< Joshua 9 >
1 And it was when heard all the kings who [were] on [the] other side of the Jordan in the hill country and in the Shephelah and in all [the] coast of the sea great to [the] front of Lebanon the Hittite[s] and the Amorite[s] the Canaanite[s] the Perizzite[s] the Hivite[s] and the Jebusite[s].
E succedeu que, ouvindo isto todos os reis, que estavam d'áquem do Jordão, nas montanhas, e nas campinas, em toda a costa do grande mar, em frente do Libano, os hetheos, e os amorrheos, os cananeos, os pherezeos, os heveos, e os jebuseos,
2 And they gathered together all together to wage war with Joshua and with Israel mouth one.
Se ajuntaram elles de commum accordo, para pelejar contra Josué e contra Israel.
3 And [the] inhabitants of Gibeon they heard [that] which he had done Joshua to Jericho and to Ai.
E os moradores de Gibeon ouvindo o que Josué fizera com Jericó e com Hai,
4 And they acted also they with cunning and they went and they acted as ambassadors and they took sacks worn out for donkeys their and skin-bottles of wine worn out and split and tied up.
Usaram tambem d'astucia, e foram e se fingiram embaixadores: e tomaram saccos velhos sobre os seus jumentos, e odres de vinho velhos, e rotos, e remendados;
5 And sandals worn out and patched [were] on feet their and garments worn out [were] on them and all [the] bread of provision[s] their it was dried up it was crumbs.
E nos seus pés sapatos velhos e manchados, e vestidos velhos sobre si: e todo o pão que traziam para o caminho era secco e bolorento.
6 And they went to Joshua to the camp Gilgal and they said to him and to [the] man of Israel from a land distant we have come and therefore make to us a covenant.
E vieram a Josué, ao arraial, a Gilgal, e lhe disseram, a elle e aos homens d'Israel: Vimos d'uma terra distante; fazei pois agora concerto comnosco.
7 (And he said *Q(K)*) [the] man of Israel to the Hivite[s] perhaps in midst my you [are] dwelling and how? (will I make *Q(k)*) to you a covenant.
E os homens d'Israel responderam aos heveos: Porventura habitaes no meio de nós; como pois faremos concerto comvosco?
8 And they said to Joshua [are] servants your we and he said to them Joshua who? [are] you and from where? do you come.
Então disseram a Josué: Nós somos teus servos. E disse-lhes Josué: Quem sois vós, e d'onde vindes?
9 And they said to him from a land distant very they have come servants your to [the] name of Yahweh God your for we have heard [the] report of him and all that he did in Egypt.
E lhe responderam: Teus servos vieram d'uma terra mui distante, por causa do nome do Senhor teu Deus: porquanto ouvimos a sua fama, e tudo quanto fez no Egypto;
10 And - all that he did to [the] two [the] kings of the Amorite[s] who [were] on [the] other side of the Jordan to Sihon [the] king of Heshbon and to Og [the] king of Bashan who [was] in Ashtaroth.
E tudo quanto fez aos dois reis dos amorrheos, que estavam d'além do Jordão, a Sehon rei de Hesbon, e a Og, rei de Basan, que estava em Astaroth.
11 And they said to us elders our and all [the] inhabitants of land our saying take in hand your provision[s] for the journey and go to meet them and you will say to them [are] servants your we and therefore make to us a covenant.
Pelo que nossos anciãos e todos os moradores da nossa terra nos fallaram, dizendo: Tomae comvosco em vossas mãos provisão para o caminho, e ide-lhes ao encontro: e dizei-lhes: Nós somos vossos servos; fazei pois agora concerto comnosco.
12 This - bread our warm we took as our provisions it from homes our on [the] day came out we to come to you and now here! it has dried up and it has been crumbs.
Este nosso pão tomámos quente das nossas casas para nossa provisão, no dia em que saimos para vir a vós: e eil-o aqui agora já secco e bolorento:
13 And these [the] skin-bottles of wine which we filled new and here! they have split and these garments our and sandals our they have worn out from [the] greatness of the journey very.
