< John 5 >

1 After these things there was (the *o*) feast of the Jews, and went up (*k*) Jesus to Jerusalem.
Baada ya hayo kulikuwa na sikukuu ya Wayahudi, naye Yesu akaenda Yerusalemu.
2 There is now in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is being called in Hebrew (Bethzatha, *N(k)O*) five porches having.
Huko Yerusalemu, karibu na mlango uitwao Mlango wa Kondoo, kulikuwa na bwawa la maji liitwalo kwa Kiebrania Bethzatha, ambalo lilikuwa na baraza tano zenye matao.
3 In these were lying a multitude (great *K*) of those ailing, blind, lame, paralyzed (waiting for of the water motion. *K*)
Humo barazani mlikuwa na wagonjwa wengi wamekaa: vipofu, viwete na waliopooza. Walikuwa wakingojea maji yatibuliwe,
4 (an angel *KO*) (for on occasion was going down among those pool and was troubling the water; the [one] who therefore first was climbing in after the disturbance of the water healthy was becoming of that whatever he was posessed disease. *K*)
maana mara kwa mara malaika alishuka majini nyakati fulani na kuyatibua. Mtu yeyote aliyekuwa wa kwanza kuingia majini baada ya maji kutibuliwa, alipona ugonjwa wowote aliokuwa nao.
5 There was now a certain man there thirty (and *no*) eight years being in infirmity (himself. *no*)
Basi, hapo palikuwa na mtu mmoja aliyekuwa mgonjwa kwa muda wa miaka thelathini na minane.
6 Him having seen Jesus lying, and having known that a long already time he has been, He says to him; Desire you well to become?
Naye alipomwona huyo mtu amelala hapo, akatambua kwamba alikuwa amekaa hapo kwa muda mrefu, akamwuliza, “Je, wataka kupona?”
7 Answered Him the [one] ailing; Sir, a man not I have that when may be stirred the water (he may put *N(k)O*) me into the pool; in which now am going I myself, another before me descends.
Naye akajibu, “Mheshimiwa, mimi sina mtu wa kunipeleka majini wakati yanapotibuliwa. Kila nikijaribu kuingia, mtu mwingine hunitangulia.”
8 Says to him Jesus; (do arise, *N(k)O*) do take up the mat of you and do walk.
Yesu akamwambia, “Inuka, chukua mkeka wako utembee.”
9 And immediately became well the man and he took up the mat of him and was walking; It was now Sabbath on that [very] day.
Mara huyo mtu akapona, akachukua mkeka wake, akatembea. Jambo hili lilifanyika siku ya Sabato.
10 Were saying therefore the Jews to the [one] healed; Sabbath it is, (and *no*) not it is lawful for you to take up the mat (of you. *NK*)
Kwa hiyo baadhi ya Wayahudi wakamwambia huyo mtu aliyeponywa, “Leo ni Sabato, si halali kubeba mkeka wako.”
11 (The [man] *n(o)*) (however *no*) answered them; The [One] having made me well, that One to me said; do take up the mat of you and do walk.
Lakini yeye akawaambia, “Yule mtu aliyeniponya ndiye aliyeniambia: Chukua mkeka wako, tembea.”
12 They asked (therefore *KO*) him; Who is the man having said to you; do take up (the *ko*) (mat of you *KO*) and do walk?’
Nao wakamwuliza, “Huyo mtu aliyekwambia: Chukua mkeka wako, tembea, ni nani?”
13 The [one] now having been healed not knew who it is; for Jesus moved away a crowd being in the place.
Lakini yeye hakumjua huyo mtu aliyemponya, maana Yesu alikuwa amekwisha ondoka mahali hapo, kwani palikuwa na umati mkubwa wa watu.
14 After these things finds him Jesus in the temple and said to him; Behold well you have become; no more do sin that not worse to you something may happen.
Basi, baadaye Yesu alimkuta huyo aliyeponywa Hekaluni, akamwambia, “Sasa umepona; usitende dhambi tena, usije ukapatwa na jambo baya zaidi.”
15 Went away the man and (told *NK(o)*) to the Jews that Jesus it is the [One] having made him well.
Huyo mtu akaenda, akawaambia viongozi wa Wayahudi kwamba Yesu ndiye aliyemponya.
16 And because of this were persecuting the Jews Jesus (and were seeking him to kill *K*) because these things He was doing on [the] Sabbath.
