< John 1 >

1 In [the] beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word.
V začetku je bila beseda, in beseda je bila pri Bogu, in Bog je bila beseda.
2 He was in [the] beginning with God.
Ta je bila v začetku pri Bogu.
3 All things through Him came into being, and without Him came into being not even one [thing] that has come into being.
Vse je po njej postalo, in brez nje ni nič postalo, kar je postalo.
4 In Him life was, and the life was the light of men,
V njej je bilo življenje, in življenje je bilo luč ljudém,
5 And the Light in the darkness shines, and the darkness it not grasped [it].
In luč v temi sveti, in tema je ni zapopadla.
6 There came a man sent from God, [the] name to Him [was] John.
Bil je človek poslan od Boga, kteremu je bilo ime Janez.
7 He came as a witness that he may testify concerning the Light, that all may believe through him.
Ta pride na pričevanje, da priča za luč, da bi vsi verovali po njem.
8 Not was He the Light, but that he may witness concerning the Light.
On ni bil luč, nego da priča za luč.
9 Was the Light true who enlightens every man coming into the world.
Bila je prava luč, ktera razsvetljuje vsakega, kteri pride na svet.
10 In the world He was, and the world through Him came into being, and the world Him not knew.
Na svetu je bil, in svet je po njem postal, in svet ga ni poznal.
11 To [His] own He came, and [His] own Him not received.
V svoje je prišel, in svoji ga niso sprejeli.
12 As many as however received Him, He gave to them authority children of God to be, to those believing in the name of Him,
A kterikoli so ga sprejeli, dal jim je oblast, da postanejo sinovi Božji, kteri verujejo v ime njegovo;
13 who not [born] of blood nor [born] of will of flesh nor [born] of will of man but of God were born.
Kteri se niso od krví, ne od volje telesne, ne od volje možá, nego od Boga rodili.
14 And the Word flesh became and He dwelt among us, and we beheld the glory of Him, a glory as of an only begotten from [the] Father, full of grace and truth.
In beseda je telo postala, in nastanila se je med nami, (in videli smo slavo njeno, slavo kakor edinorojenega od očeta, ) polna milosti in resnice.
15 John witnesses concerning Him and he has cried out saying; This was He (of whom I was saying; *NK(o)*) The [One] after me coming precedence over me has, because before me He was.’
Janez pričuje za-nj, in vpije, govoreč: Ta je bil, za kogar sem rekel: Ta, ki bo prišel za menoj, postal je pred menoj; kajti bil je poprej, nego jaz.
16 (For *N(K)O*) from the fullness of Him we ourselves all have received then grace for grace.
In od polnosti njegove smo mi vsi prejeli, tudi milost za milost.
17 For the law through Moses was given, grace and truth through Jesus Christ came.
Kajti postava se je po Mojzesu dala, milost in resnica je postala po Jesusu Kristusu.
18 God no [one] has seen ever yet; (the *ko*) only begotten (God *N(K)O*) who is being in the bosom of the Father, He has made [Him] known.
Boga ni nikoli nihče videl; edinorojeni sin, ki je na naročji očetovem, on nam je oznanil.
19 And this is the testimony of John when sent (to him *no*) the Jews from Jerusalem priests and Levites that they may ask him; You yourself who are?
In to je pričevanje Janezovo, ko so poslali Judje iz Jeruzalema duhovne in Levite, naj ga vprašajo: Kdo si ti?
20 And he confessed and not denied but confessed that I myself not am the Christ.
In priznal je, in ni utajil; in prizna: Jaz nisem Kristus.
21 And they asked him; What then? You yourself Elijah are And he says; Not I am. The prophet are you yourself? And he answered; No.
In vprašajo ga: Kaj si torej? Elija si ti? Pa reče: Nisem. Prerok si ti? Pa odgovorí: Ne.
22 They said therefore to him; Who are you? That an answer we may give to those having sent us; what say you about yourself?
Rekó mu torej: Kdo si? da odgovor dámo tem, kteri so nas poslali. Kaj praviš sam za-se?
23 He was saying; I myself [am] a voice crying in the wilderness; do make straight the way of [the] Lord; even as said Isaiah the prophet.
Reče: Jaz sem "glas vpijočega v puščavi: Poravnajte pot Gospodov;" kakor je povedal Izaija prerok.
24 And (those *k*) sent were out from the Pharisees
Ti pa, kteri so bili poslani, bili so izmed Farizejev.
25 And they asked him and they said to him; Why then baptize you if you yourself not are the Christ (nor *N(k)O*) Elijah (nor *N(k)O*) the prophet?
In vprašajo ga, in rekó mu: Za kaj torej krščuješ, če ti nisi Kristus, ne Elija, ne prerok?
26 Answered them John saying; I myself baptize with water; [in the] midst (now *k*) of you (he has stood *NK(o)*) whom you yourselves not know,
Odgovorí jim Janez, govoreč: Jaz krščujem z vodo; stojí pa med vami, kogar vi ne poznate.
27 (he himself is *k*) the [One] after me coming, (who before me has been; *K*) of whom not am I myself worthy that I may untie of Him the strap of the sandal.
On je, kteri ima za menoj priti; komur jaz nisem vreden odvezati jermena na obutalu njegovem.
28 These things in (Bethany *N(k)O*) took place across the Jordan where was (*no*) John baptizing.
To se je zgodilo v Betabari onkraj Jordana, kjer je Janez krščeval.
29 On the next day he sees (John *k*) Jesus coming to him and says; Behold the Lamb of God, who is taking away the sin of the world.
Drugi dan ugleda Janez Jezusa, da gre k njemu, ter teče: Glej, jagnje Božje, ktero jemlje greh sveta.
