< Joel 2 >

1 Give a blast on a ram's horn in Zion and sound a battle signal on [the] mountain of holiness my let them tremble all [the] inhabitants of the land for [is] about to come [the] day of Yahweh for [it is] near.
[Canite tuba in Sion, ululate in monte sancto meo, conturbentur omnes habitatores terræ: quia venit dies Domini, quia prope est.
2 A day of darkness and gloom a day of cloud and thick darkness like dawn spread out over the mountains a people numerous and mighty like it not it has occurred since antiquity and after it not it will repeat until years of a generation and a generation.
Dies tenebrarum et caliginis, dies nubis et turbinis; quasi mane expansum super montes populus multus et fortis: similis ei non fuit a principio, et post eum non erit usque in annos generationis et generationis.
3 Before it it has consumed fire and after it it sets ablaze a flame [is] like [the] garden of Eden the land before it and after it a wilderness of desolation and also escape not it belongs to it.
Ante faciem ejus ignis vorans, et post eum exurens flamma. Quasi hortus voluptatis terra coram eo, et post eum solitudo deserti, neque est qui effugiat eum.
4 [is] like [the] appearance of Horses appearance its and like horsemen so they run!
Quasi aspectus equorum, aspectus eorum; et quasi equites, sic current.
5 Like [the] sound of chariots over [the] tops of the mountains they leap! like [the] sound of a flame of fire consuming stubble like a people mighty deployed of battle.
Sicut sonitus quadrigarum super capita montium exilient, sicut sonitus flammæ ignis devorantis stipulam, velut populus fortis præparatus ad prælium.
6 From before it they are in anguish peoples all faces they gather a glow.
A facie ejus cruciabuntur populi; omnes vultus redigentur in ollam.
7 Like warriors they run! like men of war they go up a wall and each on ways its they go! and not they exchange! paths their.
Sicut fortes current; quasi viri bellatores ascendent murum: viri in viis suis gradientur, et non declinabunt a semitis suis.
8 And each brother its not they crowd! a man on track its they go! and through the weapon[s] they fall not they stop.
Unusquisque fratrem suum non coarctabit, singuli in calle suo ambulabunt; sed et per fenestras cadent, et non demolientur.
9 On the city they rush on the wall they run! in the houses they go up through the windows they go like thief.
Urbem ingredientur, in muro current, domos conscendent, per fenestras intrabunt quasi fur.
10 Before it it trembles [the] earth they shake [the] heavens sun and moon they become dark and [the] stars they withdraw brightness their.
A facie ejus contremuit terra, moti sunt cæli, sol et luna obtenebrati sunt, et stellæ retraxerunt splendorem suum.
11 And Yahweh he gives forth voice his before army his for [is] great very camp his for [is] mighty [the] [one who] does word his for [is] great [the] day of Yahweh and awesome exceedingly and who? will he endure it.
Et Dominus dedit vocem suam ante faciem exercitus sui, quia multa sunt nimis castra ejus, quia fortia et facientia verbum ejus: magnus enim dies Domini, et terribilis valde, et quis sustinebit eum?
12 And also now [the] utterance of Yahweh return to me with all heart your and with fasting and with weeping and with wailing.
Nunc ergo, dicit Dominus, convertimini ad me in toto corde vestro, in jejunio, et in fletu, et in planctu.
13 And tear heart your and may not [it be] garments your and return to Yahweh God your for [is] gracious and compassionate he long of anger and great of covenant loyalty and relenting on harm.
Et scindite corda vestra, et non vestimenta vestra; et convertimini ad Dominum Deum vestrum, quia benignus et misericors est, patiens et multæ misericordiæ, et præstabilis super malitia.
14 Who? [is] knowing he will turn and he will relent and he will leave behind him a blessing a grain offering and a drink offering for Yahweh God your.
Quis scit si convertatur, et ignoscat, et relinquat post se benedictionem, sacrificium et libamen Domino Deo vestro?
15 Give a blast on a ram's horn in Zion consecrate a fast call an assembly.
Canite tuba in Sion, sanctificate jejunium, vocate cœtum:
16 Gather [the] people consecrate an assembly gather [the] elders gather children and suckling-children of breasts let him go out [the] bridegroom from room his and [the] bride from chamber her.
congregate populum, sanctificate ecclesiam, coadunate senes, congregate parvulos, et sugentes ubera; egrediatur sponsus de cubili suo, et sponsa de thalamo suo.
17 Between the porch and to the altar let them weep the priests [the] servants of Yahweh and let them say have compassion! O Yahweh on people your and may not you make inheritance your into a reproach to mock on them nations why? will people say among the peoples where? [is] God their.
