.
10 And they cried out [the] people of Israel to Yahweh saying we have sinned to you and for we have forsaken God our and we have served the Baals.
Tada zavapiše Izraelci Jahvi govoreći: “Griješili smo prema tebi jer smo ostavili Jahvu, svoga Boga, da bismo služili baalima.”
11 And he said Yahweh to [the] people of Israel ¿ not from Egypt and from the Amorite[s] and from [the] people of Ammon and from [the] Philistines.
A Jahve odgovori Izraelcima: “Nisu li vas tlačili Egipćani i Amorejci, Amonci i Filistejci,
12 And [the] Sidonians and Amalek and Maon they oppressed you and you cried out to me and I delivered! you from hand their.
Sidonci, Amalečani i Midjanci? Ali kad ste zavapili prema meni, nisam li vas izbavio iz njihovih ruku?
13 And you you have forsaken me and you have served gods other therefore not I will repeat to deliver you.
Ali vi ostaviste mene i uzeste služiti drugim bogovima. Zbog toga vas neću više izbavljati.
14 Go and cry out to the gods which you have chosen them they let them deliver you at [the] time of distress your.
Idite i vapite za pomoć onim bogovima koje ste izabrali! Neka vas oni izbave iz vaše nevolje!”
15 And they said [the] people of Israel to Yahweh we have sinned do you to us according to all the good in view your only deliver us please the day this.
Izraelci odgovoriše Jahvi: “Sagriješili smo! Čini s nama što ti drago, samo nas danas izbavi!”
16 And they removed [the] gods of foreignness from midst their and they served Yahweh and it was short self his at [the] trouble of Israel.
I odstraniše tuđe bogove i počeše opet služiti Jahvi. A Jahve više ne mogaše trpjeti da Izraelci pate.
17 And they were summoned [the] people of Ammon and they encamped in Gilead and they gathered [the] people of Israel and they encamped at Mizpah.
Kada su se Amonci sabrali i utaborili u Gileadu, skupiše se i Izraelci i utaboriše se u Mispi.
18 And they said the people [the] leaders of Gilead each to neighbor his who? [is] the man who he will begin to fight against [the] people of Ammon he will become chief of all [the] inhabitants of Gilead.
Tada narod i knezovi gileadski rekoše jedni drugima: “Koji čovjek povede boj protiv Amonaca, neka bude poglavar svima koji žive u Gileadu.”

< Judges 10 >