< Joshua 7 >

1 And they acted unfaithfully [the] people of Israel unfaithfulness in the devoted thing[s] and he took Achan [the] son of Carmi [the] son of Zabdi [the] son of Zerah of [the] tribe of Judah some of the devoted thing[s] and it burned [the] anger of Yahweh on [the] people of Israel.
Filii autem Israel praevaricati sunt mandatum, et usurpaverunt de anathemate. Nam Achan filius Charmi, filii Zabdi, filii Zare de tribu Iuda, tulit aliquid de anathemate: iratusque est Dominus contra filios Israel.
2 And he sent Joshua men from Jericho Ai which [is] beside Beth Aven from [the] east of Beth-el and he said to them saying go up and spy out the land and they went up the men and they spied out Ai.
Cumque mitteret Iosue de Iericho viros contra Hai, quae est iuxta Bethaven, ad Orientalem plagam oppidi Bethel, dixit eis: Ascendite, et explorate Terram. Qui praecepta complentes exploraverunt Hai.
3 And they returned to Joshua and they said to him may not it go up all the people about two thousand man or about three thousand man let them go up and they may attack Ai may not you make go wearily there towards all the people for [are] few they.
Et reversi dixerunt ei: Non ascendat omnis populus, sed duo vel tria millia virorum pergant, et deleant civitatem: quare omnis populus frustra vexabitur contra hostes paucissimos?
4 And they went up some of the people there about three thousand man and they fled before [the] men of Ai.
Ascenderunt ergo tria millia pugnatorum. Qui statim terga vertentes,
5 And they struck down of them [the] men of Ai about thirty and six man and they pursued them before the gate to Shebarim and they struck down them at the descent and it melted [the] heart of the people and it became water.
percussi sunt a viris urbis Hai, et corruerunt ex eis triginta et sex homines: persecutique sunt eos adversarii de porta usque ad Sabarim, et ceciderunt per prona fugientes: pertimuitque cor populi, et ad instar aquae liquefactum est.
6 And he tore Joshua clothes his and he fell on face his [the] ground towards before [the] ark of Yahweh until the evening he and [the] elders of Israel and they made go up dust on head their.
Iosue vero scidit vestimenta sua, et pronus cecidit in terram coram arca Domini usque ad vesperam, tam ipse quam omnes senes Israel: miseruntque pulverem super capita sua,
7 And he said Joshua alas! - O Lord Yahweh why? have you brought over at all the people this the Jordan to give us in [the] hand of the Amorite[s] to destroy us and if we had been willing and we had remained on [the] other side of the Jordan.
et dixit Iosue: Heu Domine Deus, quid voluisti traducere populum istum Iordanem fluvium, ut traderes nos in manus Amorrhaei, et perderes? utinam ut coepimus, mansissemus trans Iordanem.
8 Pardon me O Lord what? will I say after that it has turned Israel a neck before enemies its.
Mi Domine Deus quid dicam, videns Israelem hostibus suis terga vertentem?
9 And they may hear the Canaanite[s] and all [the] inhabitants of the land and they will surround us and they will cut off name our from the earth and what? will you do for name your great.
Audient Chananaei, et omnes habitatores Terrae, et pariter conglobati circumdabunt nos, atque delebunt nomen nostrum de terra: et quid facies magno nomini tuo?
10 And he said Yahweh to Joshua stand up for yourself why? this [are] you falling on face your.
Dixitque Dominus ad Iosue: Surge, cur iaces pronus in terra?
11 It has sinned Israel and also they have transgressed covenant my which I commanded them and also they have taken some of the devoted thing[s] and also they have stolen and also they have deceived and also they have put [them] among things their.
Peccavit Israel, et praevaricatus est pactum meum: tuleruntque de anathemate, et furati sunt atque mentiti, et absconderunt inter vasa sua.
12 And not they are able [the] people of Israel to stand before enemies their a neck they turn before enemies their for they have become a devoted thing not I will repeat to be with you if not you will destroy the devoted thing[s] from midst your.
Nec poterit Israel stare ante hostes suos, eosque fugiet: quia pollutus est anathemate. non ero ultra vobiscum, donec conteratis eum, qui huius sceleris reus est.
13 Arise consecrate the people and you will say consecrate yourselves for tomorrow for thus he says Yahweh [the] God of Israel devoted thing[s] [are] in midst your O Israel not you will be able to stand before enemies your until remove you the devoted thing[s] from midst your.
Surge, sanctifica populum, et dic eis: Sanctificamini in crastinum: haec enim dicit Dominus Deus Israel: Anathema in medio tui est Israel: non poteris stare coram hostibus tuis, donec deleatur ex te qui hoc contaminatus est scelere.