E estes odres, que enchemos de vinho, eram novos, e eil-os aqui já rotos: e estes nossos vestidos e nossos sapatos já se teem envelhecido, por causa do mui longo caminho.
14 And they took the men some of provision[s] their and [the] mouth of Yahweh not they asked.
Então aquelles homens tomaram da sua provisão: e não pediram conselho á bocca do Senhor.
15 And he made to them Joshua peace and he made to them a covenant to let live them and they swore an oath to them [the] leaders of the congregation.
E Josué fez paz com elles, e fez um concerto com elles, que lhes daria a vida: e os principes da congregação lhes prestaram juramento.
16 And it was from [the] end of three days after that they had made to them a covenant and they heard that [were] near they to him and in midst his they [were] dwelling.
E succedeu que, ao fim de tres dias, depois de fazerem concerto com elles, ouviram que eram seus visinhos, e que moravam no meio d'elles.
17 And they set out [the] people of Israel and they came to cities their on the day third and cities their [were] Gibeon and Kephirah and Beeroth and Kiriath Jearim.
Porque, partindo os filhos de Israel, chegaram ás suas cidades ao terceiro dia: e suas cidades eram Gibeon, e Cefira, e Beeroth, e Kiriath-jearim.
18 And not they attacked them [the] people of Israel for they had sworn an oath to them [the] leaders of the congregation by Yahweh [the] God of Israel and they grumbled all the congregation on the leaders.
E os filhos de Israel os não feriram; porquanto os principes da congregação lhes juraram pelo Senhor Deus de Israel: pelo que toda a congregação murmurava contra os principes.
19 And they said all the leaders to all the congregation we we have sworn an oath to them by Yahweh [the] God of Israel and therefore not we are able to touch them.
Então todos os principes disseram a toda a congregação: Nós jurámos-lhes pelo Senhor Deus de Israel: pelo que não podemos tocal-os.
20 This we will do to them and we will let live them and not it will be towards us wrath on the oath which we swore to them.
Isto, porém, lhes faremos: dar-lhes-hemos a vida; para que não haja grande ira sobre nós, por causa do juramento que já lhes temos jurado.
21 And they said to them the leaders let them live and they were cutters of wood and drawers of water for all the congregation just as they had spoken to them the leaders.
Disseram-lhes pois os principes: Vivam, e sejam rachadores de lenha e tiradores de agua para toda a congregação, como os principes lhes teem dito.
22 And he summoned them Joshua and he spoke to them saying why? did you deceive us saying [are] distant we from you very and you in midst our [are] dwelling.
E Josué os chamou, e fallou-lhes dizendo: Porque nos enganastes, dizendo: Mui longe de vós habitamos, morando vós no meio de nós?
23 And therefore [are] cursed you and not he will be cut off from you a slave and cutters of wood and drawers of water for [the] house of God my.
Agora pois sereis malditos: e d'entre vós não deixará de haver servos, nem rachadores de lenha, nem tiradores de agua, para a casa do meu Deus.
24 And they answered Joshua and they said that certainly it was told to servants your this: he had commanded Yahweh God your Moses servant his to give to you all the land and to destroy all [the] inhabitants of the land from before you and we were afraid very for lives our because of you and we did the thing this.
Então responderam a Josué, e disserem: Porquanto com certeza foi annunciado aos teus servos que o Senhor teu Deus ordenou a Moysés, seu servo, que a vós daria toda esta terra, e destruiria todos os moradores da terra diante de vós, tememos muito por nossas vidas por causa de vós; por isso fizemos assim
25 And therefore here we [are] in hand your according to the good and according to the right in view your to do to us do.
E eis que agora estamos na tua mão: faze aquillo que te pareça bom e recto que se nos faça.
26 And he did to them thus and he delivered them from [the] hand of [the] people of Israel and not they killed them.
Assim pois lhes fez: e livrou-os das mãos dos filhos de Israel, e não os mataram.
27 And he made them Joshua on the day that cutters of wood and drawers of water for the congregation and for [the] altar of Yahweh until the day this to the place which he will choose.
E, n'aquelle dia, Josué os deu como rachadores de lenha e tiradores de agua para a congregação e para o altar do Senhor, até ao dia de hoje, no logar que escolhesse.