< John 9 >

1 And passing by He saw a man blind from birth.
O Yesu nali ashile alolile omuntu okipofu ahwande apapwe hwamwehale.
2 And asked Him the disciples of Him saying; Rabbi, who sinned, this [man] or the parents of him, that blind he may be born?
Abhanafunzi bhakwe bhabhozezye, “Mwalimu, “Wenu wabhombile embibhi, omuntu ono au yo yise no nyina paka apapwa mpofu?”
3 Answered (*k*) Jesus; Neither this [man] sinned nor [sinned] the parents of him, but [it was] that may be displayed the works of God in him.
O Yesu ayanga, “Se yayono omuntu wala aise wakwe no nyina wakwe aje bhabhabhombila embibhi, yaani embombo zya Ngolobhe zikwinkushe ashilile hwa mwene.
4 (Us *N(K)O*) it behooves to work the works of the [One who] having sent Me while day it is; is coming night, when no [one] is able to work.
Tihwanziwa abhombe embombo zyakwe shahuli pasanya. Osiku uhwenza pasetaiwezya abhombe embombo.
5 While in the world I may be, [the] light I am of the world.
Omuda gwendi munsi, ane endi lukhozyo.”
6 These things having said He spat on [the] ground and He made clay of the spittle and (he rubbed *NK(O)*) (on him *no*) the clay to the eyes (of the blind *k*)
O Yesu nayaanga amazu ega, aswiye mwinkondi, abhombele itotoo huu mate, na wapaha ola omuntu amaso na lila itope.
7 And He said to him; do go do wash yourself in the pool of Siloam which means Sent. He went therefore and washed and came [back] seeing.
Wabhozya, bhalaga oyoje mwidimi lye Siloamu (Yebhoneha aje 'watumilwe').” Eshi omuntu abhalile anawe na wawela alola.
8 The therefore neighbours and those having seen him before that (a beggar *N(K)O*) he was, were saying; Surely this is the [one] sitting and begging?
Ajilani bhakwe ola omuntu bhabhalolile hula ahwande aje labizi bhajile, Aje! ono wenje ola omuntu wakhalaga na labhizye?” bhamo bhajile, Na yoyo.”
9 Some were saying that He it is, but others were saying; (No, *no*) (but *N(k)O*) (that *k*) like as him he is. He was saying that I myself am [he].
Na bhamo bhamo bhajile, ndadi ono alengane nabho.” Ila ali ayaanga, NENE.”
10 They were saying therefore to him; How (then *NO*) were opened of you the eyes?
Bhabhozya, “Esalezi amaso gaho gafunkushe bhole?”
11 Answered He (and said: *k*) (The *no*) man (who *no*) is being named Jesus clay made and He anointed my eyes and He said to me (that *no*) do go to (pool *k*) (*N(k)O*) Siloam and do wash. yourself Having gone (therefore *N(K)O*) and having washed I received sight.
Ajibuye, omuntu wahwetwa Yesuu abhombele itoto na pashe mmaso gane na mbozye, 'Bhalaga Siloamu unawe.' Esheshi nabhalile na nanawile nanapete alole.”
12 (And *N(k)O*) they said to him; Where is He? He says; Not I know.
Bhabhozezye, “Ali hwii?” Ajile, “Maanyi.”
13 They bring him to the Pharisees who once [was] blind;
Bhatwalile ola omuntu wawaile abhe mpofula hwa Mafarisayo.
14 Was now Sabbath (in which day *NO*) (when *k*) the clay made Jesus and opened of him the eyes.
Lyope lyali lisiku lye Sabato oYesu lwa lengeye amatoto na hwigule amaso gakwe.
15 Again therefore were asking him also the Pharisees how he had received sight. And he said to them; Clay He put on my eyes and I washed and I see.
Amafarisayo bhabhozya ahandile bhole alole. Abhabhozya, “Abheshele itole mumaso gane, nanawile, neshi elola.”
16 Were saying therefore of the Pharisees some; Not is this from (*k*) God the man for the Sabbath not He does keep. Others (however *no*) were saying; How is able a man sinful such signs to do? And division there was among them.
Bhamo Amafarisayo bhajile, “Omuntu ono safumile hwa Ngolobhe afwatanaje saikhete eSabato.” Bhamo bhamo bhajile egawezehana wole omuntu we mbibhi abhombe embombo nanshi ezyo hwa wantuna gabhanyisha mhati yabho.
17 They say (therefore *NO*) to the blind [man] again; What you yourself say concerning Him for He opened of you the eyes? And he said that A prophet He is.
Nkabhabhozya ola ompofila nantele oyiga bhole ahusu omwahale afuatane naje ahiguye amaso gaho?” Ompofu wagaa, “Kuwaa.”
18 Not did believe then the Jews concerning him that he was being blind and received sight until when they called the parents of him who having received sight,
Hata isinku ezi Ayahudi sebhamweteshe aje ali mpofula wope apete alole paka pabhabhakwizizye oise no nyina wapete alole.
19 And they asked them saying; This is the son of you of whom you yourselves say that blind he was born? How then does he see presently
Bhabhobhozezye aise no nyina, Aje, ono mwana wenyu wamuyiga apepwe mpofu? awezizye bhole alole esalezi?”
20 Answered (therefore *N(k)*) (to them *k*) the parents of him and said; We know that this is the son of us and that blind he was born;
Aise no nyina bhajile, “Timenye aje ono mwana wetu na aje apepwe mpofula.
