< Joshua 20 >

1 And he spoke Yahweh to Joshua saying.
Jahve reče Jošui:
2 Speak to [the] people of Israel saying assign for yourselves [the] cities of refuge which I spoke to you by [the] hand of Moses.
“Kaži sinovima Izraelovim i reci im: 'Odredite sebi gradove-utočišta za koje sam vam govorio preko Mojsija,
3 To flee there towards a killer [who] strikes down a person by inadvertence with not knowledge and they will become for you a refuge from [the] avenger of blood.
da bi onamo mogao pobjeći ubojica koji nehotice ubije koga i da vam budu utočišta od krvnoga osvetnika.
4 And he will flee to one - of the cities these and he will stand [the] entrance of [the] gate of the city and he will speak in [the] ears of ([the] elders of the city *LA(bh)*) that words his and they will gather him the city towards to themselves and they will give to him a place and he will dwell with them.
Ako ubojica utekne u koji od tih gradova, neka stane pred gradska vrata i neka starješinama toga grada iznese svoju stvar. Oni neka ga prime u svoj grad i odrede mu mjesto gdje će prebivati među njima.
5 And if he will pursue [the] avenger of blood after him and not they will deliver up the killer in hand his for with not knowledge he struck neighbor his and not [was] hating he him from yesterday [the] third day.
Ako ga krvni osvetnik progoni, ne smiju izručiti ubojicu u njegove ruke: tÓa nehotice je ubio svoga bližnjega, a ne iz mržnje.
6 And he will dwell - in the city that until stands he before the congregation for judgment until [the] death of the priest great who he will be in the days those then - he will return the killer and he will go to own city his and to own house his to the city where he fled from there.
Ubojica neka ostane u tom gradu sve dok ne stupi pred sud zajednice ili do smrti velikoga svećenika koji bude u ono vrijeme. Tada neka se ubojica vrati i neka ode u svoj grad i svome domu - u grad iz kojega je utekao.'”
7 And they set apart Kedesh in Galilee in [the] hill country of Naphtali and Shechem in [the] hill country of Ephraim and Kiriath Arba that [is] Hebron in [the] hill country of Judah.
I posvete Kedeš u Galileji, u Naftalijevoj gori; Šekem u Efrajimovoj gori; Kirjat-Arbu, to jest Hebron, u Judinoj gori.
8 And from [the] other side of [the] Jordan of Jericho east-ward they assigned Bezer in the wilderness in the plain from [the] tribe of Reuben and Ramoth in Gilead from [the] tribe of Gad and (Golan *Q(K)*) in Bashan from [the] tribe of Manasseh.
S druge strane Jordana, istočno od Jerihona, odrede Beser u pustinji, u ravnici plemena Rubenova, i Ramot u Gileadu od plemena Gadova, i Golan u Bašanu od plemena Manašeova.
9 These they were [the] cities of appointing for all - [the] people of Israel and for the sojourner who sojourns in midst of them to flee there towards any [one who] strikes down a person by inadvertence and not he will die by [the] hand of [the] avenger of blood until stands he before the congregation.
To su bili gradovi određeni svim Izraelcima i došljacima koji borave među njima: ovamo je mogao uteći svaki koji nehotice drugoga ubije, a da sam ne pogine od osvetničke ruke dok ne izađe na sud, pred zajednicu.

< Joshua 20 >