< Job 39 >

1 ¿ Do you know [the] time of [the] bringing forth of mountain goats of rock [the] giving birth of does do you watch?
Znaš li kako se legu divokoze? Vidje li kako se mlade košute?
2 Will you count? [the] months [which] they complete and do you know? [the] time of bringing forth they.
Izbroji li koliko nose mjeseci, znaš li u koje doba se omlade?
3 They kneel down young their they cleave open labor-pains their they send forth.
Sagnuvši se, polegu lanad svoju i breme usred pustinje odlažu,
4 They become strong young their they grow in the open they go forth and not they return to them.
a kad im porod ojača, poraste, ostave ga i ne vraćaju mu se.
5 Who? did he let loose [the] wild donkey free and [the] fetters of [the] wild ass who? did he loosen.
Tko dade divljem magarcu slobodu i tko to oglav skinu njemu s glave?
6 Which I appointed [the] desert plain home its and dwelling-places its [the] saltiness.
U zavičaj mu dadoh ja pustinju i polja slana da ondje živuje.
7 It laughs to [the] tumult of a town [the] shouting of a driver not it hears.
Buci gradova on se podruguje i ne sluša goničevih povika.
8 It explores mountains pasture its and after every green plant it searches.
Luta brdima, svojim pašnjacima, u potrazi za zeleni svakakvom.
9 ¿ Is it willing a wild ox to serve you or? will it pass [the] night at feeding trough your.
Možeš li slugom učinit' bivola, zadržat' ga noć jednu za jaslama?
10 ¿ Will you bind [the] wild ox in a furrow rope its or? will it harrow valleys behind you.
Možeš li njega za brazdu prikovat' da ralo vuče po docima tvojim?
11 ¿ Will you trust in it for [is] great strength its so you may leave? to it toil your.
Možeš li se osloniti na njega jer je njegova snaga prevelika i prepustit' mu težak svoj posao?
12 ¿ Will you trust in it that (it will bring back *Q(K)*) seed your and threshing floor your it will gather.
Misliš li tebi da će se vratiti i na gumno ti dotjerati žito?
13 [the] wing of Ostriches it flaps joyously if a pinion a stork and plumage.
Krilima svojim noj trepće radosno, iako krila oskudnih i perja.
14 For it abandons to the ground eggs its and on [the] dust it keeps [them] warm.
On svoja jaja na zemlji ostavlja, povjerava ih pijesku da ih grije,
15 And it has forgotten that a foot it will crush it and [the] animal of the field it will trample it.
ne mareć' što ih zgazit' može noga ili nekakva divlja zvijer zgnječiti.
16 It treats roughly young its to not [belonging] to it [is] to emptiness labor its not fear.
S nojićima k'o s tuđima postupa; što mu je trud zaludu, on ne mari.
17 For he has made forget it God wisdom and not he gave a share to it in understanding.
Jer Bog je njega lišio pameti, nije mu dao nikakva razbora.
18 About the time on the height it flaps it laughs to the horse and to rider its.
Ali kada na let krila raširi, tada se ruga konju i konjaniku.
19 ¿ Do you give to the horse strength ¿ do you clothe neck its a mane.
Zar si ti konja obdario snagom zar si mu ti vrat grivom ukrasio?
20 ¿ Do you make leap it like locust [the] majesty of snorting its [is] terror.
Zar ti činiš da skače k'o skakavac, da u strah svakog nagoni hrzanjem?
21 They paw in the valley so it may rejoices in strength it goes forth to meet weaponry.
Kopitom zemlju veselo raskapa, neustrašivo srlja na oružje.
22 It laughs to fear and not it is dismayed and not it turns back from before a sword.
Strahu se ruga, ničeg se ne boji, ni pred mačem uzmaknuti neće.
23 On it it rattles a quiver [the] blade of a spear and a javelin.
Na sapima mu zvekeće tobolac, koplje sijeva i ubojna sulica.
24 With shaking and excitement it swallows [the] ground and not it stands firm for [the] sound of a horn.
Bijesan i nestrpljiv guta prostore; kad rog zasvira, tko će ga zadržat':
25 In [the] sufficiency of a horn - it says aha! and from a distance it smells battle [the] thunder of commanders and [the] battle-cry.
na svaki zvuk roga on zarže: Ha! Izdaleka on ljuti boj već njuši, viku bojnu i poklič vojskovođa.
26 ¿ From understanding your does it soar a falcon does it spread out? (wings its *Q(K)*) to [the] south.
Zar po promislu tvojem lijeće soko i prema jugu krila svoja širi?
27 Or? on mouth your does it make high [its flight] an eagle and that it sets on high nest its.
Zar se na nalog tvoj diže orao i vrh timora gnijezdo sebi vije?
28 A rock it dwells and it may pass [the] night on [the] tooth of a rock and a stronghold.
Na litici on stanuje i noćÄi, na grebenima vrleti visokih.
29 From there it spies out food from afar eyes its they look.
Odatle na plijen netremice vreba, oči njegove vide nadaleko.
30 (And young ones its *Q(K)*) they drink blood and at where [those] slain [are] [is] there it.
Krvlju se hrane njegovi orlići; gdje je ubijenih, tamo je i on.”

< Job 39 >