Inter vestibulum et altare plorabunt sacerdotes, ministri Domini, et dicent: Parce, Domine, parce populo tuo; et ne des hæreditatem tuam in opprobrium, ut dominentur eis nationes. Quare dicunt in populis: Ubi est Deus eorum?]
18 And he became jealous Yahweh for land his and he had compassion on people his.
[Zelatus est Dominus terram suam, et pepercit populo suo.
19 And he answered Yahweh and he said to people his here I [am] about to send to you grain and new wine and fresh oil and you will be satisfied with it and not I will make you again a reproach among the nations.
Et respondit Dominus, et dixit populo suo: Ecce ego mittam vobis frumentum, et vinum, et oleum, et replebimini eis; et non dabo vos ultra opprobrium in gentibus.
20 And the northerner[s] I will remove far away from with you and I will drive away it into a land dry and desolation face its into the sea eastern and end its into the sea western and it will go up stench its and it will go up foul smell its for he has made great to do.
Et eum qui ab aquilone est procul faciam a vobis, et expellam eum in terram inviam et desertam: faciem ejus contra mare orientale, et extremum ejus ad mare novissimum: et ascendet fœtor ejus, et ascendet putredo ejus, quia superbe egit.
21 May not you fear O land be glad and rejoice for he has made great Yahweh to do.
Noli timere, terra: exsulta, et lætare, quoniam magnificavit Dominus ut faceret.
22 May not you fear O animals of [the] field for they are green [the] pastures of [the] wilderness for [the] tree[s] it has borne fruit its [the] fig tree and [the] vine they have given strength their.
Nolite timere, animalia regionis, quia germinaverunt speciosa deserti; quia lignum attulit fructum suum, ficus et vinea dederunt virtutem suam.
23 And O people of Zion be glad and rejoice in Yahweh God your for he has given to you the early rain for righteousness and he has sent down for you rain early rain and spring rain in the first [month].
Et, filii Sion, exsultate, et lætamini in Domino Deo vestro, quia dedit vobis doctorem justitiæ, et descendere faciet ad vos imbrem matutinum et serotinum, sicut in principio.
24 And they will be full the threshing floors grain and they will overflow the wine-vats new wine and fresh oil.
Et implebuntur areæ frumento, et redundabunt torcularia vino et oleo.
25 And I will restore to you the years which it has eaten the locust[s] the locust[s] and the locust[s] and the locust[s] army my great which I sent among you.
Et reddam vobis annos, quos comedit locusta, bruchus, et rubigo, et eruca: fortitudo mea magna quam misi in vos.
26 And you will eat completely and being satisfied and you will praise [the] name of Yahweh God your who he has dealt with you by doing wonderfully and not they will be ashamed people my for ever.
Et comedetis vescentes, et saturabimini; et laudabitis nomen Domini Dei vestri, qui fecit mirabilia vobiscum; et non confundetur populus meus in sempiternum.
27 And you will know that [am] in [the] midst of Israel I and I [am] Yahweh God your and there not [is] yet and not they will be ashamed people my for ever.
Et scietis quia in medio Israël ego sum, et ego Dominus Deus vester, et non est amplius; et non confundetur populus meus in æternum.]
28 And it will be after thus I will pour out spirit my on all flesh and they will prophesy sons your and daughters your old [men] your dreams they will dream! young men your visions they will see.
[Et erit post hæc: effundam spiritum meum super omnem carnem, et prophetabunt filii vestri et filiæ vestræ: senes vestri somnia somniabunt, et juvenes vestri visiones videbunt.
29 And also on the [male] servants and on the female servants in the days those I will pour out spirit my.
Sed et super servos meos et ancillas in diebus illis effundam spiritum meum.
30 And I will put wonders in the heavens and on the earth blood and fire and columns of smoke.
Et dabo prodigia in cælo et in terra, sanguinem, et ignem, et vaporem fumi.
31 The sun it will be changed into darkness and the moon into blood before comes [the] day of Yahweh great and awesome.
Sol convertetur in tenebras, et luna in sanguinem, antequam veniat dies Domini magnus et horribilis.
32 And it will be every [one] who he will call on [the] name of Yahweh he will escape for on [the] mountain of Zion and in Jerusalem it will be an escaped remnant just as he has said Yahweh and among the survivors whom Yahweh [will be] calling.
Et erit: omnis qui invocaverit nomen Domini, salvus erit: quia in monte Sion et in Jerusalem erit salvatio, sicut dixit Dominus, et in residuis quos Dominus vocaverit.]

< Joel 2 >