Kwa vile Yesu alifanya jambo hilo siku ya Sabato, Wayahudi walianza kumdhulumu.
17 But Jesus answered them; The Father of Mine until now is working, and I myself and I myself am working.
Basi, Yesu akawaambia, “Baba yangu anafanya kazi daima, nami pia nafanya kazi.”
18 Because of this therefore [the] more were seeking Him the Jews to kill, because not only was He breaking the Sabbath, but also Father His own He was naming God equal Himself making to God.
Kwa sababu ya maneno haya, viongozi wa Wayahudi walizidi kutafuta njia ya kumwua Yesu: si kwa kuwa aliivunja Sheria ya Sabato tu, bali pia kwa kuwa alisema kwamba Mungu ni Baba yake, na hivyo akajifanya sawa na Mungu.
19 Answered therefore Jesus and (was saying *N(k)O*) to them; Amen Amen I say to you; not is able the Son to do of Himself no [thing], (only *NK(o)*) unless anything He shall see the Father doing. whatever for maybe He shall do, these things also the Son likewise does.
Yesu akawaambia, “Kweli nawaambieni, Mwana hawezi kufanya kitu peke yake; anaweza tu kufanya kile anachomwona Baba akikifanya. Maana kile anachofanya Baba, Mwana hukifanya vilevile.
20 For the Father loves the Son and all things shows to Him that He himself does, and greater than these He will show to Him works so that you yourselves may marvel.
Baba ampenda Mwana, na humwonyesha kila kitu anachokifanya yeye mwenyewe, tena atamwonyesha mambo makuu kuliko haya, nanyi mtastaajabu.
21 Even as for the Father raises up the dead and gives life, thus also the Son to whom He wishes gives life.
Kama vile Baba huwafufua wafu na kuwapa uzima, vivyo hivyo naye Mwana huwapa uzima wale anaopenda.
22 Not for the Father does judge no [one], but judgment all has given to the Son,
Baba hamhukumu mtu yeyote; shughuli yote ya hukumu amemkabidhi Mwana,
23 so that all may honor the Son even as they honor the Father. He who not is honoring the Son not is honoring the Father the [One] having sent Him.
ili watu wote wamheshimu Mwana kama vile wanavyomheshimu Baba. Asiyemheshimu Mwana hamheshimu Baba ambaye amemtuma.
24 Amen Amen I say to you that the [one] the word of Mine hearing and believing in the [One] having sent Me he has life eternal and into judgment not comes, but has passed out of death into life. (aiōnios g166)
“Kweli nawaambieni, anayesikia neno langu, na kumwamini yule aliyenituma, anao uzima wa milele. Hatahukumiwa kamwe, bali amekwisha pita kutoka kifo na kuingia katika uzima. (aiōnios g166)
25 Amen Amen I say to you that is coming an hour and now is when the dead (will hear *N(k)O*) the voice of the Son of God and those having heard (will live. *N(k)O*)
Kweli nawaambieni, wakati unakuja, tena umekwisha fika, ambapo wafu wataisikia sauti ya Mwana wa Mungu, nao watakaoisikia, wataishi.
26 As for the Father has life in Himself, so also to the Son He gave life to have in Himself,
Kama vile Baba alivyo asili ya uhai, ndivyo pia alivyomjalia Mwanawe kuwa asili ya uhai.
27 And authority He gave to Him (and *k*) judgment to carry out, because Son of Man He is.
Tena amempa mamlaka ya kuhukumu kwa sababu yeye ni Mwana wa Mtu.
28 Not do marvel at this, for is coming an hour in which all those in the tombs (will hear *N(k)O*) the voice of Him
Msistaajabie jambo hili; maana wakati unakuja ambapo wote waliomo makaburini wataisikia sauti yake,
29 and will come forth — those good having done to [the] resurrection of life, and those evil having done to [the] resurrection of judgment.
nao watafufuka: wale waliotenda mema watafufuka na kuishi, na wale waliotenda maovu watafufuka na kuhukumiwa.
30 Not am able I myself to do of Myself no [thing]; even as I hear I judge, and the judgment of Mine just is, because not I seek the will of Me but the will of the [One who] having sent Me ([the] Father. *K*)
“Mimi siwezi kufanya kitu kwa uwezo wangu mwenyewe. Mimi nina hukumu kama ninavyosikia kutoka kwa Baba, nayo hukumu yangu ni ya haki. Nia yangu si kufanya nipendavyo mwenyewe, bali apendavyo yule aliyenituma.
