< Joshua 10 >

1 And it was when heard Adoni-Zedek [the] king of Jerusalem that he had captured Joshua Ai and he had totally destroyed it just as he had done to Jericho and to king its so he had done to Ai and to king its and that they had made peace [the] inhabitants of Gibeon with Israel and they were in midst their.
A kad ču jeruzalemski kralj Adoni-Sedek da je Jošua zauzeo Aj i da ga je izručio “heremu”, kletom uništenju, kao što je učinio s Jerihonom i njegovim kraljem, i da su stanovnici Gibeona učinili mir s Izraelom i uključili se među njih,
2 And they were afraid very for [was] a city great Gibeon like one of [the] cities of royalty and for it [was] great more than Ai and all men its [were] warriors.
vrlo se uplaši, jer je Gibeon bio značajan kao kakav kraljevski grad, veći od Aja, a svi žitelji njegovi bijahu ratnici.
3 And he sent Adoni-Zedek [the] king of Jerusalem to Hoham [the] king of Hebron and to Piram [the] king of Jarmuth and to Japhia [the] king of Lachish and to Debir [the] king of Eglon saying.
Zato jeruzalemski kralj Adoni-Sedek poruči Hohamu, kralju hebronskom, Piramu, kralju jarmutskom, Jafiji, kralju lakiškom, i Debiru, kralju eglonskom:
4 Come up to me and help me so we may attack Gibeon for it has made peace with Joshua and with [the] people of Israel.
“Dođite k meni i pomozite mi da udarimo na Gibeon, jer je učinio mir s Jošuom i Izraelcima!”
5 And they gathered and they went up [the] five - [the] kings of the Amorite[s] [the] king of Jerusalem [the] king of Hebron [the] king of Jarmuth [the] king of Lachish [the] king of Eglon they and all armies their and they encamped on Gibeon and they waged war on it.
Udruži se tada pet kraljeva amorejskih: kralj jeruzalemski, kralj hebronski, kralj jarmutski, kralj lakiški i kralj eglonski; krenu oni i sva njihova vojska, opsjednu grad Gibeon i počnu ga napadati.
6 And they sent [the] men of Gibeon to Joshua to the camp Gilgal towards saying may not you let drop hands your from servants your come up to us quickly and save! us and help us for they have gathered together against us all [the] kings of the Amorite[s] [the] inhabitants of the hill country.
Tada Gibeonci poručiše Jošui u tabor u Gilgalu: “Ne napuštaj svojih slugu, nego se požuri k nama da nas izbaviš i da nam pomogneš, jer su se protiv nas udružili svi amorejski kraljevi koji žive u Gorju.”
7 And he went up Joshua from Gilgal he and all [the] people of war with him and all [the] mighty [men] of strength.
I pođe Jošua iz Gilgala, a s njim i svi ratnici, sve vrsni junaci.
8 And he said Yahweh to Joshua may not you be afraid from them for in hand your I have given them not he will make a stand anyone from them in face your.
A Jahve reče Jošui: “Ne boj se! Ja sam ih predao u tvoje ruke i nijedan od njih neće se održati pred tobom.”
9 And he came to them Joshua suddenly all the night he had gone up from Gilgal.
I udari na njih Jošua iznenadno, pošto je svu noć išao od Gilgala.
10 And he routed them Yahweh before Israel and he struck down them a defeat great at Gibeon and he pursued them [the] direction of [the] ascent of Beth Horon and he struck down them to Azekah and to Makkedah.
I smete ih Jahve pred Izraelcima, koji ih teško poraziše kod Gibeona i potjeraše prema strmini kojom se uzlazi u Bet-Horon. Tukli su ih sve do Azeke i do Makede.
11 And it was when fled they - from before Israel they [were] at [the] descent of Beth Horon and Yahweh he threw on them stones large from the heavens to Azekah and they died [were] many [those] who they died by [the] stones of the hail more than [those] whom they killed [the] people of Israel with the sword.
A dok su bježali pred Izraelom uz bethoronsku strminu, bacao je Jahve s neba na njih tuču kamenja sve do Azeke te su ginuli. I poginulo ih je više od tuče kamene nego što su ih pobili sinovi Izraelovi svojim mačevima.
12 Then he spoke Joshua to Yahweh on [the] day delivered up Yahweh the Amorite[s] before [the] people of Israel and he said - to [the] eyes of Israel O sun at Gibeon be still and O moon in [the] valley Aijalon.
Onoga dana kada Jahve predade Amorejce sinovima Izraelovim, obrati se Jošua Jahvi i poviče pred Izraelcima: “Stani, sunce, iznad Gibeona, i mjeseče, iznad dola Ajalona!”