21 How however presently he sees not we know, or who opened of him the eyes we ourselves not know; him do ask, (he himself *k*) [of] age is; He himself Concerning himself he will speak.
Shili bhole esalezi alola, setimenye no ola wamwiguye amaso setimenye. Bhozezi yoyo. Muntu gosi. Anzahwiyelezye yoyo.”
22 These things said the parents of Him because they were afraid of the Jews; already for had agreed together the Jews that if anyone Him shall confess Christ, expelled from the synagogue he shall be.
Aise no nyina bhayanjile enongwa ezi afuatanaje bhahogope Ayahudi. Shila Ayahudi bhahetehene aje nkashe wawonti ayeteha aje oYesu oKilisti, aitengwa Wibhanza.
23 Because of this the parents of him said that Age he has, him (do question. *N(k)O*)
Hunamuna ene, oise no nyina wakwe bhajile, “Omuntu gosi, bhozyaji yoyo.”
24 They called therefore the man out a second time who were blind and they said to him; do give glory to God! We ourselves know that this man a sinner is.
Hu mara ya bhele, bhakwizizye ola omuntu wawaile abhe mpofula na hubhozye, “Pele Ongolobhe oumwamihwe. Timenye aje omuntu ono muntu we mbibhi.”
25 Answered then he (and said: *k*) Whether a sinner He is not I know; One [thing] I do know that blind being now I see.
Ola omuntu ahayanga, “Abhe we mbibhi, ane sehwelewa. Ahantu hamo hemenye nali mpofula: esalezi ehwenya.”
26 They said (therefore *N(k)O*) to him (again: *k*) What did He to you? How opened He of you the eyes?
Eshi nkabhabhozya, “Abhombeye yenu? Ahiguye amaso gaho?”
27 He answered them; I told you already, and not you did listen. Why again do you wish to hear? Surely not also you yourselves do wish His disciples to become?
Ajile, “Embabhozezye ila amwe semuhwonvwa! Yenu mhwanza ahonvwe nantele? Amwe semuhwanza abhe bhanafunzi bhakwe nantele?
28 (And *n(o)*) ([they] now *o*) railed at (therefore *K*) him and said; You yourself a disciple are of that One, we ourselves however of Moses are disciples.
Bhalijile naje, “Awe oli mwanafunzi wakwe, ikla ate tili bhanafunzi bha Musa.
29 We ourselves know that to Moses has spoken God, this [man] however not we know from where is.
Timenye aje Ongolobhe ayanjile no Musa, ila hwomo omuntu, seti menye hwafuma.”
30 Answered the man and said to them; In this for (*no*) an amazing thing is that you yourselves not know from where He is, and yet (He opened *N(k)O*) my eyes.
Ola omuntu ayanga na bhahozye, “Yenu, enongwa ezi zyaswije, aje semumenye hwafuma, na ayiguye amaso gane.
31 We know (now *k*) that to sinners God not does listen, but if anyone God-fearing shall be and the will of Him shall do, to him He listens.
Timenye aje Ongolobhe sabhonvwa abhembibhi, nkashe omuntu wawonti ahuputa Ongolobhe na abhombe olusongwo lwakwe, Ongolobhe mwonvwa.
32 Out of the age never it has been heard that opened anyone [the] eyes of [one] blind born. (aiōn g165)
Ahwande peyandile Insi ene sewaile abhoneshe omuntu aiguye amaso gamuntu wapepwe mpofula. (aiōn g165)
33 only unless were this [man] from God, not He was able to do no [thing].
Egalije omuntu ono safumile hwa Ngolobhe, handasabhombile hahonti.”
34 They answered and they said to him; In sins you yourself were born entirely and you yourself teach us? And they cast him out.
Bhayanjile na hubhozye, “Uhapepwe mumbibhi mhaani, awe atisambelezya ate?” Nkabhabhenga mshibhanza shabho.
35 Heard (*ko*) Jesus that they had cast him out, and having found him He said (to him: *ko*) You yourself believe in the Son (of Man? *N(K)O*)
O Yesu ahonvwezye aje bhamwefizye mshibhanza. Amweje na hubhozye, “Aje ohumweteha Omwana wa Muntu?”
36 Answered he and said; (And *no*) who is He, lord, that I may believe in Him?
Ayanjile naje, “Wenu, Gosi, aje nkemweteshe?”
37 Said (now *k*) to him Jesus; Both You have seen Him, and the [One] speaking with you He is.
O Yesu abhozya, “Uloolile, woyanga nawo yayoyo.”
38 And he was saying; I believe, Lord, And he worshiped Him.
Ola omuntu ayanga, “Gosi ehweteshela epo nkafugamiye.
39 And said Jesus; For judgment I myself into world this came, that those not seeing may see and those seeing blind may become.
O Yesu ayanga, “Alonje enenzele Munsi omu aje bhala bhasebhahwenya bhapete ahwenye nabhala bhabhahwenya bhabhe mpofula.”
40 (and *k*) Heard from the Pharisees these things who with Him being and they said to Him; Surely not also we ourselves blind are?
Bhamo Amafarisayo bhalipamo nawo bhahonvwa amazu ege nahubhozye, “Nate eshi tili mpofula?”
41 Said to them Jesus; If blind you were, not then would you have sin. since however you say that We see, the (therefore *K*) sin of you remains.
O Yesu abhabhozya, “Nkashe mgali bha mpofu, handasemli ne mbibhi. Hata sheshi muyiga, 'Tilola,' embibhi zyenyu zikheye.”

< John 9 >