< Joel 1 >

1 [the] word of Yahweh which it came to Joel [the] son of Pethuel.
Herrens Ord, som kom til Joel, Pethuels Søn.
2 Hear this O elders and give ear O all [the] inhabitants of the land ¿ has it happened this in days your and or? in [the] days of ancestors your.
Hører dette, I gamle! og laaner Øren, alle Landets Indbyggere! mon saadant er sket i eders Dage eller i eders Fædres Dage?
3 On it to children your recount and children your to children their and children their to a generation another.
Fortæller eders Børn derom, og eders Børn fortælle deres Børn og deres Børn den næste Slægt!
4 [the] remainder of The locust[s] it has eaten the locust[s] and [the] remainder of the locust[s] it has eaten the locust[s] and [the] remainder of the locust[s] it has eaten the locust[s].
Hvad Høskrækken lod overblive, aad Græshoppen, og hvad Græshoppen lod overblive, aad Oldenborren, og hvad Oldenborren lod overblive, aad Kornormen.
5 Awake O drunkards and weep and wail O all drinkers of wine on sweet wine for it has been cut off from mouth your.
Vaagner op, I drukne, og græder! og hyler, alle I, som drikke Vin, over Mosten! thi den er reven bort fra eders Mund.
6 For a nation it has come up on land my mighty and there not [is] number teeth its [are the] teeth of a lion and [the] fangs of a lioness [belong] to it.
Thi et Folk er draget op over mit Land, stærkt og ikke til at tælle; det har Tænder som Løvers Tænder og Kindtænder som Løvindens.
7 It has made vine[s] my into a waste and fig tree[s] my into a stump completely it has stripped bare it and it has thrown [it] away they have become white branches its.
Det har ødelagt mit Vintræ og knækket mit Figentræ; det har gjort det aldeles bart og kastet det ned, Rankerne derpaa ere blevne hvide.
8 Wail like a virgin girded of sackcloth on [the] husband of youth her.
Hyl som en Jomfru, der har iført sig Sæk for sin Ungdoms Brudgom!
9 It has been cut off grain offering and drink offering from [the] house of Yahweh they are in mourning the priests [the] servants of Yahweh.
Madoffer og Drikoffer er revet bort for Herrens Hus, Præsterne, Herrens Tjenere, sørge.
10 It is devastated [the] field[s] it is dried up [the] ground for it is devastated [the] grain it has dried up [the] new wine it has dried out [the] fresh oil.
Marken er ødelagt, Jordbunden sørger; thi Kornet er ødelagt, Mosten er fortørret, Olien er sygnet hen.
11 Be ashamed O farmers wail O vinedressers on [the] wheat and on [the] barley for it has perished [the] harvest of [the] field.
Agerdyrkerne ere beskæmmede, Vingaardsmændene hyle over Hveden og over Bygget; thi Høsten paa Marken er gaaet tabt.
12 The vine it has dried up and the fig tree it has dried out [the] pomegranate tree also [the] palm tree and [the] apple tree all [the] trees of the field they have dried up for it has been ashamed joy from [the] children of humankind.
Vintræet er fortørret, og Figentræet er sygnet hen; Granatæbletræet, selv Palmetræet og Æbletræet, alle Træer paa Marken ere fortørrede; ja, Fryd er skamfuld vegen bort fra Menneskenes Børn.
13 Gird yourselves and lament O priests wail O servants of [the] altar come spend [the] night in sackcloth O servants of God my for it has been withheld from [the] house of God your grain offering and drink offering.
Omgjorder eder og sørger, I Præster! hyler, I Altertjenere! gaar ind, tilbringer Natten i Sørgedragt, I min Guds Tjenere! thi Madoffer og Drikoffer er forment eders Guds Hus.
14 Consecrate a fast call an assembly gather [the] elders all [the] inhabitants of the land [the] house of Yahweh God your and cry out to Yahweh.
Helliger en Faste, udraaber en Forsamling, samler de Ældste, alle Landets Indbyggere til Herrens eders Guds Hus, og raaber til Herren!
15 Alas! for the day for [is] near [the] day of Yahweh and like devastation from [the] Almighty it will come.
Ve, den Dag! thi Herrens Dag er nær og skal komme som en Ødelæggelse fra den Almægtige.
16 ¿ Not before eyes our food has it been cut off from [the] house of God our joy and rejoicing.
Er ikke Føden reven bort for vore Øjne, Glæde og Fryd fra vor Guds Hus?
17 They have shriveled [the] seeds under shovels their they are desolate [the] storehouses they have been torn down [the] granaries for it has dried up [the] grain.
Sædekornene ere raadnede under Jordskorpen, Forraadshusene ligge øde, Laderne ere nedbrudte, fordi Kornet er blevet til Skamme.
18 How! it has groaned [the] livestock they have wandered in confusion [the] herds of cattle for not pasture [belongs] to them also [the] flocks of sheep they have suffered.
Hvor sukker dog Kvæget! Øksnenes Hjorde ere forvildede, thi de have ingen Græsgang, ogsaa Faarehjordene maa bøde.
19 To you O Yahweh I call for fire it has consumed [the] pastures of [the] wilderness and a flame it has set ablaze all [the] trees of the field.
Til dig, Herre! vil jeg raabe; thi en Ild har fortæret Græsgangene i Ørken, og en Lue har svedet alle Træerne paa Marken.
20 Also [the] animals of [the] field it pants to you for they have dried up [the] channels of water and fire it has consumed [the] pastures of the wilderness.
Ogsaa Dyrene paa Marken se sukkende op til dig; thi Vandstrømmene ere udtørrede, og en Ild har fortæret Græsgangene i Ørken.

< Joel 1 >