13 And it was still the sun and [the] moon it stood still until it avenged itself on [the] nation enemies its ¿ not [is] it written on [the] scroll of Jashar and it stood still the sun in [the] middle of the heavens and not it hastened to go about a day complete.
I stade sunce i zaustavi se mjesec sve dok se nije narod osvetio neprijateljima svojim. Ne piše li to u knjizi Pravednika? I stade sunce nasred neba i nije se nagnulo k zapadu gotovo cio dan.
14 And not it has been like the day that before it and after it to listen Yahweh to [the] voice of a man for Yahweh [was] fighting for Israel.
Nije bilo takva dana ni prije ni poslije da bi se Jahve odazvao glasu čovječjem. Tako je Jahve vojevao za Izraela.
15 And he returned Joshua and all Israel with him to the camp Gilgal towards.
Potom se vrati Jošua i sav Izrael s njim u tabor gilgalski.
16 And they fled [the] five the kings these and they hid themselves in the cave at Makkedah.
A onih pet kraljeva uteče i sakri se u pećinu kod Makede.
17 And it was told to Joshua saying they have been found [the] five the kings hidden in the cave at Makkedah.
Javiše Jošui: “Otkriveno je pet kraljeva sakrivenih u pećini kod Makede.”
18 And he said Joshua roll stones large into [the] mouth of the cave and appoint over it men to guard them.
A Jošua reče: “Navalite veliko kamenje pećini na otvor i postavite ljude pred nju da je čuvaju.
19 And you may not you delay pursue after enemies your and you will attack in [the] rear them may not you permit them to go into cities their for he has given them Yahweh God your in hand your.
A vi se drugi ne zadržavajte, nego tjerajte svoje neprijatelje i tucite ih s leđa; ne dajte im da uđu u svoje gradove, jer ih Jahve, Bog vaš, predade u vaše ruke.”
20 And it was when finished Joshua and [the] people of Israel to strike down them a defeat great very until were finished they and the survivors they survived of them and they went into [the] cities of fortification.
A kad Jošua i sinovi Izraelovi okončaše bitku teškim pokoljem - utekla im je samo nekolicina preživjelih u tvrde gradove -
21 And they returned all the people to the camp to Joshua Makkedah in peace not he sharpened to [the] people of Israel to anyone tongue his.
vrati se narod zdrav i čitav k Jošui u tabor u Makedi. I nitko više ni da pisne protiv sinova Izraelovih.
22 And he said Joshua open [the] mouth of the cave and bring out to me [the] five the kings these from the cave.
Tada reče Jošua: “Otvorite ulaz u pećinu i odande mi izvedite onih pet kraljeva.”
23 And they did thus and they brought out to him [the] five the kings these from the cave - [the] king of Jerusalem [the] king of Hebron [the] king of Jarmuth [the] king of Lachish [the] king of Eglon.
I učine tako, izvedu k njemu iz pećine onih pet kraljeva: kralja jeruzalemskoga, kralja hebronskoga, kralja jarmutskoga, kralja lakiškog i kralja eglonskog.
24 And it was when brought out they the kings these to Joshua and he summoned Joshua every man of Israel and he said to [the] commanders of [the] men of war who had gone with him draw near put feet your on [the] necks of the kings these and they drew near and they put feet their on necks their.
A kad ih izvedoše, pozva Jošua sve Izraelce i reče vojskovođama koji su ga pratili: “Priđite i stanite svojim nogama na vratove ovih kraljeva.” Oni pristupe i stanu im svojim nogama na vratove.
25 And he said to them Joshua may not you be afraid and may not you be dismayed be strong and be bold for thus he will do Yahweh to all enemies your whom you [are] fighting them.
Reče Jošua: “Ne bojte se i ne plašite se! Hrabri budite i odlučni, jer će tako Jahve učiniti sa svim vašim neprijateljima s kojima se budete borili.”
26 And he struck them Joshua after thus and he killed them and he hanged them on five trees and they were hanged on the trees until the evening.
Potom Jošua naredi da ih pogube i objese na pet stabala; i visjeli su ondje do večeri.
27 And it was to [the] time of - [the] going of the sun he commanded Joshua and people took down them from on the trees and they threw them into the cave where they had hidden themselves there and they put stones large over [the] mouth of the cave until [the] substance of the day this.
A o zalasku sunčanom zapovjedi Jošua te ih skidoše s drveća i baciše u istu onu pećinu u koju se bijahu sklonili te na otvor navališe golemo kamenje, koje je i danas ondje.
28 And Makkedah he captured Joshua on the day that and he struck it to [the] mouth of [the] sword and king its he totally destroyed them and every person who [was] in it not he left a survivor and he did to [the] king of Makkedah just as he had done to [the] king of Jericho.
