< Joshua 19 >

1 And it came out the lot second for Simeon for [the] tribe of [the] descendants of Simeon to clans their and it was inheritance their in [the] midst of [the] inheritance of [the] descendants of Judah.
Drugi ždrijeb izađe za Šimuna, za pleme sinova Šimunovih po porodicama njihovim: njihova je baština bila usred sinova Judinih.
2 And it belonged to them inheritance their Beer Sheba and Sheba and Moladah.
Dodijeljena im je kao baština: Beer Šeba, Šeba, Molada;
3 And Hazar Shual and Balah and Ezem.
Hasar Šual, Bala, Esem;
4 And Eltolad and Bethul and Hormah.
Eltolad, Betul, Horma,
5 And Ziklag and Beth Marcaboth and Hazar Susah.
Siklag, Bet-Hamarkabot, Hasar Susa,
6 And Beth Lebaoth and Sharuhen cities thir-teen and villages their.
Bet-Lebaot i Šaruhen: trinaest gradova i njihova sela.
7 Ain - Rimmon and Ether and Ashan cities four and villages their.
Ajin, Rimon, Eter i Ašan: četiri grada s njihovim selima.
8 And all the villages which [were] around the cities these to Baalath Beer of Ramah Negev this [was] [the] inheritance of [the] tribe of [the] descendants of Simeon to clans their.
I sva naselja što su oko tih gradova, do Baalat Beera, Ramat Negeba. To je baština plemena sinova Šimunovih po porodicama njihovim.
9 [was] from [the] portion of [the] descendants of Judah [the] inheritance of [the] descendants of Simeon for it was [the] portion of [the] descendants of Judah [too] great for them and they received their inheritance [the] descendants of Simeon in [the] midst of inheritance their.
Baština je sinova Šimunovih bila od dijela sinova Judinih, jer dio dodijeljen sinovima Judinim bijaše za njih prevelik. Zato su sinovi Šimunovi dobili svoju baštinu usred njihova područja.
10 And it came up the lot third for [the] descendants of Zebulun to clans their and it was [the] border of inheritance their to Sarid.
Treći ždrijeb izađe za sinove Zebulunove po porodicama njihovim: njihovo je područje sezalo do Sarida,
11 And it goes up border their - to the west and Maralah and it touches Dabbesheth and it touches the wadi which [is] on [the] face of Jokneam.
odakle im se međa na zapadu penjala do Marale, doticala Dabešet i dopirala do potoka koji je nasuprot Jokneamu.
12 And it turns back from Sarid east-ward [the] rising of the sun to [the] border of Kisloth Tabor and it goes out to Daberath and it goes up Japhia.
Od Sarida je međa okretala prema istoku, sve do međe Kislot Tabora, odakle je izlazila do Dabrata i uspinjala se do Jafije.
13 And from there it passes on east-ward east-ward Gath towards Hepher Eth towards Kazin and it goes out Rimmon which is turned Neah.
A odatle je išla opet prema istoku, na Git Hefer i na Ita Kasin, izlazila na Rimon i vraćala se do Nee.
14 And it turns itself the border from [the] north Hannathon and they are extremities its [the] valley of Iphtah El.
Onda je okretala sa sjevera oko Hanatona i završavala se u dolini Jiftah-Elu.
15 And Kattah and Nahalal and Shimron and Idalah and Beth-lehem cities two [plus] ten and villages their.
Pa Katat, Nahalal, Šimron, Jidalu i Betlehem: dvanaest gradova s njihovim selima.
16 This [was] [the] inheritance of [the] descendants of Zebulun to clans their the cities these and villages their.
To je bila baština sinova Zebulunovih po porodicama njihovim: ti gradovi s njihovim selima.
17 For Issachar it came out the lot fourth for [the] descendants of Issachar to clans their.
Četvrti je ždrijeb izašao za Jisakara, za sinove Jisakarove po njihovim porodicama.
18 And it was border their Jezreel towards and Kesulloth and Shunem.
A posjed im je bio: Jizreel, Hakesulot, Šunem;
19 And Hapharaim and Shion and Anaharath.
Hafarajim, Šion, Anaharat;
20 And Rabbith and Kishion and Ebez.
Harabit, Kišjon, Ebes;
21 And Remeth and En Gannim and En Haddah and Beth Pazzez.
Remet i En-Ganim, En-Hada i Bet-Pases.
22 And it touches the border Tabor (and to Shahazayim *Q(K)*) and Beth Shemesh and they are [the] extremities of territory their the Jordan cities six-teen and villages their.
Potom međa dotiče Tabor, Šahasimu i Bet-Šemeš i izlazi na Jordan: šesnaest gradova s njihovim selima.
23 This [was] [the] inheritance of [the] tribe of [the] descendants of Issachar to clans their the cities and villages their.
To je baština plemena sinova Jisakarovih po porodicama njihovim: ti gradovi s njihovim selima.
24 And it came out the lot fifth for [the] tribe of [the] descendants of Asher to clans their.
Peti ždrijeb iziđe za pleme sinova Ašerovih po njihovim porodicama.
25 And it was border their Helkath and Hali and Beten and Acshaph.
Njihova je zemlja bila: Helkat, Hali, Beten, Akšaf,
26 And Alammelech and Amad and Mishal and it touches Carmel west-ward and Shihor Libnath.
Alamelek, Amad, Mišal. Na zapadu je međa doticala Karmel i Šihor Libnat.
27 And it turns back [the] rising of the sun Beth Dagon and it touches Zebulun and [the] valley of Iphtah El north-ward Beth Emek and Neiel and it goes out to Cabul from [the] left.