31 If I myself shall bear witness concerning Myself, the testimony of Mine not is true;
Nikijishuhudia mimi mwenyewe, ushahidi wangu hauwezi kukubaliwa kuwa wa kweli.
32 Another it is who is bearing witness concerning Me, and I know that true is the testimony which he bears witness concerning Me.
Lakini yuko mwingine ambaye hutoa ushahidi juu yangu, nami najua kwamba yote anayosema juu yangu ni ya kweli.
33 You yourselves have sent unto John and he has borne witness to the truth;
Ninyi mlituma ujumbe kwa Yohane naye aliushuhudia ukweli.
34 I myself now not from man the testimony receive but these things I say that you yourselves may be saved.
Si kwamba mimi nautegemea ushahidi wa wanadamu, lakini nasema mambo haya ili mpate kuokolewa.
35 He was the lamp which is burning and shining, you yourselves now were willing to rejoice for a season in the light of him.
Yohane alikuwa kama taa iliyokuwa ikiwaka na kuangaza, nanyi mlikuwa tayari kufurahia mwanga huo kwa kitambo.
36 I myself however have the testimony (greater than *N(k)O*) that of John; For the works that (has given *N(k)O*) Me the Father that I may complete them, same the works which (I myself *k*) I do, bear witness concerning Me that the Father Me has sent.
Lakini mimi nina ushahidi juu yangu ambao ni mkuu zaidi kuliko ule wa Yohane. Kwa maana kazi ninazofanya, kazi alizonipa Baba nizifanye, ndizo zinazonishuhudia kwamba Baba ndiye aliyenituma.
37 And the [One] having sent Me [the] Father (Himself *N(k)O*) has borne witness concerning Me; Neither voice of Him at any time have You heard nor form of Him have you seen,
Naye Baba aliyenituma hunishuhudia. Ninyi hamjapata kamwe kusikia sauti yake, wala kuuona uso wake,
38 And the word of Him not you have in you abiding for whom sent He, in Him you yourselves not believe.
na ujumbe wake haukai ndani yenu maana hamkumwamini yule aliyemtuma.
39 You diligently search the Scriptures, for you yourselves think in them life eternal to have; and these are they those bearing witness concerning Me, (aiōnios g166)
Ninyi huyachunguza Maandiko Matakatifu mkidhani kwamba ndani yake mtapata uzima wa milele; na kumbe maandiko hayohayo yananishuhudia! (aiōnios g166)
40 and not you are willing to come to Me that life you may have.
Hata hivyo, ninyi hamtaki kuja kwangu ili mpate uzima.
41 Glory from men not I take;
“Shabaha yangu si kupata sifa kutoka kwa watu.
42 but I have known you that the love of God not you have in yourselves.
Lakini nawajua ninyi, najua kwamba upendo kwa Mungu haumo mioyoni mwenu.
43 I myself have come in the name of the Father of Mine, and not you receive Me; if another shall come in the name the own, him you will receive.
Mimi nimekuja kwa mamlaka ya Baba yangu, lakini hamnipokei; bali mtu mwingine akija kwa mamlaka yake mwenyewe, mtampokea.
44 How are able you yourselves to believe glory from one another receiving and the glory that [is] from the only God not you seek?
Mwawezaje kuamini, hali ninyi mnapenda kupokea sifa kutoka kwenu ninyi wenyewe, wala hamtafuti sifa kutoka kwake yeye aliye peke yake Mungu?
45 Not do think that I myself will accuse you to the Father; There is [one] accusing you Moses in whom you yourselves have hoped.
Msifikiri kwamba mimi nitawashtaki kwa Baba. Mose ambaye ninyi mmemtumainia ndiye atakayewashtaki.
46 If for you were believing in Moses, you were believing then would in Me myself; concerning for Me he wrote.
Kama kweli mngemwamini Mose, mngeniamini na mimi pia; maana Mose aliandika juu yangu.
47 If now in his writings not you believe, how in My declarations will you believe?
Lakini hamuyaamini yale aliyoandika, mtawezaje basi, kuamini maneno yangu?”

< John 5 >