14 And you will bring yourselves near in the morning to tribes your and it will be the tribe which he will take it Yahweh it will draw near to the families and the family which he will take it Yahweh it will draw near to the households and the household which he will take it Yahweh it will draw near to the men.
Accedetisque mane singuli per tribus vestras: et quamcumque tribum sors invenerit, accedet per cognationes suas, et cognatio per domos, domusque per viros.
15 And it will be the [one who] is taken by lot with the devoted thing[s] he will be burned with fire him and all that [belongs] to him for he has transgressed covenant of Yahweh and for he has done disgraceful folly in Israel.
Et quicumque ille in hoc facinore fuerit deprehensus, comburetur igni cum omni substantia sua: quoniam praevaricatus est pactum Domini, et fecit nefas in Israel.
16 And he rose early Joshua in the morning and he brought near Israel to tribes its and it was taken by lot [the] tribe of Judah.
Surgens itaque Iosue mane, applicuit Israel per tribus suas, et inventa est tribus Iuda.
17 And he brought near [the] family of Judah and he took [the] family of the Zerahite[s] and he brought near [the] family of the Zerahite[s] to the men and he was taken by lot Zabdi.
Quae cum iuxta familias suas esset oblata, inventa est familia Zare. Illam quoque per domos offerens, reperit Zabdi:
18 And he brought near household his to the men and he was taken by lot Achan [the] son of Carmi [the] son of Zabdi [the] son of Zerah of [the] tribe of Judah.
cuius domum in singulos dividens viros, invenit Achan filium Charmi, filii Zabdi: filii Zare de tribu Iuda.
19 And he said Joshua to Achan O son my put please glory to Yahweh [the] God of Israel and give to him confession and tell please to me what? have you done may not you hide [it] from me.
Et ait Iosue ad Achan: Fili mi, da gloriam Domino Deo Israel, et confitere, atque indica mihi quid feceris, ne abscondas.
20 And he answered Achan Joshua and he said truly I I have sinned to Yahweh [the] God of Israel and like this and like this I have done.
Responditque Achan Iosue, et dixit ei: Vere ego peccavi Domino Deo Israel, et sic et sic feci.
21 (And I saw *Q(k)*) among the booty cloak of Shinar one good and two hundred shekels silver and a wedge of gold one [was] fifty shekels weight its and I desired them and I took them and there they [are] hidden in the ground in [the] midst of tent my and the silver [is] under it.
vidi enim inter spolia pallium coccineum valde bonum, et ducentos siclos argenti, regulamque auream quinquaginta siclorum: et concupiscens abstuli, et abscondi in terra contra medium tabernaculi mei, argentumque fossa humo operui.
22 And he sent Joshua messengers and they ran the tent towards and there! [it was] hidden in tent his and the silver [was] under it.
Misit ergo Iosue ministros: qui currentes ad tabernaculum illius, repererunt cuncta abscondita in eodem loco, et argentum simul.
23 And they took them from [the] midst of the tent and they brought them to Joshua and to all [the] people of Israel and they poured out them before Yahweh.
Auferentesque de tentorio tulerunt ea ad Iosue, et ad omnes filios Israel, proieceruntque ante Dominum.
24 And he took Joshua Achan [the] son of Zerah and the silver and the cloak and [the] wedge of gold and sons his and daughters his and ox[en] his and donkey[s] his and sheep his and tent his and all that [belonged] to him and all Israel with him and they brought up them [the] valley of Achor.
Tollens itaque Iosue Achan filium Zare, argentumque et pallium, et auream regulam, filios quoque et filias eius, boves et asinos, et oves, ipsumque tabernaculum, et cunctam supellectilem: (et omnis Israel cum eo) duxerunt eos ad Vallem Achor:
25 And he said Joshua why? have you brought trouble to us he will bring trouble to you Yahweh on the day this and they stoned him all Israel stone[s] and they burned them with fire and they stoned them with stones.
ubi dixit Iosue: Quia turbasti nos, exturbet te Dominus in die hac. Lapidavitque eum omnis Israel: et cuncta quae illius erant, igne consumpta sunt.
26 And they set up over him a heap of stones great until the day this and he turned back Yahweh from [the] burning of anger his there-fore someone called [the] name of the place that [the] valley of Achor until the day this.
Congregaveruntque super eum acervum magnum lapidum, qui permanet usque in praesentem diem. Et aversus est furor Domini ab eis. Vocatumque est nomen loci illius, Vallis Achor, usque hodie.

< Joshua 7 >