Zatim je okretala prema sunčanom istoku do Bet-Dagona i doticala se Zebuluna i doline Jiftahela sa sjevera; protezala se dalje Bet-Haemekom i Neielom i dosezala slijeva Kabul,
28 And Ebron and Rehob and Hammon and Kanah to Sidon great.
pa Abdon, Rehob, Hamon i Kanu sve do Velikog Sidona.
29 And it turns back the border Ramah and to [the] city of fortification of Tyre and it turns back the border Hosah (and they are *Q(K)*) extremities its the sea towards from [the] region Aczib towards.
Međa je tada zavijala prema Rami i do tvrdoga grada Tira te je okretala prema Hosi i izlazila na more. Obuhvaćala je Mehaleb, Akzib,
30 And Umah and Aphek and Rehob cities twenty and two and villages their.
Ako, Afek i Rehob: dvadeset i dva grada s njihovim selima.
31 This [was] [the] inheritance of [the] tribe of [the] descendants of Asher to clans their the cities these and villages their.
To je baština plemena sinova Ašerovih po porodicama njihovim: ti gradovi i njihova sela.
32 For [the] descendants of Naphtali it came out the lot sixth for [the] descendants of Naphtali to clans their.
Šesti ždrijeb izađe za sinove Naftalijeve po njihovim porodicama.
33 And it was border their from Heleph from [the] great tree in Zaanannim and Adami Nekeb and Jabneel to Lakkum and it was extremities its the Jordan.
Njihova međa ide od Helefa i od Hrasta u Saananimu, od Adami Hanekeba i Jabneela do Lakuma i izbija na Jordan.
34 And it turns back the border west-ward Aznoth Tabor and it goes out from there Hukok towards and it touches Zebulun from [the] south and Asher it touches from [the] west and Judah the Jordan [the] rising of the sun.
Potom međa okreće na zapad k Aznot Taboru i pruža se odande prema Hukoku; na jugu se dotiče Zebuluna, na zapadu Ašera, na istoku Jordana.
35 And [the] cities of fortification [are] Ziddim Zer and Hammath Rakkath and Kinnereth.
Utvrđeni gradovi bijahu Hasidim, Ser, Hamat, Rakat, Kineret;
36 And Adamah and Ramah and Hazor.
Adama, Rama, Hasor,
37 And Kedesh and Edrei and En Hazor.
Kedeš, Edrej, En-Hasor;
38 And Yiron and Migdal El Horem and Beth Anath and Beth Shemesh cities nine-teen and villages their.
Jiron, Migdal-El, Horem, Bet-Anat, Bet-Šemeš: devetnaest gradova s njihovim selima.
39 This [was] [the] inheritance of [the] tribe of [the] descendants of Naphtali to clans their the cities and villages their.
To je baština plemena Naftalijevih sinova po porodicama njihovim: ti gradovi i njihova sela.
40 For [the] tribe of [the] descendants of Dan to clans their it came out the lot seventh.
Izađe sedmi ždrijeb za pleme sinova Danovih po porodicama njihovim.
41 And it was [the] territory of inheritance their Zorah and Eshtaol and Ir-Shemesh.
Područje baštine njihove bilo je: Sora, Eštaol, Ir Šemeš,
42 And Shaalabbin and Aijalon and Ithlah.
Šaalabin, Ajalon, Jitla,
43 And Elon and Timnah and Ekron.
Elon, Timna, Ekron,
44 And Eltekeh and Gibbethon and Baalath.
Elteke, Gibeton, Baalat,
45 And Jehud and Bene Berak and Gath Rimmon.
Jehud, Bene-Berak, Gat-Rimon,
46 And [the] waters of Jarkon and Rakkon with the territory opposite to Joppa.
Me-Hajarkon i Harakon s područjem prema Jafi.
47 And it went out [the] territory of [the] descendants of Dan from them and they went up [the] descendants of Dan and they waged war with Leshem and they captured it - and they struck it to [the] mouth of [the] sword and they took possession of it and they dwelt in it and they called Leshem Dan according to [the] name of Dan ancestor their.
Ali područje sinova Danovih bilo je za njih pretijesno; zato udare Danovi sinovi na Lešem, osvoje ga i sve pobiju oštricom mača; zaposjednu grad, nastane se u njemu i Lešem prozovu Dan, po imenu Dana, oca svoga.
48 This [was] [the] inheritance of [the] tribe of [the] descendants of Dan to clans their the cities these and villages their.
To je baština plemena sinova Danovih po porodicama njihovim: ti im gradovi i sela njihova.
49 And they finished to divide for possession the land to borders its and they gave [the] people of Israel an inheritance to Joshua [the] son of Nun in midst of them.
Kada završe diobu zemlje ždrijebom i utvrde njezine međe, dadu Izraelci Jošui, sinu Nunovu, baštinu u svojoj sredini.
50 On [the] mouth of Yahweh they gave to him the city which he asked for Timnath Serah in [the] hill country of Ephraim and he built the city and he dwelt in it.
Po zapovijedi Jahvinoj dali su mu grad koji je sebi želio: Timnat-Serah u Efrajimovoj gori; on utvrdi taj grad i nastani se u njemu.
51 These [are] the inheritances which they gave as a possession Eleazar the priest - and Joshua [the] son of Nun and [the] leaders of the fathers of [the] tribes of [the] people of Israel - by lot - at Shiloh before Yahweh [the] entrance of [the] tent of meeting and they finished from apportioning the land.
To su baštine koje su svećenik Eleazar i Jošua, sin Nunov, i glavari izraelskih plemena podijelili ždrijebom među plemena izraelska u Šilu, pred Jahvom, na vratima Šatora sastanka. Tako je zavšena razdioba zemlje.

< Joshua 19 >