Istoga dana zauze Jošua Makedu: udari na grad oštricom mača i pogubi kralja njegova i sve živo u gradu izruči “heremu”, kletom uništenju, ne puštajući da itko utekne. I učini s kraljem makedskim kao što je učinio s kraljem jerihonskim.
29 And he passed on Joshua and all Israel with him from Makkedah Libnah and he engaged in battle with Libnah.
Ode zatim Jošua i sav Izrael iz Makede u Libnu i udari na nju.
30 And he gave Yahweh also it in [the] hand of Israel and king its and he struck it to [the] mouth of [the] sword and every person who [was] in it not he left in it a survivor and he did to king its just as he had done to [the] king of Jericho.
I nju Jahve i njena kralja predade u ruke Izraelu, koji oštricom mača pobi sve živo u njoj; ne poštedje nikoga, a s kraljem Libne učini što i s kraljem jerihonskim.
31 And he passed on Joshua and all Israel with him from Libnah Lachish towards and he encamped on it and he engaged in battle against it.
Potom ode Jošua i svi Izraelci iz Libne u Lakiš, opsjede ga i napade.
32 And he gave Yahweh Lachish in [the] hand of Israel and he captured it on the day second and he struck it to [the] mouth of [the] sword and every person who [was] in it according to all that he had done to Libnah.
Jahve predade Lakiš u ruke Izraela, koji ga osvoji sutradan: pobiše oštricom mača sve živo u njemu, onako kao što su učinili s Libnom.
33 Then he came up Horam [the] king of Gezer to help Lachish and he attacked him Joshua and people his until not he had left to him a survivor.
Tada ustade Horam, kralj Gezera, da pomogne Lakišu, ali Jošua porazi njega i njegov narod tako te nitko ne preživje.
34 And he passed on Joshua and all Israel with him from Lachish Eglon towards and they encamped on it and they engaged in battle on it.
Jošua krenu zatim sa svim Izraelcima od Lakiša na Eglon. Opsjedoše grad i napadoše ga.
35 And they captured it on the day that and they struck it to [the] mouth of [the] sword and every person who [was] in it on the day that he totally destroyed according to all that he had done to Lachish.
Osvojiše ga još istoga dana i pobiše sve oštricom mača. Sve živo izručiše kletom uništenju, kako su učinili s Lakišem.
36 And he went up Joshua and all Israel with him from Eglon Hebron towards and they engaged in battle on it.
Onda Jošua sa svim Izraelom krenu od Eglona na Hebron i napade ga.
37 And they captured it and they struck it to [the] mouth of [the] sword and king its and all cities its and every person who [was] in it not he left a survivor according to all that he had done to Eglon and he totally destroyed it and every person who [was] in it.
Osvojiše ga i pobiše sve oštricom mača, kralja i stanovništvo u svim mjestima koja mu pripadaju, ne poštedjevši nikoga. Učini s njime kao s Eglonom. Grad sa svim svojim stanovništvom bi izručen kletom uništenju.
38 And he turned back Joshua and all Israel with him Debir towards and he engaged in battle on it.
Napokon krenu Jošua i sav Izrael s njim na Debir i napadoše ga.
39 And he captured it and king its and all cities its and they struck them to [the] mouth of [the] sword and they totally destroyed every person who [was] in it not he left a survivor just as he had done to Hebron so he did to Debir and to king its and just as he had done to Libnah and to king its.
Osvojiše ga i razoriše; kralja njegova i žitelje okolnih mjesta pobiše oštricom mača. Kletom uništenju izručiše sve njegovo stanovništvo. Ne poštedješe nikoga. I učini Jošua s Debirom i njegovim kraljem kao što je učinio s Hebronom i njegovim kraljem, s Libnom i njezinim kraljem.
40 And he defeated Joshua all the land the hill country and the Negev and the Shephelah and the slopes and all kings their not he left a survivor and every breathing thing he totally destroyed just as he had commanded Yahweh [the] God of Israel.
Tako je Jošua zauzeo sav onaj kraj: Gorje i Negeb, Šefelu i Visočje - i sve njihove kraljeve. Ne ostavi preživjelih, već izruči kletom uništenju sve što je disalo, kako je zapovjedio Jahve, Bog Izraelov.
41 And he struck down them Joshua from Kadesh Barnea and to Gaza and all [the] land of Goshen and to Gibeon.
I pobi ih Jošua sve od Kadeš Barnee do Gaze i sav kraj Gošen do Gibeona.
42 And all the kings these and land their he captured Joshua time one for Yahweh [the] God of Israel [was] fighting for Israel.
Sve tamošnje kraljeve i zemlje njihove zauze Jošua ujedanput, jer se za Izraela borio Jahve, Bog Izraelov.
43 And he returned Joshua and all Israel with him to the camp Gilgal towards.
Naposljetku se Jošua i sav Izrael vratiše u tabor u Gilgalu.

< Joshua 10 >