30 He it is (concerning *N(k)O*) whom I myself said; After me comes a man who precedence over me has because before me He was.
Ta je, za kogar sem jaz rekel: Za menoj gre mož, kteri je pred menoj bil; kajti bil je poprej, nego jaz.
31 And I myself And I myself not knew Him, but that He may be revealed to Israel, because of this came I myself with (*k*) water baptizing.
In jaz ga nisem poznal: ali da se razodene Izraelu, za to sem jaz prišel krščevat z vodo.
32 And bore witness John saying that I have beheld the Spirit descending (as *N(k)O*) a dove out of heaven, and it remained upon Him.
In pričeval je Janez, govoreč: Videl sem Duha, da shaja ko golob z neba, in ostal je na njem.
33 And I myself And I myself not knew Him, but the [One] having sent me to baptize with water, He to me said; Upon whom maybe you may see the Spirit descending and abiding on Him, He is the [One] baptizing with [the] Spirit Holy.
In jaz ga nisem poznal; ali kteri me je poslal krščevat, z vodo, ta mi je rekel: Na kogar boš videl, da shaja Duh in ostane na njem, ta je, kteri bo krščeval z Duhom svetim.
34 And I myself And I myself have seen and have borne witness that this is the (Son *NK(O)*) of God.
In jaz sem ga videl, in pričeval sem, da je ta sin Božji.
35 On the next day again had stood John and of the disciples of him two.
Drugi dan je zopet Janez stal, in dva od učencev njegovih.
36 And having looked at Jesus walking he says; Behold the Lamb of God!
In ko ugleda Jezusa, da gre, reče: Glej, jagnje Božje.
37 And heard the two disciples of Him [Him] speaking and they followed Jesus.
In slišala sta ga oba učenca, ko je govoril, ter odideta za Jezusom.
38 Having turned then Jesus and having beheld them following He says to them; What seek you? And they said to Him; Rabbi which is to say (meaning *N(k)O*) Teacher — where are You staying?
Obrnivši se pa Jezus, in ugledavši ju, da gresta za njim, reče jima: Koga iščeta? Ona mu pa rečeta: Rabi, (kar se pravi, če raztolmačiš: Učenik, ) kje stanuješ?
39 He says to them; do come and (you will behold. *N(k)O*) They went (therefore *NO*) and saw where He abides, and with Him they stayed the day that; [The] hour (now *k*) was about [the] tenth.
Velí jima: Pridita in poglejta. Šla sta, in videla sta, kje stanuje; in ostala sta tisti dan pri njem; bilo je pa okoli desete ure.
40 Was Andrew the brother of Simon Peter one of the two which having heard from John and having followed Him.
Eden od teh dveh, ktera sta bila slišala od Janeza, in sta bila šla za njim, bil je Andrej, brat Simona Petra.
41 Finds he (first *N(k)O*) the brother [his] own Simon and he says to him; We have found the Messiah, which is being translated (*k*) Christ.
Ta najde najprej brata svojega Simona, in reče mu: Našli smo Mesija (kar se tolmači: Kristus).
42 (and *k*) He led him to Jesus. Having looked at (now *k*) him Jesus said; You yourself are Simon the son (of John; *N(K)O*) You yourself will be called Cephas which means Peter.
In odpelje ga k Jezusu. Pogledavši pa na-nj Jezus, reče: Ti si Simon sin Jonov; ti se boš imenoval Kefa (kar se tolmači: Peter).
43 On the next day He desired to go forth into Galilee And He finds Philip And says to him Jesus; do follow Me.
Drugi dan je hotel Jezus vniti v Galilejo; in najde Filipa, in reče mu: Pojdi za menoj.
44 Was now Philip from Bethsaida, from the city of Andrew and Peter.
Bil je pa Filip iz Betsajde, iz mesta Andrejevega in Petrovega.
45 Finds Philip Nathanael and says to him; [Him] whom wrote of Moses in the Law also the prophets, we have found, Jesus (*ko*) son of Joseph of Nazareth.
Filip najde Natanaela, in reče mu: Našli smo ga, za kogar je pisal Mojzes v zakonu in preroki, Jezusa sina Jožefovega iz Nazareta.
46 And said to him Nathanael; Out of Nazareth is able any good thing to be? Says to him (*no*) Philip; do come and do see.
Pa mu Natanael reče: Iz Nazareta da more kaj dobrega biti? Velí mu Filip: Pridi in poglej.
47 Saw Jesus Nathanael coming to Him and He says concerning him; Behold truly an Israelite in whom deceit not there is.
Jezus vidi Natanaela, da gre k njemu, ter reče za-nj: Glej, prav Izraelec, v kterem ni zvijače.
48 Says to Him Nathanael; From where me know You? Answered (*k*) Jesus and said to him; Before you Philip calling being under the fig tree I saw you.
Reče mu Natanael: Odkod me poznaš? Jezus odgovorí in mu reče: Videl sem te, predno te je Filip poklical, ko si bil pod smokvo.
49 Answered to him Nathanael (and says: *k*) Rabbi, You yourself are the Son of God, You yourself (*k*) King are of Israel.
Natanael odgovorí in mu reče: Rabi, ti si sin Božji, ti si kralj Izraelov.
50 Answered Jesus and said to him; Because I said to you (that *no*) I saw you under the fig tree, believe you? Greater things than these You will see.
Jezus odgovorí in mu reče: Ker sem ti rekel: Videl sem te pod smokvo, veruješ. Videl boš več od tega.
51 And He says to him; Amen Amen I say to all of you (from now *K*) you will behold the heaven having opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.
In reče mu: Resnično resnično vam pravim: Odslej boste videli nebo odprto, in angelje Božje stopati gar in dol na sina človečjega.

< John 1 >